The journey back to the inn is heavy.

My people finally found me and got away.

I wanted to exchange words at least if there was a situation.

"At least you told me that Flau and the others were looking for you." If you're willing to go back there, you can think of some approach. ”

"I see... Master, why don't you report to Marianne and the others just in case?"

Marianne might be able to figure out what's going on.

I called Chupi Beauty and made her remember her message.

I don't know why, but it seems that I know where Marianne and the others are, and Chupimi flies into the sky with a single squeak.

"Are you the roaming brigade?" I'm licking you, Chan-chan

Hiiiiii, forgive me, please forgive me

"Don't be frightened, tell me. Nambhala is short-minded, and even she's about to break her head with a fractured bone. Answer in seconds and die quickly."


There was a group gathering their gaze in the middle of the street.

The two men and women are closing the quadruple, and I have a feeling that it would be troublesome if they were involved.

What about the adventurers you took care of?

Really, I know all four of them.

The four trembling with pale faces were indeed familiar.

It's a very recent memory, so I can't forget it.

Besides, it's a fake of the Cruise Brigade, and I can't forget it.

Those two look familiar, though.

Is that so?

I don't remember anything.

Well, those fakes have something to ask.

I was able to reunite with you, but this time I'll close it up and ask you out.

"Hey, you guys found it!"

"Ah, you guys!?"

Thor (fake), who is grabbing his chest, looks at me and giggles.

The two people who looked back also looked at me and narrowed their eyes.

"Who are you guys?" If you get in the way, it'll hurt your eyes. "

"I need to talk to them, too."

"You're the victim of the fraudsters." I'm sorry to bother you, but I found you first. We'll decide what to do with them. "

"There is no curtain for outsiders." Get lost, adventurer! "

"You don't have to say that much, do you?" That's the victim, too. "

"...... Higuu"

"Hey, don't cry, you're too weak from being hit."

For some reason, women cry more.

The young man who seemed to be a partner was calm and in a good mood.

"Listen, these guys were cheating on me too!" We're not alone! "


The atmosphere of youth changes dramatically in Thor's (fake) words.

He was taller than I was, and he looked closer and closer.

"Are you serious about what you just said?" Are you cheating on the roaming name? "

"I'll be clear this time, but you're the one who's cheating." We used to work as a roaming brigade. Are you guys fake too? "

"Come on, you're making a fool of yourself by calling me a fake." Oila is a real "Second Cruise Brigade". If you want to sell your quarrels, I'll buy it for you. "

Number two...?

Isn't it fake??

While me and the young man were gazing at each other, Maple and Frau were also strung up with the other woman.

"Next, a foolish fool appeared, and Nambara came to her head." Besides, it's half-meaning... is that it? The slave of the white fox tribe, the slave of the fairy, the man with the big sword on his face... eh? "

"The roaming brigade is undoubtedly a party created by your master. It would be a shame to call us a fake. I would like to make a serious protest to the person responsible."

"Frau and the others have helped a lot of people so far. Fake you guys can't even reach underfoot. In general, it's kind of cool to have a sense of unity in your outfit."

Frau, praise the opponent and do something about it.

It's our fake.

I'm not kidding if fake is cooler than real.

Thor (fake), still grabbing his chest and letting his legs hang around, snarls, pointing at me and talking.

"He's a mean bastard." (...) - (...) Le (...) pretended to be the leader of the regiment (...), and he nagged us, the former regiment members. If you don't sanction it, you'll be licked. "

"Shut up. This isn't really the case." I have to chase after the leader of the group who was awarded the title in Bixgear... but the sisters are looking for... the captain of the roaming brigade... wait a minute. "

The young man's eyes checked me again from head to toe.

Tor (false) is thrown out, and he grabs my shoulders and raises and lowers my eyes again and again.

Nambara-san, this guy could be...

"Have you noticed, Takigi?" They could be the people we were looking for. "

Their attitudes change.

Suddenly, Tor (fake) looked at him and sneaked his legs and the four of them were trying to escape.

"Para-rise Eye"


A man called Takigi makes the four unable to move with his gaze alone.

I didn't think he had the Magic Eye.

Let her go, the deputy commander is going to take care of you too.

"You just betrayed a big benefactor, or you tricked the name of the roaming and dyed your hands on fraudulent behavior, so be prepared for the appropriate punishment." Takigi, tie up while you're paralyzed. "

"Is Oila going to do it? Nambara-san also wants to do some chores once in a while."

"Senpai is absolutely right." Come on, do it. "


In the end, Takigi tied the four with a rope.

The fake roaming brigade was pushed out by the two guards.

The suspect's identity is false and fraudulent.

The four were beaten up by two of them and were swollen to the point that their original faces were unknown.

I don't think I've done too much, but I thought it would be better if an outsider spoke up because it seems to be their former insider.

Then, I decided to ask the two of them to buy meals as an apology.

"I'm really sorry! I can't believe he was the real Captain Thor! I don't mind hitting you, so please close your eyes on this case!"

"I'm not that angry..."

"As the deputy commander said, the commander looks really masculine and smart. How adorable and brilliant both of my companions are. This Nambara is only overwhelmed by a majestic and noble aura."

"I-I see..."

"These guys are doing great." You were so scornful until just now. "

However, it is true that if you are lifted and apologized for, you will lose your temper.

There was also a feast lined up at the table in front of me, and my desire to finish the story and fill my stomach quickly had sprung up.

I'll double-check that you're from the roving brigade, right?

"Stop that strange salutation. This is the Adventurer card."

Give the card to the takigi.

He passes through and gives it to Nambara, who is beside him.

"Both the name and party name were communicated to the deputy commander." However, the information on the card is not always accurate. This is not enough evidence. "

"Actually, Oila and the others were in Bixgear before coming here." So I did a lot of research, but it seems that the real Tall Commander was awarded the title of "Roaming". "

Is this what you're talking about?

I offered the bracelet to Takigi.

Takigi and Nambara, who had received it, had their eyes rounded.

"Mr. Nambara, this is real, isn't it?" I've never seen the real thing, but it doesn't look fake. "

"It's too expensive for a prop." No, but it doesn't make the deputy commander happy. He sent us out in the belief that he would find us. "

I don't know if the deputy commander or that person has been prone for a while.

The maple that was keeping silence opened its mouth.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but who did you two come here according to?"

That's right, you're Nay's sister.

"Are you Nay-san!?" Master! "

I was relieved to hear Ney's name.

It was no mistake to think that we would meet someone if we followed the fake roving brigade.

I came here and found out that two of my people were safe.

"Nay is safe, isn't he?" My childhood friend

"No one should know that you're a childhood friend... it seems like you're still Commander Tall."

"You did it! All you have to do is take the team leader to the deputy leader and the deputy leader!" Seriously, I was worried about when I would be able to accomplish this mission, but I managed to do something about it! "

"Calm down, Takigi. If you show up in front of Commander Tall, you'll doubt the deputy's education policy. If you don't shut up right now, I'll punch you in the face and feed you to the pigs."

Nambara-san, you're the one who's been pulled by the dirty mouth, aren't you?

"...... Higuu"

"Don't cry." I'm sorry. "

The tearful nangbara is covered with takigi.

I don't think they're bad guys, but they're a little weird.

Suddenly, Frau felt uncomfortable even though he was still silent.

Normally, I would have complained to my opponent.

At the end of his eyes, Flau just opened his mouth and chewed the meat.

"You haven't given me your pussy yet!"


Frau swells his cheeks wide.

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