I was guided to a warm room with a fireplace.

The young man encourages him to sit in the chair and lowers himself to the opposite seat.

"My name is Itsuki. I am the head of this village."

"We are the Roaming Brigade. I'm Thor, this is Kaede, and this is Flaw and Pantai."

"White-haired fox... no way"

Izuki takes a serious look at the frog and then shakes his head sideways to deny the idea.

On the other hand, Kaede had a frightening look on his face.

"Ah, you know, Master, actually..."

Why is the Rogue Brigade looking for the White Wolf?

Itsuki asks questions to block Kaede's words.

For a moment, Kaede's consciousness turned to him, but first he changed his mind that he should be properly explained to him, who was out of guard.

"I'm looking for my mother's home.Elov the Spirit King told me that a white wolf would know. "

King of the Wind Spirit It was a nuisance. "

"Please, let me see the white wolf."


He doesn't even look lost and says he feels flustered.

"All of a sudden, he wants to meet with our God.Don't be ridiculous. The White Wolves say that only a handful of us, the great clan that governs this mountain range, will be allowed to meet.It's impossible for anyone outside to see you. "

I felt a strong will not to give permission no matter what.

At least there are white wolves.

That was all I could read from the conversation.

"It's a little good. The werewolf tribe is a bitch."

"What! You fool the proud people of Lowe!"

"Because that's not true. It's the white wolf who gives permission, not the people in this village.I don't think you're being mean, even if you don't even ask me. "

"Let me tell you something! Gurururu!"

Frau seems to have pissed me off because he said everything he wanted to say.

So Kaede put something on the table.

"The family of the brave wolf, its proud and magnificent appearance is heard from far away.This is an apology for not having heard from me.Thank you for visiting the White Wolf God. "

"This is it!"

Two chunks wrapped in white paper.

It was fine meat and gold.

Sometimes I want something like that.

Caedad opened up the iron fan, which was her mother's image, and showed it.

A fox-like crest appeared.

"That family crest, you, no, you!"

"I am Kaede Tamamo of the White Fox clan.Would it be easier to understand the descendants of Kuo? "

"Cucumber, nine tailed balls!How rude!! "

Izuki sat on the floor and drooped his head to the point where he thought it would stick to his forehead.

Both me and Fleur are eye-catching at the changed attitude.

The chief Itsuki is thrilled.

On the other hand, Kaede is looking at me with an unfortunate expression.

"Please tell the White Wolf God about the visit offer."

"Of course. However, please be aware that permission may not always be granted."

"I know what you're doing."

Itsuki lowered his head again.

"It seems surprisingly comfortable to live in."

Thanks to the frog.

"... yes"

Fleur rides on a breadcrumb and moves in front of a fireplace with fire.

We were allowed to stay in the village until the white wolf replied.

She also asked Izuki to rent out the house and prepare meals.

Too beautiful a palm back, a guest to welcome from a nasty stranger.

The cause of the sudden change in attitude is still Kaede.

In the meantime, we sit in a chair to ask about the situation.

"Um, I'm sorry I kept it hidden!"

"So Kaede is a Heavenly Beast."

"Yes, I am a member of the Heavenly Beast and Whitefox family who live far away from here.I was never trying to hide it, but I kept missing the time to tell you, no, no, I really didn't want to tell you. "

The frog on the face seems spicy for some reason.

"As I said before, my hometown is in a critical situation, and only I, who was young, was escaped by the magic team."

"You didn't ask what happened."

"Someone attacked the hideout.I was trampled into untouchable territory, and a member of my clan who perceived the crisis let me go.The last sight I saw was a house wrapped in fire. "

She spills tears.

She's healed me and a lot of people, but she left herself to heal the most.

How dull are you, me?

Didn't you notice what Caeda was carrying sooner?

"I couldn't tell you because I was afraid of getting your husband involved in this.The enemy is equal to or lower than the Heavenly Beast Whitefox, and even if you estimate it, it is more than your master. "

"More than me!?"

Hey, what is that?

That's why Kaede wants to keep it a secret.

I probably didn't want to say it because I'm stupid.

I'm stupid. I'll be involved in this.

And that's the right answer.

"I want to help Kaede's hometown."

But master!

* giggle * and stroke your head.

"I am your lord.The slave problem is my problem.Or is it strange that the master takes care of the slave? "

Caeda sifts and shakes her face sideways.

That's what you said back then.

"That's what I mean. Caeda helped me a lot, and I have to help you."

"Fufu, seems like your husband."

"Because you're an idiot."

"No, because your husband is kind."

When he stood up, he hugged her to moisturize his eyes.

The frog cried in his arm as if he had cut the weir.

The anxiety I'm sure was heavy.

Maybe he doesn't have a family anymore, that's what I thought.

I still don't know how to help.

I can't tell you anything about that unless you go home.

But I'm sure her family is alive.

Heavenly beasts are strong, aren't they?Then he'll probably survive.

I originally intended to go there, and the purpose was rather clear.

"By the way, White Fox is about your mother."

"No, maybe you know Grandma...."

After all, all I have to do is ask the white wolf.

And maybe we can get some information from the White Wolf.

I noticed a strange smell.

Faced in front of the fireplace, Fleur's little clothes fell.

"How about this taste? It's not bad."

Cucumber ~

"What is that face, eh, salty?Ugh, what is this? Let's dilute it with water. "

"Chuu, chuu!?"

"Hyah! Fire!"

Going to the kitchen, there was a human size flaw with an apron.

Besides, there is a fierce flame from the frying pan you are holding.

Well, he greased it, not water.

Flaw and Pantai stared at the sight of the ingredients turning into ash.

"Ice Rock"

The frying pan froze instantly as a result of Kaede's maneuver.

"Already, Frau, if you want to cook, please call me."

"I'm sorry. I'm always watching, so maybe Fleur can do it..."

Cucumber ~

A fluff that drops its shoulders.

But what's that look like?

Do you want to catch an apron naked or catch a cold?

Likewise, Kaede pointed out.

What are you wearing?

"Ah, this? Actually, Soara gave me the wisdom to be a naked apron a long time ago.The cooking failed, but the Lord likes it. "

Fleur turns around and shows the back without even underwear.

I could see my chest slightly from the gap.

"No, Frau, in front of your master!"

"What, it's a little good.In any case, Kaede will take the seat of the right-wife, but at least you won't get the seat of the second wife, "you turpitude.I want to see the breasts of my parents. "

"It's not the face, it's the chest."

The frog that unconsciously stumbled on me feels happier.

"And, for now, please put on your clothes! Come here!"

"This outfit is pretty cold, isn't it?Soara said she likes the way men dress, but I'm a little doubtful if it's true. "

Fleur, who was pulled by his arm, complained and went to the next room.

I was stunned by Flaw's appearance.

I don't hate naked aprons.

* Giggle *, that's Soara, you know me well.

Had it been a frog, my heart would have stopped with eroticism and cuteness.

Now, let's get rid of this black-baked ingredient.

"Master, Itsuki is coming."

"Nh, okay."

Towards the entrance, there was a long figure of Itsuki.

He gives thanks for looking at me.

"The White Wolf God gave me the word that I would be happy to meet him if I fulfilled the conditions."

"What are the conditions?"

"Recognising the user in the performance."

Hah, play??

Izuki grips the instrument he was pulling from his shoulder, and plays the string with his fingers and sounds polaroni.

"Wolves are music!"

I see...

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