[Luna POV]

When we finished practicing magic, we all went to bed.  Well, everyone else went to bed, I laid in mine wide awake.

‘This feels weird.’

{What do you mean?}

‘I know I can sleep, but since you told me that I’m starting to not need it, I can’t fall asleep.’

{Then why don’t we spend some time talking?}

‘That’s always welcome.  Is there anything you want to talk about specifically?’

{How about we discuss some of the constellations you want to make?}

‘Fine by me.’

{Then what is the first one you are going to put in the sky when you ascend?}

‘Easy, a joint constellation of the two of us.’

{Oooooh.  Is it going to do anything in regards to stellar magic?}

‘Not necessarily.  Of course, if you want it to, then I can make it so.’

{I’ll think about it.  What next?}

‘The compass one I made in my domain.  After that I’ll go with the one that allowed me to make the stellar spirit.  Then I’ll go with the ones I made already whose main purpose is to be used in stellar magic.  After all of that is done, I’ll make then as I think of them.’

{Sounds good to me.  By the way, when are we going to spend some time together?}

‘Tomorrow.  The others are going to Savanna and I’m staying here.’

{Very well.}

‘Is there anything specific you want to do?  I need to know how big of a domain I need to make.’

{I’m tempted to say make one the size of your room and we can have some fun, but I kind of want to go around the island and look around.}

I smiled at her words.

‘I thought we agreed to not rile each other up until we can spend every day together?’

{I couldn’t help it, seeing you laying there is reminding me of everything we did, and it makes me want more.}

‘You have no idea how much I’m tempted to just make a domain right now.’



After that we talked for a while longer when, before I knew it, I was falling asleep.

‘Heh.  Seems like…I’m…sleepy now.  I’ll see you…in…a…bit.’

{Sweet dreams, Luna.}

I fully fell asleep after hearing Tamamo’s words.  When I next woke up, the sun was just starting to rise.

{Morning Luna.}

‘Mmmm.  Hehe.  ♪Ta-ma-mo♪’

{Oooh.  Half-asleep Luna makes a reappearance.}

‘Hehehehehehe.  ♪Tamamo is in my head and all for me.♪’

{Always and forever.}


{Careful Luna, you’ll fall out of-aaaaaaaaand you did.}

I fell out of my bed and hit my head on the floor.

‘What happened?’

{Half-asleep you.}

‘Makes sense.  I find that I end up on the floor when I’m like that.’

{That seems to be the case.}

‘Anyway, where do you want to explore today?’

{Wherever you take me.  Though I do want to see the tree in person.}

‘Got it.’

I got up and got dressed and left my room.  I found that everyone else was already awake and preparing to head out.

“Leaving so early?” (Luna)

“Yeah, don’t want to get in your and the Goddess’s way.” (Velvet)

“Yeah, big sis.  We’ll be back tomorrow.” (Soleil)

“Have fun master.” (Ophidia)

“Got it.  See you guys tomorrow.” (Luna)

As soon as I said that Ophidia put her hands on Velvet and Soleil’s shoulders and teleported away.  After they left I moved to the main living room and created a domain that covered the entire island.  Immediately after that was done, Tamamo appeared next to me and we gave each other a kiss.



We stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds and kissed again.  When we broke apart, I backed away slightly.

“If we keep doing that, we won’t do anything we planned to do today.”

{I agree.  You’re too addicting Luna.}

“Fufu.  I was going to say the same thing about you.  I can never get enough.”

{Oh, before we go and do anything, take a look at this.}

She pulled out a shirt.  It had the word Lunamo on it.

“Where did you get that and where can I get one?”

{I don’t remember, it’s like the time with that special brush of yours.}

“I see.  Have you worn it already?”

{I have.  It’s quite comfortable to nap in, though it’s a bit big.}

“Hehehehehe.  That’s a nice mental image.  My beautiful wife in only a shirt.  Hehehehehehehehe.”

{Snap out of it Luna.  We can both do that some other time.}

“I’ll hold you to that.”

{I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t plan on following through with it.}



We stayed there laughing for a few minutes when we decided to eat some breakfast.  Since it was a special day with Tamamo, I went all out.  When we sat down to eat, I waited for Tamamo to take the first bite.  Her eyes widened in surprise.

{How is it that you surprise me every time you cook?  It’s a simple omelet, yet it’s so fluffy.}

“You realize who I am, right?  If I can’t make a fluffy omelet, then no one can.”

{To think the Abyss even holds sway over eggs.}

“Speaking of fluff, I think your tails are in need of a good brushing.”

{Ufufufufu.  We can do that after going around the island.  We have all day and night after all.}

“That’s true.”

We finished breakfast and left the mansion.

{I expected it to be more humid.}

“I can control that inside a domain.  I don’t fully understand exactly how I do that, I just know I can.  I can’t have you feel uncomfortable after all.”

{I can handle a bit of humidity Luna.}

“I know, but just because you can handle it doesn’t mean you need to.”

{So, this is another case of you spoiling me?}

“Of course.  I will always spoil you if given the chance.”

{Then I am obliged to do the same later.}

“Fufu.  I’m looking forward to it.”

We continued to chat until we got to the tree.

“Is it supposed to grow this fast?”

The tree that was only a little taller than me was now as big as a normal oak tree.

{It’s growing a little slower than mine did, but that’s to be expected since this place has less atmospheric mana than the divine domain.}

“Well, I didn’t expect that.  How long till it’s fully grown you think?”

{I’d give it a month.  A month and a half at most.}

“I guess I should let Velvet and Soleil know when they get back.  I did promise to let them spend time under it on a full moon when it was fully grown after all.”

