But now, she really saw that someone jumped up when he was about to fall…
Newton is crying! His urn can hardly hold up!
How amazing is Heroic Spirit? Can Heroic Spirit just ignore Newton’s anger? !
“”Ah… ah…” Kashima Yu was completely speechless, his eyes were turning around like mosquito coils.”
“Hahaha, take a closer look, the place where I landed is exactly the same as the place I first chose, it’s really me. “Arash said very proudly, “Speaking of which, I said before that this can be done once, because so far, as long as anyone who has taken this ride before, they are determined not to do it a second time. “”
“… Regarding this point, I agree, please don’t use this method again. Matthew stood up tremblingly, “Senior, are you alright?” “”
“”Abaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….’ Kashima Yu was still turning dizzy.”
“”Hmm…” Bedivere stood up holding his head, “It’s really an unforgettable experience. “”
“Indeed, even now I’m still terrified. Hassan said coldly, if you don’t look at his trembling legs, maybe others will think that he is very calm.”
“Hey, Your Excellency Cursed Wrist? when did you come? Matthew asked in surprise.”
“Cursed Arm Hassan didn’t answer directly, but talked about his own reasons, “You can’t find the way to the West Village just by your words, come with me. “”
“Just when Hassan, the cursed arm, hurriedly led the way for everyone.”
“the other side……”
“The guerrilla knight Mordred was frantically waving the crimson sword in his hand – the King Sword of Brilliant Brilliance, wantonly venting his anger, “Hey, hurry up and die to me! One after another, it’s annoying! “”
“With every swing of her sword, a Hassan will be killed… But that’s not the real Hassan, but the clone of Hassan with all appearances.”
“It is precisely because she knows this fact that she is extremely annoyed. Doesn’t this mean that all her efforts are in vain?”
“As Mordred, who is still a brat, she doesn’t have that much patience at all!”
“After another clone was killed, Baimao Hassan snorted, and asked in both annoyance and doubt, “How do you know the location of this village? There should be no flaws in the concealment of the village! “”
“Hassan Baimao heard the wailing of his compatriots than killed, and felt extremely painful in his heart. It would be great if she could make the village more hidden! If only her power could be strong enough to easily defeat the Knights of the Round Table and the Serious Knights.” Already!”
“But facing Hassan’s annoyance, Mordred said indifferently, “The devil knows about that kind of thing!” Intuition, intuition! You can be found by instinct alone. “”
“As the son of King Arthur, Mordred naturally possessed that special ability—hereditary intuition. With this ability, it is not a lie that she was able to find this village by intuition.”
“But Hassan Baimao couldn’t accept such a ridiculous reason at all, “Intuition? Actually said it was intuition? ! The lives of our compatriots are for such ridiculous reasons…””
“”What a ridiculous reason! Mordred directly interrupted Baimao Hassan, “I was thinking that after finishing you off, I would have a chance to enter the holy capital and report to my father!” Did you hear that? Your lives will become my chance to meet my father! “”
“”But it’s a pity, what I hope most is to catch those rebels, take away the credit of Lancelot, and make that guy lose face. Mordred clicked his tongue in displeasure, “It’s not long before I’m executed, but you can’t let Lancelot lose face, how can you compensate me for this kind of thing!” “”
“”Punishment? ! Baimao Hassan was taken aback, “As a knight of the round table, you will be executed?” ! “”
“”Well, yes! “Mordred is like the one who is executed, not himself.The same, with a smile on his face, he said, “As long as the father’s holy battle is over, all people outside the holy capital will die! I, who failed to get a place to live in the holy capital, will be wiped out happily.” La.””
Chapter five hundred and eighty sixth should be quite normal
“”Are you in your right mind? After knowing that he was going to be executed, he could still laugh out loud, and he was willing to do things for the Lion King? ! “Hundred-faced Hassan couldn’t help cursing angrily.”
“Hahaha, that kind of thing is completely okay. Mordred smiled indifferently, “However, as people who are going to die in the end, we are also considered companions, right?” So how about you just tell me which village the rebels escaped into? “”
“SABER, is your son’s really normal?” Seeing Mordred’s behavior, Yukinoshita Yukino felt his scalp realize that this is really not mental illness?
“Maybe the one who was summoned this time is a bit mischievous? Normally, she is quite…” After a moment of silence, Saber said softly, “It should be quite normal.”
Yukinoshita Yukino: “…”
You can’t even guarantee it yourself!
“”What nonsense! Crazy…you crazies! Hassan Baimao yelled angrily.”
“Tsk, you still don’t want to tell me, it’s really annoying. Mordred, who lost his patience, hacked a clone to death with a backhand, “I think it’s not normal for you to disobey your father.” “”
“At this moment, a solemn knight rushed to report, “Master Mordred, there is an ambush! Several servants suddenly appeared behind us and attacked us, and several knights have already been knocked down! “”
“” Follower? Mordred’s eyes gradually lit up, “Oh, are you a rebel?” Definitely a rebel! That fellow Lancelot, I will embarrass you enough this time! “”
“After finishing speaking, Mordred left Hassan the Hundred Faces directly, followed the solemn knight, and ran towards the end of the line.”
