Orthodox Medium Deep Dragon.

The lower blue dragon is said to have grown further.

The Blue Dragon has only the third power from above.

However, as we grow to this deep dragon, we become exceptionally strong and proud of Danton's power in the middle.

And the scary thing is that there is a huge difference in force between the lower and middle.

Honestly, I don't know if I can win now.

Thor, may I help you?

"We'll have to do it. It's not like you're going to miss it."

"I understand."

The Deep Dragon is staring at us.

That's how the ocean encounters monsters like pebbles.

"Captain, where's the magic tank?

"More than 90%."

I don't think we can stop the brace attack.


I'll give the captain instructions, then I'll take Kaede and Flaw to the deck.


"Oh, Monica."

Encounter Monica in the aisle.

Apparently, it came out of the infirmary because of the noise on board.

"What's up, Dace? Clarken?

No, it's a deep dragon.


Sit down as if your hips were falling out.

Even on the continent, Orthodox species dragons are fearless.

However, Kraken will give us a boat, and we may not be that different from them.

Caedad helped him stand up.

"Don't worry. I have a husband here. With your husband, everything will be resolved and the Deep Dragon will be cleared immediately."

"Really, Death? But there are people who have a median orthodox seed....."

"Believe me. The master is the master."

That's not encouraging.

Monica is tilting her neck.

However, I'm a little worried that the expectations for Kaede are getting bigger and bigger every day.

I'm not invincible either.

"It's time to go. It tastes bad."

That's right. Monica, go back to your room and leave me alone. "

"Yes, Dace."

I broke up with Monica and left the deck.

Looks like you're still on alert.

"I wish you'd run like this."

The Deep Dragon was still staring at the ship.

The ship will change course and attempt to leave once as instructed by me.

Because I thought you might miss it.

Dragons may change their minds and lose interest.


But a dragon's hydraulic brace passed a few hundred meters ahead of the ship.

Don't run away.


He didn't say anything, but his actions said so.

I'm not motivated.

"Maybe you're mistaking the ship for a creature."

"I see, you recognize it as a monster who entered the territory."

"Either way, we have to do it."

We unleash the power of the Holy Armor.

Level 3000 4200

Additionally activates Dragon Knight and Grandshief.

They offer Rosuke, Shark, and Chupi beauty as support.

Also, I accidentally let out the clutter.

It was a hassle to return it, so I decided to leave it to Chupi Mi of the Command Tower.

Shields up. Prepare for impact.

The control room sends word.

The dragon was moving on to the brace reserve.

A thin pink membrane covers the ship.

This is also one of the ship's features.


The hydraulic brace runs through and hits the ship directly.

But thanks to the shields, there's almost no damage.

That's a ship built by an ancient species.

Performance is not very good.

Commencing shelling

Fires a flash from the portal and hits a deep dragon.

An explosion occurs and the dragon screams in pain.

Looks like there's some damage.

"Chupi, chupi"



Chupimi gave instructions and Rosuke and the shark started attacking from the sky and sea.

Every time Rosuke passes by, he hits the dragon with a blade.

In addition, the shark emitted a flash from the sea, penetrating the body and showing it.

However, there is a faint amount of damage to take down.

I use the Mission Mega Boost.

The enhanced Rosuke and Sharkboy attacks seemed to have upset the dragon.

Deep Dragons seem to have identified two as enemies to be defeated first, using a lot of bites and brace attacks to eliminate them.


As Chupi Mi's instructions flew from above, the two repeated their delicate coordinated attacks as if they had been trained in advance.

"Thanks to the addition of Chupi Mi-san, I don't think there's any futile attacks left."

"But that makes Chupi Beauty a weakness. Either Raosuke or the shark would taste bad if they didn't go into the defense."

"Well, aren't we going to strike straight?

The dragon's mouth was facing Chupi Beauty.


"Kura ~"

Just before the bracelet was released, the cladding appeared and entered.

/(adv-to) (on-mim) thump/thump/

A cladding that received a hydraulic brace.

No, it's not. A hexagonal shield is preventing an attack.

Well, can Kratan defend himself?

In the meantime, Rosuke and Shark are guaranteed to take damage and shred their health.

"Chupi, chupi"

At Chupimi's behest, the two of them began to fall.

Looks like it's my turn.

Draw out the great sword and jump to the sea.

The lightness of the Grand Seaf made me run over the sea.


I cut off the neck of the dragon like a mistake.

"It's an incredible size."

"I can't eat all this food."

"I have to pack it in the warehouse as much as I can and feed the rest to the monsters."

A giant body floating in the sea.

On top of that, the crew was proceeding with the dismantling work.

We stare at it from the deck.

"Hey, hey, Deep Dragon, Days!?

Looking back, there was Monica.

She comes next to us and leaves to see the body.

"Isn't that amazing, the Lord has defeated you?"

"Mr. Thor is Death!?

Monica looks at me and brightens her eyes.

All of a sudden, I held my hand and approached.

"Mr. Thor has a great deal of work to do on the (...) of (...) Ma (...), (...), Days. I'm impressed, Dace."

"It happens."

"This is a rare day that can't be accomplished."

"It's close to your husband. Please come out."

Caeda enters and pushes Monica down.

It sounded like I was roaring my heart out.

The tail also stood.

Then Kaede pulls me a little bit and makes a distance of more than three meters from Monica.

"Please talk to me."

"Death at this distance!?

"Yes, this is the right distance."

That's not true...

Suddenly she sat down with a pale face.

"I'm not feeling well yet. We'll talk more about it later, and you can rest now."

I'm sorry, Dace.

Help Monica stand up.

Monica borrowed a shoulder from Kaede and went back to the infirmary.

"Hey, Master!

Flaw flew in front of me.

"Look, the level's up."

Really? So, how old are you? "

"1300. I doubted my own eyes."

That's right, Deep Dragon, the experience gained is not the same.

Perhaps the frog is up, and I'll ask you later.

I checked my status and found that the level was 3300.


Chupi Mi comes flying down to my feet.

Crouching down and rolling the tree nuts, Chupi beauty convulses.

"Well done."


Turning to my right hand, I stopped by and rubbed my head and body.

I made a ring with my fingers.

Then Chupi Mi inserted a beak to enter the circle himself.

Pretty cute.

Now, let's go ask the captain when we can leave.

Shortly after leaving the deck, the voice disappeared from behind.

Where's the dragon Lord Thor defeated?

"Rubwe, please take a closer look. It's right in front of you."

"Oops! Ambilibabo! This is the middle of the Orthodox species! Associate Leader, write down what happened today in the research journal later!

"Again and again, personal events are in the diary... sorry, this is unusual and Rubwe was right."

"What are you saying?"

After that, Rubwe rode on the body of the dragon and stayed there.

The continent is only a few days away.

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