“”Hmph, only before killing GRAPHITE! After killing that guy, I’ll get all of your cassettes one by one! “Tachibana Hilfenford crossed his arms and walked towards the gate of CR.”
“”Even if it’s just that, thank you very much, Sylphin! “Doma buried her heart and waved to the leaving girl.”
“Even Mr. Arima, who has never changed his expression, has softened his expression a lot at this moment.” Thank you. “”
“”Great! As long as all the Kamen Riders work together, a mere Bengyuan body is no big deal at all! “POPPY’s expression looked very excited. Except for the Tuma brothers and sisters, the relationship between the previous Kamen Riders was not very good, but she was very worried!”
“It’s finally over now, even if it’s only limited to defeating GRAPHITE, she is happy enough! Maybe after this cooperation, everyone’s relationship will deepen, and we won’t fight each other in the future!”
“She was looking forward to it from the bottom of her heart.”
“The next day, inside the Fantasy Company.”
“Palad is holding the game console, and she is obviously walking towards Kohei Imamura’s office, but her eyes are constantly on the game console, and she doesn’t move away at all.”
“Seeing that she is still very focused, most people might have bumped into something long ago, but she easily bypassed all obstacles, walked into the office, and said without raising her head,” GRAPHITE It seems that I can’t stand your slow movements, and I plan to kill all the Kamen Riders by myself. “”
“”He doesn’t even dare to listen to me now…By the way, he seems to have stolen one of your original cassettes, you know? “”
“”Don’t worry too much. Kohei Imamura seemed to be in control of everything, and his expression did not change at all. “Although the original cassette has bottomless power, if you continue to use it, you will undoubtedly burn yourself, so don’t worry about that guy at all, and …””
“Speaking of this, Imamura Kohei showed a smile on his face, “And, I also need more data. “”
“Hahahahaha, it’s really interesting. “Palad was stunned for a moment, then laughed, she finally raised her head this time, “That guy thought he stole your cassette, but he didn’t expect that this act of stealing was also in your calculations . “”
“Then let me see what kind of data this guy GRAPHITE can bring. “Palad didn’t feel angry at all because his companion, who was also a collapsed body, was treated as a chess piece. Instead, he showed an expression of expectation, highlighting a ruthless one.”
“Perhaps, in her opinion, those who dare not obey her orders should be regarded as pawns.”
“Is the Bengyuan body on my body so evil?” Tu Jianbu showed the expression of the old man on the subway looking at his phone, feeling very uncomfortable, why can’t her Bengyuan body be a gentle and kind-hearted good boy, and then thinking about it every day What about playing games with her?
Although she often plays games with her brother, but one thing to say, her brother’s skills are really bad!
That is to say, only when playing with the claw machine, can we maintain a consistent level.
“”I got you, EX-AID! “”
“One day, on the way to CR after school was buried, a green monster with a collapsed body appeared in front of her. It was GRAPHITE!”
“”GRAPHITE! “Buried Doma stared at the front with a solemn expression. If there is only GRAPHITE, then with the power of level 3 she just obtained, she is confident that she will not lose!”
“There are three more Bengyuan bodies who also came to GRAPHITE’s side at this time! The heads of these three Bengyuan bodies, just like the previous Bengyuan body, were all put into a cassette by CHA.”
“”These three Bengyuan bodies, could it be said that they were also the three cassettes that were stolen? “”
“”That’s right, this is exactly the Bengyuan body derived from those three cassettes! I won’t be stupid and let my companions die one by one! The one who is going to die now is you! “GRAPHITE pulled out the faulty driver and put it on his wrist, “Cultivate!” “”
“Looking at the four Bengyuan bodies in front of me, Domabuki took out the player drive and two game cartridges.”
“”Big~big~big~ transform! “”
“She took a deep breath, without any fear in her tone, “Watch me pass the level with my life! “”
Chapter 155 As soon as she came over, she saw Tu Jianbu being chased and beaten
“”Anyone can talk big! “GRAPHITE with three collapsesThe source body rushed up and launched a righteous gang fight tactic! ”
“Tu Jianbu punched a Bengyuan body into the air, but was hit again by GRAPHITE’s dragon tooth weapon in the blink of an eye!”
“”It’s not good, with one against four, it really is too reluctant! “Tu Jianbu took a look at her knight slot, her blood volume had already started to drop, and there were collapsed bodies in all four directions around her, which made her very difficult to deal with!”
