"Congratulations, Master! We need to celebrate reaching 30,000!"

"Fine, I don't have a heart to please you."

I was walking to the two of them.

Of course, about last night's ridiculous level-up.

I still doubt my sanity on the figure of 30,000.

"Fufu, this is going to reduce the number of people trying to defy the Lord even more. 30,000, 30,000."Any enemy will be frightened by that number and run barefoot. "

"It is a great pleasure to see fewer foolish people turn their blades to Master."Besides, I would be even more happy if you could understand the splendor of your master. "

"It's not good to make a sign or anything." "Dragon Man at level 30000, all of you, get down!!"'Hold up the sign that says "

That's a good idea! First of all, we need to make sure the world knows our mistress!

I'm not kidding.

You know I don't like to stand out.

I hid my level as before.I don't want to be seen with the eyes of a monster.

Not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not

Is it an earthquake? The ground has been shaking a lot since before.

My feet are wobbly and I feel weird all the time.

"Hey, is that mountain moving?"

A large mountain in the distance was slightly moving.

No way, but...

I tried to appraise it… It looks like it's a living creature.

How do you know it's only in the mountains?

Come on, come on, let's get close and see.

I wonder if they're on their way to us, but the further we go, the clearer the silhouette will be.


Looking up, there was a giant orthodox dragon.

Compared to the Red Dragon, the whole thing was a lot more aggressive.

There are no wings. Is it because it is dirty in the sand, or is it that body color? It is covered by light brown scales.

It has an authentic, ferocious look, but its eyes are calm and it doesn't give any attention to the creatures in front of it.

It was an Orthodox Superior Earth Dragon.

On the island of Muko, there is a legend written only in old books.

How dare you worship me alive.

The overwhelming mass is the boy's romance.

I'm just impressed to walk.

The Lord has a disgusting smile on his face, though.

"I'm sure you're happy.Because the upper orthodox species are extremely rare.It's nice to be able to crouch like a child. ”

"Ah, that's right..."

The Earth Dragon had a forest on its back.

You can also see monsters like birds, so it's a paradise for monsters who move for a while.

I really wanted to commemorate it.

Maple, Frau, and Earth Dragon in a memory box.

By the way, Panta is on holiday with an engraving.

I was in a bad mood when I forcefully summoned him, so I took the photo without him this time.

It's not bad to travel in the wilderness.

Arrive in the next city.

When we got hungry, we went into the right place and inflated our stomachs.


"Ahhh! Ahhh!"

"Master and Mr. Frau, you should calm down and eat a little more."

Unlike us, who eat vigorously, Maple and Pantea eat lightly.

Can you eat well in a place like this?

It is the iron rules of travelers to eat everything when they can.

And the water is delicious. People are strange things, and when their throats get wet, they get hungry.

Got it!

But what the hell is this meat?

It is very elastic and difficult to bite.

"[]/(adj-na, n) (1) (uk) (u

Tear the flesh and chew it in your mouth.


The more you chew, the more delicious it is.


"[]/(adj-na, n, adj-no) (1) (

... the entrance is more noisy.

There were three men wearing white robes as they looked at each other.

They sat down in silence, unaware of the gaze they were being directed at.

"That's the SS rank of the" Knights of the Third Majesty "(Dry Knights)."If you get involved, it's going to be a hassle. "

"But why in such a remote place in another country?"Their base is Chris Nadam, right? "

Oh no, you mean the monsters have appeared around here?

The adventurers in the nearby seats also spoke in a voice that could be heard here.

The Third Knights (Dry Knights)... do you have more than one third?

This is the first time I've seen SS ranks other than ours.

Although it is now a low rank, roaming on the island was also SS.

Well, I haven't been to the guild recently.

I left it at the rank and didn't raise it at all.

One of the three, a tall man in a hood, stood up and approached us.

"The waiter will come."

"Hey, what the sudden?"

"Advice. Excuse me."

The man returns to his seat and bows down.

A companion called out to him.

"Are you seeing (...) (...) again?"


"It's pointless to tell."

"I don't know. Perhaps this word will be a hope.I can't save everything, but I have a heart to save.It's worth it. "

The tall man and the leader-like middle-heeled man glanced out of sight.

"You creepy bastards."

"Well, well, Mr. Frau." By the way, can you eat the bread you have? "

"Huh? Ah, white bread!"

"I'm so cumming ~"

Pantea eats spicy bread.

However, it wasn't very delicious, and the wrinkles were on my eyes.

The bread around here is particularly hard. If you don't soak it in the soup, you won't be able to eat it.

It's a thin land, maybe it's made out of something else, not wheat.

It doesn't taste like wheat either.

Is the Lord interested in meteorites?

"That's right. It's not normal for a stone to come down from the sky."So, what happened to the meteorite? "

"I just happened to hear that there is a meteorite in this city."They say it's a tourist attraction in the center of town. ”

Oh, my God!

I want to see the meteorite messed up!!

I've heard of it, but I've never seen or touched a meteorite.

Raw meteorite, don't be nervous.

It's romantic enough for a stone to come down from the sky.

The boy in me is getting excited and he's gonna bleed his nose out.

"Way to go, Flau!"

"Hey, come on! Let's just stroke it here!"

All right, you're cute, Frau.


I stroked Frau's head.

Now that it's human-sized, it looks more sloppy than usual.

"Just Mr. Frau... it's nasty!"

The maple was puffing up my cheeks.

There was a black shiny stone one meter high and two meters across.

The perimeter is reinforced with bricks, half of which are buried in the ground.

The surface was slightly dented and glossy.

It must have been worn out by a lot of people touching it.

Rocks and rocks in tourist areas are usually like this.

People's hands are amazing.

”I'm nagging you!”

* cough *

Frau and Panta were cooled by a meteorite rubbing their faces.

Stop it because it's too late.

I'm sorry, I'll peel it off right away.

I wonder if it's the city's inhabitants, but there was someone strangling me, so I hurriedly peeled off the flau.

"Really, it's cool."

"It looks more like metal than stone."

Maple and I are touching the stone.

What kind of world is spreading above the sky?

This must have seen a lot of things I don't know.

That's romantic. That's nice.

Hehe. I can't wait.

Lord, please stop cheeking because I'm embarrassed!


Oops, I was doing the same thing as Frau with so much excitement.

"That's right, I'll take pictures of you two once in a while."

Is that okay?

"Instead, I'll take a picture of Flau with the Lord."


Flau set up the memory box.

The maple leaned gently against me in front of the meteorite and smiled.

But Flau lowered the memory box with a strange expression.

What's the matter?

"I felt like Alyusha was in the crowd... but it was because of my imagination."

Now it was Frau's turn to cut through the scenery.

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