“in the soundAmidst the sound of music, Domabuki and POPPY danced happily, touching all the notes one by one. ”
“When a song ended, the familiar mechanical voice sounded, “GAMECLEAR! “”
“Mr. Arima smiled lightly and shook his head, “Is there still such a way to clear the level? “”
“”So it’s like this… If you want to clear the music game, you still have to dance according to the rhythm. “Juice Hilfenfort also smiled. For her, it is also a good thing to be able to conquer another Bengyuan body.”
“Brother, are we watching a movie about a big curry country?” Doma buried his face at the moment with a confused expression, why did he dance?
It’s not their custom to dance when there is a disagreement!
“It’s okay to dance once in a while, and you dance to clear the level.” Doma Taihei didn’t think it was too strange, “At least I didn’t dance to celebrate when there was a car accident.”
“Just after the game was cleared, the patient living in the CR suddenly felt full of power again! Simply put, the sky has cleared, the rain has stopped, and he feels he is doing well again!”
“Xiao Bu, thank you! “POPPY hugged Domabuki, rubbed her body, and then came down to apologize to Mr. Arima and Tachibana Hilfenford, “I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble. “”
“”We also heard from Doma Buried that you were brainwashed by that guy, right? Those things have nothing to do with you, it’s good to be back anyway. Mr. Arima smiled and said, “I’m sorry about what happened before.” “”
“Just then, Prallad jumped out, “Is this all right? Poppy, are you going to abandon us like this and go to the human side? “”
“Domabu quickly blocked POPPY’s face, “I forbid you to shoot POPPY again! “”
“Palad was stunned for a moment, and then questioned like an abandoned woman, “Why, Xiaobu! You’ve been playing games with POPPY, why don’t you want to play with me! “”
“”Because, POPPY is different from you, you use your own will to take the lives of others! “”
“…Well, since you said so, I won’t use such gentle methods again. Even if I use coercion, I want you to play with me! “The red light in Palad’s eyes flashed, and then the whole person was completely submerged into the body buried in the earth!”
“”Ugh! ! “Tu Jian buried his head in pain and lowered his head.”
“Xiao Bu, are you alright? “POPPY hurried up and grabbed her shoulder.”
“Michima raised her head, her eyes had a strange red light, she smiled at POPPY, and then PIA slapped POPPY on the face!”
Chapter 202 Hey~
“Eh?! Why did Xiaobu beat her!” Hailao Mingcaicai was so surprised that the papaya on her body shook several times, “Obviously Xiaobu cared so much about her before, and did so many things to make her recover.”
“Could it be that Xiao Bu has been controlled by that evil Palade?” She couldn’t help but shudder, “Come on, Xiao Bu, we must defeat the evil Parade!”
“Hahahaha, come here, let us enjoy this exciting game together! “Tomama laughed wildly and took out the game cassette.”
“” Transformation! “”
“”Why would it be Parad’s cassette? ! “Arima Kosei and Tachibana Hilfenford stared wide-eyed, but the current situation doesn’t allow them to think about it any longer, so the two of them took out their cassettes and transformed themselves.”
“However, Doma Bui just pushed them to the ground with one punch and rubbed them together!”
“Then a raging flame burned on her right hand, and with a wave of her right hand, a ball of flame flew out, smashing Arima and Tachibana Hilfenford into the air! The knight slots on their bodies also began to ring. The alarm sounded, and the transformation was canceled in the blink of an eye.”
“”The game is still fun, I’m not going to be a doctor anymore! “Tu Jianbu put down such a sentence, turned around and left.”
“Am I so good? I’m also level 50, and I have a helper, why was I killed in seconds!” Mr. Arima smiled wryly twice.
Although he hasn’t played games much, this is really good! Picking the feet of the dishes!
“After leaving, Doma buried all the way into the Bengyuan body base in Fantasy Games Company, “Good afternoon, GRAPHITE. “”
“”EX-AID? “GRAPHITE heard the sound and looked back, almost scared to death. How could outsiders come to their base?! He immediately pointed the faulty driver in his hand to the soil buried, “Why are you here? ! “”
“Calm down, it’s me, it’s me! “Tu Jianbu greeted the two of them as if they were familiar with each other, then a red light flashed in his eyes, and Palad separated from Tu Jianbu’s body.”
“”call. Only then did GRAPHITE heave a sigh of relief, and put down the faulty driver in his hand, “It’s you, really, don’t scare me.” “”
“After Palad left, Domabu seemed to have lost her strength and fell to the ground. She looked at Palad angrily, “What did you do to me? “”
“”It’s all because you don’t want to play with me, that’s why I did it. “Palad picked up the player driver snatched from Buried in the Earth, “Do you think my level is too low? Are you willing to play with me only after my level has risen? “”
“EMMMMM…” Doma Bumi narrowed his eyes slightly.
