Suddenly, a deep voice sounded, and everyone followed the voice to look, only to see a huge stone slab appearing in front of them, and a huge dragon was carved on this stone slab!
The dragon’s eyes were shining red, obviously, it was him who spoke just now!
Chapter 125 Saint Quartz Summoning System
“You brought us here?” Hikigu Hachiman took out his knight belt and insect instrument while speaking.
“Hehehe, there’s no need to be so vigilant. Although it’s my fault for bringing you here without permission…” The giant dragon statue laughed, sounding like a kind middle-aged man, “Let me introduce myself first, My name is Holy Lord!”
“Holy Master?” Baiyin Yuxing frowned, “It sounds like the leader of a cult.”
“Hehe, don’t make random guesses. I have never been involved in any cult.” The Holy Master was not angry, just smiled softly, and then said, “As you can see, I am a dragon, but I can’t move now, after all, I am a dragon. There is a scary guy under him. So, you don’t have to be too wary of me.”
“Scary guy? Do you want us to help you get rid of him?”
“No!” There was a little seriousness in the voice of the Holy Master, “I know that you are all people who have saved the world. Maybe in your opinion, your own strength is already very strong, but what I want to say is that this is not enough. Not enough! The enemies you will face in the future are more terrifying than you imagined!”
“That’s why I used my little power to create this space for you. In this space, the speed of time flow is very different from that of the outside world. After a day here, the outside world only has one minute! With the breath of healing, you can greatly increase the recovery speed of your body!”
“And the only thing I ask of you is, please fight here to your heart’s content, and hone your fighting skills to your heart’s content! Only in this way will it be possible to defeat the powerful enemies you will face in the future!”
“What is the strong enemy you are talking about?” Hikigu Hachiman’s expression was also a little dignified. He thought this dragon was an enemy at first, but now it seems that he should be on their side?
“I can’t tell!” The Holy Master didn’t answer the question. “Just mentioning their names will speed up their arrival! In order to delay the time as much as possible, I will not reveal all the information about them.”
“That’s it…” The expressions of the group became serious at this moment, which sounds a bit scary.
Of course, they all knew that they couldn’t believe everything the Holy Master said.
How could a kidnapper who kidnapped them inexplicably be trustworthy?
God seems to knowOn this point, he didn’t continue talking, just his eyes flashed, and red lights sank into everyone’s bodies, “I just gave you the key to this space. From now on, you can You can freely enter and exit this space through your thoughts.”
Afterwards, the entire group disappeared, of course it wasn’t that they ran away impatiently, but the Holy Master sent them back.
“Hey, I’m exhausted. Dealing with people is so annoying. It’s easier to make videos.” The voice of the Holy Master suddenly changed into that of a young man, and the whole statue instantly changed back to Cheng Yang’s appearance.
Well, yes, this is what he did! Why press down on a scary guy, why say the name and the enemy will come at a faster speed, it’s all nonsense!
His purpose is only one, let these SSR cards come here to fight, gain experience and upgrade!
After all, only the SSR can defeat the SSR! The only thing that can add experience to SSR is SSR!
The reason why they say that they will face enemies beyond their imagination in the future is also to increase their motivation. After all, they are just ordinary people, not fighters! If there is no sense of oppression, how can there be such a firm determination to train yourself?
“Although your calculations are good, are you sure they will come?” Planet Will questioned, “I see that each of them has guards on their faces. If you don’t force them to come, they should Won’t come again?”
“Of course I have my own means.” Cheng Yang smiled proudly, “First of all, the Holy Master played by me will make a cameo appearance in the next video to establish my decent image. In this way, they will Understand, I’m a good man… er, no, a good dragon!”
“Second measure, I will create the Saint Quartz Summoning System! In the future, if I have extra fantasy power, I will use it to create such things as longevity pills, youth lingering water, medicines that can cure all diseases, super delicious and peerless food, super beautiful Things like clothes… These things can be said to be what most people desire!”
“In other words, there are a large number of human beings imagining these things at any time. I don’t even need to make a special video, I can make it with imagination.”
“Then, I will set daily tasks, which are to come to this space to train for more than one hour every day, to train for more than three hours, and to defeat an SSR character. For the three tasks, you can get 1, 2 and 4 One holy chip, seven holy chips can be combined into one holy crystal!”
“Every three holy crystals can be used for one card pool summoning, and every thirty holy crystals can be used for one eleven-drawing! Ten consecutive draws will give you a free draw. They will definitely think that I am a kind and good dragon. !”
