210. God and man

Goodbye in one blow!

From the sub-species primate destruction god Lugi, the black shadow stretches like covering the shoreline inside the temple.

"It looks bad if you touch it!?"

"Don't worry, I'll just let you wander through the void forever."

"Milord has zero motivation to reassure Fine, right?"

"The princess seems to have a lot of room..."

"Haha! That's what fighting God is like!" If you touch the Divine Majesty, you will die! Extreme ~ "

Because Colette is exerting force on her fist,

"It's only natural!!!! Haa!!!!"

I smashed the bedrock into shadows.

The shock is slow enough to form a crater, causing the shadows to fog temporarily.

"Come on. If you touched him all the time, he'd be here, right?"

Princess!? My arm!?

From the look of it, Colette's right arm was sloppy as if it were carbonized.

"Don't panic, don't panic. Alicia will heal you soon!"

"Um, Princess, if Sensei Alicia isn't here....."

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Colette was twitching.

"Wasn't that so!?" No way! Just your left arm, no way! "

"On the other hand, it's quite stylish to show the students the teacher in the final match, oniisama!!"

"I wonder if Laccarée is following it." Well, thanks to Colette, I would have figured it out ”.

Fenrir dodged the shadows with a bitter smile.

"For example, it's called the strongest species [Dragon], and it's eaten." "There will be no other race."

Well, then, you can't win!?

Sora screams.

"Yes, please give up." I will create a new world. [M] It's better to stop wasting resistance. If you do that, I'll take it in painlessly. "

The black shadows were emitted from Lugi's body that answered that question.

The vastness of the space was so enormous that it covered the shadows formed by Lugi's magical power.


Abyss [Inferno] even swallows the flames.

"It's impossible for me to inherit the Divine Core of God Weiss." You can be strong everywhere, everywhere. There's nothing more I can do! "

"Sensei, look out!!"

Now, from the black shadow that spreads enough to cover the inside front, a black band-shaped blade sticks out to attack us.

Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!!

The Holy Spear Brewnak scattered sparks and shifted them away.

"Hmm. That's right, it's the Second Sacred Equipment [Holy Spear] of Professor Lacqueray." you can't be taken in by my shadow... "

Lugi muttered quietly.

"Oh, my God, I'm so cocky."

The moment I said that,


Until now, the shadows of the bands spread instantly.

It spread as if it was about to be taken in by Lacqueray.

It spread wide enough to take in the golem, and when it shrinks in an instant, it takes in Laccarée.

She has no time to raise her voice.

"Ahahahahahaha! First one! But I understand! God Weiss's knowledge will teach me!"

Luigi said with a smile.

"Sensei Lacqueray is the key to defending the Sage Party, isn't she?" If you lose it so soon, you can't fight anymore. Huh? "

Luigi looked at me and said with a smile.


As soon as I said that, just like I had just taken in Laccarée, a pitch black shadow covered Bwari and my eyes.

There is no clearance to escape.

It's a terrible attack that reminds me of the illusion that a black future of despair is at hand.

"Goodbye, Doctor. It was fun."

At the same time that Lugi's words reached my ears, the black shadow covered me like it was chewing on me.

And the next moment, there was just nothing left where I was.

It's a game set, isn't it, sir?

"Oh, no..."

Lugi, the sub-species primate destruction god.

His overwhelming power forced the students to raise their voices in a daze.

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