“Brother, are you okay? Wake up! Don’t scare me! “Mu Doma cried out, but Taihei Doma’s body flickered slightly.”
“”Bodies are disappearing…what the hell happened? Was that Kamen Rider just now the president of Phantasm? “”
“”Ah, that’s right… I just got the power of level three, and I seem to be a little carried away. Taihei Doma smiled wryly, took off the player driver from his waist, and handed it to his sister.”
“”My knight gauge has reached zero, and it seems that I am about to die…Xiao Bu, remember, no matter what happens, you are you…Your fate is up to you to decide. “”
“As a mechanical sound sounded, Doma Taihei’s body turned into a bunch of light spots and disappeared into the rain.”
“Brother, you died so badly!” Doma Bui hugged his brother behind his back and wailed for a while, wet the clothes on Doma Taihei’s chest on the spot.
The clothes have to be changed again… Doma Taihei sighed helplessly, and then took his sister off him, “Don’t cry so badly, am I still fine?”
“However, you can be so sad for my brother and me, and you really didn’t hurt you in vain.” As he spoke, the corner of Doma Taihei’s mouth curled up into a smile, let’s cook her favorite hamburger tomorrow.
Du Jian wiped away her tears, and her mood calmed down a lot, but thinking about the embarrassing appearance when she was crying just now, she couldn’t help but said stiffly, “I just thought that if my brother died, no one would give me a hand.” Cooking, laundry, feeding hamsters, changing sheets, mopping floors.”
“…” The smile on Doma Taihei’s face disappeared instantly, your hamburger meat is gone! Tomorrow, I will eat boiled green peppers and rice!
“You also killed Doma Taihei, so no one should know your true identity anymore, right? So what do you plan to do next? “Palad looked curiously at Kohei Imamura who entered the room.”
“”The next plan? Hehehe, of course all the cassettes are recycled! “Kohei Imamura carefully looked at the dangerous zombie cassette in his hand. The power realized by this cassette just now far exceeded his expectations, which made him very satisfied.”
“Palad raised his eyebrows and said, “Recycle all the cassettes? Stop collecting data? “”
“”It’s no longer needed, ZOMBIE’s power has also been obtained, and I can handle the rest by myself. “”
“”Are you sure you can win all the Kamen Riders? “Palad smiled, picked up the game console and started playing again, “Especially Xiao Bu, she is very strong. “”
“”Hahahahaha…it doesn’t matter! No matter how powerful a talented player is, if he is suppressed by the level, he can only be deflated! Kohei Imamura smiled like a puffer fish holding the cassette, with the word swell written all over his face, “Does anyone dare to defy me who owns a dangerous zombie cassette?” “”
“The next afternoon, inside CR.”
“Xiao Bu, what happened to your brother is really very regrettable, but your brother doesn’t want you to be depressed like this, does he? “POPPY really couldn’t see the depressed appearance of Domabuki, so he spoke out to comfort him.”
“”Um. Buried in Doma just nodded slightly. Although she was sad in her heart, she was more concerned about who was that black and white Kamen Rider? Could it be that it was really what her brother said on the note, Fantasy Game Company Is it the president?”
“But, after all, there is no evidence, and she is also worried that she has found the wrong person… This makes her very anxious. She can’t wait to find a Kamen Rider to avenge her brother, but she is not even sure who the enemy is.”
“Jingling, Lingling…”
“POPPY wanted to say something, but when she heard the phone ringing again, she quickly picked up the phone, “Yes, it’s me, POPPY… Hey, there is a patient? “”
“Everyone, a patient is here! After POPPY hung up the phone, he said to the three people, “Everyone, a patient is here!” “”
“Soon, a patient was brought in, and after some examinations, Poppy said with certainty, “That’s right, Mr. Beichuan, what you are suffering from is game sickness! “”
“”Game sickness? Bei Chuan was very surprised when he heard a term he had never heard before, “Excuse me, is it a serious illness?” “”
“”Strictly speaking, it is a fatal disease! “POPPY’s tone was very serious at first, and then he laughed again, “But don’t worry, the three doctors here are the best! All you need to do is wait for the surgery to complete! “”
“First scare the patient, let the patient pay attention to this disease, and then comfort the patient, relieve the patientheart pressure. All of this is in her POPPY’s calculations! ”
“In this way, the patient will be able to wait for the operation with peace of mind! Poppy put her hands on her hips, looking very proud, and she has grown up! This can be regarded as LEVELUP!”