“In this way, they not only have the motivation to save the world, but also the motivation to get rewards. With the dual motivation, their training motivation must be extremely sufficient, and the speed of experience improvement must be leveraged!”
“Oh, that’s amazing!” The will of the planet turned into a fan boy again, showing the light of admiration, “As expected of the savior I hired with a lot of money, the experience is rich!”
“It’s nothing, it’s all trivial, and I just played the game a little more.” Cheng Yang waved his hands modestly, but he couldn’t stop the smile on his face. Modo, Modo, let the praise be more violent!
But the will of the planet did not continue to praise, but asked with some doubts, “I want to ask a question, why do you have to be a dragon image to meet them, and this dragon can’t move?”
“Uh…well, think about it, Alaya is the unified will of mankind, right? In other words, the image of Alaya itself should be an image that most human beings agree with. Look at how mighty and domineering this dragon is, everyone. Definitely like it!”
“Oh.” The will of the planet nodded as if suddenly enlightened, and then asked the soul, “But I think most people prefer the little loli with white hair and red eyes, why don’t you become a loli?”
Cheng Yang: “…”
I came to be your savior, but you want to turn me into a loli, that’s too much!
“Ahem.” Seeing that Cheng Yang’s expression was wrong, Planet Will Tactical coughed and ran away in a hurry.
Looking at the will of the planet going away, Cheng Yang snorted coldly, “It’s just a small broken ball, how can it understand the Holy Lord… the rat charm, I have been greedy for it for a long time! With this, the figure of the paper man’s wife It’s not just a paper man’s wife anymore!”
Coupled with the fact that the statue of the Holy Master cannot move, it perfectly fits his identity as a dead house.
Chapter 126: Collapse Virus
“I became a loli during the fight with the Holy Lord! How could I have such a dream?”
Cheng Yang was suddenly pleasantly surprised from his sleep, and wiped the cold sweat off his head. He was still terrified by what the Planet Will said about Lori yesterday.
Afraid that when he wakes up, the will of the planet will stay by his side and say to him, “Are you awake? The operation is over, and you are already a cute little loli.”
But fortunately, the will of the planet looks silly and fufu, and hasn’t played dirty with him yet.
“EMMM… After a night of cultivation, I have gradually added some fantasy power, too advanced things can’t be produced, but I can create a potion of eternal youth as a card pool prize. This thing is enough to stimulate their fighting spirit !”
“Even if it is a salty fish like Hikigu Hachiman, it is impossible to refuse this kind of thing. After all, he is a dead girl!”
Although there is only one grand prize, it is enough to support the card pool… The rest of the rewards can be fooled with Mapo Tofu, another draw, and thank you for your patronage.
Soon, Cheng Yang sent the contents of the daily tasks and the prizes in the card pool to the minds of all the current SSR characters.
At this time, all the people in classThey all fell into deep thought… Potion of eternal youth? Is this thing real?
After school, a group of students from the student union sat in their seats with serious expressions.
The atmosphere at the scene was very dull. Finally, Baiyin Yuxing said, “Have you received the message from the Holy Master?”
“Well, I got it.” Kaguya Shinomiya nodded, and there was a hint of emotion in her eyes. Although she felt that this was unlikely to be reliable, how could someone provide them with training venues and rewards for free?
Shinomiya Kaguya, who has been infused with the atmosphere of capitalists since she was a child, instinctively felt that something was wrong!
But… Even if it’s not right, what you want is what you want! No woman can refuse eternal youth, no!
Fujiwara Chika and Ishigami Yu also nodded, obviously, they also received the message.
Then Ishigami Yu said, “However, why do I feel like this is a scam… He pulled us over for no reason, and then told us that there will be terrible enemies in the future, and now he said that in order to improve our enthusiasm for training, we made What kind of prize pool is there, it’s too nonsense!”
“It makes sense, this incident is weird from beginning to end.” Baiyin Miyuki nodded in agreement, and then warned the two girls who seemed to be very excited, “Sinomiya, Fujiwara, you must not go Ah! I still don’t know what the Holy Master is paying attention to!”
“Uh… um, um!” Shinomiya Kaguya nodded her head with difficulty, the smile on her face was very forced, “Of course, it is impossible for me to be fooled by something that is obviously wrong. Yes.”
