I opened my eyes slightly.

From the edge of the line of sight, Frau peeked.

The Lord has awakened!


Late, Pan Ta's face came out, and I shifted my gaze to the ceiling to remember why I was here.

An ancient demon king, Yosu, came and killed Tamamo's grandmother.

That's right!

I fought Ios!

I try to wake up, but the pain runs all over my body.

"It hasn't been fully healed yet. Please, just rest."

The maple that rushes over makes me sleep again.

In addition, he used waves of healing to relieve my pain.

Check your arms, etc. There are no scratches.

However, the accumulated damage was not exhausted, and there was pain and fatigue.

"How long have you been asleep?"

Is it about 12 hours?

Is it the early morning of the next day?

It seemed to have been transported to the White Fox Heavenly Beast Zone, and it was night outside the open door.


Maple and Frau hug.

"I'm really glad I'm alive. Please don't be such an idiot anymore."

"Yes, I thought he was dead."

"I'm sorry to bother you."

Both eyes are red and swollen.

I reflected deeply on the trouble I had caused.

Looks like it won't be easy to die anymore.

"It's about time you guys got some rest." I'll leave the boy's care to someone else. "

Tamamomo enters the room.

I'll take care of Master.

“You can do it after you're resting. Someone take the maple."

"That's not true!?!"

The white foxes came and caught the maple and dragged it away.

Frau and Panta followed suit.

The remaining grandmother squeezed her expression and sat down.

"Thank you for your help." I'm the only one who was definitely dead. "

"Please don't." I just fought because I didn't want the maple to grieve. If you want to thank me, tell the maple. "

"Even so, it's true that they saved lives."

She bowed her head deeply.

After all, you're a maple granny, and you're a man of the law.

You don't have to ignore me to come all the way down here.

"Speaking of which, that lightning strike was really helpful." If his eyes hadn't been crushed, I would have been the one who died. "

"Don't you realize that?"

What happened?

"... no, forget about that"

What the hell? It bothers you.

I felt like an insect was crawling around my waist and I scratched it.

The main hall that was being rebuilt was completed.

His grandfather guided Dora inside with his face.

"I made it better than before." A thousand years doesn't have to be rebuilt. "

"You didn't ask anyone to improve it." But for now, I'll thank you. You guys, bring me the dimensional mirror. "


A mirror is brought to the center of the main hall at the granny's direction.

It was a mirror that became the entrance to the Heavenly Beast Realm.

According to my old man, it looks like a mirror, but it's not a mirror.

I received a detailed explanation, but I couldn't understand it at all.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry I left you."

I'm not the one to tell, not Thor-sama?

Then it's okay. My old man apologized a lot.

The old man who came back has already apologized to me many times.

The souvenir fish was delicious and I didn't care at all.

So, do you mind if I take care of your body?

"It's not as painful as it seems, but it's not as painful anymore." The wounds have healed fast for a long time. "

"... that's good."

I felt that my grandmother and grandfather had exchanged words with their gaze.

Were you so worried about my injury? [M]

"I had something I wanted to give to my boy." After this, bring the maples to my room. "

She passed through the mirror and returned to the Celestial Beast Realm.

A large room that was passed through when I first came here.

Tamamomo was sitting with her spine stretched at the deepest point.

"I have something to give you on your way."

“Does that mean you can go on a journey?”

"You're going to leave even if you stop." In that case, as a parent, it would be more pleasant to send it out. Besides, Thor doesn't betray his trust, and there's no inconvenience in keeping his precious family. "

Maples were allowed to accompany him in the meantime.

Now we're going to swing the big one and get out of here.

She was a valued companion, and I hated breaking up with her halfway through the family.

"There are two things I can give you." One is this. "

Eggplant presents a rectangular crate to us.

When I opened the lid, there was a roll inside.

This is the Deep Book of the Clan!?

"You're already a white fox." I think we reached 50,000 in the previous battle. Now, let me see your nine tails. "

Thinking that the maple's tail had swollen a lot, nine tails appeared to open the petals.

The temperature in the room drops suddenly, and a huge amount of magic power emerges from the maple.



"I'm sorry." If I relax my mind, my magic power will leak out. "

"Maple, its tail..."

"By leveling up, the body has been rebuilt." My current name is Jiuwei White Fox. "

Did you expect it to happen?

Originally, her flesh had a very high potential.

It was also because the physical reconstruction hadn't happened before.

"I'll go back to the story, but the scroll says the magic that I knitted. The magic of the white fox was created to defeat the top enemy."

And the maple lifted up the seal, and opened the scroll.

It was written in letters that I didn't know were horny, and I couldn't find out what they were.

What kind of magic does it say [Ice Annihilation Realm]?

"It's the only technique I use when I can't help it." To tell you the truth, suicide bombing is the strongest magic that can only be used once in a lifetime to bury any enemy. I've never had to use it, but there are situations where it's not going to work. "

Eggplant said so, secretly complaining, "Never use it."

I nod in silence.

I'll protect the maple. But in exchange for life.

"The last one... it's big, so I can't show it here." Follow me. "


Will you give me a gold nugget?

"An egg...? Isn't it too big for you?"

Five meters next to the main hall will be a large egg.

The surface was as white as polished, reflecting light.

"Ju! Ju, Ju!"

"Whoa, what?!"

Pantea throws out a flau and approaches the egg.

I sniffed the smell of Shikkun and circled around the egg.

"Is this... a fortified egg?"

"The Vassal Beast was originally a support creature that only supported life, and it didn't have combat abilities." However, the war became full-fledged and the way it was conducted changed. We've been given the ability to fight, and we've also manufactured fortified eggs to further strengthen our abilities. "

Vassal beasts in my hand were passing through my brain.

If you think about it, they all look as cute as animals. Could it have been in a pet-like position originally?

It has been transformed by war and given the power to fight.

Tamamo keeps talking.

"At the end of the war, the strongest class of fortified eggs were produced." And with it was created the beast of the family. However, those Vassal Beasts had too much power in their reinforced form, and before they were reinforced, they were called the weakest. "


"You already know that."

Panta was the strongest Vassal Beast.

Panta, who had been troubled by not being able to contribute to the party for a long time, had such power.

Both me and the maple are glad that my eyes are loose.

It was Frau who was particularly pleased.

"I did it, I did it!" You were the strongest Vassal Beast! "


"You're backing down!" Uwaaaa! "


Both Frau and Panta cried.

"I'll let you know first, but it takes time to strengthen her." You should be prepared for at least a week and at most a month. I suggest you leave the eggs behind and go. ”

You want me to leave Pan Ta behind?

"You don't have to worry about it." The Vassal Beast knew the Lord's whereabouts by engraving. I'll join you as soon as I hatch. I'll take care of the kid. You guys go ahead. "

Pantea's eyes moistened and flew to the fortified eggs.

I wanted to get stronger even if I was left behind, and such a strong will was conveyed.

"White bread, come back properly!"


I'm looking forward to seeing Pan Ta-san grown stronger.

Kyu, kyu!

I'll be waiting for you.


The bread plunges into the bulky, open eggs.

The lid closed quietly and a bump and protrusion appeared on the surface of the egg.

Bushu, steam is ejected from the protrusion and the pulsation begins.

It feels strange to think that the journey without Panta will begin.

"There's no white bread, Frau's bed..."


Panta's angry voice was heard from inside the egg.

Ah, can you still answer me?

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