I dragged Basilisk home.

Because the magic storage is full, I can't store it and take it home.

Slow, slow, slow.

As he lowered the serpent in the village square, the children looked round.

According to Itsuki, basilisk is not poisonous and meat is delicious.

The skin can be processed and used, and the teeth and bones are used a lot.

Itsuki came forward and opened the eyes of the inhabitants.

"The basilisk was exterminated this way.It is good for everyone to live in peace.And tonight, for the first time in a long time, if you're free, please dismantle it. "

He told me 'follow me' with his eyes.

Looks like we still need to talk.

I'll send the frogs home for now and follow me alone.

As he was guided to the back of the village, Itsuki looked at the village from behind.

"I'm late, but thank you very much for this."

"I don't care if you thank me."

"No, thank you.Without you, eliminating the basilisk would have been a long way off.In addition to that unusual force, that figure of yours was a warrior and a magnificent wolf. "

"Oh, oh..."

Perhaps the Wolf is their compliment.

It's hard to get a serious compliment.

"Can I ask you something?"

"A normal warrior."

"Fu, you don't have to hide it.I wonder if he's a brave man from some country? "

No, but...

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret."

Itsuki nods as if she understood everything.

Not at all.

Because I'm a real warrior.

"By the way, it's more user-friendly today than the White Wolf God, but are you up to play?We still have time for the banquet, so please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any concerns. "

"Ah, that's probably fine."

"Really? Can you tell me once?"

I think we should rehearse it.

Depending on Itsuki's reaction, it seems like it will work.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

The time when the sun fades.

People gather at banquet venues in the back of the village.

A scorchfire was set on fire, and the dishes made with basilisk were behaved.

Two large wolf statues were placed opposite each other in the venue, and there was an unusual design hut in the back.

Is it a shrine dedicated to the White Wolf?

The inhabitants pray to the hut before eating.

I looked around and looked for a white wolf.

"There's no one like that."

"Ugh, I'm getting a little nervous."

"Neither have I. I've never done anything like this in front of so many people."

Cucumber ~

"It's okay. It's okay. You praised me."

Two and one were nervous.

Nearly a thousand people are gathered here anyway.

It is only natural to be anxious to think that all of them will turn their gaze.

I look fine, but I'm sweating my hands too.

Yay, I'm starting to want to run away.

I don't like to stand out.

Give me a break.

Itsuki, dressed like a priest, appeared at the venue, poking his knees in front of the cabin.

"Thank you very much for giving us a friendship with our white wolf god, the good prey.Tonight is a big banquet, please listen to the guests coming from the Gentiles. "

The two stone statues glowed slightly but blurrily.

All the inhabitants poke their knees and head down at once.

In addition, Itsuki howls, and the inhabitants raise their voices to heaven, where the full moon shines.

And the light of the stone statue disappeared.

"I'm ready. Start playing."

"What's wrong with using it?He hasn't come yet. "

"Don't worry, they're already here."

We let our eyes wander around the venue.

But no one seems to have done the same earlier.

You mean you're watching from afar?

We go up to the stage and each plays an instrument.

I'm a regular.

Caeda is a whistle.

Pampers are thick drums.

And Fleur is vocal.

Activates the imitator to copy Itsuki's skill.

Activates a newly acquired Job "Fantasy Musician".

I played the string lightly.

That was the signal, and the breadcrumb hit the drum with a stick attached to its mouth.

On the rhythm, I played the regular vigorously.

It plays violently and fast. The image is a torrent.

I barked as hot and powerful as a howl, and yet I laughed at the world.

The loud whistle tone of the frog merges and the sound reaches beyond imagination.

"Poor milk, but you really don't know what's stuck in your chest. ♪ It doesn't matter if it's swollen or squeezed. ♪ But the impressive fat you can see, the desperate death. ♪ The times don't catch up with poor milk ♪"

Play the regular as Fleur sings.

The sound was shuddering in me.

