When I got out of the hot tub, there was an eggplant grandmother who smoked the smoke pipe on the dim edge.

Looking at the well-appointed garden, he seemed to be pondering.

"How was the bath, boy?"

"Don't do that, boy. That's 25. No, it's already 26?"

"After all, you're a little boy." I still only look like a nose-dropping kid to me. "

I sit next to my grandmother.

Are you familiar with your history?

Shake your head to the side.

I don't know anything about the other continent.

History in particular.

"A long, long time ago, there was a great war in this world. I started with the Dragon Man. The battle lasted hundreds of years, with many weapons and races. Hell and corpses were everywhere on this earth."

What was the enemy? What was the Dragon Man fighting against?

"The same Dragon Man. A common confrontation of ideas." I wish I had finished fighting like a child, but thanks to my sophisticated knowledge and skills, I ended up fighting on an unbelievable scale. ”

Granny said there was a war that lasted thousands of years before it lasted hundreds of years.

Once the Dragon War was over, the war began involving other races.

I'm fed up with the distracting history of strife.

“They've learned too. That's why there were almost no dragons in the second war. It was the Heavenly Beasts, the Humanoids, and other races that commanded and fought from afar.”


I've been pushed out too, and I've fought the Demon King many times.

Could it be that you're the ancient demon king?

"You survived the war." All the children who lived there back then had been given a superlife. It allowed me to live longer to this age. ”

It seems that the longevity is only characteristic of eggplant grandmother and old man.

I thought all the Heavenly Beasts were ultra-long-lived species.

Suddenly, I wonder why my grandmother told me this story.

"War leaves something deeply ingrained." Because of my rampage, I still buy grudges from various places. Back then, I was young and full of blood. I didn't think about the rest, and I was getting on my feet. "

"The one who attacked me here..."

"I lived to my satisfaction." You can die any time you want. But there's a future for maples. I want to leave her with a lot of things. She will inherit what she was supposed to give to the grouse. "

It's like you're dying.

I can't read her thoughts, but I can clearly see that she's trying to entrust everything to the maple.

That's why I implicitly told them to give up.

"Why me?"

"He'll probably be back soon. If that happens, you won't have time to tell Maple about your feelings. That's why I thought I'd share my thoughts with you."

I was confused with my grandmother.

When you stand up, you put the emotion of your rage on your voice.

"Say it yourself." Kill enemies, survive, and express your feelings directly with your own mouth. The maple is not from me, but from you. "

"As you get older, you can't throw up honest feelings towards your face. Not to mention, I've been tough enough to raise her on behalf of my mother."

“I don't know. I'm on Maple's side, not Grandma's.”

I'll leave my grandmother and go back to my room.

Tonkan. Tonkan.

The sound of a hammer echoes.

Most of the building was built in just a few days.

It is said to be the main hall, but it seems that a mirror, which is the entrance to the Heavenly Beast area, was originally placed there.

It was broken in the battle between the assailant and his grandmother.

"No, don't look at my grandfather."

"Hefusa-sama has been going out since the early morning. She suddenly wanted to eat fish, and from here she went to the nearest coastal town.”

Obi, who takes command of the scene, looks sorry.

What are you doing throwing out your work?

And how far do you think the coast is from here?

That said, I can't make a fool out of my old man because I'm doing this too.

How about you, Master?

"It feels so good."

I was given a knee pillow at the edge of a building on the precincts.

The light of a soft day pouring down is also sleepy.

The maple loosens its expression happily.

Fufu, today's master is kind of cute like a cat.

You can gently stroke your head.

Sometimes things like this are good.

Ahh, hey, hey.


Also on the edge, Frau eats Dafuku without getting bored.

Pantea is also eaten, but because it looks similar, it only seems to eat together.

But it doesn't matter what it looks like.

I felt that way, but I'm sure now.

You're fat, aren't you?

Yes, Frau got fat.

I think it's about twice as big as before.

Your arms and legs are getting too big for your stomach.

I've seen a lot of people walking around these last few days.

It must have been too heavy to fly.

"Kiki, Kiki,"


"It's probably because of your imagination!" Frau is slim! "

Hmm, is that so?

But I think it's got some meat on it.

I don't mind. It's not because I'm fat.

Frau sweats with a pale face.

"But Daifuku is fine now..."


"Eat your food."

Pan Taichi rolled his eyes in surprise.

That Frau, the lowly Frau in the candy, gave it to Panta.

"Oh my, you got a lot of fat before you even saw it a little bit."

"Fat!? Fluffy!??"

Tamamomo, who appeared flutteringly, looked at Frau and said out loud.

Did you get fat after all?

It wasn't an optical illusion, was it?

The maple reacts quickly.

"That one..."


"No, I have a stranger."

An unfamiliar man came up the stairs.

With an unstoppable smile, she has a majestic armor that shows her height at a glance.

A melee gauntlet was attached to both hands.

A man of the devil's clan.


Have you healed your wounds, Nine-tailed Egg?

Egg hair rises upside down, yawning and putting strength into your fingers.

Nine tails swayed in the wind.


The wind stirred the rounded flounder to the ground.

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