[Luna POV]

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in a dark room that was different than mine.  All around me were statues and paintings of Tamamo.  Several of the paintings depicted Tamamo in various levels of undress.  On the middle of the room sat a man dressed in a luxurious suit.  He had dark hair, red eyes, and a shady looking face.  I could see a pair of fangs peeking out of his mouth as well.  He had a frustrated look on his face.

“Grrrrr.  Why!?  Why is it that when I try and look upon my precious Tamamo, all I see is this black haired kitsune!?  Who even is this and why does she have multiple tails!?  Wait, if she has multiple tails, does that mean she has some relation to my precious Tamamo?  Maybe she is an Apostle?  That’s bad, I can’t have that, Tamamo should allow only me to become that close to her.  I need to learn where this is.” (???)

He was about to continue talking with himself when the room started to become fuzzy and my vision went black again.  The next thing I knew, I was sitting up in my bed and breathing heavily.

“What was that?”

{Luna, what’s wrong?}

“I just had some kind of vision or something.  It was of a male vampire.  He kept using your name instead of calling you Goddess and the room he was in was covered in pictures and statues of you.”

{I believe that was the vampire that is obsessed with me.}

“I figured that, but why was I seeing him?”

{He is a diviner that has learned of a way to actively use the skill.  I didn’t know he was able to use it to see me though.}

“I need to kill him.  I’m the only one who is allowed to see you like that.”

{On the topic of why you could see him, I think it’s a mix of two things.  One is your Space Authority and the second is an ability of yours as the Abyssal Fluff.}

“I think I get where you’re coming from in regards to the Abyssal Fluff thing, but how is my Space Authority related?”

{You have always been keenly aware of when people look at you for long periods of time after getting that title, right?}

“Yes, something about the Abyss staring back and all that.”

{Combine that affect with the ability to see everything around you with space magic, and you can see anyone that looks at you with vision type skills.  Now that you are a demigod and have infinite mana and I’m going to assume EX level Int, you will be able to see things like that.}

“There are some things that mongrel said that I’m curious about but first let me check my stats.”

Name: Luna Reed

Race: Kitsune(Five-tailed/Demigod)

Sex: Female

Level: 50

Class: Quintuple-mage

HP: 100%-SSS


Vit: SS

Def: SS

Res: SS

Str: SS

Int: EX

Agi: SSS

Dex: SS+

Skills: Presence detection, Trap detection, Trap disarming, Trap creation, Dagger LV. 10, Short sword LV. 10, Archery LV.10, Poison crafting, Appraisal LV.10, Mana Regeneration LV.10, Stealth LV.10, Cooking LV.10, Sewing LV.10, Sleep Resistance LV.10, Restraint LV.10, Brushing Technique LV.10, Telepathy LV.10, Intimidation LV.10, Parallel Processing, Cartography LV.10, Singing LV.10, Woodcarving LV.6, Hidden Weapon LV.7

Magic Skills: Ice Magic LV.10, Lightning Magic LV.10, Healing Magic LV.10, Space Magic LV.10, Stellar Magic LV.10

Race Skills: Illusion Magic LV.10, Spirit Vision, Fox Fire, Fox Transformation, Enhanced Senses, Night Vision, Enhanced Physical Strength

Unique Skills: Status Effect Immunity, Ice Mist, Language Comprehension, Infinite Inventory, Divine Fluff Technique

Divine Skills: Domain Creation, Constellation Creation, Divine Judgement(Sealed), Abyssal Blessing, Apostle Creation, Summon: Apostle

Blessings, Divine Protection, and Titles:

Divine Protection of the Moon Goddess, Reincarnated, Fated One of the Moon Goddess, Abyssal Fluff, Master of Ice, Master of Lightning, Master of Illusions, Short sword Master, Magic Swordsman, Master Healer, Sage, Master Archer, Trap Master: Dismantling, Dagger Master, Master Chef, Ninja, Dungeon Clearer, Master Seamstress, Master Cartographer, Master Songstress, Master of the Ancient Serpent, Wyvern Slayer, Spectral Mists, Demigod of Stars, Demigod of Space

Authority: Space, Fluff, Stars

Depth:[email protected]#%^#%

“My ‘Master of Space’ title was replaced with ‘Demigod of Space’ and I also got ‘Demigod of Stars’ as well.  My new magic is also already maxed out, and I wonder how I use these divine skills.”

{You can ask Skadi about those later.  What did that creep say that caught your interest?}

“He thinks I’m an Apostle since he knows I have multiple tails.  What’s an Apostle?”

{They are the most important followers of a god or Goddess.  They act as our representatives on the mortal world and can freely travel between there and the divine domain.  We can have as many Apostles as we do Authorities.}

“Do you have any?”

{Two.  Your mother and Anastasia.}

“Is that why they gave off a similar presence to you recently?”

