[Luna POV]

The next morning, the shrine was practically buzzing with activity.  This was understandable though since it was finally time for the second prince’s wedding.  Most of the noise was from the nobles.  They were taking advantage of the event to catch up with acquaintances and gossip.  Most of this was taking place in the courtyard of the shrine.  I was standing in a place where I wouldn’t really be noticed and had my stealth skill active.


{I can tell.}



‘Need something to do.’

{I can chat with you.}


{Hmm.  Let’s see, oh, I gave your parents permission to tell the king of this country about us.  I hope you are fine with that.}

‘I’m fine with it, but even if I wasn’t, it’s already been done, so I can’t do anything about it.’

{Thank you for being understanding.}

‘It’s not a problem.  You made that decision, and I trust your judgement.  I will fully support any decision you make, no matter what, and if I think you made a mistake, I will point it out to you so that we can fix it.’

{Ufufufu.  Thank you for saying that.}

I smiled at her words.  While we were talking, I saw Skadi roaming around, trying her best to avoid talking to too many people.  I decided I would help her out and give her a safe haven.

“Skadi, come to the corner to your left.”

She did as I said and came over here.  I then set up a small domain that encompassed our spot.

“Thanks Luna.” (Skadi)

“It’s not a problem.” (Luna)

“Are you as bored as I am?” (Skadi)

“Yes.  I’m also a bit annoyed since so many people tried to curry favor with me when I first got here.  I have rarely ever had the want to just teleport them into the sea before.” (Luna)

“Unfortunately, this is the curse of S-rank.” (Skadi)

“It’s stupid, I thought I was immune to curses.” (Luna)

{Ufufu.  It’s not that kind of curse, Luna.}

“I know.” (Luna)

{Not to mention that you will probably get the same treatment from weaker gods in the future.  Someone always wants something from those in a higher position.  It’s just a fact of life.}

“As long as they don’t get between us, I’ll at least hear them out for a while.  As you have proven, Tamamo, collecting favors from others is a very good idea.” (Luna)

“I’ll agree to that.” (Skadi)

“Wait, shouldn’t you be guarding the royal family?” (Luna)

“It’s not like I can’t reach them from here if anything happened to them.  And besides, if it was needed, you would probably be even faster than me since you can teleport anywhere at the shrine.” (Skadi)

“That’s true.” (Luna)

“Honestly, I’m envious of you.  It must be nice being able to teleport everywhere.” (Skadi)

“It wasn’t in the beginning.  Constantly feeling sick every time I teleported anywhere and the feeling of disorientation of sudden scenery change was a hurdle, but aside from that, it’s great.” (Luna)

It was then that I saw mom come into the courtyard in her ceremonial attire.  I dissolved the domain we were in so that we could hear what she was going to say.

“Attention please.” (Amagi)

All the people present turned to look at mom and paid attention to what she was saying.

“It is time to begin.  Proceed to the main hall and be silent.” (Amagi)

With that, she went back into the main hall.  All the people present started making their way to the main hall as well.  Both me and Skadi waited and entered last.  When we entered, Skadi looked confused for a second, then whispered to me.

“I just noticed this, but how is it that so many people are fitting in here?  I understand that this is a large room in the shrine, but still.” (Skadi)

“I expanded the space in here with space magic.  When mom and Ana noticed that even more people were here than the room could fit, they asked me to help with it, and this is the solution I came up with.” (Luna)

“Interesting.  So, you basically made this room a small domain?” (Skadi)

“Yes and no.  Yes, in the sense that I can do any space related thing in here I want, but no in the sense that this is a spell any space magician can learn.  It’s just a bit special since I’m the one who did it and if any other space magician did this, they would run out of mana in a few hours depending on how much they have.” (Luna)

“Must be hard on space magicians since spell cost so much mana.” (Skadi)

“Well, messing around with space can be dangerous, so it’s understandable.  I remember this one time I almost ended up stuck in a wall when I was trying to get used to teleportation.  It wasn’t fun.” (Luna)

“I can imagine.” (Skadi)

Mom then made a reappearance at the end of the hall by the doors to the innermost part of the shrine.  Any small chatter that was still going on died down and everything went completely silent.  The doors nearest to me and Skadi opened again, and the king, queen, and second princess walked in.  They made their way to stand next to mom.  Once they got in position, they faced the crowd and the king started speaking.

