[Luna POV]

After returning to the surface again, we went through the daily routine of handing over our maps and going to our room.  I laid down on the bed and sighed.

“*Sigh* I think we should take a break tomorrow.” ( Luna)

“Any reason nya?” (Mio)

“Not really, I think it’s just time for us to, we’ve been doing this for nearly two weeks without stopping and I want to take a break.  Of course, we don’t have to, it’s just my opinion.” (Luna)

“I’m not complaining nya.  I was just curious.” (Mio)

“If that’s what you want to do, then I’ll agree to it master.  I can take some time to send Skadi some letters.” (Ophidia)

“I’m all for it as well.” (Velvet)

“I’m going to sleep in tomorrow.” (Soleil)

“Then tomorrow is officially a break day.” (Luna)

After talking for a little while, the others started falling asleep while I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

‘You know, while I normally don’t mind not being able to fall asleep, it’s sometimes annoying.  Even I want to at least take a nap sometimes.’

{Ufufuf.  You’ll get used to it soon enough.  Once you do, then you’ll be able to sleep or stay awake whenever you want.}

‘I would think I’m already used to it.’

{You might be, maybe you’re just not in the mental state to sleep.}

‘Maybe so.  But at least you’re here to keep me company or else I think I’d go crazy.’

{Ufufufu.  Even if you did, I would still think you were cute.}

I blushed a little at her words then changed the subject.

‘So, what did you think of the meat?’

{It was good.  I still prefer your wyvern meat dishes, but what you got and sent today just barely loses to it.}

‘Yeah, it’s hard to beat wyvern meat, though I still want to at least try dragon one day before I ascend.’

{While that’ll be difficult, I hope you succeed.}

‘Am I still on par with dragons, or can I easily beat them yet?’

{If I had to say, you surpass them in mana, obviously, but you still need to improve a bit in other areas if you want to easily beat them.  I’d say they’d give you a fight close to the ones you have with Skadi.}

‘You realize that makes me want to find and fight them all the more, right?’

{I do, but I also know that there are no dragons anywhere near you.  Even with your spatial movement, it would take a long time to find one, so you should put this off until some other point in time.}

‘Oh well, some other day then.  By the way, how long is it until the next full moon?’

{A few days.}

‘Yay!  I can finally see the remodeled place.’

{Ufufufu.  I hope you enjoy it.}

‘Of course I will, I’ll be with you after all.  I’d be happy even in a sewer if I was with you, though I hope we never end up in a place like that.’

{I feel the same way in both regards.}

‘*Yawn* Oh, I’m finally a little sleepy.  I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.  I love you Tamamo.’

{I love you too, Luna.}

With Tamamo’s final words ringing in my head, my consciousness dimmed as I went to sleep.  I ended up dreaming about Tamamo that night and just as the dream was getting to the good part, I started waking up.


{What’s wrong?}

‘Even my dreams about us always end just before things get fun, though that doesn’t really matter now that I can make a domain.’

{You were dreaming something good then?}

‘Fufufu.  Of course.’

{Luna, stop that before we both go wild.}

‘Fine, we can have some fun like that when we are together in a few days.’

{I like the sound of that.}

I got up out of the bed and stretched.  I then changed and started to leave the room.

‘I’ll let them all sleep in since it’s a break day.’

I walked out to the lobby and found a few people up.  When I entered the room, they looked at me for a second before returning to what they were doing.  I looked around at all of them until I saw the usual receptionist that talked with us.  I went up to her and explained that we were taking a break today then made my way outside.  After climbing the stairs and exiting the small building I found myself in a completely white landscape.

“I’ve never seen this much snow even in my previous life.”

{Does this beat that one dungeon floor?}

“By a long shot.”

I took in a deep breath and let it out.  My breath came out in a large white cloud that made me feel like a dragon.

“Hahahaha.  Doing that brings back so many memories of when I was a child in my previous life.”

I then remembered something that I haven’t done in a while.  I created several illusory stands and set up some of the hero(lol) and saint(lol) portraits.

“Yep, they still piss me off.  It’s like they’re mocking me.”

I put some distance between me and the paintings and as I was about to pull out a bow, I got another idea.

“I don’t even need a bow when I can just make one.”

I created an illusory bow and an arrow.  I pulled the string back to see if I got everything right.  I then dispelled it and remade it again.  I did this over and over until I finally mad a satisfactory one and then prepared the arrow.  When I released the arrow and it struck the portrait of the hero(lol), I thought I heard a weak yelp of pain.


{I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a smug smile on your face before.}


{Keep doing what you’re doing, I want to see this for as long as I can.}




“Heh heh.”

*Thunk thunk thunk*


I continued shooting arrows into the portraits for at least an hour when I heard someone coming up to me.

“What are you doing big sis?” (Soleil)

“Heh.  Just some archery practice.” (Luna)

“Can I try it out?” (Soleil)

“Sure, if you can pull the string back.” I said as I handed over the bow.

Soleil tried her hardest, but the string wouldn’t even budge.

“How were you doing that, big sis?” (Soleil)

“Well, I have more strength than you, and also that bow is just an illusion, so it’s as hard to pull back as I want it to be.  Try it now.” (Luna)

She did as I said and had an easier time.

“You were messing with me the whole time, weren’t you?” (Soleil)

“No, I wanted to see if you could pull the string back with it set to something I like.” (Luna)

“I think only someone like Skadi could do that.” (Soleil)

“…Anyway, aim for one of those portraits.” (Luna)

Again, she did as I asked and aimed, pulled back the string, and released an arrow.

“I missed.” (Soleil)

“Bows take time to get used to, try again.” (Luna)

I stepped back a bit and watched Soleil’s posture.  I then told her to hold the bow and draw back but not shoot.  I walked up to her and fixed the areas that weren’t right, then told her to shoot.  This time she hit the target.

“Why did I hear a small scream when the arrow hit?” (Soleil)

“Heh.” (Luna)

“Big sis?” (Soleil)

“Don’t worry about it.” (Luna)

I then made myself another bow and stood next to Soleil.

“Watch me and try to apply what I do to yourself and you will improve.” (Luna)

{I don’t think that’s how that works Luna.  Not everyone can learn something just by watching.}

‘Soleil is talented so she’ll be fine.  Not to mention that I fixed her posture once already, so she will remember it.’

I then pulled the string back and let an arrow loose.  It struck the portrait of the saint(lol) right between the eyes.

“I see.” (Soleil)

‘Told ya.’

{Indeed you did.}

Me and Soleil stayed there and practiced archery for another hour before we decided to go back in and find something to eat.

Chaos Realm:

Tamamo: Smug Luna is a cute Luna.


Atmos: Why does it feel like her smug aura mocks me?

Tamamo: Because she out-smugs you.

Atmos: Shocking revelation!

Did Grey somehow show that anime to you?

Atmos: What's anime?

H-he never told you!?  I'm gonna need to have words with him now.

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