It was Soala who took the knight to see me off.

Are you still angry?

"Of course, you're the Demon King." Demon King, I am a normal warrior. "

There are many strange things about you, but let's apologize honestly.

That's a catchy way to say it.

I carry the luggage packed in the bathtub.

Dim time before dawn.

I came about three kilometers from the capital.

Nearby, a tall, robust bridge stretches across the horizon like a snake.

It is a ruin called the "Aspiration Tenbashi" built by ancient species.

It's a shortcut that runs straight from here to the center.

We are now on our way to a Saine crusade.

I thought I should go see Nay first, but I decided to give priority to getting rid of Sein because I was sure he was safe.

The destination is the Ruins of Exit, the heart of the continent.

It seems that Sein has made it his residence.

It was accompanied by thirty selected soldiers led by Pione.

Then it was Nambara and Takigi.

"I'm really glad. Send out the general."

“We needed someone who knew them well. There is Isabella here, and there are other generals alive. If you have to, your Majesty will be there, and you can attack all believers."

"I'm scared, Soara! Are you going to destroy the world!?"

“I'm exaggerating. I just wanted to say that I have such a hand.”

The blue Pione shuddered.

I'll look at Maple and Flau.

In the same way, the two of them carrying the bath mat had a determined face.

"Finally, you're going to the center." I'm nervous. "

"I'm thrilled to finally discover the secret of Lord Sein's mother's journey." I'm going to miss this long journey when I think it's almost over. "

"However, can you defeat the former hero who turned into a monster?" Don't forget that we have disabled all of our attacks, even though we were on our backs. Tentacles that absorb experience and skills also need to be very vigilant. ”

Maple is right.

Sein now has a different power than before.

It's hard to imagine a more dangerous existence if we don't fight it here.

"If you go straight through this bridge, you will reach the ruins." Be careful on the road. Why are you prepared for God's blessing? ”

"No, I wonder if they'll slap me."

"Ufufufu, I wouldn't do that if I were called the Saintess."

So you're saying Soara's grown up?

Well, there are people's eyes here, so let me think that there's no way I'm going to suddenly beat you up!?

Get back in shape.

But he's not coming, you idiot.

“As soon as I'm ready, I'll go see the last of Sein.”


"... what's with that face?"

As we beat through, we leave.

Nambara and Takigi had already slept twice on the carriage bed.

Maple and Frau get on the loading platform, and I get on the last one.

A horse-drawn carriage ran from place to place.

The horse-drawn carriage takes the long main road.

No one passes by.

The use of this bridge is limited to those who are in or near the ruins, and once on the bridge, it is not easy to get off from its height. How it was built The pier is very high, and it moves 50 to 100 meters above the ground, stirred by the wind.

"... you're free, aren't you?"

It's free time, isn't it?

Gaze out at the sights with the takigi and frau.

Maple leaned against me, and Nambara wiped her favorite weapon with a cloth in a good mood.

I'm free. I really don't have much to do.

Even if it were a monster, there would be some tensions, but for now, it's a very safe and comfortable journey. The bridge must be too high. At most, I was careful of flying monsters.

Let's take a break around here.

The carriage stops at Pione's direction.

"I never thought I'd see you like this."

That's right.

It overlooks the forest that grows from the bridge.

On the ground, the sound of monsters echoed and a flock of birds flew away.

Giant swords buried in protruding rocky mountains and trees, huge armor, and bones in the shape of fools and humans. Nearby were several golems that seemed to belong to Roswell.

I can't imagine that it was walking like that.

"What will you do when your journey is over?"

"As always, I'm with your husband."

The happy words slacken my face.

King Rastoria was told that it would be about a year, but he was told in advance that it would be fine to cut it up if it yielded enough results. With the help of Biggs Gear in the front, the Survey team sold their names to various countries and made many acquaintances. It's almost like we've accomplished it.

The knowledge gained here will be passed on to the island and will greatly contribute to the development.

If we can find the rest of our people, this journey will be over.

It's time to think about what's coming.

"So, what if the maple is good..."


Maples pinned his fox ears and shook his tail.

Looking nervous, he stared at me.

"Let's live together."

Is that what it is?

My face gets hot from embarrassment. The fire was about to spew out.

His hands trembled with nervousness. My legs are trembling.

"It's not a slave, it's an equal relationship. I greet you every morning and eat dinner together, and then, uh, I'll earn money from eating whatever I can do in the field, and I'll sleep at the same time at night. Um, you know what I'm saying, right?"

Yes! I will always be by your side!

Maples are hugging me.

I also turned my arm to my back and put a little force into it.

I've proposed... I'm so embarrassed.

I wonder if Sora will be mad at me later.

Tell them in a more romantic place, I'm scared they're gonna grab my chest. But I think the atmosphere is nice. It's impossible to score a hundred points, but you could have scored seventy points.


Yes, sir?

Haha. Looking back, there were Pione and Frau with their auger-like faces.

It was like a sword that was about to jump with a blade.

I wondered if I was using ice magic.

Of course, you invite me to live with you, don't you?

"Maples are not the only special treatment allowed."

The two of them are jostling up against each other.

The maple blossom is flying and I am not aware of this situation.

All of a sudden, the soldier was in a turmoil.

The enemy!

There were people in the direction of travel.

He lowered his hood and revealed his face.

"I came to say hello because I have a face like the one I saw."


Ios, who was supposed to be defeated, was smiling.

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