“Speaking, the wolf undead creature put on an attacking posture.”
“”and many more! I have something to tell you! “The orchid undead stepped back, out of range of the wolf undead.”
“”What is there to say? “The wolf undead creature also retracted its claws and did not attack. His strength is on par with the opponent’s. If he fights one-on-one, there will be no benefit except that both sides will suffer.”
” “About CHALICE. “The orchid undead creature laughed.”
“”CHALICE? The wolf undead creature frowned slightly, “Just say what you have to say.” “”
“”The praying mantis undead creature—CHALICE, among the type A that was sealed 10,000 years ago, his power is also second to none, it can be said that it has become a legend. “”
“The orchid undead creature had a weird smile on its lips, “Do you think that CHALICE will be at a disadvantage when fighting me? Hehehe, or, is that undead creature really CHALICE? “”
“The wolf undead creature was slightly stunned, his eyes were a little shaken, but he still insisted, “But his appearance is indeed CHALICE, yes, I will not admit it. “”
“”What if, I mean, if…who borrowed CHALICE’s appearance? You should have heard of it, the legend about JOKER! “”
“The words of the orchid undead creature exploded in the mind of the wolf undead creature like a thunderbolt, causing his pupils to suddenly dilate by three points, “JOKER…doesn’t belong to any race, and doesn’t work for the prosperity of the group. Struggle, an undead creature that exists only for killing! “”
“”Besides the fifty-two undead creatures, the fifty-third undead creature! Moreover, it is also an undead creature that can use the appearance and abilities of any undead creature! Could it be… is that guy really a JOKER? “The wolf undead trembled all over.”
“If his guess is correct, it means that CHALICE has probably been sealed by JOKER!”
“After a while, he stopped the trembling of his body, gritted his teeth, passed the orchid undead creature, and walked away from here.”
“And his voice came to the ears of the orchid undead creature from a distance, “I will confirm this matter myself! You are not allowed to meddle! “”
“Of course, I will never interfere, so don’t worry. “The orchid undead creature showed a scheming smile, “Let’s fight, fight, it’s best to die together, in this case, all your cards will be mine!” “”
“JOKER?” Asuna tilted her head and thought, Joker can indeed replace any card, so it seems that Eugeo is Joker.
However, not only the suits of the cards are similar to playing cards, but even the rules are similar. Could it be said that playing cards were actually invented by the undead creatures, the ancestors of human beings?
Only undead creatures can understand these rules like this, right?
Chapter 466 You will eventually fight
“The wolf undead creature who decided to find out the truth has come to the lakeside hut again, wantonly exuding its own aura.”
“Eugeo, who sensed that aura, paused, before he had time to say a word, he ran out in a hurry, and even knocked the table over.”
“Kirito hastened to hold the table to avoid thingsFalling, “Hey, Eugeo, where are you going?”」
“But Eugeo ignored him, Kirito turned his head and said to Asuna, “Asuna, you protect Yui at home, I’ll chase it out and have a look. “”
“After all, Kirito also hurriedly chased after him.”
“Soon after, the wolf undead creature saw Eugeo’s figure, he grinned slightly, and said happily, “CHALICE, I have been waiting for you for a long time. “”
“”It really is you. Eugeo looked at him coldly, with doubts in his eyes, “Why did you lead me here?” “”
“Kirito and Asuna are both at home, so he doesn’t worry that someone will harm Yui while he’s away.”
“”CHALICE, have you really forgotten our agreement? “When the wolf undead saw the coldness in Eugeo’s eyes, their hearts were half cold.”
“However, even so, he still has some expectations. What if CHALICE forgets him? He would rather have CHALICE forget everything about him than see CHALICE be sealed!”
“However, Eugeo’s next action plunged his heart into an endless abyss.”
“Card… Eugeo took out a card! The sharp-eyed wolf undead creature recognized it at a glance, it’s a sealed card!”
“Just when Eugeo was about to swipe the card, the wolf undead creature threw a stone that was already in his hand and hit the back of Eugeo’s hand.”
“Under Eugeo’s pain, the sealed card was knocked out.”
“The wolf undead creature picked up the card and turned it over tremblingly. Sure enough, there was a praying mantis on the card!”