“Hassan Baimao wanted to follow up to support, but after seeing the solemn knights who were still slaughtering the villagers, she didn’t hesitate, and quickly let her clones rush towards those solemn knights… Although each of her clones is very weak , but it is still barely able to fight against the solemn knight.”
“Mordred, who rushed to the rear, looked at Kashima Yu and the others excitedly, “Hey, you guys dare to come to the door on your own initiative, you are quite capable! “”
“Mordred, is it really you? ! “Kashima Yu gritted his teeth and said, such an appearance, such a dress, and that brilliant King Sword, no matter how you look at it, it is the Mordred they have seen in the London singularity!”
“”Mordred, why did you do that kind of thing! You shouldn’t be like that, right! “”
“Hearing Kashima Yu’s words, Mordred said with a blank face, “Ha, who are you? Are you my fan? Well, yes, after all, I have killed so many heretics, so I am considered a celebrity, right? It’s not surprising that there are some fans. “”
“”Senior, Mordred doesn’t know us… She shouldn’t be the same as the Mordred who was summoned by the London singularity before. Matthew said sadly.”
“A follower is not the same as a heroic spirit. Whether it is power, character, or memory, they can only be regarded as a part of the heroic spirit… Maybe they will never see the Mordred that they saw in the London singularity. gone.”
“”What’s the matter, the attitude suddenly became so honest, I don’t know…huh? Mordred suddenly blinked at Matthew a few times, “No, I seem to know each other. Although the appearance is different, I remember your magic power. “”
“”I wondered why you didn’t respond to your father’s call… Could it be that the rebels are referring to you? Well, in your case, it is indeed possible. However, you came too late. “Mordred muttered unhappily.”
“” Mordred, are you willing to negotiate with us? Matthew said happily.”
“Idiot, who will negotiate with you! No matter who they are, anyone who dares to disobey his father is an enemy! The magician over there is the so-called master, right? I will kill you all completely! “”
“Mordred pointed the King’s Sword of Brilliance at everyone, and said words full of killing intent with a smile on his face.”
“Kashima Yu clenched his fists and looked at Mordred with sadness. It was obvious from the appearance that he was the same person as his former companions, but in fact, this “companion” didn’t remember them at all, even Let’s face each other with swords!”
“”Kashima, she is not the Mordred from London, you know this kind of thing, right? “Roman persuaded, “If you show mercy, you will definitely be killed!” Treat her as an enemy and fight with all your might! “”
“Hearing Roman’s words, Kashima Yu finally recovered from that sad emotion, and her eyes gradually became firm, “Matthew, Bedivere, Mr. Curse Wrist, Mr. Arash, please ! “”
“”Hahaha, that’s what makes sense! Mordred laughed loudly, “The enemy who doesn’t know how to resist is really useless to kill!” However, be careful, the blessing I have been given is ‘out of control’. I can completely disregard my physical condition and release the holy sword wantonly until my soul is burned out! “”
“”For me, thousands of troops are my enemy! And on your side, one, two, three, four… what, including the Master, there are only five people! A mere master and four servants are not my opponents at all, not even between the teeth… Wait! “”
“Mordred’s eyes widened, and he said in great surprise, “Bedwell? ! Why are you guys there! Only you can’tright! It’s the worst kind of joke that you’re going to hang out with rebels! “”
“…I don’t want to say anything to you, you complain about me, but so do I! “At this moment, Bedivere is not as gentle as usual, but as cold as ice, “The rebellious knight Mordred, the disloyal person who trampled on King Arthur’s ideals!” Your tainted holy sword is the worst reality that makes it difficult to look directly at! “”
“”…” Mordred was silent for a moment, and the murderous intent in his eyes gradually gathered, “Your tone became louder, you coward! Interesting, let me remind you of the miserable reality that you are nothing compared to me! “”
“After that, Mordred directly raised the Brilliant King Sword in his hand.”
“”I am not a king, but a man who follows in the footsteps of a king. For the peace of the king, I will expel all enemies – CLARENTBLOODARTHUR (rebellion against my gorgeous father king)! “”
“As Mordred’s real name was released, the resplendent and resplendent King Sword that was originally a holy sword in her hand erupted with a strange aura. The blade seemed to be stained with red and black blood, and its shape was also distorted. Get up, the surging hatred wraps around the blade, and then shoots out with a bang!”
“The huge crimson beam of light flashes with seemingly endless red arcs, as if it wants to swallow everyone!”
Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh self-destruct
“”It actually released the treasure directly? ! Matthew looked at this scene in horror, and quickly blocked everyone with a shield. The moment the crimson beam of light hit the shield, Matthew felt an unrivaled force attacking him.”
“”Well! Matthew gritted his teeth and held on tightly. Although this kind of power is powerful, it is not as good as the King Arthur he met before.”
“Good job, you piece of shit. “Mordred showed a bloodthirsty smile, and then raised the Brilliant King Sword again, intending to release the treasure again!”
