“The furious Domabuki took out the Almighty Brothers XX cassette, “I want to attack you thoroughly! GENM! “”
“Looking at the tape that beat him twice, Kamen Rider GENM laughed instead, “You don’t think I have no way to deal with you, so I lured you here without authorization? “”
“”Decisive skill! CRITICAL DEAD! “”
“Soon, a large group of purple phantom zombies appeared and surrounded Domabu. Several zombies even grabbed her hand, preventing her from inserting the cassette into the player drive!”
“”hateful! “Buried Doma tried to move her arms, but she was still unable to move her arms, which made her anger look like impotent rage.”
“” “Xiao Bu! “POPPY yelled in panic, but because she was not good at fighting, she could only yell beside her, and she couldn’t do anything else!””
“And Kamen Rider GENM naturally wouldn’t pay attention to this kind of harmless shouting. He walked slowly in front of Domabuki, and he couldn’t hide the complacency in his tone, “As long as this is the case, you can’t change. dead! Give me your cassette! “”
“After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab the Almighty Brother XX cassette in Domabuki’s hand, but Domabuki held on to the cassette tightly, and would not let go no matter what, “I won’t give it to you! “”
“If you hand over the cassette to the other party, she may be able to survive, but in that case, if there are game sick patients, she will no longer be able to save them. She doesn’t want to hand over the cassette no matter what!”
Chapter 173 I am—Kamida!
“”Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you! “Kamen Rider GENM, who robbed for a while but failed to get the cassette, said angrily, “My nirvana is not just to catch you, it will explode! “”
“”Let me go! “Suddenly, Doma’s eyes turned scarlet, and the power in his hands burst out, pushing away those phantoms and Kamen Rider GENM.”
“”what happened? “Kamen Rider GENM took a few steps back, looked at the soil buried in surprise, and then moved his gaze to a small figure that suddenly appeared aside, “Pallard? “”
“”Hehehe. “Palad was sitting on a wall at this time, shaking his feet happily, “GENM, this is not the same as what we agreed on! The soil buried is my prey, the guy who hinders my fun, no matter who it is, I will not let him go! Even if it’s you, it’s the same! “”
“Palad! “Kamen Rider GENM said his name angrily, then turned and left. He knew that this time it was impossible to get the cassette buried in the soil.”
“Xiao Bu, play games with me next time. “Palad then jumped off the wall and just walked away.”
“Hey, don’t go! “Buried in Doma was about to chase after it, but something happened to Shiraishi Ayu’s body suddenly. A large number of Bengyuan virus emerged from her body, and then condensed into a Bengyuan virus.”
“”Ha ha ha ha! Let me increase the mental pressure of this little girl, and then I can become a complete existence! “The Bengyuan body who just appeared on the stage is very arrogant.”
“On the one hand, there is Kamen Rider GENM who just ran away, and on the other hand, there is a patient suffering from game sickness, which makes Doma feel very upset. Since you are going to come out and dance, then prepare to die!”
“”Big ~ Transformation! “”
“”Hahahaha…Gah! “Beng Yuanti’s laughter stopped abruptly. He didn’t know what happened until he died. He only remembered that two people kicked him in the head at the same time and kicked him to death!”
“”Although GENM ran away, at least Ayu’s disease was cured. Buried in Doma vented a bit, feeling much better, she took off the cassette with a smile, then suddenly fell to her knees on the ground, “Ah! ! ! Uh ah ah! “”
“Her headache is back!”
“Doma buried his head and rolled around, trying to relieve the pain a little, but it didn’t work at all!”
“POPPY quickly put down Ayu Shiraishi again, stepped forward and hugged Bumi Doma, put her head into his big sin, and patted her on the back lightly, “It’s okay, it’s okay. “”
“I don’t know if it’s such a comforting method.The formula took effect, and the pain disappeared in the blink of an eye… She fainted. ”
“POPPY gritted his teeth, looking very worried in his heart, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear, “What should I do… Now there is only Xiaobu and the cassette in the CR, and surgery can be performed, but Xiaobu uses it every time. Cassette, her head will hurt more and more, if this continues, she will really die! “”
“In Fantasy Game Company, Palad looked curiously at Kohei Imamura who was frantically operating on the computer. Although he didn’t know what he was doing, just by looking at his gritted teeth expression, Palad could guess I’m sure I’m thinking of a way to deal with Domabuki!”
“Palad couldn’t help but smiled, “Aren’t you willing to give up? With your strength, you can’t defeat Xiao Bu. “”
“Kohei Imamura just glanced at Parad out of the corner of his eye, and then continued to devote himself to the computer, “Who do you think I am? I’m a game master! A mere game that can defeat EX-AID, to me, is nothing more than an easy task! “”
“Only now did Palad understand that Kohei Imamura was developing a new game! When he turned his gaze to the side of the computer monitor, he found a pure black cassette inserted in a machine, and soon, a message appeared on the cassette. A colorful picture.”
