I was banished from bed with my lover by a brave man, but my 'XP Savings' skill broke and

Chapter 113 The Ruins of the Sea and the Warrior Under the Nose

Mufufu, mufufu.

It feels so fluffy and pleasant to touch.

"Suhahahaha, the smell of Goshujima-san"

Fufufu, touchy, fluffy.

What, this feels so good.

It's the best. No, it's the toughest.

Oh, my God, there are some things that suck with moisture.

"Nh, there it is."

Who's the one who's calling out in the immediate vicinity?

Seriously, this is bad.

I feel like I want to touch it forever.

"Goshujinja, Goshujinja, Goshujinja!

My eyes slightly open.

Your consciousness began to rise, and you found that you were about to wake up.


If I could wake up the sleigh and body, there was a frog nearby.

"Good morning."

"Ha, yes! Good morning!


What a strange feeling.

The area around the chest is slightly wet.

When I looked back at Kaede again, I blushed my face and slapped my fox ears.

You're staring at me with your face down and wet eyes.


Aruji-sama! I'm going for breakfast!


The door was opened vigorously, and Flaw and Pantai jumped in.

Monica comes in late.

"Today's breakfast is a shop day with cakes! Caeda, let's eat lots of sweets together!

"Wow, hey, Monica!

Monica grabbed his arm, and Kaede was taken by force.

Oh, what is this?

Under the bed, there was a scroll of used olfactory enhancement.

Pancakes topped with honey.

Suddenly, Kaede spilled a blissful smile.

"How about a delicious day?

Yes, it's exquisite.

"Really, sweets are a lump of happiness. Mogging."

The three of them have fun eating dessert.

I got a bite, but it wasn't too sweet and moist, and it was such a pancake that I wanted to eat another bite.

The Marquis Lady, it's just a recommended shop for Monica.

"I was surprised, however, that the elves lived by the sea. I thought it was something that never came out of the woods."

"Of course I love the forest, but a convenient life with plenty of food and ruins is an impossible day to throw away. And the ocean, in a sense, Forest Days."

Is it safer and more comfortable to live in the sea than in the woods?

When Aleusha asked, "You're still a proud elf! What an anger.

"Can Monica use Spirit Magic?"

"Of course, Days. I have a contract with the Spirit of Water Days."

Looking at the dragon's eye, there was a spirit-like fish around Monica's shoulder.

The fish, noticing my gaze, panicked behind Monica.

I've been thinking about spirits for a long time, but they seem sensitive to sight.

"From here, you can see the great sword, Dace."

"It's very big, isn't it? I wonder why these things were made."

We look up at the sword rising from the terrace seat.

It's about 300 meters tall.

Simple design, but overwhelmingly magnificent.

This is also a spectacular view, one that cannot be seen without coming here.

"Today I will show Thor and the others the ruins, Days."

"Is it near here?"

"There is a Scenarios ruins by the sea, Death. It's a popular spot for adventurers, Dace. Besides, there's a locked door at the bottom, and no one's seen the back yet."

Oh, that's good.

It's not a bad idea to keep valuable items for your trip here.

Above all, it's exciting just to see the ruins of the beach.

Scenario Site - A site of ancient species on the coast whose construction and use are unknown.

The exterior was like a shrine, broken down somewhere in stone.

Near the entrance to the ruins, I saw several adventurers.

Apparently, they're looking for materials for the monster.

But why do you always look like a swimsuit?

We'll lead Monica inside the ruins.

There's water in the aisle.

"It's the beach, Days."

"The lower level is almost submerged..."

Yes, Dace. Take measures, Dace. "

Monica suddenly opens her chest and shows her chest in a swimsuit.

I didn't miss the huge shake.

"Mi, don't look, Grandpa!


The frog rushed to close my eyes.

It's a swimsuit, isn't it?

I guess it's a little late.

I saw it.

If you need a swimsuit, tell me first.

"That's right, Dace! Damn it, Dace!

