“” Transformation! “”
“”LEVELUP! MY STORY! As I thought! As I said! As I wrote! MIGHTY NOVELX! “”
“As her voice fell, the golden armor on her body turned into a pure white armor with some black lines mixed in the middle. She held a book in one hand and a writing brush in the other.”
“”This world is a novel, and I am the author of this novel! The past, the present, the future, all fates are up to me to change! “”
“Could it be that a student who doesn’t want to be a doctor is not a good novelist?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu immediately complained that it is not good to be a doctor, but she came to grab her job as a writer!
Moreover, this MIGHTYNOVELX, wouldn’t it be what she understood? Then this novel cassette is too outrageous!
But having said that, she also writes novels, can she also use this cassette? I really want to use it!
“With a burst of white light centered on Domabu, the world has been changed!”
“”Um? “Buried Doma, who has turned into a Palad, is standing at home blankly at the moment, she always feels like she has forgotten something?”
“Xiao Bu, why don’t you go wash up? It’s almost time for class. “”
“Taihei Doma’s urging sound came from the kitchen, Mizuma Doma shivered suddenly, then turned around and ran into the bathroom, shouting while running, “Ah! ! It turned out that I forgot to go to class! Brother, really, why didn’t you call me earlier! “”
“”I’ve been calling you for a long time, it’s you who have been in a daze. “Doma Taihei sighed helplessly, and then continued to make breakfast.”
“Brother, I’m going out. “The energetic Tachibana Hilfenford waved to his brother, then turned around and ran towards the school.”
“Be careful on the road. “Juice Alex exhorted loudly, and then came to the company slowly. When he arrived at the company, he saw that several seniors were already sitting on their seats and started working, so he also quickened his pace and trotted over. “Senior, good morning. “”
“In the hospital, Miyazono Kaoru sat aside blankly, while her parents grabbed the doctor’s hand excitedly and kept asking, “Doctor, is what you said true? “”
“The doctor also understood their feelings, and didn’t dislike them, but said with a soft smile, “It’s not wrong, although I don’t know what happened, but your daughter’s illness has been completely cured!” From now on, she no longer needs to take medicine frequently, no longer needs to be hospitalized from time to time, and she doesn’t need to worry that she will die accidentally! “”
“”Great, this is really great! “Two excited middle-aged couples embraced Miyazono Kaoru, crying bitterly.”
“And Miyazono Kaoru finally understands this fact, her illness is cured! I don’t have to worry about dying suddenly anymore!”
“Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth… In this case, I can come to see you without any scruples, sir!”
“At this time, Arima Kosei was on his way to school. He had never met Miyazono Kaoru, let alone experienced Miyazono Kaoru’s death. He had a peaceful face, talking and laughing with his childhood friend Tsubaki Sawabe.”
“”Today is the first day of college, so you need to wear good clothes. Kohei Imamura picked and picked in his suitcase, and finally chose a dress with his second-dimensional wife printed on it, “Just wear this, just to show the world that I am a man with a master!” “”
“He had just changed his clothes when his cell phone rang again. He saw that it was his mother’s call, and quickly picked it up, “Hello, mom? “”
“What, tell me to wear better clothes? What’s wrong with my clothes! What is wrong with my wife! What kind of doctor, what kind of game designer, I don’t know how many years ago this was my wish. I don’t want anything now, I just want to spend a lifetime with my second-dimensional wife! “”
“Kohei Imamura reluctantly hung up the phone, and then walked into the university wearing this dress swaggeringly. He didn’t want to be a doctor, let alone a game designer. He wanted to live a peaceful life with his two-dimensional wife for the rest of his life!”
“While he was waiting for class in the classroom, a man wearing nothing but a pair of fat pants rushed in in a panic.”
“Looking at that shameless man, Kohei Imamura couldn’t help showing a disgusted expression, and muttered softly, “I definitely don’t want to have anything to do with this guy! “”
“But…why does this person seem familiar? What’s his name?”
When the video played to this point, the screen slowly fell into darkness, and then a line of small characters appeared.
“As Bumi Doma said, all fates are changed by her. People who should have died are still alive at this moment. People who should have gone to extremes because of the death of their friends are addicted to the second dimension and cannot extricate themselves. Kamen Rider The Chronicle can no longer be seen.”
“This article, it’s over.”
Chapter 243: Unlocking is the necessary condition
“Pfft!!!” Kitahara Iori spat out a mouthful of old blood, why was there a scene where he was only wearing a fat pair! Doesn’t this let the whole world see his fat times?
