I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 146- The Many Happenings of the First Floor

[Luna POV]

After a while of walking, we came up to a room with hundreds of spiders.  When I got a good look into the room, I immediately turned around and spoke to Velvet via telepathy.

“Velvet, whatever you do, do not let Soleil into that room.” (Luna)

“Why?” (Velvet)

“It’s nothing but spiders in there.” (Luna)

“Soleil, wait out here with me so we can make sure that no other monsters show up.” (Velvet)

“Ok.” (Soleil)

I gave a small nod to Velvet who did the same.  I then turned my attention back to Mio and Ophidia.

“You can go whenever you’re ready Mio.” (Luna)

“Got it.  If you’ll excuse me nya.” (Mio)

Mio then took a step and disappeared into the shadows.  I could still feel her through presence detection so I knew where she was, but the spiders in the room were none the wiser.  When she stopped in the center of the room, she left the shadows and was crouched close to the floor.  Her presence seemed dim, so I assumed she was using the stealth skill.  I then heard her whispering.

“Silent as the night, all of my enemies shall perish.”

After she finished speaking, the shadows on the ground and walls seemed to writhe and innumerable spikes shot out from them.  The spikes impaled every spider in the room at once.

‘I guess this is what Vlad the Impaler’s enemies must have seen when they tried to invade Walachia.’


‘The person that was the inspiration for the most recognizable vampire from my previous world.  He was the ruler of a country called Walachia and he was famous for impaling his enemies on stakes while keeping them alive as a message not to mess with him or his country.  I don’t really remember why he was equated with vampires though.’

{You know, I sometimes think that your old world is a really messed up place.}

‘It really was.  Corruption was rampant in most governments that I knew of, and it went through two world wars.  Though I feel bad for my previous family, I’m way happier in this world than my old one.’

{I’m glad you feel that way.}

‘We’ll talk more later, Mio is coming back.’


Mio then appeared in front of me and Ophidia again.

“So, what did you think nya?” (Mio)

“I’m impressed, though I do want to know what that chant was about.” (Luna)

“You heard that?” (Mio)

“I have really good hearing for a kitsune.” (Luna)

“Ahhh.  It’s really nothing, I just say that to focus, it doesn’t really help with my magic.  It’s a habit I picked up at some point that I just can’t seem to get rid of nya.” (Mio)

“Ok.” (Luna)

“Big sis, are you all done ove-Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.” (Soleil)

“Velvet!” (Luna)

“Sorry.” (Velvet)

The temperature around us started to rise and a haze was coming off of Soleil.

“I’ll burn them all until not even ashes remain.  Yol-Toor-Shul!” (Soleil)

An inferno blasted from Soleil’s mouth and incinerated everything in the room.

“Soleil!  Do you realize how dangerous that is!?  We’re in a cave with no openings around us!  That means fire isn’t allowed!” (Luna)

Soleil took a step back from me with her ears and tail drooping.

“Luna, calm down.” (Velvet)

“No Velvet, she needs to know that she can’t do that.  I get not liking something so much that you want to eradicate even it’s corpse.  I know that more than anyone here, but I also know that there is a time and a place for that, and this is neither.” (Luna)

“Sorry, big sis.  It won’t happen again.” Soleil said while her ears and tail drooped even further.

I couldn’t stand to see her like that even if I was the one that caused her to.

“*Sigh*I’m sorry for yelling at you as well.  This is technically your first real dungeon experience, so you didn’t know any better.” (Luna)

“Everything settled now nya?” (Mio)

“Yeah, it should be.” (Luna)

“Alright then.  Oh, and Soleil, that was very impressive fire magic nya.” (Mio)

“Thanks.” (Soleil)

“What do we do now?  Start finding the treasures or show off our skill against more monsters?” (Ophidia)

“I say both.  From here, we’ll find more loot before we make it to the next monster area.” (Luna)

“Then lead the way, Lunya.” (Mio)

“Let’s go.” (Luna)

We headed deeper into the halls of the dungeon for several hours.  We passed by tons of chest rooms that didn’t have many useful things.  We were now sitting in front of the 17th chest.

“Luna, it’s your turn to open it.” (Velvet)

“Got it.” (Luna)

I walked up to the chest and checked to see if it was trapped or a mimic.  It was neither so I went ahead and opened it.  Once it was fully open, I learned that it was empty.  As soon as I turned around to tell everyone that, a cake flew into my face.

“…” (Luna)

“Pfffffft.  Nyahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” (Mio)

“Big-pfft-big sis, are you ok?” (Soleil)

“……” (Luna)

“Master?” (Ophidia)

“………” (Luna)

“Well, this won’t end well.” (Velvet)

I wiped the cake off of my face and looked up to the ceiling of the dungeon.


{Yes Luna, we’ll have a splendid talk with her.}

‘Tamamo, can you share the image of Atmos’s home with me like you did that one time?’

{I can.}

‘Please do it.’

Without answering me, I felt a pressure in my mind as images started to flow in.  When that was over, I began to smile.

“*Sigh*” (Velvet)

“Oooh.  Such a scary look nya.” (Mio)

-Meanwhile in Atmos’s home-

“I wonder who I should prank today?  Hmm?  He.  Hehe.  Hehehehahahahahahahahahaha!  Someone just got caked by one of my cake chests.  I wonder who it was.”