“That’s right!” Chika Fujiwara said without hesitation, “Does this obviously problematic thing also want to seduce me? Even if I, Chika Fujiwara, become an old aunt and jump from here, I will definitely not fall for this trick! ”
“Well! It is undoubtedly a good thing to maintain such vigilance!” Baiyin Yuxing nodded in satisfaction. If everyone is so vigilant, how can they be afraid of other people’s schemes!
“Yes! It’s such a weird space, and dogs don’t go there!” Yu Ishigami expressed his attitude without concealing it.
But what he didn’t know was that when he said these words, Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika were looking at him with extremely terrifying eyes, that eyes were like the eyes of a butcher looking at a pig, just like Thinking about where to cut the knife is better!
Similar things also happened to Hiki Valley Hachiman and the others.
“Hikigaya, do you think this is true?” Hayama Hayato was walking home with Hikigaya Hachiman.
Although it’s not on the way, he just wants to walk with Hiki Valley Hachiman!
There is no other reason, just to gain a little more favorability. In this way, the next time Hikigu Hachiman uses the Perfect Insect Apparatus, he should be ashamed to take away his Steel Bucket Insect Apparatus!
“Uh, it should be fake, right?” Hikigu Hachiman himself didn’t quite trust this thing, mainly because it was too outrageous.
“That’s true, the appearance of the Holy Lord itself is quite inexplicable.” Hayama Hayato nodded in agreement, “If you can not go to that strange space, it is best not to go.”
“Well, indeed… I’m home.” Then the two parted ways.
According to the general situation, the two people who showed such disdain for the award just now should go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers.
The two stood in that weird space, their eyes facing each other, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while.
“Ahem, I’m just here to take a look…” Hikigu Hachiman coughed and walked away.
“Me too.” Hayama Hayato also walked away in embarrassment, treating it as a dream, no one has seen anyone!
Soon, Ayaka Totsuka, Sho Tobe, and Tamawa followed.
Then, Shirogane Yuyuki’s family, Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika also entered here one after another.
Baiyin Yuxing and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at each other, and after being silent for a long time, they both agreed very tacitly without mentioning what they had said during the day.
What? No dogs come? This is what Ishigami Yu said, so what does it have to do with them!
“Speaking of which, Ishigami really didn’t come.” Baiyin Yuxing looked around, but didn’t see anyone else, his expression was a bit complicated. He never expected that the one with the most determined will was actually Ishigami!
Yu Ishigami, who is playing games at home, said that with the game in hand, I have the world! What potion of eternal youth? He had long forgotten.
“Tsk tsk tsk, all of them are really delicious.” Cheng Yang looked at the people in the training space and made a tsk tsk sound with a very disdainful expression, “I thought you would not come until I played a positive role in the next video , it turned out to be hooked so quickly, which made me feel very unfulfilled.”
“Then I beat them out?”
“???” Hearing the question of the will of the planet, several question marks slowly appeared in Cheng Yang’s mind, what’s wrong with this little broken ball!
“Hey hey.” The will of the planet laughed twice, “I just want to liven up the atmosphere… By the way, have you built your heroic system yet?”
“Of course! I’m going to do it myself, how can I not be able to handle it! However, there is still a prerequisite…”
“What prerequisites?”
Cheng Yang spit out a few words slowly, “Bengyuan virus.”
The Bengyuan virus comes from the Kamen Rider EX-AID. It is a new type of computer virus in terms of setting, but this virus can infect humans, and as the virus multiplies, it changes into a collapse that can move freely and has self-awareness. Source body!
In essence, it is a computer virus, and no matter how new a computer virus is, it is not life! So he can definitely make it by using the method of creating a star to make a sacred vessel!
After he creates the Bengyuan virus, he can use this virus to create various historical games or gods.Let’s talk about the character Bengyuan body in the game. These Bengyuan bodies are quite strong in themselves. Once he brings all kinds of treasures he made later, the strength is awesome!
Then let Ah Xing change the memories they gave them, and the pirated Heroic Spirits from another world became it!
And it’s not the kind of spirit possessed that can’t work overtime, it’s the pirated version of 007!
Chapter 127 Playing Games to Save the World
Although it sounds great, there is still a big problem with the Bengyuan virus. One is that some Bengyuan viruses are ugly, like weird people! The other is that they will take human bodies!
“Both of these are troublesome, Heroic Spirit can’t be ugly, how can my wife be ugly?”
“Also, take away the body… You can’t catch a bunch of people as petri dishes to grow heroic spirits, right? Then this is too evil, and people who don’t know think I’m a cult member!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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