Earlier she felt that this paradeLike a bitter woman, looking at it now, she looks even more like an abandoned bitter woman!
The sentence that Palade said, the sentence structure remains the same, as long as the content is slightly changed…
Do you dislike me for being old now? Is it because I am going to have plastic surgery and whitening, that you are willing to go home to accompany me?
Well, it became like this… Bumi Doma picked up the cup next to her, and the hand holding the cup trembled wildly. Now she felt a sense of guilt that she was a scumbag.
“”If this is the case, then I will find a way to upgrade my cassette. “Pallard took his own cassette and played it on the player drive.”
“GRAPHITE smiled, and then pointed the faulty driver at the soil and buried it, “Don’t bother, I can get rid of EX-AID now. “”
“”stop! “Palad grabbed GRAPHITE’s hand, “I am the only one who can defeat Xiaobu!” “”
“Why, are you so obsessed with fighting me? Buried in Doma was also surprised by Palade’s obsession, but she didn’t understand at all, “You are obviously a virus that infected me, and you are a Bengyuan body born from my body. Why don’t you take my body, but Persevere in fighting me! “”
“The smile on Prallad’s face disappeared immediately. She took three steps in two steps, walked in front of Tu Jianbu, and grabbed her collar with her hands, “Did you forget? Isn’t all this your wish? ! “”
“”my wish? “Tu Jian was stunned, she never expected to hear such an answer.”
“Looking at Tu Jianbu’s confused look, the angry Palad dragged her collar directly, left the base, and came all the way to a remote grove.”
“After throwing the soil down, Palade began to explain, “You and your brother are ten years apart in age, so when you were young, not only your parents were busy with work, Your brother is also busy with his studies, no one can take care of you, you have always been alone. “”
“”At that time, you always conceived your own game, dreaming that one day you could realize it. But in fact, all you want is an opponent who can play games with you. “”
“In the beginning, it was just an idea. Later, when you moved to your elder brother’s place, with your elder brother’s company, even if he didn’t accompany you all the time, the loneliness in your heart was also reduced a lot. Therefore, this idea is hidden in the deepest part of your heart. “”
“”Until one day, a thing called the Bengyuan virus infected your body, and this thought that was hidden by you combined with the Bengyuan virus… This is me! “”
“Xiao Bu! My brother didn’t know that you were so lonely!” Doma Taiping hugged his sister and cried, “It’s because my brother didn’t care about you before! Don’t worry, my brother will always care about you in the future ! Definitely won’t make you feel alone again!”
“…” Tujian Bu was stunned for a moment, and then he hugged his brother and cried softly, “Brother, I am so lonely~ When my brother is not at home, I can only pass the time by playing games, But those krypton gold players still rely on krypton gold equipment to bully me crazily, making me unable to enjoy playing a game~”
“Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My poor sister, come on, take the money, don’t let anyone bully you!” Doma Taihei said and wanted to take the money from his wallet.
Doma buried the corner of his mouth into a smile of conspiratorial success, and the moment Doma Taihei’s hand touched the money, his sanity returned, and his smart IQ once again occupied the high ground!
“Xiao Bu, are you using this trick to cheat me of money?”
“Eh?” Tu Jianbu didn’t cry anymore, he said hesitantly, “No, no, why do you say that?”
“Looking at your reaction, you really are cheating me of money?! Also, don’t play games when I’m not home! How many times have I told you, read books and study hard when you have time! ”
Doma buried himself for a moment, then tapped his head lightly with his right hand, “Hey~”
Chapter 203 More energy
“”Born from my wish…” Doma’s eyes widened, but he didn’t know what to say.”
“Yes, that’s why I said we have a destiny to fight! “The red light in Palad’s eyes flashed, and it turned into a ball of data again and flew into the body buried in Doma.”
“Xiao Bu, let us play games happily together! Doma buried his eyes with red light, said what Palade should have said, and then took out the Extraordinary Brothers XX cassette, “Big ~ transformation!” “”
“Soon, Doma Buried split into two EX-AIDs, but this time it’s different from before! LV.XXR, whose body color is orange, moved its neck, and the tone revealed full expectation, “A decisive victory Take it easy, little boy! “”
“This LV.XXR is obviously controlled by Palad!”
