I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 13- Saying Goodbye Before the Grand Adventure

After parting with mother, I went to Blake’s shop to tell him when I was leaving.  When I arrived, I could hear a hammer striking metal.  As I headed toward the back of the shop I ran into Ana.  She was in the middle of teaching Soleil how to properly brew tea. 

“Don’t you think it’s a little too early to teacher her that?” I asked as I got closer to the both of them.

“Not at all, in fact she was the one who asked me to teach her.  She wants to be able to do everything I do when I help your mother and then join you on your adventures.” Ana said laughing.

“Mom, you didn’t have to tell her that!” Soleil said running up to Ana while trying to get her to stop talking, her face red.

“Anyway, what brings you here today, Luna?” Ana asked.

“I came here to tell Blake when I was leaving, though I didn’t expect the both of you to be here as well.  I thought you would be teaching Soleil survival skills in the safe part of the forest.”  I said while walking over and patting Soleil on the head.  As I did this, she closed her eyes, relishing in the feeling.

“We were going to, but my intuition said that you would be coming here today, so I decided to postpone her survival training.” She said pulling out a brush from somewhere and started to brush Soleil’s tail.

As we were talking, Blake came into the room covered in soot from his forge.

“I thought I heard someone come in.  How’s it going, Luna?” He asked while wiping his face with a towel he pulled from his inventory.

“It’s going great.  I passed my final test the other day, and today I went through the coming-of-age ceremony.  Then Tamamo showed up and met with my parents.”

As I was recounting the events of the last few days Ana interrupted me.

“You mean the Goddess of the Moon descended and met your parents!  I should have been there as well!  Now I’ll never get the chance to meet the Goddess!” Ana shouted, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes.


I lifted my head up as I heard Tamamo laughing.  Hearing this I started laughing as well.

“Luna!  This isn’t funny!” Ana said shouting even more.

“Calm down, Ana.  She’s not laughing at you.  Right?” Blake said, trying to calm her down.

“You don’t understand, Blake!  Meeting one of the gods is the dream of all shrine maidens!  You wouldn’t get it since you’ve also met a god before!”  Ana yelled as she started cutely hitting Blake on his chest.  When she did this, it woke up Soleil who apparently fell asleep while having her tail brushed.

“What’s going on?” She asked still dazed.

“Soleil, Luna is bullying me!” She complained.

“Then you probably deserved it.” Soleil said while walking over and sitting in my lap.  I started petting her head again when she got comfortable.

“Putting all this aside, what did you need today?”  Blake asked while still trying to calm Ana down.

“I came to tell you that I will be setting off for the capital tomorrow and it will probably be a while before I come back.”  As I said this, I felt Soleil stiffen up on my lap.  I looked down to see her looking up at me, tears welling up in her eyes.

“Are you really leaving so soon?” She asked, trying to hold back her tears.

“Yeah, but before I do, I have something to give you Soleil.”  I said while pulling up my inventory.  When I found what I was looking for, I pulled it out.

“Take this.  It’s a box that I imbued with my Space magic.  What you do is you put a letter in the box and close the lid.  After doing that, pour some mana into it and the letter will be sent to the other box.  This way we can still talk to each other, even from far away.” I said trying to get her to cheer up.

“Fine, I’ll let you leave tomorrow only if you agree to send me a letter every day.” She said while inflating her cheeks like a chipmunk.

“I’ll see what I can do.” I said while poking her cheek.

We continued chatting like that for a few hours when I looked out the window and saw it was getting dark.

“I need to head back.” I said standing up.

“Do you want someone to go with you?” Asked Blake.

“Why would I need someone to come with me?  It’s not like I will get attacked by anyone, and even if I was, I am stronger than most people here anyway.”

“I guess that’s true, huh.” He said scratching the back of his head.

“Not to mention that I’m not going to be walking back anyway.” I said while smirking.  “I recently got my space magic to level eight so now I can teleport to places I have set as a destination.  I thought of trying it out now.”

“So, it’s like in a game?” Blake asked with interest.

“Yup.” I said as I activated the magic.  “See you all again someday.”

After saying that my surroundings suddenly changed to those of my room.  The suddenness of the change left my head spinning and I felt nauseous.

“Ugh.  This is really disorienting.” I mumbled.

{Don’t worry, you’ll only feel like this the first few times you do this.  After that you’ll get used it.} Tamamo said encouragingly.

“I really hope so.” I said while sitting down on the bed, waiting for the nausea to go away.

Once I was feeling better, I left my room to go and find my parents and tell them I’ve returned.  I found them in mother’s office.  She was going over her plans for tomorrow while father was relaxing.  It seems like after running off after meeting Tamamo, he got a little too into his training.

“You look exhausted, father.” I said as I sat down next to him.

“I am.  I really need to work on that habit of going overboard when I get excited.” He said sheepishly.

“You really do.  You should be happy that I was passing by when you passed out.” My mother’s tone betrayed how she really felt.  She seemed like she enjoyed taking care of him when he was unconscious.

They started to stare into each other’s eyes, so I decided to interrupt before things became too awkward.

“It’s good to see that the two of you get along so well, but could you please save it for when I’m not around.”

“Says the girl who was flirting all afternoon with her future wife.” They replied simultaneously.

When they said that, by face reddened and I couldn’t make a comeback.

“Hahahaha, you’re so cute when you get embarrassed like that, Luna.” Father said, patting my head.