{Yes.  But that’s not all.  Your father is Grey’s Apostle, Blake is the Apostle of the God of Blacksmiths, Nia is going to be Atmos’s Apostle, and Rex is making progress in becoming Qutez’s.}

“What are the benefits to being an Apostle?”

{Free travel between the divine domain and the mortal world, becoming more powerful, the individual becomes immortal in the true sense of the word, and, though this is something humans and the other races decided on their own, gain a lot of influence in every country.}

“Interesting.  Can I make Apostles as a demigod?”

{I’m not sure.  You already have one, but that happened unconsciously and I don’t think you will be able to do that again.}

“When did I do that!?”

{The first day you used your fox transformation skill.  Velvet became your Apostle when she picked you up that time.}

“Is this why I have felt a connection to Velvet this whole time”

{Yes.  It’s also the reason that you can easily find her if she is somewhere far away from you.}

“This means I need to see if I can do the same for Soleil and Ophidia.”

{That’s another thing you can figure out later.}

I was about to say something else when I felt that mongrel trying to look at me through his diviner skill again.

“This is going to be very annoying.”

I was trying to think of a way to get this to stop when I got an idea.  I closed my eyes and my sight returned to the room from earlier.  The mongrel was still sitting where he was earlier, but his face had an even more annoyed look on it than it did earlier.  I opened a gate above his head and a potion of greater hurting fell out of it.  The glass shattered on contact and he started screaming in pain.


The vision cut off abruptly and I started laughing like a madwoman.


Just then Ophidia burst into my room.

“Master, are you ok!?” (Ophidia)

I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye.

“I’m fine, just harassing a delusional mongrel that has recently started spying on me.” (Luna)

“Tell me where they are, and I will remove their eyes with a dull knife.” (Ophidia)

“You should use a rusty spoon instead, but that’s beside the point.  He’s mine to torture and kill Ophidia.  He covets Tamamo when I’m the only one allowed to do that.” (Luna)

“By your will, master.” (Ophidia)

“What is everyone else doing?” (Luna)

“Soleil is painting at the top of the pyramid again.  Velvet is practicing her swordsmanship with Skadi.  I was waiting inside the mansion for when you woke up.” (Ophidia)

“How long have I been out?” (Luna)

“Not very long.  We brought you back here yesterday.” (Ophidia)

“I woke up way faster than I expected to.  I wonder why?” (Luna)

{I would wake up too if I saw a guy watching me in a room filled with pictures and statues of myself.}

Those words reignited my hate for that vampire.  I decided to try and drop another potion on him, but I have no idea if it worked.

{Why not just teleport to him and kill him now?}

“It’ll be over too quickly if I do that.  I don’t make it a habit to bully the weak, but I’m making an exception for him.  I’m going to break him psychologically first.” (Luna)

“Master, the look on your face is scaring me.” (Ophidia)

“Sorry.  Can you go and tell the other’s I’m up now?  I’m going to change.” (Luna)

“Excuse me, then.” (Ophidia)

She shut my door as she left, and I got out of bed.  I took off the clothes I was wearing and stood in front of the mirror.  All five of my tails were on full display as I stretched.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed that I was a bit taller than I was the last time I saw myself.  I was now the same height as Tamamo at around 6ft.  My hair was a bit longer as well and the color was even darker than I remembered it.  The silver at the ends of my ears and tails was also a little more pronounced and it even appeared at the very end of the rest of my hair.  My eyes were glowing silver as well, making them look like two stars surrounded in a sky of black.

“I grew taller.”

{Indeed, you did, but you’re still as beautiful as ever.}

I got out some clothes that I bought the last time I went shopping for them.

“I’m glad I bought some stuff that was bigger than my size back then.  I just didn’t think I would end up wearing them this early.”

When I was done changing, I left my room and went to the main living room.  When I got there everyone was waiting for me.

“Did you grow some, Luna?” (Velvet)

“I did.” (Luna)

“You’re even prettier now, big sis.  I’m kind of jealous.” (Soleil)

“I think you give Luna a run for her money.” (Velvet)

“Flirt later you two.  Velvet, what can you tell me about that delusional vampire?  I think you told me his name once, but I forgot it.” (Luna)

“His mane is Beryl.  Full name Beryl Volkihar.  He is in charge of the vampire organization in the Demon Empire and runs it from the Temple of Night in the capital Onigashima.  Out of all the vampire organizations, he is the last liked leader.” (Velvet)

“How so?” (Soleil)

“If normal vampires are zealous believers in the Goddess, he is a fanatic.  He also thinks he is destined to be the Goddess’s husband.” (Velvet)

When everyone heard that, they all looked at me.

