“What, surprised? Doma Taihei smiled and sat on the table, “Isn’t Kohei Imamura also resurrected?” “”
“”Peace in the earth! You are also resurrected! “Palad’s expression is a bit complicated, but more is that he is happy for Domabu.”
“Wait! Why is he here? Instead of going to CR to find Xiaobu?”
“Thinking of this, Palad immediately asked bluntly, “What are you doing here? “”
“”Me, I’m helping Alex right now. “”
“”! ! ! “Paraton’s pupils shrank, and he immediately took out the cassette, “MAX has a big transformation!” “”
“At the same time, Doma Taihei also took out the cassette, “0 speed! Transform! “”
“”Level 0 cassette? ! “Palad’s heart tightened immediately, what he hates the most is this cassette!”
“Level 0 cassettes can be said to be specially designed for their Bengyuan bodies! What makes her feel even more disgusted is that this cassette itself does not have too much combat power, at most it is at the level of a normal player’s tenth level!”
“It forcibly pulls the powerful fighting power of the Bengyuan body to the same level of garbage as it, and then defeats the Bengyuan body with its rich experience of being garbage for many years!”
“She, Parade, doesn’t want to be trash at all! She was downgraded by Kohei Imamura before, but it took her a long time to recover!”
Chapter 233 Scared of the hen
“With the sound of a broken glass, a large number of glass shards fell from the air, hitting between Tachibana Alex and Domabuki.”
“At this time, Doma Buried and Shin Imamura Kohei are already lying on the ground. It’s so miserable that the knight slot is almost at zero! Although they intend to try their best to keep the distance, it’s a pity that they are facing each other. Tachibana Alex of the high-speed tool, their speed is too slow!”
“The glass that suddenly fell from the sky immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and then they saw two figures descending from the sky!”
“Palad fell to the ground first. She fell to the ground with a slap, and let out a mournful cry from time to time. It was obvious that she was knocked down!”
“And the other one is Kamen Rider LAZER who landed firmly on the ground!”
“…” The moment Domabuki saw LAZER, she froze, as if she couldn’t even feel the pain on her body, she asked in an unbelievable low voice, “Brother, is that you? “”
“Doma Taihei didn’t reply to her, and said to Tachibana Alex, “This person looks exactly the same as Xiaobu after transforming. It’s the Parad you mentioned, right? Sure enough, as you expected, she sneaked into the fantasy company and wanted to steal something, but I defeated her. “”
“Brother, what are you talking about? ! “Hearing Doma Taihei’s voice, Doma Mi was even more sure that this is her brother! No one else used her brother’s cassette!”
“”Why help him! This Man Wants to Expand Kamen Rider Chronicle to the World, by that time, people all over the world may die because of this game! “”
“”huh huh huh huh. Tachibana Alex showed off to Doma with satisfaction, “Your brother is willing to work for me. After all, the salary I pay is very high!” “”
“Alex, it’s time to go back, right? You also promised not to hurt Xiao Bui! “Doma Taiping glanced at his younger sister on the ground, and couldn’t help urging.”
“”Generally speaking, I don’t want to hurt them either. After all, I have already promised you. I have many advantages, and among all the advantages, the one that is worthy of praise is my commitment! “July Alex’s tone was quite sad, “But it’s a pity, your sister and others came to steal things. If they can’t be out of print, I will be very unhappy!” “”
“So, let them go out of print! He sneered and installed the faulty driver on his wrist, and said hypocritically, “However, senior, don’t worry too much. As long as you continue to work hard, I will consider resurrecting your sister!” “”
“”Wait for me! This is different from what we said! Doma Taiping stepped forward to grab his hand in a panic, “If you are worried that Xiaobu and the others will pose a threat to you if they get the invincible cassette, just destroy the invincible cassette!” “”
“”Hmm~” Tachibana Alex tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, “Your proposal makes sense. Moreover, although you have just joined the company not long ago, you have managed a business for me. It is my consistent standard to pay for what you do. You just finished the labor, but I want to erase the salary you prepared for you, which is really not good. “”
“Then, let this cassette go out of print! “Juice Alex took out the invincible cassette he was carrying with him as he spoke, intending to completely destroy this cassette.”
“Because I saw Taihei Doma defeating Prallard so professionally, Tachibana Alex felt much more relieved about Taihei Doma.”
“Besides, in his opinion, the invincible cassette may not necessarily be able to defeat him, and there is absolutely no need for Doma Taihei to betray himself and grab something that he is not sure whether he can beat him!”
“If he can’t beat himself after being betrayed, isn’t his sister dead? It’s impossible for this sister-in-law to do such a thing! Like now, do things for me safely, when I want to kill his sister Come out and beg for mercy, this is what a dead sister should do!”