"It's fine because it's in the luggage, but you should tell me in advance next time."

"I'm sorry, Death. I apologize to the lovely Fleur, Dace."

Pretty? Huh?

Frau is praised.


The monster in the aisle fell apart with the blade of the wind.

The rest of the monsters escaped the scene because of the boss.

"Fufu, after all, Fleurs are the strongest."


"What? Fleur didn't do anything? No, that's fine, because the frog is also Fleur's."

"Cucumber, cucumber"

"I'm gonna blow you up, white bread!

The flaw and breadcrumbs are rubbing on my head again.

I like getting along, but I want you to think about the time and place.

Me, Kaede and Monica strip away the material from the monster.

The collected materials were then stored in magic storage.

"You should look for new storage, Dace. This is not much capacity, Dace."

"Really? I think it's quite a big size."

"If you go to the dungeon, 1000 magic storage will be dropped. Rumor has it there's 10,000 storage, Days."

Seriously. Do you have that kind of magic storage over here?

I think there are other items that weren't there.

I'd like to go to the dungeon anyway.

Go down the old aisle and we'll find the stairs.

But it's completely filled with seawater, and we have to swim from here.

I'm going to change, so please wait a moment.

"Well, I'll be over there."

I change into a swimsuit in a remote place.

Shru, pasa.

There is a noise of cloth shifting from the other side.

Looks like Kaede and Fleur are getting dressed.

"Did you grow up again?

Really? I don't know for myself. "

"Caedad, beautiful shape, dace."

"Don't touch either of you!


No, don't get excited.

Let's calm down and go back over there.

It's okay now.


When I got back, there were three people in swimsuits.

Flaw had no small swimsuit, so it is human size.

"By the way, is there air under here?"

"Days with plenty of air filled places. Through them, it's easy to get to the bottom."

Some hidden rooms have been discovered here in the past.

There are several artifacts found in the hidden room, and the adventurer seems to have made a fortune.

This ruin is still intriguing.

Hidden room, it's romantic.

I take out the underwater breathing scroll.

"Everybody, use this."

The effect of underwater breathing is several hours.

You can literally breathe in the water while the effect lasts.

When scrolling is activated, I go into the water and summon the shark.

"Pakku ♪"

The shark rubbed his body against me.

I suppose you didn't think you'd be called in for a while because you went up to land.

I feel kind of happy.

Caedad used magic to create the light.

Wow, it's full of debris.

Besides, I see fish burning.

Maybe it's connected to the ocean somewhere.


Rise from the water.

The frogs rose out of the water late.

"There was nothing."

"I haven't checked everything. Maybe it happened to someone who didn't go."

"Hey, don't you smell that treasure over there?

Flaw is staring at the closed door.

Could this be the back door, locked?

Monica pushed the door, but it was still locked and didn't open.

"If you have a key, you can put it in the day. I'm sorry, Dace."

Show me a little.

"Waste Days. No one could open the door, Death."

The wire is taken out.

Push into the key hole of the door and unlock it in one second.


There is a sound of the door opening.

"Death is open!? With wire!? What's going on, Dace?

Monica falls very far behind in dismay.

I can afford this if I have a super all-purpose key.

Now, let me see your treasure.

I opened the door with both hands.

"... this is it?

There is one table in the small room.

On top of it was a pale jewel.

Wait, I've seen this jewel somewhere.

Sure, at the auction.

"Master, it's a jewel of life!

Yes, it's an artifact that won the bid for 850 million.

A rare item that saves you from death only once.

Value is inferior to elixir, but it's still something everyone wants.

"This is mine, Dace! Don't give up to anyone, Dace!!

Monica suddenly grabs the jewels and attempts to escape.

However, the quick-moving Fleur seized her.

"What are you doing? That's what the Lord found! Give it back!"

"Please, Dace, give me this. Dace!

"Bullshit, this titty elf!

"Chest has nothing to do with it, Dace! Don't rub it, Days!!

In the meantime, I decided to ask Monica about the situation.

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