“I’ve known this for a while, so don’t look at me like that.” (Luna)

“I’m surprised you haven’t killed him already, big sis.” (Soleil)

“In due time, Soleil.  I’m going to break him first.  Is there anything else you know, Velvet?” (Luna)

“Just that he is one of the oldest vampires.” (Velvet)

“Do you know any of his subordinates?” (Luna)

“I’ve met his second-in-command before.  He sends her to handle his organization’s foreign affairs.  Her name is Mordred.” (Velvet)

“Another familiar name.” (Luna)

“Is this the same thing like with Elizabeth?” (Velvet)

“Yep.  The Mordred I know of was a knight that was the cause of their kingdom’s downfall.  Maybe we can get her to live up to the name of the treacherous knight.” (Luna)

“Sounds interesting, if you want, I can ask some people I know to get more information for you.” (Skadi)

“While I’m tempted to accept, is there anything you want in return?” (Luna)

“I was told you have a large supply of wyvern meat.  If you cook and share some with me, I’ll help you out.” (Skadi)

“Is that all?” (Luna)

“Yeah.  Even if I haven’t known all of you for very long, I consider all of you friends, so only asking for something like that is fine.” (Skadi)

“Then I’ll start cooking after we finish in here.” (Luna)

“Sounds good to me.  As for what else we need to talk about, it’s about me teaching you how to use your divine skills, right?” (Skadi)

“Yeah.” (Luna)

“Can you tell me what they are?” (Skadi)

“Domain Creation, Constellation Creation, Divine Judgement, Abyssal Blessing, Apostle Creation and Summon: Apostle.  Divine Judgement is sealed.” (Luna)

“This may be harder than I thought, they’re all different from mine.” (Skadi)

“What are yours?” (Luna)

“Sea Search, Water Domination, and Sea’s Voice.” (Skadi)

“What does Sea’s Voice do?” (Luna)

“If I sing, I can give my allies buffs and cause damage to my enemies.  It increases in power the closer I am to the sea with it being the most effective if I am actually in it.” (Skadi)

“Interesting.” (Luna)

“Out of all of your divine skills, I think the two easiest ones to figure out would be Domain Creation and Apostle Creation.  Do you have a way to appraise them?” (Skadi)

“Give me a minute.” (Luna)

Domain Creation: Skill only usable by one who holds the Authority of Space.  Can be used to create a separate space where the creator has full reign to do as they please.  Skill has a limited effect due to owner only having partial access to the Authority of Space.  Time limit: 1 week.

Constellation Creation: Skill only usable by one who holds the Authority of Stars.  Holder can make constellations of anything.  Skill has limited effect due to owner only having partial access to the Authority of Stars.  Notice: Any constellation created before holder gains full access to the Authority of Stars will be placed in a separate space.

Abyssal Blessing: Skill only held by the Abyssal Fluff.  Gives those chosen the Blessing of the Abyss.  Blessing Effects: Unknown.

Apostle Creation: Allows holder to make an individual an Apostle.  Only those that fulfill the conditions can become Apostles.  Remaining Apostles that can be created: 2.

Summon: Apostle: Skill possessed by all that have Apostles.  Summons Apostle to users position regardless of distance.

“Out of all of them, the easiest one to try out would be Domain Creation.  As for Apostle Creation, I’ll try it when I figure out what conditions someone needs to meet.” (Luna)

“Then we can try later.  If I’m being completely honest though, I won’t have much to teach you since divine skills are extremely similar to normal skills.  They just need practice in order to be useful.” (Skadi)

“I understand, but I’ll welcome the assistance all the same.” (Luna)

“Big sis, will you need any help with the cooking?” (Soleil)

“You can help if you want but let me check one more thing first.” (Luna)

“What is left to check?” (Soleil)

“Stellar Magic.” (Luna)

“Oh right.  I tried to figure out how to use it, but when I tried, nothing happened.” (Soleil)

I used appraisal again.

Stellar Magic: Magic that uses the stars.  Currently has extremely limited affect due to absence of stars.

“What’s the point then?” (Luna)

“What’s wrong?” (Soleil)

“Stellar magic is going to be hard to do anything with currently since there are no stars yet.” (Luna)

“How unfortunate.” (Soleil)

{Don’t be so down.  Luna, if you use your divine skills in the right way, you and Soleil could probably figure out a way to practice that magic.}

“I think you’re right.  If I combine the Domain and Constellation Creation skills, I think I can do something about this, but that can wait for later.” (Luna)

I stood up from my seat and headed to the kitchen.  Soleil followed me and I pulled out some wyvern meat from my inventory.  Before I started cooking, I called out to Ophidia.

“Ophidia, did you manage to collect anything from the kraken?” (Luna)

“Yes master.  I have several tentacles stored in item bags.  I tried to see if any of the rest of the body was salvageable, but it was crumbling to ashes when I got there.  I did collect most of the severed tentacles as well, but I missed a few since the ice was starting to crack.” (Ophidia)

“Can you hand me a few bags.  I’ll cook some of the kraken as well.” (Luna)

“Here you go.” She said as she handed me three item bags.