When he thought that his appearance in only fat times was not only spread in the whole school, but spread all over the world, he couldn’t help crying, “Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish
AlthoughWhen he said this, he was still wearing only a pair of fat times, so Kohei Imamura didn’t quite understand why he was desperate, since he usually didn’t even wear a pair of fat times!
Then, Imamura Kohei touched his chin thoughtfully, “It turns out that the reason why I like the second dimension so much is because the settings have been changed, but it doesn’t matter, the second dimension is great! I will always like the second dimension!”
“However, it’s just me… why is the talent of God gone? It won’t be deleted as a bug, right?”
Of course, he may not know that he has never possessed any divine talent!
On the other side, Miyazono Kaoru’s parents rushed into her room almost directly, looking at her excitedly, “Xiao Kaoru, has your illness been cured by that card?!”
“I, I don’t know either?” Miyazono Kaoru also looked at a loss. During the last test, her illness had not improved.
“We’ll go check tomorrow!” Her father said excitedly, how many years, how many years he has been looking forward to, and now his daughter’s illness is finally cured!
“Well, let’s go for a checkup tomorrow!” Miyazono Kaoru nodded excitedly. If her illness is really cured, then she must do everything she wants to do!
First of all… let’s go see Mr. Gongsheng first!
There is a longing light in her eyes, which is the longing for the future!
At this moment, an invisible and colorless light shone into her body, completely curing her illness.
“In this way, her illness will be completely cured.” Cheng Yang threw a bottle of newly made cure-all-disease water into Miyazono Kaoru’s body, and crossed his hips in great satisfaction, making her proud for a while!
“Who is she?” Planet Will on the side asked curiously.
“A rather miserable person.” Cheng Yang thought for a while and said casually. Although he could barely remember the plot of this episode, the only thing he remembered was that the heroine of this episode, Kaoru Miyazono, was miserable.
This show is the same as CLANNAD, AIR, KANON, ANGELBEATS and unheard flower names. It is all a show that deceived him a lot of tears. It is extremely hateful!
“Oh.” The planet’s will perfunctory for a while, then didn’t care, miserable? As an old mother who has watched all the creatures on the planet reproduce and develop for billions of years, the miserable lives he has seen suck more dust than Cheng Yang!
What’s more, he doesn’t care much about the individual. If he cares about the individual, he is afraid that he will die from overwork! He only needs to care about the overall reproduction and development of all life on the planet.
“The fantasy power received now is much more, can we create another wave of star artifacts?” Then, the will of the planet looked at Cheng Yang eagerly. He is now suffering from a severe fear of insufficient firepower. , if he can’t arm himself in all aspects, he will definitely not be able to sleep!
Although he didn’t need to sleep at all…
“Don’t worry, I’m making arrangements!” Cheng Yang waved his hand quite casually, and then began to carefully calculate the fantasy power he had just received.
After careful calculation, the first thing to do is to get out the Bengyuan virus. With this, the follow-up Heroic Spirit Project can be launched!
Moreover, you can also get a few Bengyuan bodies to go out to make troubles by the way, and let Tu Jianbuy them upgrade when they are dog food.
In addition, there are four player drivers, one invincible cassette buried in Doma, the 100-level relic cassette of Arima Kosei, the 50-level cassette of Tachibana Hilfenford, and the 0-level rampage of Doma Taihei motorcycle belt.
Then there is a faulty drive and the Kamen Rider Chronicle cassette. Later, you can use the Bengyuan virus to create a Bengyuan body that looks like Orange Alex, put him in the Hall of Valor, and let him use this cassette.
As for Imamura Kohei, Cheng Yang does not intend to make a card for him to use, but intends to use his imagination to create a “divine talent”!
As long as he has the talent of a god, he believes that even things that are more powerful than a billion gods can be made… Well, is it really possible? This guy is addicted to the second dimension and cannot extricate himself!
Cheng Yang couldn’t help but fell into deep thought… Forget it, it’s better to be on the safe side, let’s make the God’s Talent and the God’s Billion Cassette together, then one more player drive will be needed. Hey, another huge expense.
Then we need to use the Bengyuan virus to create Bengyuan bodies that look like Sigong Yanan, Sigong Huangguang, and Sigong Yunying, and then use imagination to create the substitutes they should use, that is, Heaven’s Gate, The Crimson King, and The Killer Queen. These are also placed in the Hall of Valor.
