“But before he was consumed by anger, he was keenly aware of the meaning of the sentence that Heathcliff emphasized!”
“The instant he understood the meaning, the anger in the undead spider’s mind instantly turned into surprise, “You mean, the newborn JOKER is not that powerful yet!” Such a JOKER can be defeated and sealed by me! “”
“”good! “Heathcliff showed the smile of ‘you are finally smart’, “As long as you successfully seal Joker, you can get the power of Joker and become the strongest Kamen Rider worthy of the name!” That’s right, the strongest! Even without the awakening fuser, you are the strongest! “”
“”At that time, for you, victory in this extreme war will already be within easy reach! “”
“” Sparsi! “The spider undead trembled with excitement, he had already imagined the scene when he won this war and his group ascended to the Spirit of All Things!”
“However, he won’t be so stimulated by this surprise that he loses his mind. He also knows that there is no such thing as a pie falling from the sky in the world!”
“”Why help me? “The spider undead creature said coldly, “I am the ancestor of the spider, and you are a human being. No matter how you think about it, we are all existences of different camps. “”
“Heathcliff said with a sigh, “Human undead creatures have been sealed, and humans have been out of this battle from the very beginning. If the extreme war is allowed to end like this, we humans will allFrom the position of the spirit of all things to a very low position. “”
“”At that time, no matter what kind of creature can wantonly hunt and kill human beings, right? Heathcliff said with a look of despair, “Human beings will become the rations of other creatures, and they will even be kept in captivity by other creatures just like humans raise pigs and sheep in captivity!” On such a day, just thinking about it, I feel desperate from the bottom of my heart! “”
“”However, just when I was desperate, I suddenly thought of a way. “Suddenly, Heathcliff smiled very brightly, “That is to take refuge in one of the undead creatures!” As long as I can help him win and prove my worth, shouldn’t I not be considered food? “”
“”After I searched carefully, I finally chose you. You, who secretly manipulated humans and created the Kamen Rider system, will undoubtedly become the king of the next era! Heathcliff leaned slightly, and put a tall hat on the spider undead.”
“Is this guy lying? Absolutely?!” Nakano Kazuka’s mouth twitched. She didn’t believe a single word Heathcliff said!
No matter how you look at it, Heathcliff is playing that spider undead creature as a monkey!
“Yihua, there is something wrong with what you said.” Nakano Nino shook her finger and said with a smile, “Spiders are not human, so of course they are not lying.”
“Pfft, hahahaha, it’s true.” Nakano Kazuka was taken aback for a moment, then rolled forward and backward on the sofa laughing, that was a turbulent wave.
“”I see. “The spider undead creature wearing a tall hat looked very happy, and smiled loudly, “Is this what humans call rape? “”
“However, your vision is very good! The winner of this extreme war can only be me! “The undead spider said very confidently. He is not blindly confident, but in his opinion, as long as he has the power of Joker, winning is simply a piece of cake!”
“Although he hasn’t got it yet…”
“Afterwards, he thought about it, and it was rare for others to follow him, so he had to make some promises anyway, so he said dryly, “Don’t worry, after I win this extreme war, I will let me know group, don’t let them hurt you. “”
“Maybe I also thought that there seems to be no attractive place just like this, he paused and said hastily, “At that time, I will let my group catch some humans for you, and become your slaves!” How, this kind of life should be more comfortable than your current life, right? “”
“Heathcliff showed a grateful expression on his face at the right time, “Thank you very much for your gift! Then, please enjoy this prey slowly here. I will return to the Knights of the Blood Alliance again, as an insider, to find out the news you need for you. “”
“”good very good! “The undead spider nodded in satisfaction. He felt that the decision he had made just now was simply admirable! Did he immediately change his address to “you” without seeing this human? This is enough to show that this human has been convinced by him!”
“Looking at it now, among all the undead creatures, he is the only one who knows how to use wisdom and strategies. The rest of the undead creatures are all reckless people who don’t know how to use their brains, but only know how to be reckless! How can they be compared with him?”
“Spider undead creatures suddenly feel a kind of IQ crushing, a kind of loneliness that is unbearably high.”
Chapter 488 This time, it’s my turn to save him
“Heathcliff respectfully bowed to the spider undead creature, then turned and left. This attitude seems to have completely lost the initial arrogance.”
