- An odd ship has flown into the harbor.

That's what Kaios called us.

I immediately dressed up and headed to the harbor, and I immediately understood what that meant.

"Is that the ship that made it?"


There are many people at the harbor who are watching as well as we are.

The ship is far offshore and can be presumed to be considerable in size.

The surface reflected light dull whether it was made of metal, and there was no mast or sail.

I don't know how it works.

Kaios said it was odd because the power is unknown.

The Lastrian ships are all wooden ships, powered by wind or oar.

I felt too heterogeneous compared to them.

If you dare, it feels similar to the original golem.

"Who's in there?

"Probably no one from the lack of movement"

"Maybe you want to ask me something."

"I want you to do an investigation. There could be a fierce demon."

Ten or eighty-nine, that would be the ruin of the ship type.

It is reasonable to assume that it happened to flow down on the current.

But it's something that I've never sunk before.

Could it be quite sturdy?

"One more thing, if possible, I want you to find out if it still works"

"You're thinking the same thing about me."

"Oh, I want to know if I can cross the ocean with that"

"I'm going to report to Your Majesty, I asked for the rest," Kaios said, leaving the harbor.

Well, suppose we go investigate?

"Frau, please"

"You don't have to tell me. I know!

Sprinkled with fairy powder, we rise to the sky all at once.

We approached the ship of interest as we flew through the sea level.

"That's a lot dirty. It's creepy without a sign of a person."

"Look, it looks like it could be over a hundred meters."

The large ship drifted over the sea, making too much noise.

Around the center is a small tower, with window-like things lining up and down.

However, the window area was so dirty that I couldn't peek inside.

"Have you had any reaction to your appraisal skills?

"There still doesn't seem to be any people. And I was able to confirm a few demons."

"There may be people in the back. Let's go in and search."

Put your foot on the deck.

Bird manure and seaweed and fish carcasses adhered to the shoes.

Not very much, but it's not an atmosphere where people are.

How long have you been wandering the ocean?

Serve the bread thick and low aid from the engraving.

"Divide and explore. Frau and Pantai, Rhosuke eliminate the enemy on board, Kaede and I will look inside."

"Copy that." "Cu!" "Shh!

come on.

Open the door and enter the ship.

It looks like it was sealed inside and pretty pretty.

There was a metal passage leading to the back.

"Give me the light."

Caede magically creates lighting.

There were multiple doors on the aisle wall.

"How did the demon react?

"There isn't. You don't seem to be in there."

Shit. Open the door.

A private room with nothing, suddenly abandoned... doesn't seem like it.

I'll open the other door, but it was still empty with nothing there.

"Master, there's something over here!

Which one?

In the room where Caede entered, there were stacks of metal boxes.

I'll take one down and open the lid.

"... a vial?

"Sounds like it's all high potion."


I've never even heard of a box with twelve high potions.

If you open the box further down, you'll similarly find twelve of the finest antidotes, twelve of the finest antidotes, and a few liquor-like bottles.

When I open it and drink it, I chew it on the aromatic flavor.

It's better than any drink I've ever had.

Just thinking about how much this one will cost makes me horrible.

It's a ship that doesn't know how wandering it was.

Keep it in magic storage for now.

If I went out into the hallway and proceeded again, I found a staircase leading up there.

"What kind of room is this?"

Up to the top of a towering building.

There lay two rows of objects like stone slabs, as if they were diagonally tilted tables.

If you touch the surface of the tablet, it suddenly emits picons and sounds.

Picon. Picon. Picon. Picon.

Simultaneously, sounds were emitted from all the stone slabs, and a thin green picturesque appeared on the surface.

"Does this… indicate the current location"

"Oh, come on, you're moving, this"

"If you think it's a big golem, you're not convinced."

Happy with Kaede's words.

That's right, this must be a hull golem.

I don't know about the power, but the ancient technology must have been moving without the wind.

"But why did you react so suddenly?"

"Because I'm a dragon man? I had a reaction when I was in the Golem."

"If so, would your husband have drawn this ship here?"

"That's... you think too much"

Notice the lettering on the tablet.

'Would you like to anchor in this place?

YES and NO were out, so press YES.

Then the ship rocked a little.

Did you lower the anchor?

But now it seems good to think that the ship is no longer worried about being flushed.

"It doesn't feel broken, and why was it left behind"

"I don't know, maybe it was some kind of clap that drove me to sleep."

"I see. That's possible, too."

If you think that the ship is too pretty, you can explain it.

However, I guess I'll have to clean up to get out of the ocean on this ship.

Anyway, the ship is too dirty outside, not very much, but I don't feel like using it as it is.

It should be refreshing to wash high pressure with Caede's magic.

After the room, we decided to go downstairs.

"It's dark."

It's dark down the stairs.

The magic of Caede illuminates the surroundings, but the darkness is too thick to spread light.

I remember this feeling.

That was an undead nest, a dungeon in the Valley of Mad Warriors.

Activate and alert the dragon eye immediately.

Whoa, whoa.

A voice that echoes from the bottom of the earth.

Behind the aisle was a black shaped man.

Top undead, Shadow.

Use magic that causes confusion, paralysis, etc., and manipulate mainly dark and ice magic.

It is a nasty demon that slips through even more physical obstacles and renders the person possessed obsolete.

But I'm not the enemy now.

Instantly packs the distance and fists through Shadow's head.

The darkness was misty and the ship was slightly brighter.

"Looks like you still have more than one."

"Then I'll clean it right away."

Rely on Kaede's appraisal skills to finish Shadow.

The darkness completely disappeared from the ship when about fifteen of them were exorcised.

- Another booze?

"This one's full of crap. Appraisal skills tell me how to use it, but I don't know how to use it at the heart."

We walked into the room and found the metal box again.

Peeping into the box Caede was fishing for, it was certainly packed in a mess of things I didn't quite understand.

Oh, could this be binoculars?

Take a peek out the round window in the room.

Uh-huh, I thought I heard a little noise, and the harbor that was far away looms just around the corner.

You can even see the wrinkles on the drunk's face.

This guy is amazing, what a toy the telescope has been.

"What else?"

"How about this?"

What was offered was an object like halving an eyeball.

It seemed to stick somewhere and the back surface area was sticky.

I'll paste it in my forehead.

Wow, my vision widens and goes around.

Disgusting, uh-huh.

Peel off the eyeballs immediately.

"Looks like you can use... a rapid water boiler, insect control lights, etc."

"You've got a lot on your relics, too."

Leave the room and head further downstairs.

For once, there were bunk beds and bunk beds.

That and the room described as a power chamber had a big, stupid organ moving like a heart, which exited immediately.

Better not let anyone in there.

And then it goes to the locked door.

"The atmosphere is different from the previous doors."

"Something's going to happen. Maybe this is the room where you can deliver your valuables."

Quickly retrieve the wire with this.

Penetrate the keyhole and activate the Grand Sheaf.

In a few seconds, the lock was unlocked and the door opened.

"This is..."

"It's a big discovery, my lord!

I loosen my expression to Kaede, who is happy to hold me.

There were two beast eggs housed.

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