“”It’s a deadly disease. “Bei Chuan didn’t react at all, just nodded indifferently, then lifted the quilt on the hospital bed and was about to get out of bed, “Then there is no need for treatment, and it happens to save a little treatment fee. “”
“”Eh? “POPPY’s surprised eyeballs almost fell off, “Mr. Beichuan, are you sure?” I’m not fooling you, this is a real and fatal disease! “”
“Bei Chuan smiled, “Don’t worry, I didn’t suspect that you lied to me, I just simply felt that there was no need for treatment…uh! ! ! “”
“While Bei Chuan was talking, he suddenly felt an indescribable pain. He clutched his chest and moaned. There were strange things flashing on his body.”
“”It’s the game sickness attack! “POPPY exclaimed, and then greeted everyone, “Xiao Bu, Gongsheng, Sylphin, you have to cut off this Bengyuan body quickly!” “”
“However, before everyone could react, the Bengyuan body on Beichuan’s body broke away and turned into a human form!”
“The Bengyuan body spotted the closest Arima Kosei, and grabbed it with his paw, but Arima turned over and dodged it. “The current Bengyuan body does not need to be removed from the patient’s body, it can be directly Are you out of the patient? “”
“”Maybe the virus has also been upgraded. Tangerine Hilfenford sneered, then took out the cassette, “Transform!” “”
“The game field was expanded, and after selecting the game scene, Arima Kosei and Tachibana Hilfenford transformed into Kamen Riders one after another, entered the game scene and started fighting with the Bengen.”
“”Xiao Bu, what are you doing, you have to transform into an operation! “POPPY saw Domabu was still sitting there in a depressed mood and didn’t move, so he quickly arrested her.”
Chapter 162 I can’t do anything
“Ah, oh oh. Buried in Doma was confused for a moment, then took out the cassette in a panic, “Transform!” “”
“Seeing that Tu Jianbu was about to join the battle, the Bengyuan body raised the staff in his hand and shouted, “Stop! “”
“In an instant, the three Kamen Riders all froze in place, even Tachibana Hilfenford who jumped into the air was stagnated in the air!”
“”Is this Bengyuan body a mage? “Tachibana Hilfenford, who was stopped in the air and couldn’t move, said in surprise, while still trying to move her body, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t move.”
“”Hee hee hee~” The mage Bengyuan laughed strangely, and the staff in his hand glowed red again, “Paralysis! “”
“The voice fell, and three magic circles appeared under them, and then a terrifying thunder erupted from the magic circle!”
“”Ahhh! ! ! “Shrouded by thunder, the three people buried in the earth let out screams, and finally fell to the ground powerlessly, and the knight tank also dropped to a very dangerous level.”
“”Hehehe, this is the genius player UMR? It doesn’t look like that. “As a mocking voice sounded, a zombie-like Kamen Rider walked up to everyone, “Hello, everyone, I am Kamen Rider GENM, and this is the first time I have met you in this form, please give me more advice . “”
“”A new Kamen Rider? who are you? “Mr. Arima stood up with difficulty, his body still shaking.”
“”This guy is the one who killed my brother! “At this moment, Tuma straightened his upper body, clenched his fists fiercely, and the anger in his heart had already begun to burn wildly.”
“”what? “Tachibana Hilfenford and Arima both exclaimed.”
“Kamen Rider GENM didn’t deny it, but just took out the weapon GASHACON sparrow bow that he snatched from Taiping Doma, “Give me all your cassettes, if you obey me honestly, you won’t fall into the soil The end of Jian Taiping. “”
“That weapon belongs to my brother! Seeing this scene, Domabu seemed to recall the appearance of his brother dying in his arms, “How dare you, dare to put my brother…””
“Furious Doma took out his own Rotobot replay cassette.”
“Hey, baby, calm down! “Juice Hilfenfort advised, “This guy can kill your brother, it proves that his strength should be above level three!” “”
“”That’s right, the issue of retreat should be given priority now. “Mr. Arima also agreed.”
“However, the angry Domabuki couldn’t hear their opinions at all, and the cassette inserted casually, “Big~big~big~transform! “”
“After completing the upgrade, Domabu didn’t talk nonsense, and directly launched the ultimate move, “Decisive move! GEKITOTSUCRITICALSTRIKE! “”
“The Shock Crusher on the left arm flew out, and Buichi Doma followed suit!”
“The moment the Shock Breaker reached Kamen Rider GENM’s chest, Doma’s buried left wrist was also inserted into the Shock Breaker and launched a second attack!”
“Following the flickering of electric arcs, there was a terrifying explosion, and Kamen Rider GENM was covered in smoke like this.”
“” Finished? “Mr. Arima couldn’t help looking forward to it.”
“However, when the smoke cleared, what appeared in front of everyone was a completely uninjured Kamen Rider GENM!”