“POPPY, bro, Arima, Sylfen, whoever is welcome, come here quickly! Bui Doma, who is hard to beat with two fists and four hands, can only hope that her colleagues in CR will find out about her current situation. ”
“At the same time, POPPY glanced at the time suspiciously, and then looked at the CR hall, which was empty except for her, “It’s so strange, usually at this time, Xiaobu has already arrived, why hasn’t he arrived today?” Come? Could it be that there are too many pedestrians on the road, wasting some time? “”
“But after waiting for more than ten minutes, even Kosei Arima, Tachibana Hilfenfort, and Taihei Doma came over, but Bui Doma still didn’t come.”
“Why hasn’t Xiao Bu come here yet? “Doma Taihei frowned and looked at the time, feeling very strange. Logically speaking, she should have finished school long ago, and she didn’t join the club, so she shouldn’t have come here for so long.”
“He wanted to call Domabuki, but he realized that he hadn’t bought a mobile phone for his sister yet… For some reason, he became inexplicably flustered.”
“After waiting for another ten seconds, the uneasiness in Doma Taiping’s heart became more serious, and he stood up abruptly, “No, I’m going to find Xiaobu! “”
“Hey, that, I’ll go with you! “POPPY said quickly, “Maybe there is some danger, and multiple people can find it faster. “”
“Then I’ll be with you, maybe I met GRAPHITE. “Mr. Arima also stood up. If he really met GRAPHITE, then he will completely get rid of that guy this time!”
“Although Tachibana Hilfenford didn’t speak, she followed her footsteps. This action has already expressed her will.”
“As soon as they got to the street, the people dispersed and searched for the soil buried separately.”
“Poppy was the luckiest. She only walked for a minute, and then she saw Dochibui, who was being chased and beaten by four Bengyuan bodies.”
“”Ahhhhh! GRAPHITE! “POPPY exclaimed, he didn’t expect that Tu Jianbu really encountered this Bengyuan body, and what’s worse, this GRAPHITE has three helpers!”
“Under the attack of the four Bengyuan bodies, it can be said that the soil buried is in a hurry to deal with it. No matter what you do, you can’t completely resist the attack. Poppy even saw that the knight slot of the soil buried began to turn red! If so If you go down, Domabu will definitely die!”
“Hearing this voice, Domabuki said quickly, “POPPY, hurry up and call my brother and the others!” I can’t handle so many collapsed bodies! “”
“Ah, oh, yes, yes! “After hearing the reminder, POPPY came to her senses. She frantically took out her mobile phone and was about to call someone else.”
“” Stop her for me! Give me her phone! “GRAPHITE also heard it, and he quickly ordered two Bengyuan bodies to snatch POPPY’s mobile phone.”
“”Whoa! “Seeing the two Bengyuan bodies running towards her, POPPY quickly turned around and ran, pressing the dial button on the phone in a panic while running.”
“”damn it! “Seeing the two Bengyuan bodies running farther and farther with POPPY, this made GRAPHITE feel very bad. Obviously just wait a little longer, just a little longer, and EX-AID will die under their attack!”
“Thinking of this, the attack in his hands became more swift and fierce, but without the suppression of the two Bengyuan bodies, the soil buried in the soil suddenly became more comfortable!”
“GRAPHITE originally sent two Bengyuan bodies to snatch POPPY’s mobile phone as soon as possible, but now it seems that this seems to be a wrong move!”
“”You don’t think you can suppress me with just two Bengyuan bodies, do you? Don’t underestimate the power of UMR, a talented player! “The steel fist in Mima’s hand hit GRAPHITE, and even sent him flying far away, “I was chased so badly by you before, now, it’s time for me to fight back!” “”
“Oh Noel! Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no! “GRAPHITE didn’t seem to have thought that he would be repelled. After being stunned for a moment, he became impotent and furious. Then he clenched the dragon tooth-shaped weapon in his hand, and the weapon began to flash with scarlet light, “Enrage the dragon tooth! “”
“On the other hand, while POPPY was running wildly, he called several people separately.”
“”Yeah, I don’t know, they went to Xiaobu, are there any? Panting heavily, POPPY prayed for everyone to hurry to Xiaobu’s side. Judging from what he saw just now, Xiaobu won’t last long!”
“As for her…”
“POPPY suddenly stopped in her tracks, she turned around and looked firmly at the two Bengyuan bodies who were chasing after her, “Anyway, I am also a Bengyuan body, don’t underestimate me! “”
“Five seconds later…”
“”Don’t hit me, don’t hit me, I was wrong, woo woo woo…” POPPY was beaten and cried, she was wrong, so wrong! The physique between the Benyuan body and the Benyuan body is different !”