“I couldn’t help it, OK.  I only get to see her in person once a month.  Sure, I talk to her every day, but seeing each other in person is different.” I said pouting like Soleil was earlier.

“It’s fine, Luna.  We both understand how hard it is to be separated from someone you deeply care about.” Mather said.  It seems like she is thinking about the time when father was out on the front lines fighting fiends.

“That reminds me, put these in your inventory, Luna.” He said while handing me two letters and a medallion.  “That first letter is something that was given to me by the Goddess of Fate through Blake.  I was told to let you read it when you turned 15.  The other letter is an introduction letter for the Adventurer’s Guild.  Show it to a receptionist and they will let you talk to the guild master of the branch in the capital of Savanna.  The medallion is something that lets you meet with the Guild’s grand master in the capital of the Celestia Kingdom.  I highly recommend you go there in the near future.”

“I understand, father.  Is there anything else I need to know?” I asked while putting the letters and medallion away.

“Aside from reading that first letter soon, nothing that I know of unless Amagi has something to say.” He said, turning to face mother.

“I have nothing to say, except watch out for what I call Pig Nobles.”

“What’s a Pig Noble?” I asked, confused.

“They’re nobles who do nothing but look down on those they think of as below them and think that the world owes them everything.” She explained, “I always ran into them in the past.  If one of them ever approaches you, feel free to put them in their place.  If that doesn’t work, you can always use our names.” She said, her smile turning dark.

“Come to think of it, do we have a family name?  I mean, father is a general in the army and you are the head shrine maiden at the biggest shrine in the country.  I don’t have one in my status, so I never bothered to ask.” I asked.

“You didn’t know?” Mother asked, shock painted across her face.

“No, I didn’t.  Everyone around here call you Lady Amagi and General Deacon, neither of you have ever gone to any parties that I know of, nor have I seen you two interact with nobles outside of ceremonies held at the shrine.” I explained.

“Our family name is Reed.  It has been the family name for a few hundred years, ever since my great grandfather.” Father answered, “I wonder why you never figured it out, you have the appraisal sill.”

“I do, but I’ve never appraised either of you.  Even before I reincarnated, when I was still Jason Strider, and was first summoned here, we were taught to never appraise people unless absolutely necessary.” I said, remembering back to when I was summoned here originally.

“Would you like to appraise us?” Mother asked.

“I will, but only the bare minimum.  I don’t want to make it a habit of appraising every person I see and reading everything about them.” I said while using the appraisal skill.

Name: Amagi Reed

Race: Kitsune

Sex: Female

Level: 100

Class: Shrine Maiden


Name: Deacon Reed

Race: Kitsune

Sex: Male

Level: 100

Class: Sword Master


“No wonder you’re so strong, the both of you are level 100.” I said with mild surprise.

“You didn’t know?” My father asked.

“I mean, I had a feeling that was the case, but I wasn’t completely sure.”

“You should know better that to base people off of your standards, Luna, not everyone grows as much as you do.” Mother said with some agitation.

We continued to talk for a little while when I yawned.

“I guess I should go to bed, I plan to leave really early.” I said sleepily.

When I stood up to leave mother stopped me.

“Before you go, can you listen to a request of mine, Luna?” She asked, nervousness creeping into her expression.

“What is it?” I tilted my head while asking.

“Can you call me mom at least once before you set off.  All of these years you have always called me mother, at first, I thought it was just a thing you said as a child, and when you told us that you were reincarnated, I thought that that was the reason, but after so long of you never changing how you call me I started to wonder if you are doing it purposely.” She said, her nervousness increasing.

As I thought about what she said, it dawned on me that she was right, I’ve never called either of them mom or dad, only ever mother or father.” I looked down, “I’m sorry, I never notice that until now.  I never realized it made you feel bad, I’m so sorry.”

As I looked down in shame, I heard the both of them stand up and walk over to me.

“It’s OK Luna, no matter what you call us, we’re still your parents, we will love you to the end of time.” I’m not sure which one of them said that as they both started hugging me.

I then looked up and said, “Mom, Dad, thank you for everything you have done for me until now.  I promise the both of you that I will never forget everything you’ve taught me for all eternity.”

We continued hugging like that for a while longer until I yawned again.

“Good night, Luna, make sure you stay relatively safe on your journey.” Mom said wiping away tears.

“If any man tries to get you, feel free to send him my way, I’ll teach him a lesson.  If there is anything left of him, that is.” Dad said, his sadistic smile turning into one of pity.

{Don’t worry, I’ll never let anyone try to do anything to my Luna.} Tamamo said.

“That’s good to know, Goddess Tamamo.” Dad said.

“You heard what she said, Dad?” I asked surprised.

“No, but I got a feeling that she said something that I will agree with.”

“Are you sure your class isn’t Diviner?” I asked jokingly.

And so, my last night in the shrine continued on like this for some time.  In the morning I would wake up and set out on a grand adventure to make a name for myself and grow strong enough to go and join Tamamo.  When I do, I will fill the sky with stars to help her moon brighten the night.

Author's Note:

Here is an extra long chapter to end off the first arc as well as to hopefully tide you all over for the next few days.  I don't know if any of you picked up on the foreshadowing in the prologue, but I thought it was time to give you all an idea of the end goal of the story.  Thank you all for reading, I wish you all a good week.

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