“This is still the Hall of Valor, isn’t this the arsenal?” Cheng Yang couldn’t help complaining, and then thinking about the pile of things to do, he felt tired for a while, and it was another day of overtime work!
I worked overtime every day before the time-traveling, and I still worked overtime every day after the time-traveling! What a cheat!
He shook his head, and then started to build things, let’s start with the collapse virus!
Just when he started working overtime, heated discussions started on the Internet as usual.
This little soldier is actually doing a lot of killing: We are also very good at playing games, why didn’t I transform into a Kamen Rider? Crying! !
Divorced with two hundred children: Yes, yes, why can’t I transform into a Kamen Rider? If I were a Kamen Rider, could I still be this bird? !
Is this beaver: Thank you, I am in the game hall, trying to practice my game skills, the next genius player is me!
The other party is infusion: Yes, you can still practice from now on! A genius player, I’m sure!
Kindergarten grabs first place: Hehehe, stupid people are still practicing game skills, and smart people have already got the practice method of Kohei Imamura! Unexpectedly, this guy is my college classmate!
Fallen Saint of Chiba: Reallyboring.
Brother Daoguang: Why did you say that upstairs?
Chiba’s Fallen Saint: The group only wanted to practice game skills, or contact Kohei Imamura, but they didn’t know what the necessary conditions were for transforming into a Kamen Rider in this game series.
Brother Daoguang: Oh? Upstairs seems very insightful? I also have a little experience, how about we post it together to see the answer?
Fallen Heaven Saint of Chiba: Well, that’s fine, let me see if ordinary people in the world can keep up with my wisdom.
Chiba’s Fallen Saint: Hang up!
Brother Daoguang: Hang up!
Brother Daoguang: Hahahaha, heroes see the same thing! How can you be a Kamen Rider if you don’t know how to cheat? !
I hate Baichongjian: ah this…
Hayama Hayato thought about it, he doesn’t seem to be very good at cheating? Fortunately, he is not from the game series, otherwise he would definitely not be able to transform!
Chapter 244 I want to create a world without homework
On the other side, he was burying his hands on his hips in the soil at home, with a great expression on his face, “As expected of me, the genius player UMR!”
With that said, she was about to turn on the game console and start playing games.
But before she reached out to the game console, she was slapped off by Doma Taihei.
“What are you doing, brother!” Doma pursed his lips and said unhappily, “Is this how you treat the savior? Now, the savior wants to play games and hone his skills of saving the world!”
“The savior also needs to study! You haven’t done your homework today, have you? Hurry up and do your homework!” Doma Taihei directly pulled her to the table, and then took out a pile of books and homework from her bag. Put it in front of your eyes.
Obviously, the high school students in the animation basically don’t do homework! The soil is buried in tears, why does she have to do homework? ! It’s not fair!
“But I still need to hone my skills of saving the world! If I waste my skills of saving the world now, in case of any crisis in the future, wouldn’t I be unable to save the world?” Buried Doma tried to argue , Get back the chance to play the game yourself!
“Come on, how do you exercise your skills by playing this kind of game? Doesn’t your athletic ability become more and more useless? If you really want to exercise, then you can use a cassette to transform into a Kamen Rider! But where do you get the cassette and player drive now? Do your homework for me!” Doma Taihei kindly helped her open her homework.
“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…” Doma buried her in tears. If she had known this, she would definitely add a setting that never needs to do homework when modifying the world with the Almighty Novel X cassette!
That’s right, why didn’t the girl in the video think of such a thing! Doma Bui patted his thigh in frustration, crying louder, how could such an important thing be forgotten?
If she hadn’t been kind-hearted, she would have been blackened every minute, and she would have to recreate the Almighty Novel X cassette, and then said, “I want to create a world where I don’t need to do my homework!”
Of course, if she was blackened for this reason, there is no doubt that she would become the villain boss with the most outrageous reason for blackening in history.
“It’s useless to cry, and you don’t want someone to gossip behind your back, ‘Look, that’s the savior who failed the exam, it’s super funny~’ Do you want to hear such gossip?” Doma Taihei didn’t feel embarrassed at all. Imitating the tone of the gossip aunt.
“Uh…” Tu Jian froze for a moment, she thought about the scene carefully, and trembled all over.
If that kind of thing really happens, then she can only blacken it, find a way to recreate the X-cassette of Almighty Novel, and then say, “I want to create a world that doesn’t require exams!”
In order not to blacken himself, Tu Jianbu could only reluctantly set his sights on the book.
“Xiao Bu, come and play!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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