A full day passed by as I walked through the labyrinth of the garden.

The path to this point is written on paper, so you can come back anytime you want.

By the time the evening book goes down, we'll be surrounded by fire to confirm today's harvest.

"The Ring of Speed Up, the Sleepiness Awakening Necklace, the Hungry Bracelet, the Ring of Magic Recovery, and the Scroll of Appraisals.And what's this gloomy balls? "

"Don't you know? Come on.It's a smoke ball, and when you hold it and throw it, it spits out a lot of smoke. "

Looks like you could use it as a smoke screen.

Every item is not on the other side or performs well.

I think I can sell it at a good price if I take it back to the island, but I still have no choice but to sell it off by boat.Or we could use it.

Let Ultina choose what she wants first.

We didn't get these alone.Naturally, there will be a share for her.

"Atashi is just a ring of magic healing."

"Is that really all you need?"

"Every item appears frequently.It's useless, and even if you take it, it's only a penny. "

Did you say you've been here many times?

I'm sure you're getting tired of looking at these items.

Well, even with me, there's hardly anything I need.

Sell everything but the appraisal scroll and smoke balls.

"Here's your water."

"Koku, koku, haaa, come back to life"

You're finally feeling better.

"Reflected.I'll never drink again. "


Flaw, recovering from hangover, declares so.

I'm sure in a few days you'll have forgotten all about today and been drinking.

"Time to go, yo."

"Isn't it dangerous to move at night?

"Tonight the moon is up and bright.Besides, the phantom area must be enjoyed at night. "

I can't help saying that.

It's not funny for me to come here and see it halfway.

Suddenly, the frog snorted.

"Don't you smell good from before?

I snort too.

It was dull, but I could feel the fragrance.

Perhaps Ultina's phantom area is nearby.

Pack your bags and leave immediately.

Maybe this is it.



When we get out of the open space, we suddenly see the sight.

There were countless small flowers that glowed blue around the fountain.

Every time the wind blows, the light sways like a wave.

"As I heard, it was a sight.I wanted to see this. "

Ultina stepped into the area and spread her hand around.

It looks like a child.

"What kind of flower is this?"

"Well, there's a human quick scallop banana."

Human cucumber... cannibalism!?




Shruggle, the vines have tied me and my people together.

The blue flower that came out of the fountain was a meter long.

A big mouth in the middle burst and opened in search of prey.

You must have been a monster.

Tied frogs hang upside down, exposing their white thighs.

"Ha... if I'm so nervous..."

Ultina managed to get rid of the ties, but the vines were tightly tied and her chest swayed as she moved.

Flaw and breadcrumbs are unusual without any particular sight.

"Look, Master!Why don't you look at Fleur?


"Chest! You have breasts!Those two have boobs!

The more Frau is about to shed tears of blood, the more regretful she looks.

"If you guys are making a scene!Look at this situation, Ro!

The monster checked Kaede and Ultina alternately and seemed to be thinking which one to take.

Can I help you?

"Just a little longer."


"Sorry, I'll do it."

Slippery, the vines are torn to the ground.

Well, it's time to say goodbye.

I appreciate you showing me something good.

I cut the monster into a cross.

"I can't see the movement... this claw"

Your husband is your husband.

At the same time as it is loosened, the frog rotates and lands.

The face was as carefree as if in love.

Fleur, on the other hand, stares at Ultina's chest as if it were a hole.

... hmm?

Something is floating in the fountain.

Pick it up and it was silver scroll.

I've only seen it once in the elves.

Was it a special scroll that gives you skills?

Perhaps the current enemy was the boss of this area.

I've heard that Boss Monsters drop items when destroyed.

The contents of the scroll are [Luminescence].

A skill I've never heard of.

Conversely, there is a high likelihood of rarity.

"You get the skills, don't you?This is Fleur, right? "

"You don't even know how to use it, do you?

"But the Lord can use the family beast, and the frog can also do magic.Flea just wants to fly, and Flea wants to be more useful.I don't like immersive personality. "

Don't say you have no personality, it came out to my throat and I managed to swallow it.

Me and Kaede have enough skills.

Flaw has no noticeable ability in that regard.

The ability to fly is remarkable, but otherwise quite normal.

Besides, I feel that fairy and luminescence go well together.Of course I guess.

I gave the scroll to Fleur.

Solution (Kai)!

Light is emitted from the scroll and sucked into Fleur's chest.

She is now the owner of the luminescence skill.

"Fairy Light Oooooooooooo!"

"" "" Gyaaaaaaa!!

A faint amount of light was emitted from the flaw.

You're lying. If you're going to do it, tell me in advance.

My vision is completely white and I can't see anything.

Oh, I got something.

"Nh, Master, not in such a place, at least...."


What on earth did I catch a frog eagle?

Running backwards trying to escape, he bumped into someone and fell down.

"Who is it?"

"It's Ultina. That voice is Thor, sir."

I apologize lightly and try to stand up.

When I moved my hands, I felt a little soft on my forehead.

"Where do you get it, Sa!?Stop, nnh... "

"I'm sorry! But I can't see anything."

"Stupid, move your legs!Ahhh. "

"Master, what are you doing!?I'm here!

Fleur, get me somewhere safe.

Fluffy, grabbed by Fluffy, I move in the air.

The place where it was lowered looked like it was by the wall.

"Cucu! Cucu, cucu!?

"Just hold still.Even if I flew invisible, there it hit the wall. "

Kyu ~

It seems that Pantai, who was in a state of confusion, hit the wall and fell.

All we have to do is wait for each of them to recover until their eyesight returns.

Fleur, I need to talk to you later.


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