“”Well! Uh oh oh oh! ! “A pitch-black light erupted from his body, and strange lines emerged on his body. With a strange twist, he stood up straight again, showing a ferocious smile.”
“”The god of games—the power of GAMEDEUS, the genius player UMR—the power of Palad, and the genius game designer—my power! Everything has been obtained by me! “”
“He picked up the cassette that fell from Palad’s waist because her body dissipated, and a stream of pitch-black power poured into the cassette!”
“Then, the cassette changed!”
“”Hahahaha, hahahahahaha! ! ! Kohei Shin Imamura looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, “Successful!” It worked! ! Now is the time to become a god among gods! “”
“I’m still the final boss!” Imamura Kohei covered his face and wept bitterly. He was just a second dimension, he didn’t want to develop games or rule the world, why should he suffer such pain!
“”Xin Imamura Kohei, is this all in your plan? ! “Tomama clenched his fists and reprimanded angrily.”
“”I have given up the name Kohei Shin Imamura! “Xin Imamura Kohei did not answer, but the corner of his mouth curled up, and then he roared with an extremely exaggerated expression, “Now, my name is Imamura Kohei God!” “”
“What?” Imamura Kohei put a big question mark in his small head, this…could it be the aggravation of the second illness?
Don’t do this kind of thing!
Can you understand the pain of the black history of the second disease being exposed in the eyes of the public? !
“Yeah, I understand, I understand!” Although Kohei Imamura didn’t hear the cry in his mind, Dansheng Gu Morixia nodded empathetically.
Let them disappear in the long river of history completely for the black history of the second-year-old disease in the past!
If that kind of thing was exposed…she would definitely roll on the ground with her head in her arms!
Chapter 238 God Billion
“”I thought that after staying in CR for a while, you should already understand the preciousness of life! But now you say that the Kamen Rider Chronicle is not over yet? Is this game so important to you? ! It even killed Palad because of it! “”
“Palad isn’t dead. “Facing the roar buried in Doma, Kohei Imamura just smiled slightly, “She left part of the data in your body, so you can transform into an invincible player without Parad, right? But, even so, once Palad is really dead, you won’t be able to transform! “”
“So, do you understand? Parad is alive! I know the preciousness of life best, and I won’t kill people easily! Moreover, it is precisely because I understand the preciousness of life that Kamen Rider Chronicle is so important to me! “”
“”Do you understand the preciousness of life? Using the Bengyuan virus to wantonly take the lives of others, this is what you call understand? ! “The chest buried in the soil kept rising and falling, obviously she was extremely angry. With the change of her mood, shiny dandruff appeared around her again. Now, the invincible player she transformed has reached the data limit. The pinnacle!”
“” Wanton snatching away? Do you still think I killed those people now? It seems that you will not understand me. “Although he was facing the invincible cassette made by himself, Kohei Imamura did not panic at all. He activated the cassette in his hand with a smile, “Let me show you the power of the Supreme God!” “”
“”GRADE BILLION! Transform! “”
“Wait, what did he just say?!” Wugeng Liuli who was drinking water almost spit out, GRADEBILLION? Level billion?
good homeMan, this hang up is getting bigger! And it really made her guess right, one billion came out! A knife nine nine nine is not as exaggerated as you! This game’s numbers are all broken!
It is recommended to kill numerical planning!
“” Immortal! The highest level of divine talent! GODMAXIMUMMX! “”
“After the transformation of Kohei Kinamura, the group of people stared at the armor on his body and started to be dazed. This…isn’t Ninety-Nine’s Domabuki changing color?!”
“Facing the strange eyes of everyone, his tone did not fluctuate at all, “My level is, one billion! “”
“”…” After a moment of silence, Mr. Arima sneered, “What billion, isn’t it up to you to decide how many levels? ! “”
“As soon as the words fell, he held the holy sword of GASHACON in his hand, and like a gust of wind, he kept circling around Kohei Imamura, and slashed at Kohei Imamura from time to time!”
“But the strange thing is that even after being hacked so many times, Kohei Imamura didn’t have a single combo count.”
“When Mr. Arima approached him again, he grabbed his neck, “Your attack didn’t break the defense at all, you probably haven’t noticed it yet, have you?” “”
“Then, he punched Mr. Arima in the chest, causing him to spiral directly into the sky, turning into a bright star in the sky!”
“Ah, yes, I forgot to tell you. Seeing everyone’s surprised eyes, Kohei Imamura said like showing off, “The power of this cassette has no limit!” All output can be set arbitrarily by me! Ten tons, one hundred tons, one thousand tons, one hundred million tons, or even ten trillion tons of fist power! For me, it’s all easy! “”
“”So, even if I hit the person out of the first cosmic speed and let him escape the gravity of the planet, I can easily do it! “He raised his right hand, as if showing off his strength, and made a fist movement.”
