Snow falling from the sky.

Around here is the world of silver.

Ever since we parted ways with Lord Thor, we have been looking for our companions or heading north.

After me on the horse, Monica on Ichiro-san follows me.

Isn't it cold, Mr. Ichiro?


"I'm hungry, Daisy."

You were eating dried meat a while ago, right?

“There's not enough dessert. I want a hot soup dessert.”

Monica, who rides on Ichiro-san, replies without weakening herself.

In addition, I didn't seem to like being cold, and the figure of wearing layers of clothes was round like a joke, and once it rolled, it was definitely in the form of rolling everywhere.

"Where will this place be?"

"I think it's Luck Lake, Death."

"We need a more straightforward explanation." I'm not familiar with this geography. "" Maybe you need an apology, Death? Then this is the secret of the family-- "

Sure! I'll check it myself later!

Monica put her hand on her clothes and stopped her by hand.

This person tries to take off his clothes and make an apology.

The root is a very good person, but it is a little unusual or sometimes difficult to handle.

Exposed maniacs, right?

I have heard that there are people in the world who hobby beyond such common sense.

Huh, what if Thor's favorite is the Exposed Maniac!?

Should I learn from her, too? However, as a daughter of an aristocrat, such a shameless thing... oh, no, I imagine a strange exaltation. What is this high-pitched sound?

"Too cold, Death. Did you really move to a place like this, Death?"

“I don't know. But it's also true that what you don't look for doesn't start with anything. Now, if we don't find out where he is, we'll have a big harvest.”

"I thought Death, no matter what I think, that Alyusha is a war criminal." To step on the floor of another person's house is a serious business for the elves. "

I deny Monica's point.

"Isn't Alyusha bad?" I looked into it just in case, but it seems that the ruins directly underneath caused several collapses and the building itself was rusty. My father said that he would investigate the ruins and rebuild the mansion as soon as possible. ”

Marianne's having a hard time, isn't she?

When the horse-drawn carriage passed by, the owner looked at us with a stunned expression.

After passing by, the adventurer on the luggage carrier also stepped forward and was upset.

Monica tells us that behemoths seem to be a very strong endemic species on the continent, and it is very unusual to ride like this.

It seems to show Thor's help, and as my fiancé, I have a high nose.

That said, it's a shameful act to be too proud, and it's the lady's courtesy to keep it in your heart.

"Is that the date you saw?" It was a surprised look on Mien's face, Death. "


Monica's honest words spurted out.

I love her honesty.

Continuing along the path, he finds a bowman lady carrying a pig in a stick.

“Excuse me. Is there a city or a village around here where you can rest?”

"Ugh! Behemoth!?"

A woman throws away a pig and pulls out her waist.

Ichiro-san said, "Ah? And I looked down, and stroke, and I came down from my horse, and stroke my head lightly.

"I'm sorry to surprise you. Don't worry, she's not an enemy."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. There are people in the world who tame Behemoths."

Thor's Tame Master's Power Day!

"No, no, I can't do it normally though..."

She knocked down the snow on her ass and picked up the pig.

Monica also jumped from Ichiro-san.

"My name is Monica Daes and this is Marianne's Daes"

Thank you.

The woman greets lightly.

It seemed like a bit of a ruthless person. I expected to be an adventurer from my outfit. The races were human beings, semi-long, slightly blurry black, and half-eyed beautiful girls who seemed sleepy.

"It's Nazna. Is she from the South?"

"That's how it is." But why did you think that? "

"It smells. It smells different from people around here."

Maybe it's sweaty.

”It's not like that... it's a hassle to explain, so that's fine”

I check my own smell.

You should wipe your body every day.

However, it was four days ago that I took a bath in the water, and I wonder if I haven't wiped it down.

It is a shame to be recognized as Roanne's daughter by the smell.

Oh, I'm so tired of water bathing.

"I smell good, Death! * snort *" Look! "

Well, I don't know what my body smells like.

"That's not true!?"

Nazna starts to laugh with her stomach spurted out.

After laughing briefly, he wiped his fingers with his tears and replied to me.

"Ah, you guys are funny." Even though the people you live with are weird, they're weird enough that you can't beat them. "

So, this is the continuation of the story, is there no city or village around here?

"There's a big city over there." I'll show you around, so follow me. "

We decided to accompany Mr. Nazna.

She looks back as she takes a step forward.

"Hide that behemoth somewhere."

The city of Minsk, in the Tarvale country.

This city seems to have a lot of adventurers. I saw adventurers in cold-proof clothes everywhere.

Even in this snowy cold, the city was bustling with activity, and the smell of stimulating stomach bags was exhaled from the shop along with white smoke.

Monica's stomach rings.

"I want to eat anything, Dase."

"This will also stimulate your appetite."

Ahahah, so why don't you go ahead and eat with me?

I'm puzzled by Mr. Nazna's offer.

You can't ask someone you've just met to do that. I haven't been able to thank you for guiding me so far.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Instead, let me tell you a story about a foreign country. I've never left this country since I was born."

If that's all right with you.

She entered a narrow alley and led her into a house with a narrow garden.

Although it is a spacious building, it is small but stylish and stylish. There was a tree in the garden.

I'm home, is there anybody there right now?

When she opens the door, she mutters towards the dimly lit indoor space.

He threw the pig out the front door and guided us to the living room.

It's a very nice mansion, isn't it?

"It's not like a mansion." Sit properly. I'll make it now. "

She walks to the kitchen stall.

Me and Monica sat down on the chair while observing the inside of the room.

"Death uses plenty of high-grade wood. It's not a civilian home, Death."

"It's rude to say that." But it's definitely such a wonderful building to feel that way. ”

Suddenly, I see a doll made of wood on the shelf.

Numbers were seven. Those cute designs caught my eye.

There seems to be no unity among the races, and the humans, elves, beasts, and demons can be seen. However, I don't know why, but the elves were kept apart.

"Tea, please."

Mr. Nazna brewed me some tea. Ask where you put the tea cup.

What about that doll?

"Oh, that's right. My partner made it while crying." I haven't heard anything about it, but I think it's probably a friend. "

... a friend's doll in tears?

I'm sure that person is also living with a painful feeling.

You don't even know your face, but you do have empathy.

I need to find you all soon. I am responsible for everything.

"I'm back."

"Ah, I'm home."

Nazna runs to the front door.

"Wow, were you properly bathing in the water?"

"I jumped into the river." And then I was struck by the rain, and I didn't stink! "

"Don't worry, just take a bath." So, I didn't meet any of my friends. "

Yeah, but I don't know what to do with my face, so I ran away.

“You're a fool, but I'm glad you're back.”

This voice... Could it be?

She stood up quietly and went to the door.

When I looked back, Monica was with me.

"There are customers coming right now."

“It's unusual. I don't think Nazna had any friends other than me.”

I peeked at the front door in horror.

It was Alyusha who was there.

They seem to have noticed me too, and often hardened with their eyes in mind.

"Nnh, nnh, Marianne..."


Tears accumulate in her glaring eyes, and she loosens her mouth.

Thinking of it, she fled with a kibbutz.

Monica, we've got you!

La Jolla Daesh

Monica jumped out and jumped to Alyusha-san's back, diving straight into the snow.

I smile at her face in the snow.

Please tell me why you tried to escape.

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