I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 126- More Constellations

[Luna POV]

As soon as they heard the signal, Ophidia blinked behind dad and threw a straight punch.  Dad dodged out of the way at the last second and moved away from her.  She didn’t let him rest and chased after him with a combo of kicks and punches.  He dodged and parried as many as he could but was hit once or twice.  Ophidia’s last kick sent him sliding backwards.

“Oi!  Who taught you to fight like that?” (Deacon)

“Grey taught her the basics.” (Luna)

“*Sigh*  Honestly, I should have expected something like that.” (Deacon)

“Is what Ophidia doing not normal?” (Luna)

“Of course not!  No brawler or martial artist I’ve ever fought has fought like her.” (Deacon)

“Anyway, you better watch out.” (Luna)

Dad turned back to face Ophidia again but he couldn’t find her.

“At least there is no mist this time.” (Deacon)

After saying this, dad dodged to the side and Ophidia’s attack missed.  He then counterattacked with a punch of his own.  The hit landed in Ophidia’s stomach and she stumbled back some.

“Guh.” (Ophidia)

“My turn to press the attack.” (Deacon)

He charged at Ophidia and went for a shoulder tackle.  Ophidia recovered and dodged to the side.  She then then ran to him after he stopped and punched.  The hit landed then she teleported behind him and hit him again.  She did this several times and on the final hit, she punched him square in the jaw.  When the punch landed, we all heard a cracking sound.

“All right, stop, that’s enough!” (Luna)

I walked over to them and used healing magic on dad.

“Thanks Luna, and Ophidia, that was a good hit.” (Deacon)

“Thank you.” (Ophidia)

“You up for more dad?” (Luna)

“Haha.  Naturally, let me see what you can do now Luna.” (Deacon)

“Fufufu.  Ready yourself.” (Luna)

We backed away from each other.  I pulled a sword out of my inventory and tossed it to him.  He caught and readied it.

“Velvet, give the signal.” (Luna)

“Ready……Begin!” (Velvet)

I immediately covered the area with mist and activated my stealth skill.  I then opened several Gates and prepared to fire.  I made my way over to dad’s location and conjured an illusory me to go at him as I followed closely behind it.

“You do this every time Luna, you need to change it up a bit.” (Deacon)

As soon as the illusion ran into him and disappeared he turned around anticipating me to attack from behind.  Taking this chance I kicked the back of his knee then backed off into the mist.  His posture broke and I fired a spear from a Gate.

“What!?” He yelled as he sloppily dodged the spear by falling face down.

He then rolled to dodge a few more weapons I fired at him before he managed to get back up.  I then went to attack like Ophidia did and got in a few good passes before he got a feeling for my rhythm.  On the last swipe, he swung his sword where I would appear and I blocked it by conjuring a shield with stellar magic.  I then dispersed the mist.

“What kind of shield is this?” (Deacon)

“I’ll explain later.  Now, I’m all warmed up, let’s get to the real fun.” (Luna)

I jumped back, readied my short sword, then shot forward.  Dad dodged my attack by a hair and I turned to try again.  When I went for the attack, I went faster than the last time and dad didn’t move.  I stopped my sword just before his throat.

“You can do better than that, dad.” (Luna)

“I don’t know if I can, actually.  I couldn’t see that last move of yours.” (Deacon)

“Tch.  Looks like the only decent opponent I can have is Skadi then.” I said as I pulled back my sword.

I healed the cuts that dad received and walked to stand by Velvet and Ophidia.

“You want a turn, Velvet?” (Luna)

“I’m good.” (Velvet)

“Sorry I couldn’t give you a challenge Luna.” (Deacon)

“It’s fine, I expected this to happen one day.” (Luna)

“What are we going to do now?” (Ophidia)

“I guess I’ll make some more constellations.” (Luna)

“Mind if I watch, master?” (Ophidia)

“Not at all.” (Luna)

“I’m going to watch Soleil and practice some dark magic.” (Velvet)

“Guess I’ll watch with Ophidia.” (Deacon)

I sat down on the spot and crossed my legs.

“I said you could watch, but I don’t know if it will be interesting.” (Luna)

“We’ll be the judge of that.” (Ophidia)

The both of them sat down as well and stared at me.  I closed my eyes and began to think of things to turn into constellations.  I then realized that there were some that could be extremely useful for buffs.

