“Thinking about it, he felt a little annoyed.”
Chapter 228 is just right for you to be out of print
“”CRONUS, I will not let you succeed! Buried Doma yelled, and quickly inserted the cassette into the GASHACON keyboard sword in his hand.”
“But before she could unleash the nirvana in her hand, a huge force hit her waist and abdomen. She couldn’t even stabilize her figure, and she flew out!”
“The walls of this temporary base were smashed and Domabu was buried in a pile of stone ruins.”
“”It’s easy to kill you with the power of PAUSE. Tachibana Alex didn’t activate the PAUSE ability, but walked step by step towards the ground, “But I’m in a bad mood right now, so I don’t want you to die for no reason during the pause!” I want you to feel the fear of death in pain! “”
“”MAX’s big transformation! “”
“Seeing that life is in danger buried in the earth, Prade finally overcame the fear of Kamen Rider CRONUS in her heart. After she transformed, she slashed Tachibana Alex on the back with an ax!”
“Although it didn’t cause any effective damage, it managed to draw the hatred of Tachibana Alex.”
“”Palad? Sure enough, you still got mixed up with Domabu. That’s just right, today is sunny and sunny, and it’s just right for you and EX-AID to go out of print together! “”
“Juice Alex grabbed Palad’s weapon, kicked her on the calf, causing her body to lose balance, then lifted her hard with his hand, and threw her into the air, followed by a Punch after punch!”
“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
“Each of his punches hit Palade’s chest with precision, and the last punch seemed to shatter the air, making a terrifying sound of breaking through the air! ”
“Palad! “Mu Doma had just crawled out of the stone ruins when he saw Parad falling beside her.”
“Drip, drop, drop…”
“Palad’s knight trough issued a rapid siren, and she herself writhed on the ground, but she couldn’t get up. The attack just now really hurt her too much!”
“It’s time for you to go out of print! “Tangerine Alex put on the faulty driver, ready to launch the nirvana.”
“As soon as I saw this scene, Palad, who hadn’t had much strength just now, stood up and rushed in front of Domabu. The speed was so fast that one wondered if she was not injured at all.”
“But her trembling body at the moment, as well as her hoarse and weak voice, all show the seriousness of her injuries!”
“However, even so, she still stood in front of Domabu without fear!”
“Xiao Bu’s life, I will protect it! “”
“She is afraid of death. She is so afraid. Even now, her heart is trembling! However, someone’s life is more important than her own!”
“Stop it, Prallad! You run away! “Tu Jianbu yelled anxiously, clapped his hands on the ground, rushed out from the stone ruins, and then wanted to pull Palla away.”
“”It seems that your relationship is really deep, but don’t be so anxious, anyway, both of you are going out of print! Tangerine Alex sneered and held up the malfunctioning drive.”
“At this moment, GRAPHITE’s voice came from behind him, “Transcendence! Super super super super red lotus explosion dragon sword! “”
“As if the raging flame dragon was about to burn the world, it ran into Tachibana Alex with an incomparable posture!”
“After the flames dissipated, Tachibana Alex stood on the spot almost unscathed. He turned to face GRAPHITE, “I planned to deal with you in the end, but do you really want to die that much? “”
“”I fought with them in an upright manner, and the winner has already been decided, but you want to destroy this sacred battle, which is unforgivable! “GRAPHITE, who was seriously injured just now, looked unusually energetic at this time, he raised the weapon in his hand, “Let me, GRAPHITE, be your opponent!” “”
“Then I will fulfill you, let you go out of print first!” “”
“Looking at Tachibana Alex rushing towards him, GRAPHITE knew that there was no way out, so he turned his gaze to Palad, “Palad, although the paths we chose are different, there is no doubt that you are my Companion for life! EX-AID, I am very grateful to you, at the last moment of my life, let me have the best fight! “”
“Palad! EX-AID, go away! I can only help you here! “GRAPHITE’s tone became agitated, “Red Lotus Explosive Dragon Sword!” “”
“”GRAPHITE! “Palad yelled in panic, wanting to go back and save him.”
“But as soon as she took a step, she was buried by the earth and grabbed her arm, “Let’s go, Prad! Don’t waste GRAPHITE’s mind! “”
“”Decisive skill! CRITICALSACRIFICE! “”
“At this moment, Tachibana Alex has already activated his ultimate move. The faulty driver on his wrist is entangled with a large amount of green energy. With just one blow, he smashed the huge fire dragon and GRAPHITE’s body!”