When it fits, the performance ends.

Face up, the people in the hall remained solidified.

Both the tiger and the creature stood still without moving a fingertip.

The anxiety rapidly rose.

I personally intended to make the best music, but it may not have been accepted.

In this village, which loves relaxed music, were my fantasist songs still not popular?

Itsuki praised me.Please, somebody respond.

"What kind of music! Awesome! Awesome old man!"

The first boy to clap his voice was the one I made him cry.

A few seconds later, a wally cheer approached.

They scream more and more.

I started the next performance with a gaze.

They rush and jump to the immediate vicinity of the stage.

And those who dance to uncontrollable impulses.

The squeaking regulars add even more tingling, and they howl to the sound.

When we finished playing about five times, we were surrounded by residents.

They are excited and blink fast.

It seems true that the werewolves love deep music.

"Quiet, all of you. It's a guest."

The villagers regain their calm with a bite of Itsuki.

Thanks to what I told you earlier, he is much more calm.

"This way."

He will lead us into the hut.

When I got in, Obi sat and waited.

"How was it?"

"I've never seen music so novel and innovative and so enthusiastic.I have already obtained permission from Yatsufusa.This will allow the admission of the White Fox god Kaede Tamamo. "

"I'm relieved to hear that."

Izuki lowered his head and the Obi nodded.

The relationship between the two was underlying the scene.

Wasn't Obi one of his men?

"I'm sorry, I lied to you."


"As you know, I am Obi Yatsufusa, a family of white wolves led by Yatsufusa the big mouth. I am the next main player."

Obi takes a mask that mimics a wolf.

The youngster with the tough face appeared from below.

I wonder if the mask also had a disguise function.

His hair, his wolf ears and his tail were turning into beautiful white.

"Were you the next major player?I apologize for being rude. "

"Okay, here's the plan. I don't need an apology."

Obi responded politely to Kaede's polite apology.

On the other hand, Itsuki retreated silently and gently bowed before leaving the cabin.

Me, Fleur and Pantai face each other.

Why is it a hut again?

I think it would be more convenient to go outside to where the White Wolf lives.

Rather, Obi stood up and touched the big mirror placed in the deepest part of the hut.

Shortly afterwards, the mirror swayed like water and his arm entered the mirror.

"What is that?"

"It's a hole in the realm of heavenly beasts -- a door to other spaces."

"Well, what does that mean?"

There's a place on the other side where the white wolves live.

Oh, I don't know at all.

It's called the Zone of Heaven and the Beast.

Obi passes first and disappears.

"Shall we come, Master?"

Let's see how white wolves are.


Never through the mind.

The way through the mirror was on the red bridge.

There is a mansion with an unfamiliar design in the front.

"There's a blue sky and a river beyond the mirror."


Peeping down from the bridge, Flaw and Pantai were impressed by the water surface, which reflected dazzling sunlight.

This is alien space?

Where the Heavenly Beast lives??

The butterflies are flickering in the gloomy temperatures.

Flowers swayed in the wind on the far bank of the river.

"Isn't it a pretty good place to live?"

I see.

It's quite different from the White Fox Village.

Obi waited in the middle of the bridge.

"I'd like to ask you one question, why were you pretending to be a werewolf tribe?"

"That's what I do more than usual to keep an eye on my family.It would be more convenient to move in the back.In fact, I would have approached them naturally. "

Isn't it because it's enshrined, that you're sitting in that seat and crossing the cushion?

He said he was secretly baking care.

He lowered his head slightly to me.

"It's getting late, but thank you for the basilisk.You kept the damage to a minimum.Even with us, that enemy was a little troublesome. "

"No, it's fine. I ate some delicious meat."

Obi walked toward the Mansion saying, "I will guide you to Yatsufusa."

Shaking wolf tail.

The reacted breadcrumbs tingled a little.


Obi slipped and fell to the floor from his face.

And he glanced at it slowly.

Sorry, my boy!

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