“But precisely because of this attitude, the undead spider feels that Heathcliff is very reliable. From what he has learned, many talented people are very arrogant when they don’t follow the lord. Once they follow the lord, Then I will consider everything for my lord.”
“The spider undead creature puffed up its chest. He now has the illusion that he is a prince in a troubled world, recruiting talented people everywhere, and finally calming down the troubled world.”
“And what he didn’t know, just as Heathcliff turned around, there was a sneer on his face, as if mocking a spider undead creature.”
“After Heathcliff walked away, the spider undead creature set its sights on Kirito, sneered at the corner of its mouth, and then kicked over!”
“That kick kicked Kirito’s chest, and there was a dull sound. The whole person bent like a sandbag and flew into the air, and then fell heavily on the ground.”
“Huge pain came from all over the body, and Kirito woke up from the dizziness.”
“Wow! Tongren couldn’t help but widen his eyes, snorted, and stared angrily at the front, “Who is it?” ! “”
“But soon, he recognized the person in front of him.”
“” Klein? No, no, it’s a spider undead creature! Kirito looked around, his mind was like a mess, “Why am I here?” Am I not with Senior Heathcliff? What exactly is going on? ! “”
“Hmph, of course I snatched you here! “The undead spider snorted coldly and said, he is not an idiot, since Heathcliff has taken refuge in him, it is impossible for him to confess Heathcliff on his own initiative.”
“”What did you say? ! “Kirito was startled, so what happened to Senior Heathcliff? He shouldn’t be injured…or even dead?!”
“The undead spider has no intention of continuing to communicate with Kirito, he kicked the BLADE transformation device and seal card on the ground, “Let me see the power of JOKER!” “”
“Then, he directly opened the waistLEANGLE buckle, “Transform!”」
“” OPENUP! “”
“Catch the BLADE transforming device, and silently picked up the seal card on the ground, but Kirito has a complicated expression, and has no intention of transforming at all.”
“If he keeps transforming, he might become an undead creature! Just thinking about that kind of thing makes him want to throw away all these things in his hand!”
“But his attitude made the undead spiders wait anxiously. The undead spiders can’t wait to get Joker’s power now!”
“He rushed up and grabbed Kirito’s neck, staring at Kirito’s eyes, “Hurry up and transform me!” “”
“”Well! “Kirito snorted, he knew that if he hesitated any longer, not to mention changing into an undead creature, whether he could still live would be a problem!”
“So, he immediately put the BLADE transformation device on his waist, filled it with the Awakening Card Ace of Spades, and then pulled the BLAY buckle, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“A huge blue light curtain ejected from the BLADE transforming device, knocking the spider undead into the air.”
“But the eyes of the spider undead creature showed surprise, “Yes, that’s right! “”
“There was a bloodthirsty red light in his eyes, he took the scepter in his hand and hit it, and then he had to force Kirito to use the king form, and then let Kirito transform into a JOKER! For this, he must exert all his strength Only your strength will do!”
“”Ah ah! ! “The spider undead roared and fought with Kirito.”
“On the other side, Yui was happily holding Eugeo tight, “Great, Eugeo’s mother has changed back to the original Eugeo’s mother! It’s all thanks to Dad. “”
“Well, thanks to Kirito. Eugeo said with a smile, “I don’t know when Kirito will come back?” “”
“Suddenly, Eugeo’s eyes seem to see a very distant place, where Kirito, who has transformed into Kamen Rider Blade, is fighting Kamen Rider Leangle!”
“The smile on Eugeo’s face sank instantly, “This time, it’s my turn to save him!” “”
“” Yui, don’t go out at home! “”
“Eugeo said something, got up from his seat quickly, and rushed out.”
“Understood, Eugeo mother. Although Yui nodded obediently, her eyes were a little lonely, “Father, and mothers are busy, hey, I really want them to spend more time with me.” “”
“However, even though I think so, the well-behaved Yui still won’t open her mouth to stop her parents.”
“After Eugeo rushed out of the room, he found the direction he saw clearly and ran all the way.”
“”I feel it, it’s there, it’s there…Kirito, I will definitely bring you back! “”
“Just as Eugeo was running towards that side, Kirito had already fallen into a disadvantage, and the blood bars above his head had already entered the red line.”
“Kirito is very clear, this is probably because he rejects the BLADE transformation device from the bottom of his heart, so he can’t show his original strength.”
