“Ah, there are monsters! “”
“”Run away, run away! “”
“Help, someone help me! “”
Seeing this scene, I don’t know how many parents warned their children, “See, this is the end of playing games! You will become a monster! It’s not that your parents won’t let you play, it’s really too dangerous!”
As for their children, they basically roll their eyes and say yes in person, but forget about it when they turn their heads.
Make them quit the game? That’s impossible!
“”What’s the matter? “Domabu couldn’t help but took a step back.”
“” Run away! “The woman grabbed her hand and fled with the crowd.”
“”My doll! “Tu Jian Bu looked at the doll on the ground in distress, she spent a huge sum of one coin to catch it!”
“Forget about the doll, run away! “”
“Doma Buried looked back at the monster again, “What do you mean by the game sickness you just said, attack? “”””This is a brand new virus! It is a virus generated from the game, as long as you play the game, you will be infected by the virus! We call this virus the collapse virus! The virus will continue to proliferate in the human body until it completely swallows the whole person! “”
“Damn it!” The group of children who were dismissive just now were immediately surrounded, and all of them trembled. The game…or should they stop playing?
Let alone them, there are still many people who are older than them who are still cowardly!
For example, Kosaka Kirino, at this time she also started trembling, but she likes to play girls’ games of the sister class the most! Won’t be infected?
“If you’re that scared, don’t continue playing.” Kyosuke Kosaka said seemingly indifferently, but in fact he was also panicked in his heart. After all, under the coercion and lure of his sister, he also played a lot of sister games .
“What nonsense are you talking about!” Kosaka Kirino, who was still scared at first, was not afraid when he heard this, “My lovely sisters will definitely not harm me! Yes, I believe them!”
Kosaka Kyosuke gave her a blank look, your lovely sisters are just paper people!
“The whole person, completely swallowed up? Domabuki repeated these words, and then looked back at the monster.”
“Just now, he was just a child. Did such a child die because of this virus?”
“”What are you kidding! I…” Tu Jianbu gritted his teeth and seemed to want to say something, but he couldn’t say anything, I can’t do anything!”
“At this time, the woman who was pulling the soil to escape also said with an ugly face, “Now his body has not been completely occupied, just use the player drive and the Cavaliers to play the cassette to perform surgery on him to remove the collapse virus. Just come out! “”
“However, no qualified person has been found yet! Now no one can transform into a Kamen Rider to perform surgery on this child! “”
“Kamen Rider?” Hikigu Hachiman straightened his waist, “This is a colleague!”
Just now he looked like a salty fish, and Hikigu Hachiman, who was not very serious, suddenly became focused, “Let me see the power of this Kamen Rider!”
“”Player drive, Knight to play cassette? Domabuki repeated this sentence, and then moved his gaze to the briefcase in the woman’s hand, “It’s the one in your hand!” As long as you use this, you can save the child, right? ! “”
“Finishing that, Domabuki snatched the briefcase from the woman’s hand, and took out the player driver and the knight game cassette from it.”
“”Wait, what are you going to do? “The woman didn’t realize it for a while, and when she did, Domabuki had already installed the player driver on her waist!”
“”Don’t use that! If you have not had a qualified operation, there is no way to use it! This is not a game that everyone can play! “”
“”game? “Tu Jianbu’s originally gentle expression became rampant in an instant, “For games, just leave it to me!” “”
“Then, a strong light radiated from the player driver around her waist, and the surrounding environment changed instantly. She, that woman, and that monster all seemed to have traveled to another world!”
“”This is the game field? There was disbelief on the woman’s face, “The game field has opened up!” but why? Could it be that……””
“Then the woman moved her eyes to the face buried in Doma again, “This kind of smile, this kind of expression… can’t be wrong, this person is a genius player UMR!” “”
“”The fate of that child is up to me to change! “Domabuki lightly pressed the Cavalier Game cartridge, and then inserted it into the player drive!”
“” Transformation! “”
Chapter 130: If you want to sneak attack, you are still a hundred years too early
“Following bursts of high-pitched mechanical sounds, several character selection boxes appeared around Buried Doma, but only one was lit, and the others were all black.”
“She lightly clicked on the only illuminated character frame, and then the character frame covered her body. When the light dissipated, a set of pink hair and white armor appeared on her body.”
“It just looks a little chubby, it doesn’t look very powerful, but it looks cute.”
“Pfft!” Hikigu Hachiman spat out a mouthful of old blood. I understand the reason, but why is this Kamen Rider so fat? Overnutrition?
At this time, Doma Buried’s whole body turned gray, and a little ghost seemed to appear at the corner of his mouth, “This is the Kamen Rider I transformed into? It’s so frustrating!”
When I watched Kamen Rider in the video just now, she was still very excited. It seems that she is not saving the world in the game, but transforming into Kamen Rider like Hikigaya Hachiman to save the world!
But in the end… She has been excited for so long, and this is what she was looking forward to? That’s it? Big fat doll?
“”Is this the so-called Kamen Rider? “Buried Doma looked at the armor on his body, it seemed very novel, and he kept looking at himself.”
“But the monster in front of her obviously didn’t intend to give her a chance to appreciate the armor, so he swung his fist bigger than a meteor hammer and smashed it towards the soil!”
“”Be careful! Seeing this, the woman hurriedly reminded her.”
“However, Domabu, who was still looking at his body just now, seemed to have seen the enemy’s attack, and jumped onto the enemy’s body easily.” For a real game master, listening to the sound is a basic skill! “”
“The monster felt the enemy on its body, let out a weird roar, aimed its fist at its own body, and smashed it down mercilessly!”