“The battle ended here, GRAPHITE slowly knelt down on the ground, turned into a ball of data, and completely dissipated.”
“And when Tachibana Alex turned around, he found that there were no figures buried in Doma and Palad. He couldn’t help grinning softly, “GRAPHITE, let me admit it, this victory or defeat is you win. “”
“GRAPHITE…” Doma buried her lips, watching the video with misty eyes. She never thought that she would be saved by the enemy she met at the very beginning.
This made her feel very complicated, “Sure enough, just like Xiaohong and Poppy, the Bengyuan body is actually very pure. Palad just wants to play with me, and GRAPHITE just wants to fight.”
“Are you sad for GRAPHITE?” Doma Taihei patted his younger sister on the head, “Don’t be too sad, have you forgotten that a complete Bengyuan body can be revived? Only when you die in PAUSE can you not be revived! One day, GRAPHITE will be revived too.”
“However, by then, will he infect someone again and take his life?”
Hearing his brother’s guess, Tu Jianbu shuddered fiercely, “That’s too dangerous! Let’s forget it, let him die like this, it’s good!”
“…” Tuma Taiping looked at his sister speechlessly, you changed your face too quickly, right?
Sure enough, all women are chicken feet with pickled peppers!
Chapter 229 Unable to Resurrect
“”GRAPHITE…” After being buried by Doma and walking away, Palad leaned against a wall, her face was full of sadness, and then she took out the faulty drive, “If this is the case, then I will send you resurrection! “”
“But when she pressed the button on the faulty drive and waited for GRAPHITE to come back to life, she found that no data belonging to GRAPHITE flew out of the drive.”
“”How is this going? “Palad panicked at once, “Why can’t it be resurrected? ! GRAPHITE is obviously not in PAUSEHe was killed at the time! “”
“”I think it’s the administrator’s tape. “Buried Doma said with a complicated expression, “Imamura Kohei told me before that the administrator cassette held by Tachibana Alex is different from the general Kamen Rider Chronicle cassette, which can manage the entire game. Cassette! “”
“”Not only can you manage all the Bengyuan virus, even the data of all the people who died due to the Bengyuan virus are also managed by that card! In the Kamen Rider Chronicle, he is undoubtedly a god with the administrator cassette! “”
“”At first, I didn’t quite understand what this sentence meant…but now I understand that without his permission, no dead can be resurrected! “”
“”…” Palad clenched his fists in pain, his expression extremely angry, “CRONUS! “”
“”GRAPHITE’s customs clearance certificate was taken away by him. Without this customs clearance certificate, we can’t summon the final BOSS——GAMEDEUS! In other words, there is no way to help Ebina cure the game disease for the time being. “Tu Jianbu let out a long sigh, “Let’s go back and think of a solution, Palad.” “”
“”Um. “Palad closely followed the footsteps buried in the earth, but she stopped suddenly after taking two steps, and frowned slightly, “Wait… Xiaobu, why did Tachibana Alex know that we Going to GRAPHITE? “”
“”Don’t you find it strange that GRAPHITE showed up within minutes of our meeting? Could it be that someone told Tachibana Alex about our whereabouts? “”
“”If you say that…” Mimi Doma couldn’t help frowning, and then Arima Kosei suddenly appeared in her mind, why did she betray CR and go to Tachibana Alex Mr. Arima will come back suddenly? If he comes back at this time, could it be that…”
“Did you guess it? That’s great!” Miyazono Kaoru cheered as her eyes lit up. She didn’t want Mr. Arima to bear his life for her at all!
Now that they have been guessed by Domabuki, they must be prepared. In this way, Mr. Arima will definitely not succeed!
As for Arima’s failure, she will die completely, she doesn’t care at all, anyway, she is still alive now! Moreover, even if she is still alive now… she will die soon.
“Anyway, I’m going to die, there’s no need to do these things against conscience for me!”
Although she said this with a smile, Miyazono Kaoru’s expression looked very lonely. If possible… She also wants a body that is not sick, and can live happily like an ordinary person!
