“Muscle up! “”
“”drink! “LV.XXR jumped up and slashed at the back of the Bengyuan body with a sword, sending it flying.”
“It hurts, it hurts…see you next time! “After howling twice, the Bengyuan body retreated back in a blink of an eye, revealing the patient in it—Kohei Imamura!”
“”You guy is…” Domabuki removed the cassette, released the transformation, and rushed up and grabbed his collar with gritted teeth, “Imamura Kohei! “”
“Kohei Imamura just fell straight on the ground, and there was a wound on his forehead. At this moment, his face is covered with blood, and he looks extremely depressed.”
“He said with a wry smile, “I didn’t expect that you saved me… Maybe this is retribution. I used the Bengyuan virus as a prop, as a pawn… But in the end, I was infected by the Bengyuan virus. “”
“”you deserve it! “Thinking of her brother’s death, Doma couldn’t help but put more force on her hands, the anger in her eyes made one wonder if she wanted to eat this man alive!”
“Hehe, it’s finally over… The villain has fallen into the hands of the protagonist, so how can it be good?” Imamura Kohei looked at himself who was about to end, not only did not feel sad, but even a little excited.
It’s over, okay, as long as it’s over, you don’t need to see the crazy self in the video playing with makeup!
He was afraid of getting another nickname of Yan Yi Master… Although he usuallyYan Yi is also quite hilarious.
“Just when the anger buried in Doma’s heart was about to be released, Megushisan, who had just been beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, popped up again, “You are CR’s doctor, right? Thank you for your hard work, this man will be taken over by our police station, please let him go. “”
Mu Mu Thirteen: “…”
Can you forget about being beaten black and swollen? This shows that these policemen are useless!
“Taken to the police station? Doma buried her hands in doubt. Although she knew that Tachibana Hilfenford had called the police on Kohei Imamura’s behavior, she didn’t expect the police to be dispatched so quickly. She always thought that the police in their Sakura country were useless. coming.”
Is the waste material already a fixed impression? Are you addicted to milk? The tears in Mu Mu Shisan’s eyes flowed out at once.
Daisuke Takasaka also looked very aggrieved, and his hand holding the phone was shaking wildly in anger, “Which area is this Police Officer Megure from? Why does it feel like he came out to lower the rating of our police!”
Mu Mushisan dreamed of being famous all over the world, and indeed he became famous, but unfortunately, it was in this embarrassing way.
“According to Megushisan’s order, Takagi Tsubasa and another police officer immediately arrested Kohei Imamura.”
Imamura Kohei panicked immediately, and he said to Domabuki in a panic, “Help me, please, help me! I don’t want to die yet! “”
“Looking at Imamura Kohei’s appearance, the small fist buried in Doma clenched more and more tightly, she bit her lip tightly, and finally said, “Sorry, can I wait a moment? He suffers from gaming disease, can he be transferred to CR for treatment first? “”
“”EMMMMM…” Mu Mu Thirteen thought about it carefully, and then nodded in agreement, “It’s also a tradition that the sick prisoner is treated first, or else the prisoner died of illness during the investigation trouble. “”
“”However, this man is too dangerous. I need to send a policeman to keep an eye on him at all times. “”
“” Of course! “After getting the consent, Doma Bui also heaved a sigh of relief, facing the police, she was still a little flustered.”
“Then, with the exception of Takagi Tsutomu, the rest of the police turned around and left. They were still very busy with their affairs, especially after Conan appeared in Mori’s house, the number of murders has skyrocketed!”
Conan: “…”
Feel offended! How can you make him look like a disaster star?
Chapter 183 You really are a crystal-like person
“In the CR institution, Kohei Imamura has already worn a set of hospital clothes. Covering his body, he struggled to walk to the hospital bed, and gasped heavily while holding on to the railing of the bed.”
“Seeing him like that, POPPY just felt so excited! She snorted softly, “You who have done all kinds of bad things, now you have finally tasted your retribution, right? In this way, you should also know that no matter how talented you are, you can’t overcome the disease, right? “”
“”Ah, yes…” Kohei Imamura nodded in agreement with a painful face. At this time, he no longer has that arrogant attitude, and he looks weak.”
“But it’s a pity that his weak appearance didn’t arouse the sympathy of others.”
“I hate you, there’s no doubt about that! “Tu Jian buried a gloomy face, and his tone was like frost, “It’s just that treating patients is a doctor’s duty. I want to save you, that’s all the reason!” “”
“”After your game disease is cured, the court will naturally sentence you! By the way, I know the death penalty is hard to come by, so I’m looking forward to a life sentence. “”
“”I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” Imamura Kohei’s eyes flicked down, crying, “I also know what I did, I really have no face to ask for your forgiveness. “”
“Seeing him like this, Doma’s face softened a little, “Why do you do these things, obviously you are the president of Fantasy Games Company, the money earned by this company should be enough for you to spend your entire life in luxury, right? “”
“Yeah, I think it’s weird too! Why do you do these stupid things? Can’t you enjoy the money you earn?” Imamura Kohei slapped his thigh and said annoyedly.