“” Hahahahaha! Kohei Imamura laughed wildly and pulled out the cassette, “It’s done!” With the combat data contained in the Cavaliers Replay Cassette recovered so far, this cassette has finally been completed! “”
“”What is that cassette? “Palad instinctively felt the power hidden in that cassette! This cassette is probably also a level 50 cassette!”
“”This cassette? Of course it’s a brand new game, a game that can beat EX-AID! Kohei Imamura strolled in the office with a cassette, his face was full of pride, “With my intelligence as a bonus, mere EX-AIDs are not worth mentioning at all!” “”
“From now on, I will remove all obstacles! Then collect all the data of the collapsed body, so that I can complete the Kamen Rider Chronicle! “”
“Listening to his words, Palade’s face became more and more cold, “Didn’t it be agreed that I will defeat Xiao Bu? “”
“”I can’t wait that long anymore, you bastard only cared about having fun, and didn’t even seriously recycle the cassette that was buried in the soil! “”
“Palad jumped onto the table, grabbed Kohei Imamura by the collar, his face sank like water, “I won’t let you kill Xiaobu! “”
“Kohei Imamura froze for a moment, then pushed Palad away violently, the expression on his face became more and more distorted, “Don’t disobey the game administrator! That guy buried in the soil dared to make a game cassette without my permission…””
“”The cassette is something that I can only conceive, and it’s something that only I can make! ! ! “”
“Kohei Imamura vented fiercely, his heaving chest gradually calmed down, and his distorted expression gradually recovered. He looked at Palad who was pushed away by him and said with a sneer, “The same is true for your Bengyuan body. , but it’s just a pawn to realize my plan. “”
“”Designing game characters and game scenes from scratch, writing and running programs, everything acts according to my ideas… As a game administrator, I have no doubt… I am a god! “The smile on Imamura Kohei’s face gradually distorted again, and the whole face seemed to have a sudden change in painting style. It was completely two people from his gentlemanly appearance before!”
“” Hahahahaha! Yes, I am – Kamita! “”
Chapter 174 Next is you
“God? You’re still a god, you’re insane!” Kohei Imamura had an unstoppable expression, and everyone else was numb, and they started to call themselves gods. Doesn’t this mean that he in the video has already Starting to swell?
Anyone who enters this stage is thinking that they are awesome, but in fact they have already started to be stupid.
He had a strong premonition that the him in the video would soon start to be deflated.
And more importantly, he has already anticipated what others will say to him later…
“Yo, isn’t this a god? I haven’t seen you for a few days, so why?”
“Oh, look at the clothes you are wearing, aren’t you a god, why are you still a second dimension?”
As long as he thinks of these things, Kohei Imamura feels that his future life is bleak… There is no way to live this day!
“The next day, in the CR agency, after listening to POPPY say what happened yesterday, Arima Kosei came to Buried Doma, “Hey, Doma, bring me your card. “”
“”Eh? “Tu Jian was stunned for a moment, his face was full of confusion, “What do you mean? “”
“Kongsei Arima also seemed to realize that his tone was too blunt. He took a deep breath and said softly, “I mean, you can’t hand over all the patients in CR to you. Although our cassettes haven’t come back yet, but At least let us help. “”
“It’s just that when he said this, Arima Kosei clenched his fists tightly. He felt that Domabuki had reached his limit. If she was allowed to continue using the cassette, she might die!”
“Although he doesn’t have much friendship with Domabuki, he never wants to see someone die from game sickness again! Back then, it was for this reason that he came to CR to become a Kamen Rider!”
“”That’s it. Buried Doma nodded slightly to express her understanding, but instead of handing over her cassette, she made an apologetic gesture, “Sorry, I still want to break up with that GENM.”To win or lose, to avenge my brother, so, I can’t lend you the cassette…””
“”However, I promise, I will get your cassette back as soon as possible! “Doma raised his hand as a pledge.”
“Mr. Arima wanted to say something else, but POPPY received another emergency call, “Yes, it’s CR, eh, is it game sick again?” Um, wait, have you heard this specially processed voice before? Are you a GENM? Hello, hello! “”
“POPPY turned his head and said with a very ugly face, “Xiao Bu, it’s that guy from GENM again, he infected another passerby, this must be his trap again! “”
“” That bastard! Do all these insane things! “Tu Jian stood up abruptly, and ran out without hesitation.”
“POPPY was also taken aback by this resolute attitude, she quickly followed, “Xiao Bu, wait for me, so I can show you the way! “”
“When Doma followed Poppy to the location designated by Kamen Rider GENM, he happened to see a Bengyuan body wreaking havoc, and beside him stood Kamen Rider GENM!”