“”CHALICE…it’s CHALICE! The wolf undead creature’s eyes widened, full of disbelief and despair, “It really is CHALICE’s sealed card!” So, who are you? ! “”
“Eugeo didn’t say anything, but just looked at him coldly.”
“”Can’t you answer? Forget it, this kind of thing doesn’t matter! “The undead wolf put CHALICE’s sealing card into his arms, showing his original appearance, “As punishment for daring to seal CHALICE and steal his appearance and power, I will let you taste despair!” “”
“The wolf undead waved its claws and slapped Eugeo on the head.”
“Eugeo turned sideways and narrowly escaped the blow with a roll.”
“”It’s the guy from last time! At this time, Kirito finally rushed over, “But, wasn’t he still helping Eugeo last time?” Why are you fighting Eugeo this time? “”
“Although Kirito didn’t figure it out, he also knew that the situation was urgent. He quickly put the BLADE transformation device on his waist, and when he was about to step forward to help, he found that Eugeo took out a card of a lower-level undead creature. ”
“”FLOAT (Dragonfly)! “”
“With the swiping of the dragonfly undead creature seal card, Eugeo changed into a dragonfly undead creature.”
“”how is this possible? ! Kirito’s eyes widened like copper bells, and he even forgot to transform for a while, “The Kamen Rider system can only transform with the power of type A!” Why can Eugeo use the cards of lower-level undead creatures to transform? ! “”
“Suddenly, another doubt flashed in Kirito’s mind. Where did Eugeo’s transformation device come from? Director Kayaba should not have made this transformation device!”
“While Kirito was thinking about this, Eugeo had already fought a wolf undead once.”
“The arms of the two collided with each other, making a crisp sound. Eugeo immediately stepped back a few steps, but the undead wolf remained motionless.”
“The power of low-level undead creatures is indeed inferior to Type A! Eugeo’s heart sank.”
“Seeing Eugeo being pressed and beaten, Kirito couldn’t care less to continue thinking, he quickly swiped the card, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“”Use the guard form directly! “Kirito can see that the wolf undead creature in front of him is also a superior undead creature, and it is very powerful!”
“” ABSORBQUEEN (absorb goat)! FUSIONJACK (Fusion Vulture)! “”
“After Kirito transformed into a bodyguard, he pulled out the enhanced version of the BLAY awakening device, stepped forward to block the attack of the wolf undead creature, “Eugeo, leave this to me! “”
“Eugeo didn’t say anything, he took a few steps back and gave the battlefield to Kirito.”
“Kirito blocked the claws of the wolf undead creature, and then slashed the wolf undead creature’s chest with a sword.”
“”what! “With a scream, the wolf undead creature fell down heavily, and the sealed card that he put away also fell out.”
“Kirito didn’t hesitate, and immediately activated his special move.”
“” THUNDER (thunder deer)! SLASH (cut lizard)! “”
“”JACKLIGHTNINGSLASH (Thunder Slash)! “”
“The next moment, endless lightning enveloped the body of the wolf undead creature!”
“”call. Kirito breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the sealed card on the ground and threw it to Eugeo, “This is yours, please keep it.” “”
“”Thanks. Eugeo took the card, then turned to look at the wolf undead creature that was cut down on the ground, “What exactly did you agree with CHALICE?” “”
“”That goes without saying, of course we will join forces to defeat other undead creatures, and we will compete in the end. We have agreed to be each other’s last enemies. “The undead wolf smiled wryly, and stood up tremblingly from the ground, “I’m really useless, facing you, the guy who sealed CHALICE, I can’t even help him avenge him. “”
“” You agreed toThe last battle? “Eugeo lowered his eyes and said, “No wonder he had an annoyed expression at that time. “”
“”Really, CHALICE showed such an expression. Hehe, hehehe…” The wolf undead creature laughed sadly, “It seems that I can only fight against CHALICE if I wait for the next extreme war. “”
“Then, he looked at Eugeo with piercing eyes, “JOKER, even if you join forces with humans now, what about the future? You will fight! This is destiny! “”
“After he finished speaking, he finally couldn’t hold it anymore and fell to the ground, waiting to be sealed.”