I don’t know if I have cat cakes in my head in the video. I don’t want so much money, so I have to develop some kind of Kamen Rider Chronicle! Is it because the money is not fragrant? How many wives can you buy with so much money!
Once, there was an opportunity to become a rich man in front of him, but he didn’t cherish it. If he did it again, he would definitely say… Fuck his Kamen Rider Chronicle!
“…” Kohei Imamura stopped crying, and said sadly, “Yeah, why did you come to this point? Now that I think about it, it’s because of jealousy… It’s because I’m jealous of you, Domabu! “”
“”envy? “These words made Doma Buried confused, she didn’t remember any contact with Kohei Imamura.”
“Yes, it’s jealousy! Imamura Kohei grabbed the railing, sat down on the hospital bed with difficulty, and said in a deep voice, “About five years ago, I didn’t start a company, but released a few small games on a certain platform in my own name, and the sales were very good!” “”
“”At that time, I was obsessed with my genius game design talent! Kohei Imamura showed a little rosiness on his face, obviously proud of himself, but the next moment, his expression became gloomy, “But, at this time, I received a letter from a fan. “”
“He glanced at Domabu with a complicated expression, “You guessed it right, this is the letter you wrote! There were a lot of new game ideas written in the letter… At that time, I realized that my talent was not number one in the world. “”
“Buried in Doma also had some impressions at this time.” Speaking of which, I did write about it at that time.Believe it. “”
“”Just this letter completely changed the fate of both of us. Kohei Imamura smiled wryly, “It was from that time that I had a crooked mind in order to defeat your talent. “”
“”When I was developing the game later, I accidentally discovered that a certain computer virus had mutated so that it could infect humans! Then, I had this idea——if this virus is used, maybe the best game ever created before can be developed! For the experiment, I sent you the experimental sample…””
“Oh, I have an impression! Doma clapped his hands and said, “At that time, I received a game that was said to be still under development, and asked me to try it and make suggestions. I remember being very happy at the time. “”
“”You just played that game, so you were infected with the Brongen virus. Kohei Imamura said with a complicated expression. He lowered his head and dodged Doma’s astonished eyes. In his eyes, there were three points of guilt, five points of self-blame, and two points of dodge. The old fan-shaped picture.”
“And this fact also shocked everyone in CR, Poppy murmured, “It turns out that you made Xiao Bu suffer from the game disease. “”
“”Yes. Kohei Imamura, who bowed his head, confessed what he had done, “I have been waiting for the time to come, and then, three years ago, I saw you win the National Game Contest. At that time, I was sure that the Bengyuan virus in your body had fully grown! “”
“So, I entrusted a doctor to operate on you and take the Bengyuan virus from your body… But the operation failed. The doctor disappeared on the spot because of the Bengyuan virus, and the virus in your body also dissipated overflowed. “”
“”That is to say…” Imamura Kohei’s voice choked up when he said this, “All the Bengyuan virus are based on the virus collected from Domabuki’s body…””
“The original virus spread from my body? Then, those who died… Doma buried his hands tightly, his body trembled slightly, and the color of his pupils unexpectedly changed to blood red!”
“”I know I’ve done something unforgivable! Imamura Kohei rolled over from the hospital bed, and then fell to his knees in front of Domabuki without standing still, “No one will say anything even if you die…but, but, I don’t want to die…” ”
“Kohei Imamura reached out and grabbed the white coat buried in Doma, and the tears in his eyes never stopped.”
“Buried in Doma took a deep breath, “Enough! That’s all for now, if you continue to accumulate pressure, it will be very dangerous. “”
“”Will you save me? Even for a person like me, are you willing to save me? Kohei Imamura was so moved, “Thank you… thank you… thank you!” “”
“You have indeed done the unforgivable. “The frost-faced Doma Bui helped Imamura Kohei to the hospital bed, “But as a doctor, I can’t leave the patient alone. “”
“”You really are a crystal-like person. Kohei Imamura said affectionately with tears in his eyes, “The crystal reflects my heart, emitting light gently… Ah, uh, ah, ah!” ! ! “”
“Suddenly, Kohei Imamura fell down clutching his chest, rolling in pain on the hospital bed, and it looked like he was going to have another attack.”
Chapter 184: There Is No One Who Can Lie Better Than You
“”Big ~ Transformation! “”
“Domabu used Almighty Brothers XX to switch to the cassette, and directly upgraded to Gemini, LV.XXR and LV.XXL said in unison, “Look at our super teamwork to pass the level! “”
“”shrimp! “Bengyuan body riding a bicycle screamed and rushed towards the two of them. He has a higher level and has the advantage!”
“However, in the eyes of LV.XXR and LV.XXL, it’s a different matter. They have a large number of people, two-on-one, and they have the advantage! The two of them glanced at each other. Although they didn’t communicate, they understood in an instant. intention of!”
