Ultina of Dark Elves.

He's a solo adventurer, and two of his names are "Princess Fall."

The weapons they use are two one-handed axes, good at proximity, but they also use summoning magic at the same time.

"--Dark Elves are not as good at spiritual magic as Elves.I can make a contract, but I'm not good at drawing this kind of power.Instead, I'm good at summoning magic. "

What is summoning magic?

"This' bubbit 'or something."

Ultina strokes the black sphere.

Now we're moving to the tavern and listening.

However, there are many people who nap at the tavern.

It's more of a break room than a tavern.

"I knew there was something called summoning magic.But I've never actually seen it. "

"You will, sir. Summon Magic consumes a lot of magic, and in other species, even the lowest ranked one can maintain it for a day."

"Can I touch it?

"Whatever you want.I'm only ordering you to attack when you're asleep. "

The frog touches the black sphere of fear.

The sole, called the bubbit, is a beautiful sphere with little gloss.

I can imagine it slipping from the appearance.

Summon Magic is a special magic that invokes more powerful beings than any other world.

There is a rank in what you can call, and the more you go up, the more magic you will consume.

There were also users on the island (over there), but they were very few in number and, as Ultina said, were perceived as useless magic due to the high amount of magic consumed.

However, there is no doubt that it is quite powerful magic if it can be used.

"It's a strange feeling.It looks like iron, but it's as warm as living things. "

"Really, strange creatures."


"Huh? Don't touch that little thing?That's nice, because I don't get to touch Summoners very often.And it's not dirty. "

Pantai is hiding behind me and shouting away from Bubbit.

Perhaps the Beloved and the Summoner are incompatible.

"Then why don't you hire me?Whether it's a dungeon or a city, you'll need guidance. "

"Dungeon? Is there a dungeon around here?

"You came without knowing.Well, what should I do? "

Kaede and Fleur nodded silently.

No one seems to disagree.

I am ignorant of the Dark Elves.

I am very grateful to have a guide.

"Let me hire you."

"Deal closed ♪"

Ultina smiles.

Shabu-shabu, frogs and fluffs wash in the inn's backyard.

I was watching it with one pair of pants.

"Wow, that's so dirty."

"I haven't been able to wash your husband's clothes for a while."

"Lord, why don't you buy some new clothes?"

"You can still wear it.I have an attachment to my clothes. "

I buy clothes for frogs and flaws all the time, but I actually do it on my own.

When I was a fresh adventurer, Sein advised me to have good clothes for adventurers and bought them.

I bought the clothes I bought with Sein.

He was a son of a bitch, but he's an unforgettable friend.

I have bad memories, but there are plenty of fun memories.

Many will forget about him.

But I must remember only as my former best friend.

So is Lisa. Never forget.

That's the last thing I can do as an ex-boyfriend, ex-boyfriend.


"Are you encouraging me?

The thickness of the pan tingles my cheeks.

I'm glad you're here.

If I were alone, I wouldn't have come this far.

I'll hold the breadcrumbs and stroke them.

Cucumber ~

"I don't care about you, either."

He's my family, too.

I don't listen to myself for a minute, but I know I'm trying to be useful.

A strong wind blows at once.

Pfft, something flew into my face and stuck to it.

Is this... pants?

"My underwear."

Caedad was so shy, his eyes were wobbling.

"So, are you used to the city?"

A little.

Meet Ultina and I'll answer.

I plan to go sightseeing today.

I have received a request from the Alliance, but I plan to relax because you are not in a hurry.

"My recommendation is the orchard.Sweet and delicious fruit all - you - can - eat, in this time of year grape, sir. "

"All-you-can-eat! Hyah, that's awesome!

"Chu, chu!

"Master, let's hunt a lot!

"Oh, oh..."

My friends are excited.

Speaking of which, sweet but blind, my members.

But grapes, maybe sometimes.

"Wow! What is this? What is this?

Fleur flies around with his eyes shining.

Fruit like jewelry hanging from the top, sweet scent attracts not even insects.

Each grain seems large and satisfying, and this is a luxury all-you-can-eat.

The man in charge of Dark Elves leaves when he receives a fee for the number of people with sleepy eyes.

"Why are you all so sleepy?"

"I'm just saying (b). Dark elves are night shaped.Even so, some of you live a regular life like you, sir. "

"What are you doing at night?

"It's work. It's better that way, sir."

Do you work at night?You've changed.

But I don't think that's all.

I feel a strong attachment to sleeping.



Oops, we have to eat.

Even if it's all-you-can-eat, there seems to be a time limit.

"Master, this grape looks delicious."

I see. I... "

Caeda and I touched each other trying to rip off the grapes.

She panicked and fell down embarrassed.

On the other hand, I can see that the tail is shaking and somehow seems happy.

I cut the grapes and gave them to her.

Here, eat first.

"But I am a slave.Master first. "

"Orders. Eat first."


For some reason, Kaede expresses herself gently.

Occasionally, I don't know what makes her happy.

Are you glad they gave you the order?

I took the grain with my thin white finger and gently put it in my mouth.


"I just said I'd recommend it.Atashi comes to this city regularly because it's here, Sa. "

"Is Ultina not from here?"

"Born in a border village, sir.I'm here for a little something this time. "

I also eat grapes while Kaede and Ultina are talking.

Oh, that's sweet.

The flavor is good and the aftertaste is refreshing.

Juicy and full of fruit juice.

"What the hell, Fleur found this first!

"Cucu! Cucu, cucu!

"Huh? You licked it earlier than Fleur?Did you do that little thing!?Ahhhhhhh! How dare you eat all this!

Fleur stood up against the thick bread.

Do you fight until you come here?

There are plenty of grapes.There shouldn't be any need to fight.

The chase begins and Pantai hits Ultina's face.


The sound of stepping through something.

The next moment she disappeared from the scene.

"I forgot to tell you, but there's a big hole in the area that a shark mole dug...."

The returning caretaker looks at the perforated wooden lid and shuts up.

I heard a crying voice from the bottom.

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