“Is this a modifier?” Doma Mizuki stared dumbfounded, setting his power arbitrarily, how could there be such a shameless thing in this world!
“It’s really outrageous!” Doma Taihei’s expression was also very complicated, how could such a fierce guy fight!
But unlike the complicated thoughts of the two brothers and sisters at this time, some guo Ling leaders saw this and their eyes lit up. Good guy, it’s okay to just hit people at the speed of the first universe? In other words, things like satellites and space don’t need rockets!
Just let him hit it with his fist! This saves materials and saves money!
However, if you think about it carefully, it would not be so good if the satellite is blown up… EMMMMM, the problem is not big, and the specific implementation method can be discussed slowly!
For example, put a layer of remote-controllable solid shell on the outside of the satellite, and control the opening of the shell after it is sent up.
Moreover, it’s not just sending things into space, it’s also useful when throwing missiles! With his arbitrarily adjusted power, he might not be able to send missiles to any position on this planet! How much fuel is saved!
But… I’m afraid that if he doesn’t control his strength well, he will kill his own people, so let’s forget about it.
“”What did you say? ! Could it be that Arima already…” Domabu looked at the sky in a panic, only to find that Arima had already fallen.”
“With a strong kick, she leaped into the air and hugged Mr. Arima. At this time, Mr. Arima had been forcibly removed from his transformation. If he hadn’t been buried in the soil, he would have turned into a small pile of puddles.” Biscuits.”
“”This guy! “Tachibana Hilfenford glared at Kohei Imamura, and fired the cannon on his shoulder with a bang.”
“However, just like Mr. Arima, this didn’t do him any harm!”
“Brother, Sylphin, you all back away! “Buried in Doma’s tone contained strong anger. She put Mr. Arima on the ground, then turned and glared at Kohei Imamura, “Let me be your opponent!” Look at me, pass the level with one life! “”
“”One life clearance? Give it a try if you can! “”
“Kohei Imamura laughed wildly and punched it. As the creator, he knows the power of the invincible cassette better than anyone else, so he raised his power to an extremely terrifying level as soon as he came!”
“And even so, this punch didn’t cause any damage to Buried Doma… After all, Buried Doma is in an invincible state right now. If he doesn’t have Invincibility Penetration and the enhancement release, he won’t be able to hit him!”
“Similarly, when the power buried in the soil hit him, he didn’t react at all, and he didn’t break the defense at all!”
“So, when the two of them fight together, it can basically be called mutual scraping… It may be worse than scraping. There is at least 1 point, or even a dozen points of damage from scraping, but the damage the two of them hit each other, Totally 0!”
“When the top Gua Sha master sees them both, he must respectfully call him Patriarch!”
Chapter 239 What do you know about me
“”Since this is the case, let me show you this trick! Kohei Imamura seemed to be tired of scraping each other, jumped back, and then raised his right hand, “Universe Chronicle, start!” “”
“Then a huge round mirror appeared in the sky, and a terrifying light energy erupted from the round mirror, causing the surrounding earth to melt rapidly!”
“Using the power of the cosmic chronicle, I can even dominate the universe! The power you feel now is the light from the stars! “”
“However, Kohei Imamura, who had just finished showing off, saw the unscathed Domabuki in that light…”
“” Tsk! As expected of a cassette made with my divine talent! Sure enough! “He couldn’t help spitting.Sound, if I knew he wouldn’t have made the invincible cassette so strong! Isn’t this shooting yourself in the foot? But if he really wanted to make a shoddy cassette, he felt sorry for his talent! ”
“Although he still has moves such as Tianshi Zhenxing…ah, no, summoning asteroids, or pulling down the moon, but it must be of no use to invincible players!”
“Sure enough, we still want to retreat for the time being, and give priority to designing abilities like invincible penetration? Kohei Imamura stroked his chin, already planning to run away in his heart.”
“Facing this kind of scraping situation, Doma Bui also finds it very tricky, but there is no way, she doesn’t want to let this person go! She doesn’t want to see someone die because of the Kamen Rider Chronicle game again!”
“But the current situation is that she can’t touch the other side, and the other side can’t touch her…the two can only stare at each other.”