“But then, Doma Buki shook his head violently, “No, it’s not him! It must not be him! How can you doubt your companion casually? Tachibana Alex must be able to grasp our location information, just like Imamura Kohei! It shouldn’t be too difficult for him who has the Kamen Rider Chronicle administrator cassette to do this kind of thing! “”
“”Or, Tachibana Alex himself was going to find GRAPHITE, but he happened to bump into us! Yes, it is like that! “”
“…” Miyazono Kaoru looked at the video speechlessly and guessed the correct answer, and then buried the correct answer in Doma, who recalled himself in the exam, first chose an answer, and then felt wrong , After changing it several times in a row, I finally found out that the answer at the beginning was correct.
It’s outrageous!
However, she also knew that this was Domabu’s trust in her companions!
“Hey…” She couldn’t help but let out a long sigh, then gently closed her eyes and prayed, “Young Master, don’t let this trust go.”
“I… hope I don’t do anything to hurt them.” Arima Kosei on the other side looked quite low at this time, facing this heavy trust, he really didn’t want himself to betray this trust!
But… Will he in the video really not betray this trust?
I’m afraid he really revealed the whereabouts of Domabu and Palad, right?
“It’s not a question of whether you want it or not, but that I have betrayed this trust.”
“On the afternoon of the second day, Tachibana Hilfenfurt slowly opened his eyes.”
“You’re awake at last, Sylphin! that is really good! “Poppy, who was watching by the side, discovered this fact at the first time. She jumped up excitedly, and hurried to the hospital bed to comfort her, “Silfen, how are you feeling now? Is there any other discomfort? Want to eat something? Would you like some water? “”
“”She just woke up, don’t be so loud, what if you disturb her? Mr. Arima held a glass of water, handed it over, and smiled at Tachibana Hilfenford, “Drink some hot water.” “”
“”thanks. “Tachibana Hilfenford didn’t even know that Arima had betrayed CR before, so there was nothing strange about Arima standing here. She frowned, rubbed herself up from the bed with difficulty, and then stretched out her hand I’m about to take the cup from Mr. Arima.”
“The moment her hand was about to touch the cup, Arima suddenly withdrew her hand.”
“”Um? What’s wrong? “Tachibana Hilfenford looked at him blankly, you don’t want me to drink it, so don’t hand it over from the beginning!”
“Uh, ah, this…” Mr. Arima sweated on his forehead, and his breathing was a little short, “Yes, the water is not too hot! “”
“After flustered for a while, he finally calmed down, and smiled apologetically at Tachibana Hilfenford, “Sorry, this glass of water has been on the shelf for a while, and it’s cold now, I’ll go againHave another drink. “”
“Don’t bother, just this cup is fine. “”
“”No trouble! “Mr. Arima dropped a few words and left the ward quickly.”
“”What’s up with him? “Tachibana Hilfenford looked at POPPY with some puzzlement, why did she think that Mr. Arima was born weird?”
“POPPY blinked, “Maybe it’s because you’re finally waking up, you’re too excited, right?” “”
Chapter 230 One-time trial version
“” Kohei Imamura, now GRAPHITE’s customs clearance certificate has been snatched by Tachibana Alex, is there a way for you to get the customs clearance certificate back? “”
“Yesterday afternoon, after Domabumi and Palade returned to CR, they wanted to consult Shin-Imamura Kohei immediately, but they didn’t expect that he didn’t come back until evening.”
“So, Bui Doma came to CR immediately after school in the afternoon, clapped both hands on Kohei Shin Imamura’s desk, and asked him.”
“It’s Shin Imamura Kohei! Imamura Kohei first emphasized his new name, and then looked at Domabuki with eyes like looking at a fool, “You said that it was snatched by Tachibana Alex, so how can you get it back?” ? We can’t beat him again! “”
“”Can you make another invincible cassette? Now that Palad can return to my body at any time, we can already use the invincible cassette! “Doma Buried asked again.”
“”Phew…” Shin Imamura Kohei let out a long sigh, “I want to do it too, but I don’t have the materials! Cassettes also need materials! The material used to make the invincible cassette tape was originally brought by Poppy from Fantasy Company, and CR only has this material! “”
“”If you want to make an invincible cassette, you can only go back to the fantasy company to get the materials. He shook his head with a wry smile, “But, that guy Juan Alex, how could he allow us to get the materials?” Impossible! “”
“I knew that there was no way to use the invincible cassette in Doma Buried, so he waited to make it now! Not only did he use up the last part of the material, but the cassette was robbed before it played its due role! It’s simply Pit father!”
“”Is that so…” Doma Bumi also lowered his voice, “It seems that we can only find a way to steal GRAPHITE’s customs clearance certificate from Fantasy Company. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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