[Luna POV]

Once we entered the room, the first thing that stood out to me was the amount of stacks of paper laying everywhere.

‘Why is it that every important person I meet in this world always has mountains of paperwork to do?  Even mom’s office gets like this sometimes.’

{I would expect this from the adventurer’s guild or from rulers, but I don’t know why mother-in-law is always doing paperwork.}

‘I think mom is a workaholic and takes up dad’s paperwork.  He is technically the one who manages the village and a few of the lands around it as a Marquis.’

{You’re probably right.}

We all stood in silence as we listened to the sound of writing coming from behind one of the mountains of paper.  When the sound stopped and the paper was moved to the side, we got our first glimpse of the guild master of Onigashima’s adventurer’s guild.  She had light grey skin and light purple eyes.  Her hair was a light cyan color and she had four black and purple horns on her head.  She looked at each of us for a few seconds before smiling slightly.  She then started to speak.

“Shuten was right, you are quite pretty indeed.  My name is Ibuki Doji, guild master of Onigashima’s adventurer’s guild.  It’s nice to meet you Luna of the Spectral Mists, Velvet the Viper-Blade.  I have heard good things about the two of you from Shuten.” (Ibuki)

After introducing herself, she looked over to the employee that brought us here and he left the room, shutting the doors behind him.

“Please sit down over there and we can have a nice conversation, I could use a break from all of this damn paperwork.” (Ibuki)

We did as she said and moved over to the couches that were in the room.  She moved over and sat in front of us.

“It’s nice to meet you, Miss Ibuki.” (Luna)

“Just Ibuki is fine.  There is no need for S-rank adventurers to be so polite.” (Ibuki)

“Ok then.” (Luna)

“Now, I’m assuming you all want an explanation on how the guild here works, right?” (Ibuki)

“That would be helpful.” (Velvet)

“Each floor has quests for the different ranks.  The first floor is where beginners start, once they hit D-rank, they can move up to then second floor.  They stay there until they make it through C-rank, then they move to the third floor for B to A rank quests.  Anything above that, they came straight to me.” (Ibuki)

“Why is it like that here when other guilds aren’t like that?” (Soleil)

“It’s to manage the adventurers.  We of the demon races are prideful and respect strength.  We try to keep the ones who are too weak from taking quests that are too much for them to handle.  Of course, this doesn’t always work, but cases like that are relatively rare nowadays.” (Ibuki)

“I see, then what does that mean for our party?  Do we take quests from you or the floor below us?” (Velvet)

“The highest rank in the party takes precedent, though in the case of S-ranks you should just take quests from the floor below us unless I have something specific for you.  On that subject, I don’t have anything at the moment, so you are free to do whatever.” (Ibuki)

“Got it.  I think for now we should focus on getting Ophidia caught up in rank then focus on whatever else.” (Luna)

“Sounds good.” (Velvet)

“With all of that out of the way, mind if we chat for a bit?” (Ibuki)

“I have no problem with that, what about the rest of you?” (Luna)

The others shook their heads.

“Perfect.  I have heard through letters from Shuten that you were promising adventurers as well as quite stunning in the look department and I have to say she was correct.  I bet all of you have trouble keeping the other adventurers from bothering you.” (Ibuki)

“Not really.  Surprisingly, we haven’t had anyone try to hit on us with the exception of one time for me and Velvet, though my case was a bit different.” (Luna)

“That time you froze a guy’s arm off?” (Ibuki)

“Yep.  There is also the fact none of us are single, so we wouldn’t give anyone else the time of day if they tried anything.” (Luna)

“Oh.  Who is with who?” (Ibuki)

“Me and Soleil.” (Velvet)

“Ophidia is with Skadi the Abyssal Hunter and my fiancée is elsewhere.” (Luna)

“I didn’t know Skadi finally found someone.” (Ibuki)

“It’s a fairly recent development.” (Ophidia)

“You know Skadi personally?” (Luna)

“I was friends with her father a long time ago.” (Ibuki)

“She never told us that when we spent some time getting to know her.” (Luna)

“She hasn’t met with me since he died, so I don’t think she would have mentioned me.” (Ibuki)

“I guess this explains why it seemed like Skadi and Tomoe knew each other relatively well.” (Luna)

“How is Tomoe doing, she doesn’t send letters to me as often as Shuten?” (Ibuki)

“She’s fine I guess, we haven’t been in Celestia for a while.” (Luna)

“That’s good enough for me, I think of her like a third daughter so any news is good news.” (Ibuki)

“Do you not get any letters from Ibaraki?” (Velvet)

“Not really.  She is too scatterbrained to do that regularly so Shuten tells me how she is in her letters.  I worry about that girl sometimes.” (Ibuki)

“She didn’t give me that impression when we met her though.” (Luna)

“That’s some good news then.  Oh how I wish they would come visit sometimes, it’s so incredibly boring just doing paperwork all day.” (Ibuki)

“If you want to, me or Ophidia can teleport there and back with them, but you would have to make it a request.” (Luna)

“I like that idea, but it will have to wait for some other time where I have less to do.” (Ibuki)

“Don’t you have a sub guild master to help you out with all of this?” (Velvet)

“I did at one point until I discovered he was embezzling guild funds.  After that, I haven’t been able to find a decent replacement.  I think that was about five years ago…maybe.” (Ibuki)

“Sounds tough.” (Ophidia)

“It was until I got used to it somewhat.  I hope Suzuka returns from the Elf Nation soon, she would be so much help.” (Ibuki)

“Who is that?” (Luna)

“Tomoe’s little sister.  She went to the Elf Nation to go to the academy about two years ago.  Once she graduates from there, I was planning on asking her to work here with me.” (Ibuki)

“I hope that works out for you.” (Luna)

“Thanks.  I enjoyed this chat, but I should get back to work now or these mountains will never disappear.  I’ll ask an employee to bring you here if I ever get a quest that needs an S-rank adventurer.” (Ibuki)

We all stood up and started leaving the room.  Once wee were back in the hallway, we started going down the stairs to the third floor.

Chaos Realm:

Tamamo: I wonder who her ancestors are.


Tamamo: She is a very old oni.  They don't normally live as long as her.

Hmmm.  Ooooooh.  One of her ancestors is an Apostle of a god.  I guess her and her family still have the immortality from that ancestor.

Tamamo: That can happen?

Guess so, even I'm surprised.  Oh and before I forget. *Snap*

Tamamo: What was that about?

Don't worry about it.

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