“Just when Imamura Kohei was about to retreat, Doma Taihei, who had been silent all this time, said, “Imamura, I have investigated such a thing before… Before you started making games, you had aspired to be a doctor, right? “”
“”! ! ! Imamura Kohei froze as soon as he took a step back, and his voice became sad in an instant, “What else do you know?” “”
“”I also know that when you were thirteen years old, you sneaked into the operating room of the hospital and operated on a patient privately! In the end…” Doma Taihei took a deep breath and said solemnly, “It resulted in the death of a patient! “”
“…” Kohei Imamura was silent for a moment, and after nearly a minute of silence, he said tremblingly, “You know? what do you know? What do you know about me? ! Guy who doesn’t know anything, don’t pretend to know everything here! ! ! “”
“Ah, did I ever want to be a doctor?” Imamura Kohei scratched his head blankly. He is obviously just a two-pronged salamander. Why in the video is he designing games and wanting to be a doctor…and he is thirteen years old When I was young, I dared to perform surgery on people privately, and even killed them!
It is a miracle that he was not convicted in the video, and he was able to start the company safely!
“The angry Kohei Imamura completely gave up the idea of ​​running away and raised his fist to attack Doma Taihei, but was stopped by Domabu, and then the two of them scraped Sha on each other again.”
“Amidst the anger, Kohei Imamura seemed to see the original picture again in his eyes.”
“Hey, Kohei, what do you want to do in the future? “A little boy seemed to be tired of playing, put down the game console in his hand, sat on the bed and shook it.”
“This kid… can’t be wrong, it’s me!” Kitahara Iori, who was drinking boiled water, was stunned for a moment. He didn’t remember that he knew Kohei Imamura when he was a child!
“”Phew…” Kohei Imamura, who was reading a book seriously and saw someone else’s child, put down the book in his hand, and said helplessly, “Didn’t I give you a game console? Go play by yourself, don’t disturb my reading, okay? “”
“”But I have already cleared the level, and I have nothing else to do, of course I want to play with you. “Kitahara Iori smiled and said it as a matter of course.”
“”Hey, you are really…” Kohei Imamura sighed, then patted his cheeks to cheer up, and said with longing, “For me, I want to be a doctor! “”
“”doctor? What’s so good about it? Kitahara Iori tilted her head and asked puzzledly, “Isn’t playing baseball more popular with girls?” “”
“Che, what’s the use of being popular with girls? Kohei Imamura snorted disdainfully, he wants to become the number one doctor in the world, women are in the way!”
“What a doctor, who can save other people’s lives! Don’t you think this profession is like a god in mythology? In the distant ancient times, when people were injured or sick, they would offer tribute and pray for God’s mercy! In modern times, people will donate money and ask doctors for treatment. You see, they are all the same, right? “”
“Kohei Imamura clenched his fist lightly, and said with agitated mood, “There is no occupation more suitable for me than a doctor! My god talent was born for this! “”
“At that time… I had a longing for a doctor, hoping to become the number one doctor in the world.”
“However, reality tells me that doctors… are not gods!”
“Hey, Iori, don’t close your eyes, Iori! “”
“At school one day, Kitahara Iori, who was eating lunch with Imamura Kohei, suddenly fell down. Imamura Kohei panicked for a moment, immediately took out his mobile phone, first notified the emergency department of the hospital, and then notified Kitahara Iori’s parents and teachers. ”
“The ambulance came to the school quickly and pulled away the fallen Kitahara Iori and Imamura Kohei.”
“On the way to the emergency room, Imamura Kohei, who was usually calm like a little adult, kept yelling in panic. He was so scared, so scared that he would never see this person again!”
“”Stay here please! “”
“The nurse stopped Kohei Imamura from the emergency room, and he just stood outside in a daze, motionless, even if Kitahara Iori’s father rushed here, he didn’t move at all.”
“What will happen to Iori? Will he die? Imamura Kohei is full of such thoughts, and the sadness and panic in his heart cannot be dispelled.”
“No, don’t, don’t die! Don’t die! The doctor will save you, the doctor will definitely save you! Because, the doctor is God!”
“He couldn’t help but put his hands together in his heart and prayed.”
“Soon, the first aid was over, and the nurse came to inform Kitahara Iori’s situation…” It was a congenital heart disease, because the heart’s blood supply capacity was insufficient, which caused serious damage.Severe anemia, which led to his coma this time. “”
“”Generally speaking, congenital heart disease will occur before the age of six. It is rare for a thirteen-year-old to develop such a disease, but his heart problem is indeed serious. If possible, it is best to have a heart transplant. “”
“”Congenital heart disease…” Kohei Imamura seemed to be hit by a bolt from the blue, and he stood there in a daze.”
Chapter 240 Is there anyone else who can do it?
“But what makes Kohei Imamura even more desperate is that no hospital is willing to operate on Kitahara Iori. No matter how much Kitahara Iori’s father asks, no doctor is willing to operate on him.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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