“After Kamen Rider GENM saw that Doma was buried, he still looked very gentlemanly and said to the provocative Bengen, “Thank you, your task as a bait has been completed very well. “”
“”what? bait? “Bengyuan Body, who was wreaking havoc and trying to make himself complete, froze for a moment, “What do you mean? ! “”
“Kamen Rider GENM didn’t care about his questioning at all, it can be said that he just ignored him, and stopped his eyes on Domabuki, “EX-AID, this time… huh? “”
“In the middle of his speech, he felt a bullet hit himself. He had to stop talking and turned his head away. The one who attacked him was the Bengyuan body that he used as bait!”
“At this time, the Bengyuan body was saying triumphantly, “It deserves it, you have seen how powerful I am!” “”
“”A mere Bengyuan body dares to defy my will! Unforgivable! “Kamen Rider GENM roared, rushed up and punched Bengyuan body in the stomach, then grabbed his head, forced him to bend down, hit his head with a knee, and hammered him to pieces .”
“”Anyone who dares to defy my will will die! It just so happens that you are no longer worth using! “Kamen Rider GENM simultaneously pressed the A and B buttons on the faulty driver, and then pressed the A button alone. After a similar operation, the driver made a high-pitched mechanical sound.”
“”Decisive skill! CRITICAL END! “”
“Then, he jumped into the air and kicked the Bengyuan body with a flying kick.”
“”what! I haven’t become complete…” Bengyuan body screamed and fell to the ground, his whole body flickered, and the next moment, his whole body exploded!”
“Kamen Rider GENM didn’t waste it. He removed the faulty driver on his waist and collected the data of this collapsed source.”
“That’s what Arima Kosei and Tachibana Hilfenfort saw when they arrived just now.”
“”The Bengyuan body that he killed was used as bait by him, right? “Mr. Arima took a deep breath, “The guy who was used just now can be killed with his own hands without changing his face in a blink of an eye. This guy…is simply terrifying!” “”
“”Next is you, EX-AID! “Kamen Rider GENM pointed his right index finger at Domabuki fiercely.”
“”Bastard, wantonly infecting others with viruses, what do you think of human life! Buried in Doma also took out his Almighty Brother XX cassette, “GENM, this time, I won’t let you go!” Transform! “”
“After the game field was expanded, Doma Bui immediately chose a game scene and absorbed everyone into it, so that things in the real world would not be destroyed.”
“Seeing that Buried Doma once again turned into the two-player fat guy who beat him twice, Kamen Rider GENM was not in a hurry, “Will you not let me go again? You are wrong, EX-AID, it should be that I will not let you go! “”
“Just as I was talking, Kamen Rider GENM took out the brand new cassette he just made!”
“As Kamen Rider GENM turns the disc on the cassette, and after one of the games is selected, a huge light curtain appears behind him, and a huge figure is shown in the light curtain, and there is a burning building around the figure. in the city!”
“Afterwards, that figure flew out from the light curtain, but what is puzzling is that this figure did not fly to Kamen Rider GENM to complete his transformation, but existed alone.”
Chapter 175 You Have Made Me Ebullient
“”A brand new cassette again? “The surprise in Doma Buried’s tone was hard to conceal, and the shape of the cassette was exactly the same as the one she saw at Palade before! Such a situation made her a little uneasy.”
“At this time, Kamen Rider GENM explained, “TADDLE FANTASY, this is a game in which the protagonist, the Demon Lord, defeats the brave and conquers the world!” By the way, the level is fifty! EX-AID, you have no chance of winning! “”
“After hearing about level 50, the uneasiness buried in Doma’s heart dissipated. No matter what kind of enemy, her goal is to defeat Kamen Rider GENM! If this is the case, then don’t be confused, go directly to Bar!”
“LookBuried towards Doma who was rushing towards him, Kamen Rider GENM ordered to the demon king beside him, “Destroy EX-AID for me!””
“The demon king nodded, and a huge thunderball emerged from each of his hands, and then the two thunderballs merged together, and the demon king threw them into the soil and buried them under his feet!”
“A huge explosion sounded, Domabu was directly blasted into the air, and then fell heavily again. The armor on her body flickered a few times, and she was forcibly removed from the transformation!”
“Ah, cough cough…” Bui Doma, who had been transformed, was covered in wounds. He coughed twice and spit out a mouthful of blood. It seemed that he couldn’t even stand up.”
“”It’s a lie, just one blow…” POPPY looked at this scene in disbelief, she never imagined that before, she showed her power and beat Kamen Rider GENM twice in a row, and in a blink of an eye It started to eat up in no time, and it got eaten up so quickly!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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