“Some Bengyuan body can kill a tiger with a sliding shovel, but a Bengyuan body like her can only deliver food to a tiger with a sliding shovel.”
“”Phew… Looking at it this way, you are really useless. “”
“A familiar voice sounded,Poppy followed the voice and saw that it was Mr. Arima and Tachibana Hilfenford. She said in surprise, “Why are you? Didn’t you go to Xiaobu’s place?”
“”Don’t worry, Taiping Tujian has already rushed there. After all, you said before that you still have two collapsed bodies here, right? “Arima Kosei’s eyes showed hatred, “I can tell from the previous battles that I can’t defeat GRAPHITE just at level two!” I want to get the cassette, upgrade to level three, and get rid of GRAPHITE with my own hands! “”
“”My purpose itself is the cassette, I have no reason to leave the cassette alone! “”
“Speaking of which, the two of you took out the player drive and the knight game cassette respectively.”
“” Transformation! “”
“”The godslayer who took the body of the goddess! Battle Goddess! “”
Chapter 156: Both upgrades
“”Give me the crumbling source body! “After Arima put down a sentence, he rushed towards a Bengyuan body. He clearly saw the cassette stuck in the head of this Bengyuan body. It was a music game!”
“It’s not that he brags, but that he is really good at music!”
“Are you good at music?” Mr. Arima stared blankly at the confident self in the video, and then thought about his current self.
In the end, he pursed his lips sadly. Sure enough, even if it was him, his physique was different.
“Obviously, I can’t even hear the sound of the piano.”
“”Yeah! “The Bengyuan body of the music game looked at the Arima Kosei who was rushing towards him, and let out a strange cry, and then a lot of notes came out from his body!”
“”It really is a music game! “Mr. Arima was not surprised at all. He put away his weapon and danced like a dancer. He touched all the notes with both hands!”
“In a music game, failing to touch all the notes in the rhythm of the music is a failure!”
“But correspondingly, as long as you can perfectly touch all the notes, it is equivalent to perfectly dodging the opponent’s attack!”
“”Gah? ! “He was dumbfounded when he found out that his attack was invalid in the music game Bengyuan. He was planning to switch to a more difficult music to attack!”
“However, Mr. Arima’s speed is even faster. The sword in his hand cut off a treasure chest next to him with a swish, revealing the props with acceleration standards inside.”
“”Speed ​​up! “After eating the props, the soaring Arima Kosei appeared next to the Bengen body as if teleporting, and slashed at him with a sword!”
“The chopped-off Bengyuan body only had time to let out a scream, and was frozen in the air the next moment! The ice was connected from his body to the ground all the way, forming something like a slide.”
“Mr. Arima has switched his weapon to the ice sword mode! He even slid on this ice slide, and then he put the cassette into the weapon slot.”
“”Decisive skill! Feiyan Sword! “”
“Countless sword energy hit the Bengyuan body, causing it to explode in the air! The cassette on his head was also gently caught by Mr. Arima gliding on the ice.”
“On the other hand, when Arima Kosei chose the music hoongen, Tachibana Hilfenford naturally shot at the other hoongen.”
“This Bengyuan body carries a machine gun on its shoulder, and has two hands, one with a machine gun and the other with two missiles.”
“”That cassette, it looks like ‘Jet Fight’, it’s just what I want! This cassette is mine! “Tachibana Hilfenford laughed, for her, this type of cassette may be the most compatible!”
“EMMMMM…why do I always feel that I am so attached to the cassette in the video?” Tachibana Hilfenford tilted his head, thinking puzzledly, “Is there any benefit after the cassette is collected?”
“Didn’t you say that you will get the power of the strongest brave man in the legend?” Tachibana Alex said with a smile. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with the younger sister in the video. Whatever you do is good!
“Uh… um.” Tachibana Hilfenford lowered her head with a blushing face. Although she really wanted to say something about the use of the strongest hero in the legend, it was a pity that she still couldn’t communicate with her brother properly because of her brother’s control. .
“”Roar! “The Bengyuan body carrying the machine gun roared, and the spray device on the back directly took him into the air, and then, the machine gun on his shoulder started firing bullets like money!”
“”You can still fly… It is indeed a game of manipulating fighter jets to fight in the air. “Although under the cover of the opponent’s firepower, she could only keep dodging around, but there was surprise in her tone. The power of this cassette has exceeded her previous imagination!”
“Finally, the moment she spotted the opening of the Bengyuan body, the weapon Gashacon in her hand suddenly fired bullets!”
“A series of six or seven bullets hit the body of this Bengyuan body, causing his figure to shake, but failed to knock him down.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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