[Luna POV]

The next day was uneventful with not much happening except Velvet and Soleil flirting and Ophidia messing around with space magic.  When we stopped for the evening, we went farther away from the road than last time.

“Why are we camping out so far from the road?” (Velvet)

“Did you forget that me and Soleil will be training Stellar magic tonight?  We can only do that in a domain, and I needed to put space between us and the road in case some people passed by.” (Luna)

“Ok then.” (Velvet)

With that, I closed my eyes and used the skill.  When I opened my eyes again, we were in the same spot as earlier, but instead of the lone moon, the sky also had several shining spots in the shapes of drawn bows.

“Before we start with the training, allow me to give a bit of a demonstration.”  I said as I snapped my fingers and the sky above us was filled with illusory stars.

“Wwwwooooaaaahhhh.” (Soleil)

“Beautiful.” (Ophidia)

“Amazing.” (Velvet)

“Fufufufufufufufufu.” (Luna)

“You sure are ambitious Luna, to think this is what you’ve been planning on doing since the beginning.” (Velvet)

“I just thought Tamamo’s moon was lonely and thought I should give it some company.  It helps that I liked stars in my past life and this world didn’t have any.” (Luna)

“What about those pictures in the sky that were there before you put up the illusion?” (Soleil)

“Those were constellations and what I think are the key to stellar magic.” (Luna)

“What do you mean by that, master?” (Ophidia)

“It’s easier if I just show you.” (Luna)

I conjured an illusion of a giant scorpion.

|Malevolent scorpion, you have sullied this land for long enough!  My arrows have already been unleashed!|

A second of silence followed then several beams of light rained down on the illusory monster.  Once the rain stopped, several craters of varying sizes were left behind.

“Hahahahahahahha!  I always wanted to use that line.” (Luna)

“Was the chant really necessary?” (Velvet)

“Not at all, but I can make it necessary.  I’m the one who holds the Authority after all.” (Luna)

“Please make it optional.” (Soleil)

“Says the person that uses dragon shouts.” (Luna)

“Those are different, they are short, and no one knows what they mean.  If you chant like you just did, everyone will know what is going to happen and make preparations to avoid or stop it.” (Soleil)

“Correction, any otherworlders has the possibility of knowing what your shouts mean.” (Luna)

“Wait what?  Really?” (Soleil)

“Yep.  For example, your favorite Fus-Ro-Dah, means Unrelenting Force, and just between you and me, I think it would work even better if used with gravity magic.” (Luna)

“Ooohhh.  So, that’s why dad taught it to mom as well.” (Soleil)

“I pity anyone hit with that.” (Luna)

“I do to.  When mom tested it on a training dummy, it was sent flying and we never found it again.” (Soleil)

“Anyway, for now, you try and figure out if you can do anything with the constellations I already have in here and I’ll be trying to think up some more.  I already have an idea for another one so if you have any problems just came and ask.  Velvet, Ophidia, is there anything you would like to see while we’re in here?” (Luna)

“What do you mean?” (Velvet)

“Exactly what I said, while we’re in here, I am unrestrained with what illusions I can show you, so if you have anything in particular you want to see, I’ll set up some.  If you want to do something else just tell me and if you want to sleep, I’ll set up a place for that.” (Luna)

“I’ll just go and watch Soleil.” (Velvet)

“I think I’ll continue what I was doing earlier, I think I’m about to hit level nine space magic.” (Ophidia)

“Ok, I’ll be over there trying to make some more constellations.” (Luna)


I went to a good spot, sat down, crossed my legs in a meditation pose, and shut my eyes.  I dived into my thoughts and held back the temptation of thinking about Tamamo.  I stayed like that for several minutes when some inspiration struck me.

“Let’s see.”

I pulled one of my chains fully out of my inventory.

“I’m not complaining but why are these so long?”

I held my hands over the chain and channeled my mana.  I imagined how I wanted it to look in the sky and released the mana.  When I looked down, there were several glowing points on the chain in front of me.  The points of light then flew up int the sky above me and grew in size.  Several minutes later, a new constellation appeared in the sky in the form of a coiling chain tipped with a spear-like point.

“Now I just need to test if it will have the effect I wanted it to have with stellar magic.”

I produced an illusion of a large monster and then used stellar magic.  Several chains that looked like the one in the sky surrounded the illusion and wrapped around it and then went taught.  Now it looked like the illusion was being trapped by chains and was about to be pulled into the sky.

“Perfect.  Now onto the next one.”

I stopped the spell and dissolved the illusion.  I put the chain laying in front of me back into my inventory and shut my eyes again.  After several more minutes of thinking, I had another idea.

“I don’t even need to take one out to picture it.”

I imagined a shield and used the skill again.  I then opened my eyes and looked up.  In the sky, a rectangle of stars formed the shape of a tower shield was there.

“Ooohhh.” (Soleil)

I turned to look over at Soleil and saw a glimmering shield standing in front of her.

“Look Velvet, this one worked.” (Soleil)

“I can see that.  Want me to attack it to see how much it can take?” (Velvet)

“Let me move out of the way.” (Soleil)

She moved over and Velvet pulled out her sword.  She swung it at the shield and it bounced off.  At the same time, Velvet’s sword flew out of her hand and landed in the ground behind her.