She left the kitchen and I started to cook.  Soleil was handing me the things I asked for and was watching me intently trying to memorize everything I was doing.  When the wyvern meat was basically done, I moved on to figuring out what to do with the kraken.  After a few minutes of deliberation, I decided to make some Kraken Takoyaki.

When everything was done, Soleil and I brought everything into the dining room.  We found everyone already seated and waiting.

“It smells amazing.  Do you all eat stuff like this often?” (Skadi)

“Luna is the best chef out of all of us, so yes.” (Velvet)

“For the record, I hold back when cooking so that we can still enjoy the cooking of others.” (Luna)

“If this is you holding back, then what is it like when you don’t?” (Skadi)

{You would think the God of Culinary Arts cooked it.}

“That’s amazing!” (Skadi)

“I really need to meet her one day.” (Luna)

{I’ll arrange a meeting for you at a later date.}

We started to dig in and everyone let out happy noises.  Ophidia in particular looked ecstatic.  She was trying her best to use the manners I taught her a few days ago, but she was still struggling with eating slowly.  I then looked over to Skadi and saw that she had already eaten over half of what was served to her.  When she did finish everything, she got a wide, content smile on her face.

“I haven’t eaten something this good in so long.  I think the last time was when I saved that one prince and was rewarded at the castle.” (Skadi)

“When did that happen?” (Velvet)

“Uuuummmm.  I think it was about 500 years ago.  That prince is now the ruler of the Empire.” (Skadi)

“Do you know any other rulers?” (Luna)

“I’ve met a few of the previous kings of Savanna and the last king of Celestia.  I don’t go to the Elf of Dwarf nations much, so I only know a few important people there.  What about you?” (Skadi)

“I know the guild master in Savanna’s capital, the daughter of the Duke there.  My uncle married Princess Nia of Celestia and I know the current king and queen as well as the crown princess.  I also know Grey, but you knew that.  I also can make a connection with the guild master of the guild in Onigashima since I know some of her family.  And I have previously met the Gods of Creation and Time as well as the Goddess of the Sun.” (Luna)

{You also met the Apostle of Charity.}

“You’ve met Greed?” (Skadi)

“He’s an Apostle too?” (Luna)


“I didn’t know that, but why are you surprised by that Skadi?” (Luna)

“He’s a hard person to find.  He is always helping people out then disappearing into thin air.  I’ve had something to give him for the longest time, but every time I get close to finding him, I lose his trail.” (Skadi)

{Want me to tell Norn that you have something for her Apostle?}

“Can I ask you to do that?” (Skadi)

{Of course.}

“I owe you one, Lady Tamamo.” (Skadi)

{I’ll remember that.}

The rest of us finished our meals then we went to do our own things.  Soleil went back to the pyramid to finish her painting and Velvet went with her.  Ophidia transformed into her lamia form and went to take a nap in a sunny spot.  I retaliated against Beryl again then went to a spot further away from the mansion with Skadi to practice my Domain Creation skill.

Author's Note:

Grey: I'm happy my potions are being used for good.

Luna: Did you see into that room too?

Grey: I wouldn't knw you used the potions I gave you if I didn't.  Why?

Luna: Atmos, forgive me, but I need to remove your husband's eyes.

Atmos: Just remember to heal him afterwards.

Grey: You're going to let her do it!?

Atmos: You saw pictures of Tamamo that should only be seen by Luna.  She is completely justified in doing this.

Grey: But you saw everything I did.

Atmos: So, I used to take baths with Tamamo all the time.  Not to mention that I'm her sister and a woman.

Grey: What about the other guy here?  He saw everything I did.

Luna: Do you see him anywhere here?

Grey: He was sitting right next to me just a few minutes ago.  Pleas don't Luna.  Tamamo!  Help!

Tamamo: Luna stop, you don't need to cut his eyes out, just hit him on the head until he forgets.

Luna: Will that work?

Tamamo: Possibly.

*I appear in the middle of the room and place a silver stick on the table, then disappear again*

Atmos: What's that?

Tamamo: I don't know?

Luna: *Picks up silver stick* Heh.  Good news Grey, you are safe from eye removal surgery and blunt force trauma.  Tamamo, Atmos, close and cover your eyes and whatever you do, don't open and uncover them until I say so. *Pulls out very dark sunglasses and puts them on*

Grey: Is that what I think it is?

Luna: Pretty sure.

Grey: Fine, just get it over with.

Luna: *Presses button and the stick produces a bright flash*

Grey: Ugh. ... ... ... Hey Luna, what is that you're holding?

Luna: Don't worry about it.  Tamamo, Atmos, you can open and uncover your eyes again.

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