“” Not even a nirvanaEffect! how can that be! How high is this guy’s defense? “Tachibana Hilfenford said tremblingly, the strength of the newly appeared Kamen Rider in front of her has exceeded her imagination!”
“But the closest Domabuki found something more important. Kamen Rider GENM’s knight gauge is zero!”
“”The knight slot is zero? How could this be? My elder brother died when the knight bar was zero! But why are you still alive! “”
“”Hehehehe. “Kamen Rider GENM laughed softly, and there was a hint of pride in that tone, “I have to thank you for this, because you killed GRAPHITE, I can get important data about death!” “”
“”Then relying on this data, I crossed over to death! For me who is beyond death, any attack is meaningless! “”
“”Ahhhhh! “Seeing that the attack didn’t take effect, Mitsuma roared and smashed his fist into the opponent’s chest, but it was useless! No matter how much power she used, it was useless! She couldn’t even make the enemy take a step back!”
“”I said that all attacks are meaningless! “Kamen Rider GENM disassembled the GASHACON sparrow bow into sickle mode, and slashed at her body with two backhands!”
“”Woo! “Tu Jian murmured, a piercing pain rushed into her mind, but with the pain, there was more anger!”
“Why? Why am I so useless? When my brother died, I could only watch… Now that the enemy who killed my brother is right in front of my eyes, can I just watch?”
“”Only you… only you…unforgivable! “Tu Jianbu endured the pain on his body, waved his fist, and used his best strength to hit the opponent’s body!”
“But… looking at the other party’s unscathed appearance, she is desperate… I can’t do anything…”
“On the other side, Mr. Arima, who was restraining the Bengen with Tachibana Hilfenford, shouted, “Doma, the situation is not good for us now, we should retreat first! “”
“Unfortunately, no matter how much he yells, Doma Bui is like a puppet that has lost its soul, without any response.”
“Hmph, it’s over. “Kamen Rider GENM sneered, dropped the weapon in his hand, and launched his nirvana, “Your cassette, I accept it!” “”
“Soon, a large group of purple phantom zombies appeared in the game area, just like the tide of corpses in the movie, rushing towards the earth.”
“It was about to be caught, and it had already been upgraded to level three. Tachibana Hilfenfort, who was flying in the sky, swooped down and knocked Domabushi away.”
“It’s too dangerous to stay any longer! “Tachibana Hilfenford deftly removed the cassettes buried in the soil and around his waist, and canceled the transformation. After the transformation was released, the two of them immediately left the game scene.”
“”Run away? “Kamen Rider GENM turned his gaze to the other side again, but Arima-sei is no longer in the position where he should be.”
“” Tsk! “”
Chapter 163: It’s Too Cold, The Mother of This Chapter Doesn’t Want to Go Out
“Get the data of death? Then cross life and death?” Kiritani Kazuto couldn’t help but think of the game he played before, the game Sword Art Online, which is also different from all the games currently on the market, in which death is real died, therefore, this game did cause a large number of player deaths!
“Could it be that Kayaba Akihiko is also preparing to collect death data, and then try to cross life and death? After all, as long as you are a human being, you will be afraid of death, even emperors are not exempt.”
Compared with Kayaba Akihiko’s nonsense reason of “wanting to experience real life in another world”, Kiritani Kazuto felt that his guess was more reliable.
“Xiao Bu, I also know that it is hard for you to lose your brother, but you have to protect yourself too! After listening to what happened inside, POPPY looked at Domabu very worriedly, “If this continues, it won’t be surprising if you die someday!” Does your brother wish you to die? “”
“Tachibana Hilfenford shook his head, took two steps forward and snatched the two cassettes from Doma’s hand, “I’ll save your cassettes first, and I won’t take them out until you regain your composure. The cassette is returned to you. “”
“Bumi Doma anxiously wanted to grab the cassette back, but was hugged by POPPY, “Xiao Bu, I also think it would be better to give the cassette to Sylffin for safekeeping first!” With your current state of mind, it will be very dangerous to meet that Kamen Rider GENM again! “”
“Tachibana Hilfenford paused as he was about to leave, “Don’t worry, I won’t occupy the cassette if I didn’t win it. As long as you regain your composure, I will return it to you properly!” “”
“”In addition, it seems that there is no way to continue the operation today, so I will leave first. “After speaking, she left CR.”
“Mr. Arima also glanced at the patient with pity, then sighed, whispered to Poppy, turned and left, “I’m leaving first, the purpose of that Kamen Rider GENM is to get all of our Kamen Riders cassette. “”
“”If you don’t want to solve that Kamen Rider, you will definitely be disturbed during the operation… Now there is no way to continue to operate on this patient. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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