“In the CR at this time, POPPY was walking around with a puzzled face, “What’s going on? Why can Xiaobu use Palad’s cassette! Moreover, he is no longer a doctor, how could Xiao Bu say such words! “”
“Can you please be quiet? Even if you walk here for the rest of your life, it’s impossible to bring Xiao Bu back. “July Hilfenford sighed helplessly, “Besides, the facts of the situation just now are already obvious, right? Palad is probably the Bengyuan body produced by Xiaobu after being infected! “”
“”Eh? ! ! “POPPY’s expression can be said to be shocking for a whole year, “However, I remember Kohei Imamura said that infection of computer productsThe raw Bengyuan body is human-like, and the Bengyuan body produced by infecting humans should look strange! “”
“” But that Palad…” POPPY blinked his eyes as he spoke, and then had an expression of enlightenment, “Oh, yes! That Palad was so short, forty centimeters at most. Although cute, it is undoubtedly dwarfism level! It can barely be called grotesque! “”
“The level of dwarfism…” Doma buried a wry smile twice, her favorite hamster form was actually at the level of dwarfism in the eyes of others!
But forty centimeters is really short.
“”Then, Kohei Imamura also said that he had hidden the Bengyuan virus in the game he sent to Xiaobu five years ago, and then spent two years in the world to make Bengyuan in Xiaobu’s body. The body has grown up… In other words, this grown-up Bengyuan body is Palad? “”
“”It seems that what we guessed before, the Bengyuan body buried in Tujian has been separated long ago, which is undoubtedly correct! Arima Kosei tapped the table lightly with his hands, “And we now know who the Bengen Body that was separated from her is… Then, just find a way to defeat Parad!” “”
“”Um! “POPPY clenched his hands into fists and made a cheering gesture, “As long as he defeats Palad, Xiaobu won’t have to worry about game sickness anymore!” “”
“Meanwhile, on the other side, Domabu is being beaten by Prarad.”
“After pressing and punching the ground several times, Palade couldn’t help complaining, “What are you doing, little Bu, you need to work harder! If you just hit a sandbag, it’s meaningless at all! “”
“Palad, who is very dissatisfied with the current battle situation, took out the GASHACON keyboard sword and the X-treme X cassette and threw them over, “Let me use these for you, I have given you so much, is it enough?” “”
“However, Domabu was beaten up just now, and now he is in a very bad state. Even with a weapon and a cassette, he really didn’t have much strength. He was beaten severely by Palad, and finally fell to his knees on the ground.”
“Seeing that Tuma is kneeling, Prallad seems to be full of expectations and ready to confess to the goddess, but when he finds that the goddess is holding the hand of other men, he feels like, “Why, Xiaobu? Come on! It’s a pity that I specially activated the Kamen Rider Chronicle just to play with you! “”
“”What did you say? Domabu looked at Parad in surprise.”
“”I said, I activated the Kamen Rider Chronicle just to play with you! “”
“Then seeing Doma Buried’s panicked expression, Palad sneered, “Hahaha, you said that you can pass the level with one life to save the patients, but ah, the eradication of all human beings is also a fate triggered by your wish! That’s right, those who died were all killed by you! “”
“”No…it’s not like this…” Doma Buried’s body trembled unceasingly, and all the dead patients she had seen in the past appeared in front of her eyes one by one, accusing her of cruelty.”
Not only her in the video, but also the real Dochibuki trembled non-stop. For her who is still a high school student, human life is too heavy. She can’t kill other people’s lives. Can not afford!
“Xiao Bu, don’t be fooled by him! This kind of thing has nothing to do with you at all! Even if she was born from your wish, isn’t everything she does comes from her own will? How can this kind of thing happen?” I can put the blame on you!” Doma Taihei hugged his younger sister, gently stroking her head.
“Hmm…” Doma buried her head in tears, nodded heavily, and then said, “But it’s still a bit uncomfortable. At this time, only a shot of krypton gold can soothe my wounded heart.”
Then, she raised her head and looked at her brother with pitiful eyes, “Brother, please, give me krypton gold.”
The corner of Doma Taihei’s mouth twitched, but this time he did not refuse, he could see that the pain in his sister’s eyes was not fake, it was just changing the subject…Of course, it is not ruled out that it is sadness At the same time, a wave of krypton gold fees was extorted by the way.
“Arima Kosei and others were thinking about how to complete the operation on Doma and cure her game disease in CR, Tachibana Hilfenford suddenly stood up, “Someone uploaded a video of EX-AID on the Internet, It was taken just now, and the address is attached, let’s go there quickly! “”
“As soon as the three of them arrived at the scene, they saw LV.XXR beating LV.XXL violently!”
“”How is this going? Arima Gongsheng looked at this scene blankly, “Why, is he beating himself?” What about Palad? “”
“I was holding the LV.XXR of LV.XXL with my hand, and threw the LV.XXL out very unhappy, “I thought I could enjoy it slowly, but I didn’t expect someone to disturb us. Hate it! “”
“”This voice…” Tachibana Hilfenfurt exclaimed, “You’re Prallard! Why can you control EX-AID? “”
Chapter 204: Ninety-nine-level Palad
“”Why can EX-AID be manipulated? Hehehe…” Palade laughed, “Think about it, why is it possible to return to the present? What does it mean for her to be alive? “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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