I use my Authority over Mischief to see who the lucky person was.  When I see that it was Luna, I start to feel cold sweat.

“Oh crap.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, a Gate opens up in front of me and one of those hateful chains pops out.  It wraps around me and drags me into the Gate.  Once I’m on the other side, I find myself in a familiar place with a large tree.

{Why hello there, Atmos.  How nice of you to come and visit me on this lovely day.}

“H-hey Tamamo.  H-how y-you doing?”

{Quite well.}

“T-that’s good.  A-and Luna.  How i-is s-s-she?”

{She’s also doing well, though she did run into something a little unfortunate about a minute ago.}

“O-o-o-o-oh n-n-n-n-nnn-no.  Wh-what h-h-happened?”

{I think you know.}

Instead of saying anything else, I tried to run away but was stopped.  Even though the Gate had disappeared, the chain was still wrapped around my waist and the other end was in Tamamo’s hands.

“Fufufufufufu.  I’m sorry I can’t be there to tend to you Atmos, but Tamamo has gladly agreed to help you in my stead, enjoy.” (Luna)

“Luna!  H-hey Luna!  I’m sorry ok!  I didn’t think you would find one of my prank chests that I snuck in when Grey was placing them!  Please forgive me!” (Atmos)

{It’s no use Atmos.}

“Noooooooooooooooo!” (Atmos)

-Back on Luna’s side-

“Nooooooooooooooo!” (Atmos)

Hearing that last part before the connection was cut, my smile widened even more.

“Ok, nyow I’m actually scared.” (Mio)

“Don’t be, Mio, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.” (Luna)

“You’re not mad I laughed at you nya?” (Mio)

“Not at all.  I’m only angry at the culprit that set up this prank.” (Luna)

“You talk like you knyow who it is.” (Mio)

“That’s because I do.  I’ll explain everything to you later, for now, we shall continue.  Oh, and by the way, I’m taking the next monster room.” (Luna)

We left the prank room and headed towards the nearest monster room.  When we got there, I spent no time entering it and freezing everything.  In a split second, the room looked like the ice age had come.  I then used lightning magic to shatter everything at once.

“H-hey Velvet.  Remind me never to get Lunya angry.” (Mio)

“I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t angry Luna.  This is slightly pissed off Luna.” (Velvet)

“O-oh.  My request still stands though nya.” (Mio)

“I understand.” (Velvet)

I then made my way back to the group with a refreshed smile on my face.

“Let’s go.” (Luna)

I started leading the way again while everyone else followed behind me silently.  We spent several more hours going around the first floor and eventually we were back to how we were when we first entered the dungeon.

“Hey Mio, I’m curious about something.” (Soleil)

“What’s up nya?” (Mio)

“Where are you from?” (Soleil)

“What do you mean nya?” (Mio)

“Like, where were you born?  You have a slight accent that I’ve never heard before.” (Soleil)

“Are you talking about me saying nya nya?” (Mio)

“Yes.” (Soleil)

“I come from another continent.  Don’t ask me its name since I don’t remember it nya.” (Mio)

“I see.  What’s it like there?” (Soleil)

“I can’t really remember since it’s been so long since I’ve been there.  I came to this continent when I was little with my parents nya.” (Mio)

“Interesting.  Where do your parents live?” (Velvet)

“They live in the port city close to Savanna.  My dad works as a shipbuilder and my mom is an herbalist nya.” (Mio)

“Have you ever wanted to go to the continent you used to live on again?” (Ophidia)

“Sometimes nya.  But then I remember that it takes like six months to get there nya and I don’t like riding on boats much.  Can’t stand the rocking or smell nya.” (Mio)

“Then how did you manage on the way over here?” (Luna)

“Mom is an herbalist, she gave me something that blocked my sense of smell and temporarily cured dizziness nya.” (Mio)

“What if you found a quick way to get there and back without having to ride on a ship?” (Luna)

“Then I’d go in a heartbeat nya.  Though I would only want to stay there for a little while and explore a bit nya.” (Mio)

“Good to know.” (Luna)

Mio tilted her head in confusion at my words.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said as I instinctively patted her head.

“Nyaa!” (Mio)

“Oh, I’m sorry, my hand just moved on its own.” (Luna)

“Hehehe.  It’s fine nya.  It was quite pleasant nya.” (Mio)

“Why does it feel like my position as little sister is in danger?” (Soleil)

“Don’t worry Soleil, you will always be my little sister.  No one can ever replace you.” I said as I also patted Soleil’s head.

“Hehehehe.” (Soleil)

“Luna, will you help me improve this technique later?” (Velvet)

“Sure.  While we’re at it, we can also finish your submersion into the Abyss.” (Luna)

Velvet nodded her head and we continued for a little while longer.  We finished exploring the whole first floor and I teleported us to the entrance stairs.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: *Sniff*

*I pat Atmos on the head to comfort her*

Atmos: Thanks. *Sniff* I never expected Luna to be the one to get hit with that.  She should have been able to detect it. *sniff*

She couldn't because it was a prank chest, not a trap chest.  There is a difference.

Atmos: Wait really!?

How do you not know this?

Atmos: I-I always assumed that pranks counted as traps.  He. Hehe.  This opens up so many opportunities.  I can finally go after those gods that have always had good senses for traps now.  Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!

Well that was a quick recovery.

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