Running through the woods.

Fatigue has already peaked and falls into a slight protrusion.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

Stop, Isabella.


Isabella stops at Soara's command.

As she approached me, Soara looked down with an astonishing expression on her back.

"Are you still a demon? I have no guts."

"Hmm, I don't want Soala-san to tell me that."

"Let's take a break. We're already out of their control."

Isabella slipped off her back and Soara put her feet on the ground.

I was struck ~.

Don't worry if you get this far ~.

I rolled down and fell to my back.

After I escaped, I couldn't take a satisfactory break and came here.

The escape drama was so hard that it was the first time in my life that I walked around Rudolla's eyes, chased away a fierce monster, and had little water or food. And it's still going on.

I want to cry. You can cry now.

I want to reunite with everyone soon and have a delicious meal full of hunger.

God, please.

Please send us back over there.

Let's make it happen.

"No, because the God I prayed for is not evil."

"Do you call my god the devil!"


Soala-san can catch me.

It hurts. Stop it.

Decent priests don't do that.

"Uh-huh, that's terrible."

"It is an acceptable act because I am a clergyman.This is the whip of love. "

"I thought love would forgive anything."

"Are you not allowed?"

"I won't forgive you!"

I don't know who Soarer is all the time.

When I first met him, he seemed very kind.

He's actually a violent clergyman.

I'm sure he's a command-breaking monk, he won't restrain himself at all.

But I can't dislike it with wonder.

"We're on our way to Isabella's hometown.You can stay safe there for the time being, right? "

"Yes, it is the land ruled by the ancient demon king.Rudra won't be able to do it easily if she gets inside.However, my family is so poor that I can feed you both..... "

"Let's talk about that later.It's time to be safe. "

Mmm, we're talking again without me.

This is the nobility of the demon clan.

I swollen my cheeks.

Should I go now? Rest is over. "

Run again ~

Well, let's just leave it.

Well, wait!

I chased Isabella and Soara in a hurry.

- A few months later.

Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.

Shake the scissors down with a dim hole.

I wiped my sweat with my arms and exhaled.

"Oh, why are you digging the ground again?"

"If you have time for doubt, dig.We don't need people who can't feed us. "

"I'm sorry."

When you look at your partner who makes your eyes shine, you lose the temper to respond to your mouth.

We are in a city called Yellow Hawks in Urspina.

There are many mines here, mainly excavating rare stones.

Sometimes artifacts come out, but you don't seem to get much attention, and I often witness you being dumped like crap in the corner of a mining road.

Shall we take a break?

Thank you very much, Isabella.

Isabella appeared holding the water bottle and basket.

My throat was dry, and I received a water bottle and moisturized my throat.

Say, Soara-sama, have some water.

"Not yet. We're almost there.God commands us to dig. "

Soara puts her groin against the wall without rest.

A terrible obsession. A terrible golden widow.

With a creepy smile, I feel like I'm about to feel a twist.

Got it!

Something rolled out of the rock wall.

It's a rectangular box.

The surface was light brown like wood and there were woods, but when I touched it, it was as cold as metal, and when I hit it, there was a hard sound that was obviously different from wood.

"An artifact? I'll give it to Pione."

"Are you sure? It could be a treasure."

"I'm not interested in artifacts.Relics are terrifying objects that wipe out the glory of God.Such things must not deprive me of my heart, being a priest. "

Money can take it away from me.

"Shut up."

My cheeks are pinched.

"I've been feeling it for a long time, but your cheeks are sticky and feel good."


I don't know what you're talking about.

It hurts. It hurts.

By the way, Isabella, why are you looking so jealous?

"Ahhh, the sandwich is still delicious today!"

"Isabella, eat yours."

"I'm sorry, but there's only one thing, Moog."

We eat lunch side by side near the entrance of the troll-lined mining road.

Other gemstone hunters also seemed to be eating time, and there were a lot of people spreading rugs around to make them comfortable.

I live a much safer and more fulfilling life than I have ever lived.

Yellow Hawks is Isabella's home.

When I first arrived in the city, I managed to live in Isabella's parents' house, with a narrow shoulder.

It was Soara's idea to become a jewelry hunter.

We got up to earn a living, and then we found a job, and we were threatened with death and crazy digging walls, and we're still here.

To put it simply, Soara was right about everything.

I'm not convinced.

"How can I open this?"

"You were still working hard.It's just junk anyway. "

"I don't know. Maybe there's something really good in there.Hey Isabella-san, I wonder if there's any rare artifacts out here. "

"I've heard that a long time ago.As Soara-sama said, you shouldn't expect much. "

Uhhhh, my guess won't hold up anyway.

It's okay, it's okay, even if there's something in it, I won't show it to you two.

Well, I wonder how to open it.

"There's a Grand Seaf in the city, so why don't you ask him?They have skills called special keys, and most of them can be solved. "

On Isabella's recommendation, we decide to go see him.

An old dwarf with a toothpick plays with the hole in the box with the instrument.

We kept an eye on the situation.

What do you think?

Wait a minute, I'm about to open it.

There's a sound of unlocking from the box.

"I was worried that the dirt would open, but I think I managed to do it.Check inside. "

Take the box and slowly open the lid.

Soara and Isabella were looking inside.

Inside the box was a vial containing a pink liquid.

"What is this? Is there liquid in it?"

Isabella, scroll the appraisal.

"Yes, sir."

Isabella examines the vial in an appraisal.

Me and Soara waited for the results with their throats out.

"Ancient medicine, no way."

"What's wrong!? It's a great medicine!?"

"Tell me! Hurry! God bless you!"

"Hey, don't hang on! I promise!"

She takes a deep breath before telling her who the medicine is.

"This is a love medicine. It is also a secret medicine created by an ancient alchemist that lasts until death."

Love medicine!?

Too much tall in my brain.

With this, you can become Thor and Love Lab.You hang out every day, hold hands together, and gently wake me up when I fall asleep twice.Like his homemade breakfast.

"Send me!"


"That's what I dug up."

"But you gave it to me."

Me and Soara share the vial.

Now Thor loves me a lot. Love it.

I want to eat a homemade breakfast.

The hand slipped and the vial fell to the floor while it was snuggling.

I don't like it.

The vial broke and the love potion inside was sucked off the floor.

All that remains is the fragments and stains of the container.

"Ahhhh! My love potion!"

"No, it's my love medicine."

"Don't you feel a little resistance?Soala-san, you were brainwashed. "

"I can't do what others do, but I'm allowed by God so there's nothing wrong with me."

"Wow, this guy is terrible."

"Both of you... hah"

Isabella exhaled a big sigh.

"Welcome home."

"Yeah, I'm home. I'm tired today."

"You didn't get much.I can't believe it's just $10 million. "

"I will take your luggage."

The butler will greet you when you return to the Mansion.

He took his luggage from us and bowed his head again.

Walking down a long hallway makes you cross maids again and again.

This is our mansion in the noble city of Yellow Hawks.

Me and Soara gently sweat in the shower room and have Isabella dress them.

Lower your hips to your dining room seat for a sumptuous meal.

We were rich.

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