“My subjects, thank you all for coming to attend the wedding of my son Hessian, the second prince of this country.  It makes me proud as a king and father to see so many people here.”  He swept his gaze over the crowd in front of him.  When he looked in my direction, his gaze seemed to linger on me for a second longer.  He then looked over to mom.  “I must also thank you, Priestess Amagi, for officiating this wedding and allowing us to hold it in the shrine of our countries patron Goddess.”

“There is no need for thanks, your majesty, it is the duty of someone in my position to do this.” (Amagi)

King Lobo nodded his head and then he and the rest of his family moved over.  The doors opened again and a tall wolf person wearing an ornate suit walked in.  He looked very similar to the king.  He walked down the center of the room and stood on one side of mom.


{Is something wrong, Luna?}

‘No.  He just looks like one of the people I would be annoyed with back in my previous world.  Back then I was very insecure about my appearance and got annoyed by people like him that made it seem like they could get by with only their looks.  Though I don’t know if he is even like that in the first place.’

{And how do you feel about your appearance now?}

‘If I say anything, I’ll sound like a narcissist.’


‘By the way, do you have any part to play in this?’

{What do you mean?}

‘I mean, two people are about to get married in a shrine dedicated to you.  Do you have to do anything special as the Goddess of the shrine?’

{Not really.  Honestly, even having Amagi do this is more than special enough since she’s my Apostle and all.  The only one that would ever do anything special is the goddess of marriage, and even then, she only really makes things a little flashy, like shining a little light over the heads of the two getting married.}

I almost started laughing at that, but I managed to hold it in.

{Is that really that funny?}

‘It is, at least to me.’

I then returned my attention to what was going on.  It seemed that the second prince had a small speech or something, but since I didn’t pay any attention to it, I didn’t hear a thing.  It was now time for the bride to enter.  Everyone turned their attention to the doors and they opened.  The person that walked in was in a very pretty white dress.  She was a red-haired wolf person and she walked slowly to stand next to mom on the opposite side of the second prince.  When she got into position and they looked at each other, they both seemed happy.


‘I know it’s funny Tamamo, but please hold back from laughing or I will start to as well.’

{Sorry Luna, it’s hard to watch the two of them struggle to keep their tails from wagging.}

‘Like I said, I know, but if I start laughing, it will cause a scene, and I don’t want that to happen.’

{I’ll-pfft-I’ll try my best.}

While I was fighting to hold in my laughter at the situation, the two up front started saying their vows and everything you would usually do at a wedding.  When they were done, they kissed briefly then mom led them into innermost room of the shrine.  Once those doors closed, the people left started making their way to the doors to the courtyard again.

“I expected more.” (Luna)

“Really?” (Skadi)

“Yeah, though now that I think about it, this was just the start, isn’t it?” (Luna)

“Yeah.  Now it’s basically going to be a party for the rest of the day and maybe tomorrow.” (Skadi)

“Ugh.  I can handle the rest of the day, I think, but if I have to participate in this tomorrow, I think I’ll go crazy.” (Luna)

“Don’t worry, if you manage to last the rest of today, you don’t have to participate tomorrow.” (Deacon)

“Hello dad, took you long enough to get away from all of those people.” (Luna)

“I can’t help it Luna, noble obligations and all that.” (Deacon)

“Since when have you actually cared for stuff like that?” (Luna)

“Since I have no choice but to put up with it.  I don’t have a max level stealth skill like you do.” (Deacon)

“Then you should work on that.  Now, let’s move somewhere else before people come to talk to us again.” (Luna)

We started to look for a place that we could stand and where no one would bother us.

“What do you mean by again?” (Deacon)

“When I got here earlier, some people kept trying to talk to me about this or that in their territories that they think I should help with as an S-rank adventurer.  The thing is all the things they keep asking for and offering aren’t anything special.  I think they just want me to show up and stay there for a while so that they can brag about how they have a connection to an S-rank adventurer or something.” (Luna)

“For future reference, this will happen a lot if you participate in things like this and sometimes even if a noble sees you walking down the street.” (Skadi)

“I think I’ve already experienced that once.” (Luna)

“Oh.  What happened?” (Deacon)

“Me and Ophidia were looking for breakfast one morning while Velvet and Soleil stayed back and flirted.  When we found something and sat down to eat, I felt someone staring at me for an uncomfortable amount of time and it ended up being one of Genera Damon’s sons.  Later that day I was invited to have a chat with said general and his son.” (Luna)