Tamamo walked over to the tree and took a closer look at one of the starry leaves.

{These leaves are quite pretty.  I kind of wish my Lunar Sakura had some like this.}

“Don’t worry, when I move the island to the divine domain, we’ll have two trees to spend time under.  We can switch which one we sit under whenever we want.”

{Then I just need to be patient.}

“Anywhere you want to go next?”

{How about the top of the pyramid?  I’ve seen the view up there from watching you, but I want to see it with my own eyes.}

“Ok then, grab onto me and we’ll go.”

She smiled a mischievous smile and wrapped me in a tight embrace.  I smiled myself and teleported us to the top of the pyramid.  Although we were at our destination, we continued to hug each other.

“We just can’t hold back very well, can we?”

{This is rather tame though.}

“I’ll agree to that.”

We, regretfully, stopped hugging each other and turned to look over the island.

{You really lucked out with obtaining this island, it’s beautiful up here.}

“I agree.” I said as I looked at Tamamo.

When she noticed my gaze, she smiled.

“You know Tamamo, when you smile like that, it reminds me more of the sun than the moon.”

{Then I need to apologize to Quetz for infringing on her Authority.}


We both sat down and continued to look out over the island.

“This is so nice.  Me and you together on the island that will become our home in the future.  It’s like a dream come true.”

{Now whose smile is like the sun?}

“Hahahahahaha.  Didn’t you know Tamamo?  In my previous world, the sun was just another star, so that is quite fitting for me.”

{Really?  I actually didn’t know that.}

“I would have figured Grey would have mentioned that at some point since he’s been here for so long.”

{He might have mentioned that to Atmos, but never to me.  Does that mean you have partial control over the sun in our world?}

“No.  I tried to see if I could do anything, but it’s something completely different here.  Even if it did count as a star, I wouldn’t mess with it.  I want to keep a good relationship with Quetz after all.  Especially since my uncle is trying to become her Apostle.”

{Fair enough.}

We sat there for a while when I sensed something on the outside of the domain.


{What’s up?}

“Hang on a second.”

I focused on the outside and noticed that it started to rain.

“Ugh.  It’s raining outside the domain.  I should probably let it do the same in here since I don’t want everything to dry out over time.”

{I doubt that will happen if it misses rain once.}

“True, but I’m not sure how long this place has gone without rain.  For all I know, this could be the first time it’s happened in a while, so I don’t want to take chances.”

{Fine.  Let’s go inside then.}

I brought us inside the mansion and shrunk the domain to encompass only the mansion.

“Now, do you want to start the immersing ourselves in a paradise of fluff, or do something else before we do that?”

{I would like that very much.  It’s been a while since I got to feel the Abyss.}

“Fufufu.  The come and dive into the Abyss.”

I moved my tails in a way that they covered Tamamo as I watched her expression change into one of pure bliss.

{Ahahahahahahaha.  I can never get enough of this.}

She then pulled out a brush from somewhere and started brushing.  Every stroke of the brush sent a tingle up my spine.

“Ehehehehehe.  It feels so goooood.”

I unconsciously started to make a purring sound.

{Ufufufu.  How are you this cute Luna?}

“No idea, all I know is that this feels amazing.  So much better than when I brush my tails myself.”

{I don’t think that’s possible.  You are more skilled with a brush than I am.}

“That’s not what I meant.  Sure, it’s nice when I do this myself, but it feels so much better when you do it.  Like how food tastes better when you eat with friends.”

{Hmm.  Why don’t you give me another example?}

I smiled and pulled out my special brush.

“I guess I will.”

I started brushing one of Tamamo’s tails and I could tell she was enjoying it.

{I see, so this is what you meant.  I have to agree, this is so much better than doing this myself.}

We continued to brush each other’s tails and by the time we were done with all of the fluff, it was close to lunch time.

“What do you feel like eating for lunch?”

For a second Tamamo got a smile I saw a lot when we spent a week together, but it went away just as fast as it appeared.

{Do you have any kitsune udon?}

“While I am tempted to ask what you were going to say before that, though I have an idea on what it was, I won’t.  As for the kitsune udon, I always have some ready.”

We moved to the dining room and I pulled out several bowls of kitsune udon for the both of us.  We started digging in immediately and before I knew it, every bowl was empty.

{Calling that good wouldn’t do it justice.  It was so much better than good.}

“Thank you.  The secret is that I made it with you in mind.”

I put all of the bowls away into my inventory and we went back to the living room.  I sat down on a couch and Tamamo stood in front of me.  I tilted my head in confusion but before I could ask anything, Tamamo transformed into her fox form though this time it was small.

{I did promise to do this for you, didn’t I?}





“You’re!  So!  CUTE!” I yelled as I grabbed the small Tamamo.

I hugged her close to my chest and flopped back onto the couch.

{Luna.  LUNA!  I can’t breathe!}

“Eh?  Oh, sorry.”

I released Tamamo and she undid the transformation.

“Wait, do you even need to breathe?”

{Ufufufu.  I won’t die if I don’t, but that doesn’t mean it’s not uncomfortable.}

When she finished saying that; she pushed me down and started kissing me.  I kissed her back and we spent the rest of the day like that.

Chaos Realm:

And this is where we stop watching.

Atmos: They lasted longer than I though they would.

I agree.  They need to figure out that as long as they hold back a bit, they can go as far as they want with each other.

Atmos: By the way, where is Skadi?

Elsewhere.  Did you need her for something?

Atmos: No, I was just wondering why she wasn't here.

You do realize that people have more going on than just hanging around my house, right?

Atmos: Really!


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