“Ouch.” (Velvet)

“Are you ok?” (Soleil)

“Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting that much recoil.” (Velvet)

“You should have expected some.  There is no point in a shield if it breaks from someone hitting it.  It’s a shield that should be able to withstand a hit from Skadi, so it only makes sense that it will be sturdy.” (Luna)

They both looked over to me and I waved to them.  I then turned back to what I was doing and shut my eyes again.

“What next?”

{How about trying to think of something to buff people?}

“Good idea, now I just need to think about something that will work with that.”


“Ooooh, I think I have an idea.”

I imagined a pair of wings and what their effect would be and then the image appeared in the sky.

“Ophidia, come here please.” (Luna)

Ophidia came over to me.

“Yes master?” (Ophidia)

“Help me test this.” (Luna)

I pointed my hand in her direction and used stellar magic.  Two small outlines of wings appeared on her ancles that looked like tattoos.

“Now try running.” (Luna)

When she did as I asked, she disappeared from in front of me.  I then heard a loud crashing noise coming from the edge of the domain.  I went over to where the noise came from and found Ophidia sprawled on the ground with her eyes spinning.

“Uuuugggghhhh.” (Ophidia)

“Looks like it worked.” (Luna)

“I have never gone as fast as that.  What happened?” (Ophidia)

“It was a speed buff with stellar magic.  It raises the speed of the one buffed with the spell to one level lower than Agi the caster.” (Luna)

“What is your Agi stat master?” (Ophidia)

“SSS.” (Luna)

“So, this is the difference between S and SSS, how frightening.” (Ophidia)

“Are you hurt anywhere?” (Luna)

“No, just dizzy.  It feels like I hit a solid wall yet not.” (Ophidia)

“That makes no sense.” (Luna)

“That’s the best way I can describe the feeling.” (Ophidia)

It was then that Velvet and Soleil came over to us.

“What was that?” (Velvet)

“Another new stellar magic spell.  It was a buff to Agi this time.” (Luna)

“Is that what the wings do?” (Soleil)

“Yep.” (Luna)

“Interesting, I think I can use those as well.” (Soleil)

“So you can use the shield and the wings.  What about the other two?” (Luna)

“No luck yet.  I think I need a higher level in stellar magic for those.” (Soleil)

“If it helps, the chain is for sealing and the bows are obviously for attacking.” (Luna)

Soleil started channeling mana, but nothing happened.

“Nothing.” (Soleil)

“Oh well, all we can do is wait for your level to go up.  I’m going to make one more constellation then, I’ll close the domain.” (Luna)

“Ok.” (Soleil)

“Got it.” (Velvet)

“Yes.” (Ophidia)

I thought about what I wanted to do then came up with the idea.

“This should have been the first thing I thought of.” (Luna)

I imagined a compass in my mind and used the skill.  In the sky above us, a total of eight points lit up in the cardinal and intermediate directions.  As a whole they formed a circle and the point in the north shone the brightest.

“There we go.” (Luna)

“What is the point of what you just did?” (Velvet)

“It won’t have much of a point at the moment since these will only appear in here for now, but when I full ascend and make the first true constellations, these will help people find their way.  If you’re lost at night, just look to the stars and follow their guidance.” (Luna)

“How profound sounding, especially coming from you.” (Velvet)

“I don’t know if I should feel offended or not by that statement.” (Luna)

I thought about it for a second but decided to not worry about it.

“Anyway, I’ll take first watch.” (Luna)

“One quick question, what are we going to do about those craters you left earlier?” (Soleil)

“Don’t worry about them, they’ll disappear along with the domain.” (Luna)

“Ok.” (Soleil)

I dissolved the domain and we set up camp.  It’s a good thing all of us had night vision or we would have struggled.  Once everything was done, I sat down on a log I pulled from my inventory and the rest of the party went to sleep.

‘Now I just sit here and do nothing.’

{What do you mean nothing, you’ll obviously be talking to me.}

‘That’s true.  Anything interesting happen today?’

{Aside from my precious Luna being amazing, not much.}

‘Fufufu.  I’m still far from being as amazing as you.’

{Nonsense, you have too little opinion of just how amazing you are.}

‘I guess if you’re saying that much then it’s true.’

{I would never lie to you, Luna.  I might not tell the full truth from time to time like I did with the whole Apostle thing, but I have never lied.}

‘I know that; I’m the same way.’

As the night went on, me and Tamamo enjoyed out time chatting and flirting.  It hardly felt like any time passed when the sun started to rise.

Chaos Realm:

Grey: Stellar magic seems like it will be interesting once Luna starts really setting it up.

Atmos: I agree.

Tamamo: I'm more concerned that we could see into Luna's domain, I thought it blocked things from seeing inside.

It does, just not from this place.

Tamamo: Does that mean-

Before you finish that question, no, we saw nothing of what was going on in there when you and Luna were together. And if something like that happens again, we will not see it.

Tamamo: Good.  I don't know what I would have had to do if any of you had been watching us.

Skadi: Hahahaha.  Come and look at this, those two vampires sent to kill Luna and the rest are at each other's throats again.

What happened?

Skadi: I don't know, I just started watching them again and saw them looking like they were going to kill each other.

Tamamo: Hopefully Mordred ends up killing the other one before Luna and everyone gets there.

Atmos: Nah, that wouldn't be satisfying to watch.  I for one am looking forward to Soleil taunting him.

That will be quite the show, won't it.

Grey: I assume you won't tell us what is going to happen, will you?

Atmos: Nope.

Not at all.

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