“*Sigh*I told him not to try something like that if you were ever in the Empire.” (Deacon)

“It’s fine, nothing actually happened and from what I could tell, General Damon made sure his son didn’t try to court me, though he did try with Ophidia.” (Luna)

“Hmm.” (Skadi)

“And Ophidia turned him down as well.” (Luna)

“Luna, you know I don’t like people messing with me.” (Skadi)

“Sorry sorry, it wasn’t intentional.” (Luna)

“Why don’t I believe you?” (Skadi)

“I haven’t ever lied to or tricked you before, so I have no idea.” (Luna)

Skadi looked at me with her eyes narrowed a bit but decided to let the matter go.

“Fine.” (Skadi)

“Oh, since we’re all here for a while after this is over, you want to fight again Skadi?” (Luna)

“Sure.  It was fun the last time, so I’m looking forward to it.” (Skadi)

“Mind if I watch?” (Deacon)

“That’s fine with me.  What about you, Skadi?” (Luna)

“I don’t mind.” (Skadi)

“Mind if I join in on this as well?” Someone asked.

We all turned around and saw King Lobo standing behind us.

“The more the merrier I say.” (Luna)

“Why not.” (Skadi)

“Again, no reaction to me.  Why do I even try to put on a kingly act if people just don’t react to it?” (Lobo)

“It probably works most of the time, I’m just used to it.  I know more people in positions of power than people that aren’t.” (Luna)

“And I’ve been alive a lot longer than you have, so I’ve met my fair share of rulers.” (Skadi)

“*Sigh*Even with everything I now know, your daughter is still weird, Deacon.” (Lobo)

“Eh, I’ve accepted that a long time ago.” (Deacon)

“Well, at least you’re talking about me right in front of me instead of behind my back.  Not that I wouldn’t be able to see that anyway.” (Luna)

“Eh?” (Lobo)

“Space magic.  It leads to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” (Luna)


“Tch.  If only Blake was here, he would get it.” (Luna)

{Was that something to do with your previous world?}

‘Yeah, I’ll have to try and remember all of that so I can show you some time.’

“Well anyway, I wasn’t aware that you knew Skadi.” (Lobo)

“Yeah, we met in Beria not that long ago.  She’s the one that advocated for me and Velvet to become S-rank adventurers.” (Luna)

“I see.” (Lobo)

It was then that the newly married couple exited the main hall.

“I’ll leave the conversation here.  I must go and congratulate my son and daughter-in-law.” (Lobo)

King Lobo then left us.

“And then there were four.” (Luna)

“But there’s only three if us right here.” (Deacon)

{Hey, I’m here as well.}

“Oh, right.” (Deacon)

{I’m hurt, he completely forgot about me.  How could my father-in-law be this cruel?}

I glared at dad.

“C-calm down Luna, it was just a joke.” (Deacon)

“Hmph.” (Luna)

“Pffft.” (Skadi)

Mom then came up to us and I noticed that she had already changed out of her ceremonial clothes.

“What’d you do to make Luna mad at you now, Deacon?” (Amagi)

“I made a joke in poor taste.” (Deacon)

“Was it really a joke?” (Amagi)

“Y-yes.” Dad said as he looked away.

I glared at him even harder, then touched him on the shoulder and teleported him to the other side of the shrine.

“What did he do Luna?” (Amagi)

“He hurt Tamamo’s feelings by forgetting she was here as well.” (Luna)

“I see.  He deserved to be sent wherever you sent him then.” (Amagi)

“Hmm.” (Luna)

{It’s alright Luna, I was just trying to mess with him.}

‘Even so, it still made me mad he forgot you were here.’

{Ufufu.  You’re so cute, Luna.}

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Ha ha.  Hey, do the thing.

*I snap my fingers and we watch Deacon slip and fall while he made his way back*

Atmos: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  You're right, it never gets old.

Grey: Hahahahahahahaha!

He.  He he.  Hehehehehehahhahahahahahahahahahahah!  I forgot how addictive this feeling was.

Atmos: I think I may have messed up.

Grey: I think we should take this opportunity to leave before he notices.

Atmos: I agree.

*Atmos and Grey then disappear from the Chaos Realm for the day*

*Ssiigghh*Wait, were did they go?

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