“LV.XXL immediately ran to the side and ate a provocative prop that happened to be not far from her, “Hey, look here! “”
“”? ? ? “Bengyuan body, who was running, suddenly felt that his body turned uncontrollably, and ran towards LV.XXL.”
“Although he doesn’t know what’s going on, he doesn’t care. It’s nothing more than solving it together, and now we’re solving one first. It’s not a big problem!”
“And behind him, LV.XXR made a proud voice, “Has anyone told you that it is a very stupid thing to show your back to the enemy? “”
“She summoned the GASHACON keyboard sword, aiming at the back of the Bengyuan body!”
“”Gah! “Bengyuan body screamed and fell to the ground, while struggling like a fish, while trying to touch the wound behind him with his hands.”
“As for LV.XXR and LV.XXL, they didn’t intend to waste any time. They simultaneously pulled the lever of the player’s driver and activated their special moves.”
“The two jumped into the air, aimed at the head of the Bengyuan Body, and the Bengyuan Body exploded!”
“”Amazing. “Takagi She, who was making soy sauce on the side, didn’t hesitate to praise himself. If the Bengyuan body is dead, then the disease can be considered cured, right? Then he can take Imamura Kohei away? I didn’t expect the job of this guard It’s so easy to do, it didn’t take long, and the task was completed directly, I hope there will be more next time!”
“As the sound of the game passing sounded, Kohei Imamura, whose body had become a pineapple, went fromThe exploded Bengyuan body was exposed, and he took out the faulty drive tremblingly, and absorbed the data of the Bengyuan body that had just been killed. ”
“Heh, heh heh heh heh heh heh heh! Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Kohei Imamura lay on the ground, smiling like a poker player, “It was really helpful, buried in the soil, there is no one in this world who is more deceitful than you.” “”
“”what do you mean? “Mu Doma seemed to realize something, and asked in a cold tone.”
“”I will get game sickness, everything is in my plan! Kohei Imamura stood up slowly, and tore off his tattered shirt, “Because the police found out the stronghold, I don’t really want to tear myself apart with them for the time being, so I let myself suffer from game sickness to procrastinate.” time. “”
“My good guy, am I so cruel? I don’t even care about my life when I’m so cruel? I’m not afraid that they will just ignore me and let me fend for myself?” Kohei Imamura was shocked on the spot. He never expected that he could To be so ruthless, you can even boast that I have the posture of a hero!
“”Your tears just now, your confession just now, could it be said that they were all lies? ! “Doma buried his chest up and down, wishing he could cry that smiling face of Kohei Imamura right now!”
“”Since five years ago, you have been so transparent and pure, and that crystal-like stimulation has stimulated my talent. You are really the best experimental subject! Imamura Kohei stretched out his finger and buried it in the soil, he couldn’t control the smile on his face, “Your life is just dancing in my palm!” “”
“He put the faulty drive on his waist, licked his lips, “Let me show you, the power of GENMX!” “”
“” Transformation! “”
“”What a joke! “LV.XXR roared and rushed up, but was knocked to the ground by Kohei Imamura.”
“And LV.XXL was kicked away by Kamen Rider GENMX who suddenly appeared in front of her before she had time to react!”
“In a blink of an eye, the two EX-AIDs fell to the ground, and POPPY was stunned, “How could this be? No matter how he looked at it, he was still the tenth-level dangerous zombie cassette from before, how could he be so strong! “”
“Hahahaha, tenth level? No, not right! This is not level ten, but level X! “Kohei Imamura laughed wildly and activated his special move.”
“The purple-black field instantly enveloped the two EX-AIDs, obviously it was the same nirvana as before, but this time, what came out of this purple-black field was not the purple phantom zombies from before, but real zombies. Zombies! What’s even more frightening is that each of these zombies looks like Kamen Rider GENM!”
“”A lot of GENM! “POPPY’s eyes widened, he didn’t understand why there are so many GENM!”
“But Kohei Imamura said with a smile, “When it comes to zombies, the most important thing is undoubtedly the ability to proliferate! “”
“A large number of zombies sprang out from the field crazily, and then grabbed the two EX-AIDs tightly. Finally, all the zombies GENM turned into black mist and poured into the player’s driver buried in the soil.”
“The transformation buried in the soil was released in an instant, and I fell to my knees on the ground in extreme pain. The player driver on the waist has also become pineapple and pineapple, and it is completely unusable!”
“Xiao Bu, are you alright, Xiao Bu! “POPPY hurried over and hugged Domabu, but Domabu was in so much pain that he couldn’t even speak.”
“Hehehehe, your player drive has been corroded by me. Kohei Imamura walked up to Domabuki, and knelt down on one knee in front of her in an extremely exaggerated posture, “You can no longer transform!” The one who crushed your crystal was none other than Kohei Imamura! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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