“So, it can be said that he took out the invincible cassette without any defense.”
“Damn sister control… Hehehe~ Even my brother’s former colleague can see it.” Doma buried his hands and grabbed the coiled little feet, shaking them from side to side cutely, and from time to time looked at them with narrow eyes Looking at my brother.
Doma Taiping blushed a lot, “Sister-in-law, should it mean protecting my sister?”
“Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” Doma Bui nodded perfunctorily, but looking at her eyes, she knew that she didn’t believe what Doma Taihei said at all!
“The moment Tachibana Alex took out the cassette, Palad, who was just lying on the ground looking like he was dying, suddenly jumped up and hugged him! Taihei Doma took it from his hand immediately. Stolen the invincible cassette!”
“”what? ! “Juice Alex was stunned for a moment, and then said in disbelief, “You, dare to betray me? Even Palad is just pretending to be seriously injured! Why, are you sure that the cassette can defeat me? ! “”
“”It’s too ugly to say betrayal, you don’t think that way of relying on threats can make me loyal to you? Taihei Doma didn’t hesitate at all after getting the cassette, he threw the cassette towards Mima Doma, “Xiao Bu, catch it!” “”
“”Since you have made a decision, then give me all out of print! “Juice Alex broke away from Palad’s restraint with a strong effort of both arms, and then kicked her away again.”
“He was about to eat a high-speed prop and destroy the invincible cassette before Doma Buried’s transformation, but he saw that Palad had already turned into a mass of data and flew into Doma Buried’s body.”
“Palad, if the two of us are together, there is no doubt that we are invincible! “Feeling the existence of Palad in his body, Doma buried a smile on the corner of his mouth, and directly activated the invincible cassette, “HYPER’s big transformation! “”
“” Shine! Like a shooting star! Gold’s strongest player! HYPERMUTEKIEX-AID! “”
“Originally, the ninety-nine-level fat man’s Domabu flew out from the thick external armor, and the pink armor on his body changed into a golden armor. Long golden hair grew on his head, and his whole body was even more so. Glittering golden dandruff!”
“”Appeared! It finally appeared! The ultimate expression of my divine talents! Kohei Shin Imamura began to tremble with excitement, “The most invincible gold player!” “”
Chapter 234 Complete Victory
“No, invincible?” Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned. When watching Baiyin Yuxing’s video before, her sister Yukinoshita Yono found out that invincibility is a DEBUFF! Anyone who dares to claim to be invincible will not end well!
She is very worried now that this player who not only claims to be invincible, but has also become an invincible player, will be beaten into a dog after being buried!
“”Phew…” Tachibana Alex wasn’t too annoyed even though Bumi Doma was successfully transformed, “After all, it’s just a strength that can only last ten seconds, it’s no big deal! “”
“”Look at me passing the level with my life! “Tu Jianbu made a long-lost hand gesture, then jumped lightly, and jumped in front of Tachibana Alex,The straight punch carried unparalleled strength, and it hit his chest fiercely! ”
“”Humph! “Juice Alex was not afraid at all, and also greeted him with a punch.”
“But at the moment when their fists collided, Tachibana Alex felt as if his hand was going to be broken!”
“What he doesn’t know is that when an invincible player is shining, the basic data will reach the peak, far exceeding the basic data of Kamen Rider CRONUS!”
“What a powerful force! It’s much stronger than me! No, you can’t fight him head-on, you have to wait until the end of 10 seconds! Tachibana Alex’s heart tightened, and he immediately decided to start the ten-second plan!”
“However, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of speed, the invincible player transformed by Doma Bui is far superior to him!”
“Just now, how did he rely on his speed to chase and hit Domabu, and now Domabu chases and beats him in reverse!”
“”Well! “Juice Alex snorted, feeling like his bones were almost broken!”
“However, at this time, he didn’t feel uncomfortable, but rather excited, because according to his calculation, ten seconds had already passed!”
“But the excitement didn’t last for a second, and he looked at the earth buried in front of him, which hadn’t changed at all, and became puzzled, “Why, it must have been ten seconds! “”
“Doma Buried hit him in the arm again, “My invincibility time has no limit! “”
“”Pfft! “Juice Alex was knocked down to the ground with a punch, and there was severe pain all over his body. The unspeakable pain made him stare at him, and he almost passed out like this!”
“Okay… this is really invincible.” Yukinoshita Yukino withdrew her worries with a complicated expression, this invincible player doesn’t need her to worry at all!
She finally understood that the invincible DEBUFF in the stand-in world cannot be controlled by the Kamen Rider!
“”Let’s finish with this! “Looking at Tachibana Alex who was struggling to get up from the ground, Doma buried his right hand and clenched his fist, hitting the invincible cassette, launching his nirvana.”