“”Don’t try to succeed! “Bedwell’s right hand turned into a hand knife, and drew a golden arc in the air, straight for Mordred’s chest.”
“At the same time, Hassan and Arash also shot daggers and arrows respectively. It is necessary to prevent her from continuing to release the treasure. If you release such a powerful treasure three or four times, Matthew should probably I can’t stand it anymore!”
“Ding ding ding…”
“Mordred immediately stopped releasing the Noble Phantasm, bent over to avoid Bedivere’s right hand, and at the same time dodged the dagger and arrow.”
“As for Bedivere, he turned chops into chops, and pressed down with his right hand, like an axe, slashing heavily!”
“If we don’t take precautions, the armor on Mordred’s chest will be smashed!”
“But Mordred, who is also a knight of the round table, is naturally a warrior who has experienced many battles. Faced with this situation, she quickly rolled and avoided, regardless of the ugliness of this movement and the dust on the ground.”
“If it were other knights of the round table, they would probably not use this method because of etiquette or chivalry.”
“But she is different. Her sword skills are only learned by those who keep fighting, fighting, and killing. They abandon all etiquette and chivalry, and only exist for survival and killing.”
“After rolling away, she couldn’t even wait to stand up from the ground, and immediately swung her sword to cut Bedivere’s legs.”
“The armor on the arm slashed across the ground, kicking up layers of dust, and in the dust that rose up was a crimson magic sword flashing with electric arcs, just like a poisonous snake staring at the enemy, with lightning speed Bite away.”
“Bedwell’s expression remained unchanged, his right arm quickly changed direction, narrowly blocking Mordred’s attack.”
“”Your prosthetic hand is really impatient, no wonder you dare to speak big words, is it the confidence that this thing gives you? “Mordred quickly rolled to his feet, and then he slashed away with his sword again.”
“Naturally, Bedivere started fighting with him. The speed of the two swinging became faster and faster… Gradually, everyone could only see a little afterimage.”
“Being unable to take down Bedivere for a long time, Mordred became more and more irritable, “Bastard coward, where did you get such a thing? I don’t remember ever having such a thing! “”
“”No such thing? really? Maybe it’s just that your brain is too small to remember! “Bedwell snorted and mocked.”
“Are you calling me stupid? Mordred’s face darkened, and the movements of his hands became a little more serious, “Don’t get carried away, Bedivere, you are just a weak knight who took an extra seat!” If Agguiwen hadn’t died early, you wouldn’t even have the chance to serve as your father’s entourage! “”
“”Yes, you are right, I am far inferior to other knights. Without the protection of elves, without the protection of the sun, and without talent, he even lost an arm! However, the king entrusted the matter to me until his death! Listen to me, Mordred, I am not such a traitor as you! “”
“”Betrayer… you actually said you were not a betrayer? Hearing Bedivere’s words, Mordred laughed out loud, “Hahaha! If you are not a traitor, what are you doing now? ! There must be a limit to putting gold on your face!” ”
“Okay, since you dare to say that you are not a traitor like me, then I will tear you apart to see if your heart is loyal or rebellious! “”
“Bedwell’s words seemed to hit Mordred’s pain point, making her look extremely grim.”
“”Burn my soul, ride, silver light! Hold fast its sword, silver arm! “”
“Facing Mordred’s heavier sword, Bedivere directly activated the Noble Phantasm. ”
“Mordred’s eyes widened, and he was about to activate the treasure immediately, but at this moment, Matthew again bullied her… Bedivere and Mordred fought in a dim light before, which made her It is difficult to intervene, but now there is a chance to contain Mordred.”
“Seeing Matthew’s attack, Mordred had to cancel the release of his treasure once again, his face was extremely ugly, “You bastard…””
“Before she finished speaking, Bedivere’s right hand turned into a golden light, as if breaking through the space, and under her shocked eyes, he chopped off the armor on his chest!”
“”Well! “Mordred snorted, and the whole person flew out directly, and the armor on his chest also began to appear cracks.”
“”Damn it, what the hell am I doing? How can I lose even though I have the blessing of my father! Mordred stood up from the ground, and when she flew out, she hit her head on a boulder, causing blood to ooze from her injured forehead, and her entire cheek was stained blood red, as if she came from Like a demon from hell!”
“”Asshole, I never expected that there would be a day when I would be serious about trash like you, isn’t it going to be the laughing stock of the round table now? However, if you lose even this way, you will not even be as good as a laughing stock! Therefore, I must not lose! I want to destroy your flesh and blood, together with this entire mountain range! “”
“Mordred, whose face was covered in blood, roared as if he had gone mad. This time, not only her brilliant King Sword, but also crimson arcs erupted all over her body. The terrifying energy seemed to be out of control. They just scatter in all directions.”
“”The boiling wrath of the Broken Star——CLARENTBLOOD…””
“Just when Mordred was about to release the Noble Phantasm again, an arrow shot straight at her arm. The terrifying force made her bend her arm, and the release of the Noble Phantasm also stopped.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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