When we leave the city, we go through a wilderness of nothing.

Is it a mirage on the horizon? The horizon looks like an island with distant mountains floating in the sky.

It is dry and hot.

There are no large monsters around here, only small creatures.

Grrrr, ahhhhh

* cough *

Panta, who was carrying the flau, was flying wildly, and she was already close to her limit.

The maple also followed silently without uttering a word earlier.


If you look back at the sound, the maple is down.

She rushes up in a hurry.

"Stay with me."

"Gosh, I can see it in the three of you"

"Here's some water. Drink it."


I kept drinking the water from the water bottle.

Her skin was soaked with sweat, and her face was covered with white hair.

I regularly rehydrated it, but it seems that it was not enough.

Is it related to the amount of hair?

Shall we rest in the shade of that rock for now?

"I'm sorry... for me"

Proceeding with the maple on its back.

"You don't have to apologize." It's only natural that the Lord takes care of the slaves. "

I've been thinking about it for a while, but isn't Master too kind to be a slave?

"Nhh, even if it's not even rough, I'm going to behave rather like myself."I've been counting on Maples and Flau lately. "

“Not enough at all. I need you to rely on me more and more. More!”

How are you?

"Not at all."

For that matter, I have the power of my voice.

But it's okay.

I can only repay your daily bounty.

Oh, by the way, what happened to Flau and Panta??

When I stopped and looked back, one person and one animal were exhausted on the ground.

"... hey, you guys too?"

"Ajisama ~, Muri ~, and Keriu ~"

* cough *

Somehow, I bent over and tied Frau and Panta to my waist with the string I took out.

It was patience to the shade of the rock.

Hold on till then.

Azu ~, azuzu ~

* cough *

The frau on his waist was grunting.

Arriving in the shade of the rock, he lowered the maple, and then laid Frau and Pantha on the ground.

Thank you very much.

You don't have to push yourself.


I'd like to eat now, but I don't have an appetite either.

It seems that there is no rain around here for several months.

When it rains, it rains heavily, creating countless small rivers.

I'd like to see it, but I'm sure it'll stop me.I want to avoid it if possible.


A disturbing sound reaches you from a distance and turns to you.

There was a black cloud in the sky beyond.

From time to time, the thunderbolt shakes the air.

What a timing.

I can't believe we meet here in a heavy rain.

The two of them carried one on their backs and quickly decided to evacuate to an affordable place.



Heavy rain and lightning.

After we evacuated to the cave, we were just amazed at the sight outside.

"It's raining so hard, I'm surprised."

It's a little cooler now, but with this heavy rain, we can't help but stop it.


It's the rain I've never seen before.

And it came down as if it had not stopped, and there were several rivers in the earth.

I can only say that it is reckless to walk in this.

I'm going to spend some time here.

I went back into the hole and peered into the pot that was hanging on the fire.

The temperature has fallen and I am cold.

The warming soup is just right.


A loud thunderbolt rings.


The maple inflated its tail and stiffened.

When he ran to me, he held the fox's ear behind him and hid himself.

"Are you afraid of thunder?"

"Um, yes..."

Anxiously, it was about to erupt into a maple.

Was there something that Maple didn't like?

Yeah, I was scared of lightning when I was little.

Don't you remember when my sneezed mother threatened me every time she said, "Thunder must pinch your navel and pull out your guts."

"[]/(n, adj-no) (1) (

Suddenly something like a spark scattered near the fire.

... what was that?

"Flau, let's eat."

"Yes, yes, yes."

I called out to Pan Ta and Frau, who was looking outside.

I forgot about the other thing, and I gave the two of them the vessel.

It continued to rain after five days.

Even though it is daytime, it is as dark as night outside.

And the waters that flow upon the earth shall grow in bulk, and shall cut off the earth like a great river.

Fortunately, I didn't have to worry about flooding because it was in a high position, but I had no time to do it.

”Ruu, Ruu, Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

”Kyu, kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

"Chupipi ~"

Frau spends his time in a human-sized room, hanging his legs at the entrance and watching the outside world go by.

Spending time next to it is Pan Ta and Chupimi.

Outside, Kratan was happily swimming in the air, the shark child was playing in the puddle of water, and Rozuki was flying hard through the rain as if she was practicing to withstand the water.

Maples and me wrapped in a blanket.

Maple keeps its weight on me, sleeps up and sleeps.

I didn't expect the temperature to drop all of a sudden.

The exhaling breath is white and cold.


When I gently rubbed my cheek against the head of the maple, it was rough and pleasant.

My fox ears were twisting and twice as pleasant.


The fox's ears twitched and reacted.

Oops, if you're too obsessed, you'll get a maple.

I always get up first thing in the morning and wait for me.

I have to put him to sleep for about now.

Pretty much.

An electric light ran through the ground.


I have seen this phenomenon before.

Is there something you don't see?

When the Dragon Eye was activated, there were countless semi-transparent creatures there.

Like an insect, it looks like a firefly and the buttocks are glowing.

It's sticking, flying, flipping and scratching algae everywhere, and it's acting freely.

Is it the Spirit of Thunder?

One of them notices my gaze and approaches me.

When I held out my finger, I moved the antenna and put it on my finger.

Lovely guy.

Moreover, if you look closely, the colour and size are slightly different from other products.

The other spirits escaped just by looking, but he came closer to himself.

"[]/(n, adj-no) (1) (

Electricity runs on my fingers.

But it doesn't hurt at all.

And it shall be ascertained whether there were other spirits, but the spirits of water and earth were seldom seen, but the spirits of fire and wind were not everywhere.

Well, Alyusha said something about being compatible with spirits.

Is that why there is no fire and no wind?

”Giuhhhhh... shhhhhhh...”

The maple looked happy asleep.

It's a good day, isn't it?

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