It's human.

From a distance, it could only be seen in the mountains, and the closer it gets, the clearer the outline becomes, and the closer it gets, the harder it gets to understand what it is.

It was a huge original golem.

However, the design is different from the golem I know.

Was there such a large golem once?

Even laughter boils in ridiculous sizes.

What on earth did the ancient species think to make such a thing?

"Hello, it is thanks to Rossi that the nation of Ainova is still at peace.They're gonna come close, and they're gonna take them down.That's why I've been certified Demon King, ahh, it's kinda cute. "

... are you cute?

Naomin, who guided me, slapped part of Roswell.

A much cheaper attitude towards the ancient demon king.

You're still alive, aren't you?

You don't move and crush suddenly, do you?

"I feel the magic that is so powerful and unknown.Slightly, you can hear a beating sound. "

In response to Kaede's words, I decided to touch part of Roswell.

When I scraped off the sticky moss, it looked like metal, but it was slightly warm, and there was his surface.

"Rosutchi, you're a customer. Give him a little reaction ~"

Respond. This is Roswell.

"Oh, you don't want to talk about it."

Naomin, it's been a long time. How are you?

Only a voice sounds from somewhere.

Can the original golem speak so fluently?

However, I've seen a life-support golem that looks just like people before.Rather, it would be stranger not to be able to talk.

"I'm Thor. I've come so far to hear that you know my mother."

"Scan Started. Status Impersonation Transmission, Genetic Information Verification, SS Evaluation, Administrator Permissions.Individual name is judged to be the son of Quon. Hello, Thor. "

His consciousness is directed at me.

Let's answer some questions. The machine remembers the visit of Quon.In addition, the machine was ordered to teach her children how to get to the ancient capital. "

"Why did my mother send me to the ancient capital?"

The reason is not explained.But by going there, what you want to know will be revealed. "

Oh, my God. Do you have any information on your mother here?

Instead of knowing the roots, the mystery deepens.

How do we get to the ancient capital?

Go to the Igjit ruins in the middle of the continent.When we get there, we'll send the instructions to your storage area. "


I stick one knee to the ground.

There was a feeling that countless numbers and symbols were engraved into my head.

It's a strange experience as if you remembered something you don't remember.

"Are you all right, Master?"

"Oh, I'm just a little dazzled."

"Hey, what have you done to the Lord!!"

No abnormality was detected from him.The dazzling would be temporary. "

I get up and take a deep breath.

The order is complete.

"So now you're done communicating with your mother?"

Seek new orders. This machine has been abandoned for a long time and has lost its significance.I watch over the land and the small race by my own orders, but what the machine wants most is for the main race to command me. "

"Give me an order?"




Hmm, even if you suddenly say so.

Can I ask you a few questions?

"If you can answer in the storage area of the machine,"

"Do you know why ancient species disappeared from the ground?"

I remember that we had a great war, but it is impossible to determine on this machine whether it is the direct cause.A lot of memory has been wiped out about the war. "

"What about the enemy?"

"Unknown. Data has been erased."

You mean you don't remember?

I remember only what I was at war with, but I can't remember what I was fighting against.

Maybe something unpleasant happened and I forgot?

Why are you here?

After the war, the abandoned machine lost its purpose and continued to wander.But here I met a small species.The small race is cute and pleasant.Instead of protecting the machine, I asked you to be the person to talk to.As a result, it took its current form. "

Naomin said with both hands, "Yes, Rosutchi is the guardian of this country."

"The machine and the small race are mabs."

Isn't that right, Momab?

Throw stones at the cutting board.


Naomin and Flaw get angry and kick Roswell's body.

Hey, stop.

The opponent is an ancient demon king.

"Defensive function activated, Magic bullet fired."


Without a clue, he emits pink flashes from his back.

For a moment, I wondered if Flaw and the others were angry because they had gone too far.

But the flash is flying far away.

I don't know where the attack is going.

About a minute later, he stopped the attack.

I sensed an evil presence.I saw it as a threat and tried to eliminate it, but it seems to be out of range. "

"Are you an enemy?"

Unknown. We hit it because it matched the conditions inside the machine.

Something about Rudolla.

I know that Rudra the Devil King is operating in the Great Forest, but it is unclear whether the target of the attack belongs to him.

I don't know what evil means.

I could only understand that it was at least perceived as an enemy.

However, Roswell's combat power is quite different.

I think that light is probably the same as the light that the shark emits.

I could imagine it was a rather powerful attack than a shark's.

And you can see that it has great physical power.

This is the ancient demon king.

I think this is still the case on this continent.

"Maybe the other demon kings have golems."

The same model has not been confirmed for thousands of years.At least three ancient demon kings are true demon kings with demon king factors.If you're going to the middle, be careful. "

The three of them are in the middle of the continent.

I definitely don't want to get involved.

Give me a new order.

Well then, protect the Fairy as always.

Copy that.

Roswell's voice seemed happy without heart.

"Torch is an ancient species!Rosuzzi jokes too tight, no one is extinct!But we love the conversation of returning such rice with rice, or ghosts. "

"You're a May fly."

"It's terrible to slap."

"The skin on your face is thick, so it won't work that well."

"It's a little delicate. To tell you the truth, my face is even prettier than my face."

"You think Fleur's worse than you are?"

Flaw and Naomin start working together.

What an ugly struggle, me and Kaede turned away.

Are you going home?

That's right.

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