Chapter 467 Quickly use your invincible gold to experience Requiem and think of a way
“”JOKER? Kirito frowned, “Why did he call you JOKER?” What does it mean? “”
“Eugeo didn’t answer, but just threw out a card to seal away the wolf undead creature, and then took out a card and swiped it on the CHALICE awakening device at his waist, turning back into a human form.”
“”What was that card just now? “Kirito frowned and asked curiously, he suddenly discovered that the way Eugeo transforms into a human is completely different from other high-level undead creatures!”
“Other high-level undead creatures used abilities similar to mimicry, but Eugeo swiped the next card.”
“”…” Eugeo was silent for a while, then shook his head and turned to leave, “It’s nothing. “”
“Card?” Baiyin Yuxing gasped, realizing something was wrong!
“What’s wrong with you, brother?” Bai Yingui asked curiously, “You’re going to suck up the cold air around you.”
“EMMMM, I’m thinking that since Eugeo is a Joker who can use the appearance and power of any undead creature, then he turns into a human by swiping a sealing card, doesn’t it mean that human undead creatures have long been sealed? “Baiyin Yuxing looked panicked, “In other words, in this war, human beings are probably out of the game long ago!”
“Oh, isn’t that the end?” Baiyin Dior also panicked, and quickly shook Baiyin Yuxing’s arm, “Yuxing, use your invincible golden experience requiem to find a way!”
“Don’t, don’t shake it, Dad.” Baiyin Yuxing shook his head after being shaken, “It’s not as exaggerated as you think, don’t you think we are still doing well?”
“That’s right.” Baiyin Dior paused, and glanced at his son in dissatisfaction, “Then why are you still talking like that in a hurry? Isn’t this deliberately playing us?”
“That’s right.” Bai Yingui looked at his brother dissatisfied.
Baiyin Yuxing said with a wry smile, “I didn’t remember that moment ago… But, having said that, how did you solve this problem?”
“After the wolf undead creature was sealed, the rest of the undead creature seemed to be hidden, and there was no news of the undead creature for several months.”
“Kirito also felt that it was expected. After all, there are not many undead creatures left. In this case, the surviving undead creatures will definitely hide themselves carefully and secretly look for ways to defeat the enemy. It will not be easy. Show up.”
“So, Kirito and Asuna took turns to go out to attack Aincrad during the day, and the rest stayed at home and played with Yui, living a very comfortable life.”
“On this day, shortly after Kirito went out, Asuna suddenly received a message from Akihiko Kayaba.”
“What does the director of Kayaba want me for? “Asuna checked the message in confusion, then her pupils shrank suddenly, the message said…”
“Akihiko Kayaba: “Asuna, come on, Kamen Rider Leangle is going to steal the Awakening Fusion Device! “”
“” Yui, mom is going out on business, you have to listen to Eugeo at home. “”
“Looking at Asuna rushing out, Yui waved obediently, “I know, mom should come back soon. “”
“”what happened? Didn’t the director of Kayaba say that his place is safe? ! “Asuna had an unconcealable anxiety on her face, and she even moved a little faster with her steps.”
“Asuna rushed there according to the address sent by Akihiko Kayaba. When she arrived, she saw Kamen Rider LEANGLE fighting the orchid undead creature that had attacked Eugeo before.”
“”Why is there an undead creature, and it’s still fighting? Where is the director of Kayaba? “After seeing the situation clearly, Asuna hid quietly and did not appear rashly.”
“The two in front of me, whether it is the orchid undead creature or the Kamen Rider LEANGLE, can be regarded as her enemies. In many cases, the enemy’s enemy is not necessarily a friend! Maybe, when she appears, those two people will be her enemies instead. They will join forces to attack her!”
“Asuna stood on tiptoe to avoid making a sound, carefully avoided the battle between the two, and searched for Kayaba Akihiko’s whereabouts.”
“Not long after, she saw Akihiko Kayaba hiding in the corner. She wanted to shout out in joy, but Akihiko Kayaba quickly made a silent movement.”
“Asuna quickly covered her mouth, moved over slowly, and whispered, “Master Kayaba, what’s going on? Why is that undead creature there? And also fought with Kamen Rider LEANGLE. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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