The day after experiencing the back city.

Back on Earth, we thank Ash for taking us there.

"This is a gratuity. Take it."

"Akan! I can't take money from my brother!"

"Less, but thanks as much as I can."

Grab an arm and press a bag of gold coins.

He accepted the idea honestly.

And I smile bitterly.

"Look, when I get thankful. I'll drink to my apprentice."

"Yeah, take care of your brother."

"... niisan, are you mistaken?"

Ash returned to the basement in a gentle manner.

I stretch out in the morning sun.

It's a pleasant time to travel.

I intend to follow the information for the time being and head west.

However, I scattered money flashy in the back city.

There was precious alcohol and ingredients, and I reached out.

I can't fool Fleur with this....

"But I also wanted to go to the bottom of the underground ruins.I'm not saying there's still unexplored space.There might have been a treasure. "

Yes, but I'd like to check the safety of my people as soon as possible.

"Speaking of treasures, there were some purchases you haven't confirmed yet."

Yes, I haven't checked what Flaw bought yet.

It's just crap anyway.

Would you look at it if you were willing?

The flaw on the breadcrumb came in front of her and took something out.

"Bye, this is good!"

"Could it be a regular? It's small and cute."

Fleur has a fairy-sized regular.

I think I bought it in the back market.

The regular I was using in Lowe's village was human size.

Fleur squeaks with his fingers.

"I've drunk milk many times, and it's still far from ideal. ♪ Who made the word poor milk, the sadness of all the boobs ♪ So I've always believed that it's still a growing season ♪ Someday I'll put the fat of my dreams into my chest ♪"

Comfortable singing voice.

This will make walking more fun than walking.

I left the west gate of the city listening to the singing.

Wet wind-blown meadows.

We take a break by the road.

"What is this?"

"Well, that's a present for the Lord."

Flaw's purchases included a flashy design regular.

It appears to be an artifact and is set with a black box.

Frau was delighted to say, "Now I can play with the Lord."

"What's this stick?"

It's a relic that amplifies the sound.Through magic, there. "

"Frau's voice has grown!"

"With this, we can make more people hear the beauty of Flaw and Kaede."

Well, Frau wants to experience that pleasure again in the village of the Wolf Clan.

It certainly felt good watching people who were enthusiastic about their own performance.

And I actually sometimes wanted to play the regular.

Probably the influence of fantasists.Music comes into your head one after the other.

"Kaede, try singing."


"I don't care what lyrics are."

"Well then...."

I'll ring the regular for both of you, and Kaede and Fleur will speak to the artifact.

"I want to be imprisoned by you, I want to dedicate everything I have ♪ Seems pure, and the desire to seek is as deep as the abyss ♪"

"My non-bulging breast is a mid-summer lemon, but you love boobs ♪ I can make you special for how much you pay, I can't clear SSS rank request ♪"

Caeda comes up, flips her skirt and takes steps while swaying her fluffy tail.

The bread thickness on which the flaw was mounted was also Norinori.

I noticed a lot of Beast soldiers on the road.

I wonder if he was in the march.

They stop and listen to the two singers.

"I want to be your master's slave for eternity ♪ This must be infinite love ♪"

The song ends.

The soldiers clapped, and in an instant they shouted.

Has it become strangely conspicuous?

A hog tribe man runs from behind the row.

"Bravo! I can't believe there was such an amazing material!"

"Oh, oh... who are you?"

"Excuse me, I'm Nuch, head of a new band."

"Music team?"

We all bent our necks.

But I recognize this man somewhere.

That's... yes, the king's capital.

He was sitting on the stairs mourning.

"Oh, really good. We're not even a day away from the start of the operation, but they're ordering us to create a force to inspire our soldiers with music.I didn't feel alive until I found you. "

"So you want us to sing a military song?"

"Ah, yes, that's right. The formal recruitment will take place at a later date, but this time as a temporary troop member -"

"Hey, don't talk about it on your own!The Fleurs are traveling and busy!I don't have time for your war! "

Flaw came out long before, pointing his finger in front of Nuch.

Exactly what I wanted to say.

"That's very rude!Now, let's call it a temporary crew just for this time.Once we're done, we'll pay you well. "

I mean, is that a request?

You don't have to fight directly if you're just singing or playing, and depending on the reward, it's a pretty good job.

"The core of this operation is to assault one of the strongholds of Demon King Rudra and free the captured people.However, there are many people who butt in to higher levels of demons, and I don't want to say much, but morale is not that high. "

So, is that a military song?

"Yes, I want you to have the courage to be a beautiful singer."

I'll ask for more details.

Rudra is currently building a base in the woods ahead.

Moreover, the labor force has been seized by a large number of people from all over the world.

They say innocent people are still being tortured in harsh conditions.


"... that's right."

We can't afford not to cooperate by listening to such stories.

Rather, I'd be happy to take on if people were to be freed by our performance.

Besides, there may be a missing associate there.

When I looked at Flaw, I nodded tightly.

"What exactly should I do?"

"Just sing and dance to brave the soldiers.I'll also take care of the lyrics and compositions.Just let us know what tools and people you need and we'll be right there.Oops, you haven't asked me your name yet. "

Tor, Caeda, Flaw, Pantai from the Rover Brigade.

Nuch and I shook hands.

Three days have passed since I accompanied the army.

We are halfway to the enemy base, but our popularity has already reached its peak.

"The berry beast heart burns like a fireball ♪ Touching your hand, my big fluffy tail ♪ I just want to be specially monopolized and cum dead ♪"

"" "" "That's a straight line to Cun's death!

"Sweet and sour fox sugar ♪"

"" "" "Konkonkoun, adorable and burning fan heart, we will always support you, our kaeda, a delicious liquor that you can drink tonight!!

Hundreds of soldiers support the caeda singing and dancing on the stage with a unique rhythm.

There the drummer changes tempo.

It's Fleur who goes out in front.

"Even if it's called a washing board, it's a little swollen ♪ You can look it out, it's so cute that it doesn't matter how big it is ♪"

"" "" "" Frau!

"Twin tail maiden ♪ Fairy size sea of love ♪"

I vigorously squeal the regular.

The black box produces a tone that shivers the air.

Roar, my fantasy musician.

In an instant, the soldiers at the venue are taken away by my performance.

When the performance was over, an explosive cheer echoed.

Phew, you did a good job today.

"Here's your towel."

"Thank you."

When I entered the back of the stage, I wiped my sweat off with a towel.

A voice asked for an encore from the front.

Oh, you don't have a manager, Nuch.

Looking at him, he stared at the front from the side of the stage with an anxious expression.

"That's crazy. I don't think... something's wrong with this."

Yeah. Right.

I think so, too.

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