‘Come to me, my knowledge of video games.’

I pictured the skill constellations and what effects they would have.  I then used my skill.

“Woah.” (Deacon)

I opened my eyes and found all of the constellations that I was making floating around me in a circle.  The began to grow larger and float up into the sky.  Once they reached the height of the other constellations, they shone for a few seconds then dulled to the same brightness as the other constellations already up there.

“Heh.  With this, stellar magic users will be in high demand.” (Luna)

“What do those do, master?” (Ophidia)

“All of those will be the source of buffs, like the wing one.  For example, the one that looks like a bow will help temporarily improve an archer’s archery, or that one that looks like a snake will buff stealth skills.” (Luna)

“You’re the same as always Luna.” (Deacon)

“Why would I be any different?” (Luna)

“Are you going to make any more?” (Ophidia)

“Yes, but I want to try something different this time.” (Luna)

I then dropped 11 large stones out of my inventory in a circle around us.

‘Let’s see, how did it look and what did it do again?’

I closed my eyes and tried to remember the standing stones and their effects.  When I started to recall one, I picture the constellation in my mind and touched one of the stones.  I used constellation creation and then opened my eyes.  On the stone that I was touching was the constellation I just imagined.

“Hahahahahaha!  It worked!  Now, to see if it will work as intended.” I looked over to Ophidia and dad.  “Ophidia, channel some mana into this stone, then use some magic after, then tell me if your mana recovers any faster than normal.”

She did as I asked and poured some mana into the stone.  The constellation glowed a little and then a smaller version of the constellation appeared on the back of the hand that touched the stone.  Ophidia then started to teleport until her mana depleted some.  After waiting for a few minutes, she reported her findings.

“My mana is recovering a little faster than normal.” (Ophidia)

“Good, that means that it works as intended.” (Luna)

“Is this a permanent effect?” (Deacon)

“No, this effect lasts until the constellation on the back of her hand disappears.  It should stay there for about a week or she uses another one of the stones I’m about to make.” (Luna)

“Why not make it permanent?” (Deacon)

“Because that’s not how it works right now.  Once I fully ascend I can make them like that, but for now, temporary is the best I can do.” (Luna)

“Will the effect persist outside of your domain?” (Ophidia)

“Not sure.  We just have to wait and see.” (Luna)

I turned back to the other stones and went to putting a constellation onto each of them.

“Where are these going to be placed?” (Deacon)

“I’m going to keep them for now, but in the future, I plan on asking Grey to put them in the guild.  Though if I wanted to, I could also just place them randomly around the world and let people find them.  Maybe I’ll do both.” (Luna)

“Why do that?” (Ophidia)

“It would add a mystical and adventurous feel to them.  Imagine it, you are making your way through an old, unexplored forest and come across a clearing with an old stone with carvings  it.  You walk up to the stone to inspect it and when you touch it, it shines.  Once the light dies down, you have a mark on your hand and feel like you received a small boon.  Or something like that.” (Luna)

“Good idea Luna, that sounds like something adventurers would enjoy.” (Deacon)

“I see.  Sounds interesting.” (Ophidia)

I started putting the stones back in my inventory when Tamamo spoke to me.

{Luna, their meeting is over and Amagi and Anastasia are moving back to the office.}

‘Thanks Tamamo.’

{Glad to be of assistance.}

“Looks like mom and Ana are done with their meeting.” (Luna)

“I’ll go and tell Velvet and Soleil.” (Ophidia)

“How long have we been in here?” (Deacon)

“I don’t know, two hours maybe?” (Luna)

The other three came over to us and I dissolved the domain.  Once that was done, we made our way to mom’s office.

Chaos Realm:

Grey: Oooh.  I'll happily put those in the guild, and I also like the idea of spreading them around the world in obscure places for people to find.

Luna: We can finalize everything later then, I need to tweak some of the effects on a few of the stones to be more socially acceptable in this world.

Grey: Fair enough.

Yeah, I don't think the ones that help with things like necromancy or allowing people to paralyze people would be used for good things.

Luna: I'm open to suggestions for help with those.

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