“And Dodge Buried escaped with a light jump,The monster’s punch naturally hit him, causing him to jump and scream in pain. ”
“”Humph. Doma buried a soft snort, “It’s no different from the idiot AI in that kind of garbage game, watch me pass the level with my life!” “”
“While she was talking, a selection box appeared around her again, but this time instead of choosing a character, it was choosing a weapon!”
“Following her choice, a weapon in the shape of a hammer appeared in her hand, and it seemed that she was about to show her might.”
“Then… she turned around and ran away!”
“The monster froze for a moment, thought for a while with his almost non-existent brain, and then chased after it.”
“Seeing the monster follow up stupidly, Domabuki’s tone seemed very satisfied, “You are really an idiot, you just caught up obediently, in this game, you can use props to increase the player’s strength!” “”
“Just as she was speaking, the hammer in her hand smashed a stone, and there happened to be a coat of arms painted with a sprinting appearance inside, and the coat of arms flew into her body, bringing a trace of white light.”
“”I got the props! Speed ​​up! “”
“As soon as the words fell, her body turned into a stream of light that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, attacking the monster!”
“The streamer is flying crazily around the monster. No matter how the monster counterattacks, it has no effect at all. Instead, a higher and higher combo count appears around the monster!”
“”last blow! “Zu Jian jumped into the air, and the small hammer in his hand hit the monster’s head heavily!”
“And at this time, the combo count is exactly one hundred!”
“”One hundred combos, achieved! “”
“The monster that was beaten badly has also reached its limit at this moment. Countless things like distorted data are scattered out, and finally the little boy among them is exposed.”
“”Hey, are you okay? Doma buried her eyes to see that the matter was over, and ran to the little boy, reaching out her hand to help him up, but her hand went straight through the little boy’s body, “What’s going on? “”
“”it’s not finished yet! “The woman shouted again, “The Bengyuan virus was just stripped from his body. If the virus is not completely eliminated, his game disease will not be cured!” “”
“Buried in Doma heard the sound, as if aware of something, raised his head, and saw those distorted things that had just been dispersed, merged together again, and turned into a strange person!”
“”Hum hum. As soon as the weirdo appeared, he said something like an opening line, “Your skills are too bad!” “”
“”It looks like a BOSS, so, just get rid of this, right? “Tu Jianbu’s tone seemed to be a little cold, “Besides, if you dare to say that my skills are bad, you are still the first! Just use your own life to experience how my skills are!”」
“Look, monster, this is the power of the genius player UMR! “She pulled the player driver on her waist, “Big—transform!” “”
“Accompanied by bursts of mechanical sounds, the original armor on Doma Buried’s body exploded, revealing the pink armor hidden inside!”
“At this time, she is finally no longer that big fat man!”
“Hmph, just because you want to fight me? “The BOSS who just appeared was accompanied by a lot of younger brothers, he waved his hand, “Young ones, give it to me. “”
“”Whether I am qualified to fight with you or not, just keep your eyes open for me! “Mu Tujian held the hammer in her hand, and she didn’t flinch in the face of a pile of enemies! In her opinion, this is almost like mowing grass!”
“The fact is just as she thought, let alone hurting her, these trash fish can’t even stop her!”
“She can almost be said to have hammered a child, and in a short while, she wiped out this group of miscellaneous soldiers.”
“”asshole! You guys are really annoying! “Boss watched his younger brothers being wiped out one by one, and jumped over angrily. He didn’t talk about martial arts at all, and wanted to sneak attack directly!”
“But just like what Doma said, for a real master, listening to the sound is a basic skill! Even if she didn’t see the enemy, she still jumped away easily, “Want to sneak attack? You are a hundred years too early! “”
“At the same time as she jumped away, she pressed the red button on the hammer, and a blade popped out from the hammer, and the weapon instantly became a sword! Then, the blade hit the boss’s hand at the same time superior!”
“”what? “Boss exclaimed, and his pain can still be felt in that voice.”
“However, the greater pain is yet to come! Doma buried the sword in his hand, without the slightest hesitation, and kept slashing at his body. The number of combos around the BOSS rose rapidly! Finally, she kicked the BOSS again. kick away!”
“”Whoa! “Boss cried out in pain, lying on the ground before he could get up, he heard the sound of being buried in the soil.”
“”In the end, of course, it’s time to finish with a nirvana! “”
“”Decisive skill! MIGHTY CRITICAL STRIKE! “”
Chapter 131: Begging for a Virus in the Computer
“”Knowledge blow! “”
“As Doma kicked the BOSS, the BOSS suddenly exploded, and she raised her right hand high, “It’s over! “”
“After the game field was closed, the woman ran to the little boy with something like a stethoscope. After seeing the pop-up interface of the stethoscope, she breathed a sigh of relief, “The operation is perfectly completed, and the child’s game disease has been cured!” “”
“”Is this considered a recovery? Great! “Muji Doma, who has undone his transformation, looks very happy.”””Right, this is for you. “Tu Jianbu took off the player drive and the game cassette from his waist, and handed them over with some reluctance.”
“But the woman just looked at her and didn’t answer.”
“”No, it won’t be that I have used it, so I will be charged for it? “Tu Jian asked embarrassingly, feeling a little nervous, she can’t afford to pay for such a high-end thing!”
“”You come with me! “The woman didn’t reply to her, but grabbed her and left.”
“Hey, where are you going? “Mu Tuma was caught by her when he was caught off guard, and was taken all the way to a hospital.”
“”Hospital? Why did you bring me here? I’m not sick, am I? ” Buried Doma was wondering, but saw this woman took her into a very remote elevator, and then frantically clicked on the button representing the number of floors like a game of tricks.”
“Then, a floor number that never appeared on the button appeared on the display screen of the elevator!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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