I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 102- Getting Small Things Done

[Luna POV]

I moved into the kitchen and pulled out my cooking supplies.  For our lunch, I decided to make some wyvern stew.  Since it normally takes a while to make that, I already had most of it prepared and only had to let it cook for a little bit longer to be ready.  After 10 minutes it was finished, and I brought everyone a bowl.  When we all ate some, we all let out content sighs.

“Big sis, why do you do this to us.  I don’t think I can ever go back to normal food after this.” (Soleil)

“Is other ‘cooking’ not like this?” (Ophidia)

“It can be, but Luna is one of the best that I know of.  The power of highest quality ingredients and a maxed out cooking skill are a scary combination.” (Velvet)

“I see.” (Ophidia)

“So, have the two of you decided which place we should go?” (Luna)

“We should go to the fief capital.  It has the highest chance of having more fun things to do than some of the other cities.” (Velvet)

“Then that’s where we’ll go.  We can leave in a few days after Ophidia is done with her training.  Grey agreed to teach her the basics of being a brawler.  After that, I can either ask dad to get someone to teach her or, she can figure it out as we go.  What do you think about that, Ophidia?” (Luna)

“I’ll do whatever you think is best, master.” (Ophidia)

“Ophidia, I want you to make the decision.  You may follow me, but you’re still your own person.  This decision affects your future.  I will help you along the way, but you need to make the decision.” (Luna)

“Then what is the difference between the two options?” (Ophidia)

“Learning from someone means that you will fight the same way they do.  Learning as you go means that the way you fight is unique to you.  As with any kind of fighting, with or without weapons, the basics will open the door for everything.” (Luna)

“Can I decide after learning the basics?” (Ophidia)

“Yes.  On a different note, when we all finish eating, we need to go around and see what necessities we need for the mansion.  I have a lot of stuff, but there will be things that I don’t have.” (Luna)

We finished eating and went around the place to figure out what we needed to get.  Turns out we didn’t need to get much at all, but I guess I should have expected that since a noble owned this place previously.  When we finished figuring out what we needed, it was starting to get dark.  We ate dinner and then all went to our rooms.

When I got to mine and shut the door, I flopped onto the bed and pulled out my mirror.


{What’s up Luna?}

“I wish I could make my room its own separate space.  If I did that, then you could come and visit me in person without having to worry about breaking any divine rules.”

{I love the idea, but I think it would end poorly.}


{If you did that, then I would never let you leave.}

“Shouldn’t it be the other way around?”

{I guess you’re right.}

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s tempting, but I think I would only keep it up for a week at most.  Can’t get too distracted from my main goal after all.”

{I guess that’s true, and a week would be plenty of time.}

I blushed at her words.

{Oooh, embarrassed Luna makes an appearance.  I wonder what you were thinking we would be doing in that week.}

“Are you leading me on again?”


“*Sssssiiiiiiiigggggghhhhh*  That’s not cool Tamamo.”


“At least hold off until I can think of a way for us to spend more than a night together.”

{Ok, but I hope you can make those words a reality soon.  By the way, have you maxed out your singing skill yet?}

“I did a while ago.  Now I’m trying to remember songs from my past life as well as write my own, but I’m having trouble with that last part.”

{I’m sure I’ll love whatever you come up with.}

“I know that, but I just can’t come up with anything I’m satisfied with.  I’m honestly annoyed with that part of my personality that make me this way.”

{Don’t be, it’s a part of you that make you ‘you’.}

I pulled out my Tamamo plush and hugged it.

“I hope you feel this through the plush.”

{Oh.  Such a good idea, I’ll do the same.}

She grabbed the plush me and started hugging it as well.  Although I didn’t actually feel Tamamo hugging me through it, it did make my heart happy at the thought.

{Do you know what you’re all going to do tomorrow?}

“Go around the island and clean up more ruins.  I also decided that I should keep the pyramid here permanently along with a few of the intact statues.  They add a good aesthetic and I feel that they will complete the look when the island gets its complete makeover later.  I’m going to let Velvet and Soleil do whatever they want, and Ophidia can come with me.”

{What are you going to do about the wyvern area of the island?}

“I’ll leave it be for now.  I have no idea how to go about raising them.”

{You’ll figure something out, you always do.}

“Thank you for the pep talk.”

{No worries, I’ll always be here to cheer you on like that.}

I continued to chat with Tamamo like this until I fell asleep.  The next morning, I told the others the agenda for the day.  Soleil asked for her painting supplies and Velvet wanted to keep practicing her sewing.  I brought Ophidia with me around the island picking up ruins.  We spent the whole day doing this.  When we returned, Soleil showed us her finished painting.  It was beautiful.  It showed the view from the top of the pyramid, and she captured it perfectly.

“You are truly gifted, Soleil.” (Luna)

“Really?  I feel like it could be better.” (Soleil)

“I agree with Luna.  If you showed this to any nobles, they would be fighting over who could pay more for it.” (Velvet)

“I wouldn’t be surprised if I went to check the spot out and found that you cut this image from the world and placed it here.” (Ophidia)

It seems like Soleil wasn’t expecting all our praise because her face turned more and more red as we spoke.

“Then should we hang it up here?” (Soleil)

“If that’s what you want.  This place is as much yours as it is mine.” (Luna)

“Then let’s find a good place Velvet.” (Soleil)

“Ok.” (Velvet)

“Master, can I ask you to help me with my space magic?  I feel like I can make more progress with your help.” (Ophidia)

“I’m fine with that, but we can’t spend too much time on it tonight since you’re going to start your brawler training tomorrow.” (Luna)

“I understand.” (Ophidia)

I spent what remained of the day helping Ophidia and by nightfall, she had used up all of her mana.  I carried her to her room and went to mine.  As I was making my way there, I found that Velvet and Soleil had placed the painting in the hallway between Velvet’s room and mine.

{Maybe I should commission Soleil to make a portrait of you.}

“I was thinking the same thing, though I don’t know how I would go about doing that.”

{I guess I’ll let you make an illusion of me if you really want that.}

“Actually, I don’t think I need a portrait, seeing your face through the mirror is enough.”

{I guess you’re right.  I’ll hold off on the idea for another day.}

At that, I went to bed.

Author's Note:

Luna: Can you ask the comments for help with writing a song?

I'll pass you any ideas they give me.

Luna: Thanks.

If you need help like this in the future, just ask.

Luna: Got it.

Do you have an idea of what the song is going to be about?

Luna: Just a rough idea that it revolves around the moon and stars.  That's as much as I have at the moment.

Just give me some time.

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