“”Decisive skill! HYPER CRITICAL SPARKING! “”
“Her right foot gathered golden energy, jumped into the air, and kicked Tachibana Alex!”
“After kicking him more than a dozen times in a row, the soil buried safely fell to the ground.”
“”Ah…huh? “Juice Alex was screaming after being kicked, but suddenly froze. Doesn’t it hurt at all?”
“”Ah. So, he snorted coldly, “Do you think such a weak attack can be effective?” “”
“But the moment he finished speaking, his body seemed to be hit by countless attacks! He was even hit into the sky! And beside him, a combo number was rising crazily!”
“”The ultimate blow! Complete victory! “”
“It took so long for the damage to come out, how high is the delay!” The Phoenix Academy shook its head fiercely, expressing its deep abhorrence for the high delay, “Even playing games requires such a high network speed. For research, the requirement for internet speed is even higher! Assistant, go and upgrade LAB’s internet package tomorrow.”
“Huh? Why me?” Makise Kurisu stared at him speechlessly, “Can’t you just go by yourself? It’s not far away.”
“Hmph, assistant, you’re so naive, you don’t think I’m rich, do you?” Phoenix Academy sneered ferociously, and seemed quite proud.
And this kind of performance undoubtedly made the disdain on Makise Kurisu’s face even more serious, “It’s a good thing you can say such a thing so proudly! You won’t be next to a rich woman in the future and eat soft food the way?”
“”I was actually defeated…and I lost not to Kamen Rider CRONUS, but to a cassette that was made temporarily! “Arc flashed on Tachibana Alex’s body, and he was soon released from his transformation. With blood all over his face, he just half-kneeled on the ground, gnashing his teeth, looking desolate and terrifying!”
“”Improvised? “After hearing this, Kohei Shin Imamura was not happy! He would never hear someone say that his production is not good! According to Tachibana Alex, it is not that he thinks that the invincible cassette he made should be Crudely made?”
“Don’t underestimate me who possesses the talent of a god! My talents have no limits! Whether it’s CRONUS, GAMEDEUS, or Invincible Cassette, they are all born out of my talent! “”
“Give up, CRONUS, you are already a loser!” “Tu Jianbu did not continue to choose to make up the knife, she persuaded softly, “If you choose to resurrect all the people who died of the collapse virus now, maybe when you are convicted, your sentence can be commuted as appropriate. “”
“”Hehehehahahahahaha! “”
“Although he was at an absolute disadvantage, Juicy Alex laughed wildly. The ferocious smile combined with the blood on his face made him look extraordinarily terrifying.”
“”what’s so funny? “Tu Jianbu couldn’t help asking, and at the same time became slightly on guard, afraid that Tachibana Alex would still have a backup!”
“”As punishment for daring to resist me, I want to tell you one thing! Tachibana Alex stopped laughing wildly, and said word by word, “Mr. Arima did not choose to return to CR, but returned under my instructions!” The purpose is to kill Tachibana Hilfenfurt! “”
“”Now all of you have come out, there is only one POPPY left in CR, I’m afraid he has already succeeded? Hahaha! Hahahahaha! “”
“”What did you say? ! “Buried in Doma couldn’t believe his ears, as ifA thunderbolt hit the head, and it was as if someone had poured cold water from head to toe, and the whole body was numb. ”
“At this moment, her brain has completely lost the ability to direct her own actions, and she stands there motionless like a log, staring at Tachibana Alex in front of her with dazed eyes.”
Chapter 235 He Wants It All
“No, it won’t be like that! Arima would never do such a thing! “Tu Jianbu shook his head frantically in disbelief, “No way! Absolutely not! “”
“”Do you still have expectations for that man? Tangerine Alex smiled coldly, “Don’t think about it!” This man has already betrayed you all in order for me to revive his girlfriend! How could he care about betraying you again? ! “”
“No, he won’t! “Dogma gave a loud roar, as if he was angrily rebuking Tachibana Alex for insulting Mr. Arima, and seemed to be strengthening his confidence!”
“After yelling, she turned around and wanted to go back to CR immediately, but just as she took a step, she saw Mr. Arima walking over in a daze.”
“”Arima, you…” Seeing Arima’s expression, Doma buried her head and almost fainted, but even so, she didn’t want to believe that Arima would kill Tachibana Nozomi Alfenford!”
“She asked hurriedly, “How is Sylfin now? Is she better? Is it because you are much better that you came here? “”
“”huh huh huh huh. Tangerine Alex laughed with satisfaction, “It seems that it’s over!” How about buried in the soil? How are you feeling now? ! Hahahahahaha! “”
“”Speak, why don’t you speak! There are horses! “Tu Jianbu rushed up and grabbed Mr. Arima’s shoulders, and shook him vigorously, “Say it, tell her she’s fine!” Say it! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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