[Luna POV]

We stopped our visit with Blake once evening came around and were about to leave when I told him about my fight with Skadi that was happening the next day.  He agreed to come and watch, then we went back to the shrine.  I brought us back to the room we left from and we found Ophidia and Skadi taking a nap and leaning on each other.

“Hmmm.  Ah.  Hehehehehe.” (Luna)

“What are you about to do?” (Velvet)

“Just watch.” (Luna)

I moved over to the two of them and lightly put my hand on Ophidia’s shoulder.  I then teleported her over slightly and she fell sideways with her head landing in Skadi’s lap.  It seemed like Ophidia woke up slightly, but then fell completely asleep again with a content smile on her face.  I moved back over to Velvet and Soleil with a smile on my face.

“We agreed to let them figure it out themselves, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do small gestures like this once in a while.” (Luna)

“That’s true.” (Velvet)

“*Yawn*Sleepy.” (Soleil)

“Head to sleep then.  I’ll see you both tomorrow.” (Luna)

Soleil nodded her head sleepily and she and Velvet left the room.

{I’m back.}

‘Yay, Tamamo.’

{Ufufu.  Hello Luna, you doing better now?}

‘Yeah, I got my fill of messing with Velvet and Soleil for the day.’

{Ok.  Just don’t give them a hard time tomorrow.}

‘I wasn’t planning on it; I’ll actually have something to do tomorrow.’

{That’s true.  I hope you have fun.}

‘I know I will.  Fighting with Skadi is fun.’

I made my way to my room and sat on my bed.

{Set up a domain.}

I did as she said and Tamamo appeared next to me.


{Hello my lovely Luna.}

I snuggled up next to her and wrapped my arms and tails around her.



She then did the same.  We were now in a pile of heavenly, Abyssal fluff.

“Hehehehehe.  If this country ever got cold, this would be even more amazing.”

{I have to admit that this is quite amazing.  I honestly want to just bury my hands and face in your tails and snuggle in them.}

“Then do it.  You know I won’t stop you.”

She didn’t say anything else once she buried her face and hands in my tails.

“Hehehehehe.  That tickles, yet feels good.”

I then pulled out my special brush and started brushing Tamamo’s tails.  While I did this, I noticed Tamamo was moving around less, so I looked over to her and saw she fell asleep.

“Fufufu.  Sleep well, my lovely Tamamo”

I continued to brush her tails for a while and when I was done, I moved her head to my lap.  I ran my fingers through her hair as I looked at her sleeping face.  She had a peaceful expression and her ears would sometimes twitch when I moved my hand.  I couldn’t contain my happy smile while staring at her.


We stayed like this for a while when Tamamo started waking up.

{Seems like I fell asleep.}

“You did, but it’s not a problem.  I hope you like the pillow.”

{You know I do.}

She started to sit up, but I stopped her by leaning forward and kissing her.

“No no, I’m pampering you right now.”


{Very well then.}


We separated though our mouths were still connected by a silver string.

“Would you like a massage?”

{Sounds amazing.  My shoulders have been a bit stiff lately.}

“I couldn’t agree more.  That’s the downside of having such a large chest.”

{True, but they’re still nice.}

“What a cultured fox you are.”

She tilted her head in confusion, which was absurdly cute.

“Don’t worry about it.”


She got up, bared her back, and laid down on her stomach.

“Let me know if it gets uncomfortable.”


I charged my hands with a small amount of lightning magic and went to work on massaging Tamamo.  Every so often she would let out a cute sound and by the time the sun started rising, I finished.

“How was it?”

{Sho good.}

She had a slightly dazed expression on her face.

“Fufufu.  Good.  You can do the same for me next time we see each other.”


She then disappeared in a flash if light and I dissolved the domain.  I then left my room and went to the training grounds.  When I got there, I was the alone, which made sense since it was still very early.  I began practicing magic and with my sword.  After about an hour, I heard someone making their way here and turned around to see dad.

“Oh, you’re up early.” (Deacon)

“I hardly sleep anymore.” (Luna)

I must have had a good expression on my face since dad asked me about it.

“What’s got you so happy this morning?” (Deacon)

“Fufufu.  My domain is so useful you know, I just set one up and Tamamo can visit me whenever she wants.” (Luna)

“Aaahhh.  I see.” (Deacon)

“Shall we?  We have a while until me and Skadi fight.” (Luna)

“Sure, but when you do that, please hold back enough so you don’t destroy the training grounds.” (Deacon)

“I was going to set up a domain, so we don’t have to worry about that.” (Luna)

“You really want to do that?  Lobo will be there as well.” (Deacon)

“He already knows about me, so why try to hide it?” (Luna)

“Fair.   Now, let’s begin.” (Deacon)

We started sparring while waiting for the appointed time.  During all of this, Lobo showed up.  I never knew the king got up so early.  When he arrived at the training grounds, we stopped sparring.

“Oh, don’t mind me.” (Lobo)

“Fine by me.” I said as I teleported away from their view and started spreading mist.

“*Sigh*Have I ever told you I find this skill of yours annoying?” (Deacon)

“Fufufufu.  Every time I use it.” (Luna)

We then continued sparring in the depths of my mist.  We slowed down again once the others started showing up, and stopped when everyone that was going to watch was present.  As a side note, I was the winner.

“Hahahahahahahaha!  You lost to your daughter.” (Lobo)

“Shut it Lobo, you try fighting her and win.  If you can, then you can laugh all you want.” (Deacon)

“You ready Luna?” (Skadi)

“Just let me set up a domain and I’ll be set.” (Luna)

I snapped my fingers and the scenery warped then returned to normal.

“What was that?” (Lobo)

“A skill of mine.  I set it up mostly so that we can go all out without worrying about environmental damage, but it also help to keep people away.” (Luna)

“Interesting.” (Lobo)

{Hey Luna, I’ll be cheering for you.}

The smile on my face grew wider.

‘Now I’m even more motivated.’

Skadi and I moved away from the group and prepared to start.  Dad then raised his hand and gave the signal.

“Begin!” (Deacon)

Chaos Realm:

Well that was unexpected.

Atmos: I'm gone for a few minutes and she goes right to Luna, I should have expected that.

Does that surprise you?

Atmos: Not at all.

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