The Beast town is very clean, and there is no rubbish on the road.

The city was interesting, and even a little decoration impressed me.

Sometimes I see a race called dwarf.

I hear they are clever, but is it their job?

The Dwarves looked a lot different for men and women.

Men were slightly shorter than human beings, but they were still muscular and overall fat, and it was customary to store beards. The thick, masculine face was covered with rich hair on the mouth.

Women are even shorter, and many of them are gorgeous and cute.

I saw a parent and child with children, but for a moment I thought they were sisters.

They say there's a dwarf state in the neighboring countries, so it's probably coming from there.

"Master, that cafe is fashionable."

I see.

Countless stunning buildings caught my eye and answered in the sky.

Then Kaede takes my hand and puts it on his head for some reason.

Her face is bright red.

"What happened suddenly?"

"Um, well, I wanted you to rub me asexually. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to treat you right."

"No, I just got a little lonely."

It seems pleasant to stroke.

I don't really care about him here.

She can take care of things in detail, but she often refrains from doing so.Even if you miss me, you will endure from my mood and circumstances.

Meanwhile, Fleur was holding his arms together.

"Look, Fleur is cute too."

"... eh"

If you stroke your head, your face will relax.

That's how I figured out what Fleur wanted to say.

Fleur pressed his head against the palm of his hand and slapped his wings in full bloom, just as he said, "More, more stroke."

Then I sniffed my fingers a few times and chewed softly.

"Why are you chewing?"

"This will calm you down.Because it tastes like the Lord. "

You've learned a strange habit again.

It's my taste.

However, I was staring at the situation with my eyes full of unusual frogs.

"Lady Goshuu....."

"You want to bite me too?"

"One bite, please."

When I put my neck out because I had to, the frog bites with fear.

There was a feeling of a slight bite and a feeling of the tongue touching.

Sarasara's hair touches my face and burns.

Ho, ho!

"It's not delicious."

The white fluffy tail of the frog flutters.

I was bitten to check the taste over and over again.

It feels strange to be bitten by a beautiful woman's neck.I'm afraid of opening doors that shouldn't be opened.

"Hohihihihanha ~, Hohihihihanha ~"

"Just calm down. I'll chew you up again."

Away, she hid her face with both hands and her ears were red, saying, "I showed you something embarrassing."

"Um, well, Master is so delicious and lovely!"

"I know how it feels, this feels good, right?I've been aiming for a sleeping gap for a long time, but once I start biting, it won't stop. "

I think they're gonna eat me someday.

When did you do it before?

Wait a minute. Sometimes in my bed, you're biting around while you're asleep?

"[]/(adj-na, n, adj-no) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) flabby/flabby/flabby/flabby/(2) (uk) (uk) flabby/flabby/(P)/"/"/"

When I looked at the arm, the bread thickness was not good.

However, I became dissatisfied with whether it wasn't delicious.

You don't get weird influences either.

"I think we should go around and gather information."

"Some of you are missing, and I only hear that the demon king Roswell is in the west."

"Yeah, I don't even know where he lives, so I can't find him.Anyway, whatever it is, we have to find a clue or we can't move. "

Discuss upcoming movements on the terrace of the café.

I drank a little brewed coffee and put the cup on the table.

"According to Yatsufusa's grandfather, Roswell is a fairly special demon king who barely appears on the surface.He's not interested in dominating people like Lisa or Rudolla. "

"Come on, it's not like we're gonna have to do this - we're gonna need an interview!"

Now you're going to call it sightseeing.

However, I know how you feel.

Had it not been for this situation, I would have enjoyed this country to the fullest.

Grandpa also heard about the ancient demon king.

There are more demon kings in this continent than there were in ancient times.

It seems that the demon kings are controlling each other and maintaining an exquisite balance of power.

I mean, to put it simply, they're terrible.

Even Yatsufusa's grandfather said it was too dangerous to get too close.

Honestly, I don't want to see Roswell.

I was worried about not being serious until a while ago, but I met my grandfather and such an idea blew up in an instant.

There are many monsters here that I can't beat.

Whatever Fleur says, it is certain that information-gathering is essential.

"Is there any place where valuable information can be gathered?It's tough to listen and investigate in this big country. "

"I wish I had something like an auction.Great people gather there, and you can tell stories you can't hear from normal people. "

I see.

It was only sold at auction.

I didn't even think about it.

But is there an auction in this country?

"Thank you for waiting. It's a pancake."

"Wow, yummy!!"

The serving is cute.

A female clerk brings dessert to Fleur.

I thought it was a chance to speak up.

"Um, is there a place around here where we're auctioning?"

"Then you should go to the dark market in King's Landing.It's also in this city, but it's a neighborhood, and it's not very unusual, so I recommend it in the city. "

There was a black market over there, too.

Behind the scenes is a market that buys and sells items that cannot be found in front of you.

The price was reasonable, so I could buy it cheaply depending on the negotiations.

"The black market in King's Landing is amazing.There are deep and extensive underground ruins beneath the city, where black market merchants do business.They sell products that are rare and dangerous enough to go downstairs, so please keep amateurs to two floors. "

"Thank you. Thank you."

Give the chip to the woman.

"The black market? I don't think there's a shortage of places to gather information."

"There are two birds with one stone.There may be treasures of excavations like flaw. It's like a flu. "

"Why do you say that again?"

Frau's chest was thin with Doya's face.

Well, in a way, meeting Frau was a treasure.

I don't know if you're selling slaves on the black market, but I don't want the second Fleur.

Turpeta Fairy is enough for one person.

Master, did you not think of Turpeta right now?

Fleur looks at us with a jito's eye.

Whoa, whoa.

I read this fairy mind.

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