“The undead spider seems to have almost forced Kirito, he took out the awakening fusion device he had in his hand and threw it over, “Use this, let me see, the power of JOKER!” “”
“”Stop it…I don’t want to change, I don’t want to be like that! Kirito put his hands on the ground and stood up from the ground. Unwilling to transform, he had to try to wake up Klein’s consciousness with words, “Klein, wake up quickly, don’t be controlled by undead spiders anymore!” “”
“But spider undead creatures are Type A undead creatures anyway, how could they lose to humans in terms of consciousness? What’s more, Klein has long been closed to himself because of the desperate reality!”
“I saw the spider undead creature take out two cards and swipe them on the LEANGLE awakening device respectively.”
“”BITE (cobra)! BLIZZARD (polar bear)! “”
“”BLIZZARDCRUSH (Blizzard Crush)! “”
“The undead spider jumped into the air, and its legs spewed out a lot of cold air, as if it wanted to freeze everything in the world!”
“Then, he crossed his legs and bit Kirito’s head like a snake’s head!”
Chapter 489 The blood bar is like a candle in the wind
“”what! ! “Kirito screamed and flew out backwards, even the armor on his face was shattered by that blow!”
“If the undead spider hadn’t kept his hand, he might be completely dead now!”
“But even if you keep your hand, Kirito’s blood bar is already like a candle in the wind!”
“The undead spider kicked the awakening fusion device he threw out before, and kicked it in front of Kirito, “If you don’t become a king, you will only die, understand?” Change it for me! “”
“Speaking of the latter, the undead spider almost roared out, and Kirito was startled by the surging killing intent.”
“He knows that the undead spider is telling the truth. If he doesn’t change into the king form again, the undead spider will never keep his hand!”
“In fact, it is true. The spider undead creature has made up its mind. If Kirito refuses to change into the king’s form, he will kill Kirito and use the Awakening Fusion Device. Even if it is not as powerful as Joker, it is still It won’t go anywhere!”
“”……call! “Kirito picked up the Awakening Fusion Device silently, took a deep breath, and put it on his wrist.”
“Then, under the excited eyes of the spider undead creature, Kirito took out two cards.”
“” ABSORBQUEEN (absorb goat)! EVOLUTIONKING (evolution, big roundworm)! “”
“Thirteen undead creature seal cards flew out of Kirito’s body, and then merged into his body one after another, transforming into the king’s form in an instant!”
“Not too far away, Heathcliff, who was hiding in the dark and observing here, trembled excitedly, “Very good! Kirito’s body will soon reach its limit! He will completely merge with those undead creatures, and then become a JOKER! “”
“”Um? “Suddenly, Heathcliff cast his eyes in another direction in surprise, and said annoyedly, “Someone is getting in the way!” JOKER that guy! “”
“Kirito, hurry up, hurry up and become a JOKER!” “”
“In desperation, Heathcliff can only pray that Kirito’s body will reach its limit as soon as possible.”
“I don’t know if Heathcliff’s prayers helped, but Eugeo, who was running wildly, bumped into Asuna, who was walking home.”
“” Eugeo? Asuna stopped him in surprise, “It’s so late, where are you going?” “”
“And seeing Asuna, Eugeo also stopped in his tracks, looking at her coldly, “Why did you make Kirito transform? “”
“”What did you say? Kirito transformed? “Asuna said in surprise, then shook her head again and again, “This kind of thing can’t happen! I brought him to Senior Heathcliff just to prevent Kirito from transforming! Moreover, Kirito is currently undergoing inspection, and he does not have a transformation device and a seal card in his hand, so it is impossible to transform. “”
“” Kirito is fighting! Eugeo said coldly, “However, I will stop him!” “”
“After all, Eugeo didn’t care about Asuna anymore, and ran over there quickly.”
“”and many more! “Asuna hurriedly chased after him. If Kirito really transforms, he will be in big trouble!”
“During the ten or so seconds that Eugeo and Asuna communicated, Kirito, who had transformed into a king, had already stood still, forcibly resisting more than ten attacks by undead spiders!”
“”It’s really hard! “The undead spider felt the shock force from his hands, although he couldn’t even break through the opponent’s defense, but he had a mysterious calmness.”
“Now he can’t beat the king form, but as long as Kirito turns into a joker, it will be his victory!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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