[Luna POV]

A while after Tamamo left, the others started to get up.  Once we were all ready, we headed straight for the dungeon.  When we entered, I teleported us to the 30th floor.  From there we easily cleared the floor and several more after it.  While exploring those floors, we managed to find several stat raising items, but only a few were the kind we needed.  When we reached to 40th floor, I felt something was weird.

“Hmmm.” (Luna)

“What’s wrong, master?” (Ophidia)

“I don’t know.  Something feels strange about this floor.” (Luna)

I sat down on the ground and did the usual mapping while also investigating what was giving me that weird feeling.  It didn’t take very long for me to see something that seemed vaguely familiar.  It was a blackish-purple with a somewhat humanoid body.  It had no feet and in the place its arms should be, were four sharp stake-like legs.  In the place where its head should be there was only a vertical mouth.  It wasn’t alone, there were several of them and a few had wings.

“Lahmu and Bel Lahmu.” (Luna)

“What?” (Velvet)

“Can’t remember all the details, just know they are annoying and will try to make you angry so you become reckless.  They are highly resilient and should have high defenses.  Also, the ones with wings are fast.” (Luna)

“Is it better if we just head straight for the next floor then?” (Soleil)

“We should probably kill all of them.  I’ll try to make it easier for us by making the first move.” (Luna)

I stood up and walked a bit ahead of everyone.  I raised one of my arms and brought it down.  The entirety of the floor we were on froze.

“Are you sure that didn’t kill them all nya?” (Mio)

“As unfortunate as it is, I know I missed some.  Look, you can see flying ones coming this way already.” (Luna)

Everyone looked up and saw four Bel Lahmu flying towards our location.  Once they got close enough, we could hear them laughing at us.


“How dare they mock master.” Ophidia growled.

“Calm down Ophidia, this is what I was talking about.” (Luna)

The Bel Lahmu continued to get closer at a fast pace when I opened several Gates and tried to shoot them down.  I managed to damage their wings enough for them to come crashing down.  When they hit the ground, they slid for a while due to the momentum.


The one that landed closest to us started to get up when several shadow stakes pierced it from underneath.  It shook a little and tried to move but fell limp a second after.

“Disgusting nya.” (Mio)

The other three that were left started to recover from their stunned states.  Before that could happen completely, Ophidia ran forward and got up close to one of them.  She unleashed several punches in the span of a second and her opponent popped.  Once Ophidia backed off, Velvet and Soleil shot a giant fireball at the remaining two.  They burned for several minutes before they finally died.

“Those things creep me out.” (Soleil)

“Do you see why I want to eliminate them all?” (Luna)

Everyone nodded.

“Let’s go and hunt the rest.” (Luna)

We proceeded into the now frozen wasteland to begin our hunt.  Over the next several hours, we scoured the entire floor hunting and killing Lahmu until I was sure they were all dead.  Once it was confirmed, we started to make our way to the stairs.

“So, did killing all of these get rid of that weird feeling you had?” (Velvet)

“No, but the source isn’t on this floor.  I think it’s on one of the ones below us.” (Luna)

We started to descend the stairs when Tamamo spoke up.

{Describe this feeling to me Luna.}

‘It’s like there is something just wrong.  I can’t really describe it well, though it kind of feels like the times where Cres and the stellar spirit were born.’

{Hmmm.  This might be a bit troublesome.}


{This is something that can happen very rarely when a dungeon forms.  Since dungeons are places of very concentrated mana, spirits are more likely to gather there.  If a spirit is too close to the core when it forms, it can become deranged and start going on a rampage.  I think this happens because there is a mix of Either when the core forms.  A deranged spirit is very dangerous and needs to be dealt with quickly, so it’s a good thing all of you are there.}

‘How much of this can I tell the others?’

{Only that your upcoming opponent is a deranged spirit.  The other things should only be kept between us.}


I then relayed what Tamamo said that our opponent will be.

“Does this mean we’re close to the end of the dungeon nya?” (Mio)

“I don’t know, but I doubt it.” (Luna)

“Why is that master?” (Ophidia)

“Because I haven’t been asked to make a checkpoint yet.” (Luna)

“What floor are you supposed to put that on?” (Velvet)

“Grey said he’d let me know.” (Luna)

With the end of that conversation, we proceeded to make it through the floors until we reached floor 45.  When we exited the stairs on that floor, the feeling I had been having intensified.

“It’s on this floor.” (Luna)

I looked at the others since they didn’t reply and saw they were all pale.

“L-Lunya, are you sure we can handle this nya.  I knyow we’re strong, but I don’t knyow if I can take this thing on.  At least not without getting really hurt nya.” (Mio)

“We’ll be fine, what you’re all feeling is its intimidation.  I’d say it’s at level 9 at most.” (Luna)

“Why do you think it’s blasting intimidation like this?” (Velvet)

“No idea, but we don’t need to worry about that.  All we need to do is find it and kill it.” (Luna)

“Can we even kill a spirit?” (Soleil)


{It’s possible, though the difficulty depends on what kind of spirit it is.  With the environment outside of the dungeon, it’s safe to assume it has to do with either ice or earth.}

I relayed everything Tamamo just said, and we got ready to find the deranged spirit.  It didn’t take long since we just had to follow the intimidation to its source.  We found it near a lake that was frozen over.  The spirit was visible so me and Soleil didn’t have to use spirit vision to relay directions.  The spirit looked like a giant golem made of ice and it was roaming around the frozen lake and crushing anything in its path underfoot.

“Looks like my ice magic will be useless for this fight.” (Luna)

“How do we go about killing it master?” (Ophidia)

“I was thinking of just pelting it with as much magic as possible.” (Luna)

“Wouldn’t spirits be resistant to magic?” (Velvet)

“Well, my guess is that they are even more resistant if not immune to physical attacks, but I’m open for any other suggestions.” (Luna)

{You have the right idea, it’s just going to take a lot of magic to take down.  Not that that is a problem for you specifically.}

“Tamamo said magic is the right idea, it’s just going to take a lot of it.  Though I can take it out on my own in that case, I want all of you to attack it as well.” (Luna)

“But won’t I be completely useless with this then?” (Ophidia)

“You can take on the next boss as compensation or, I can enchant your gauntlets with magic so your fists can try to damage it.” (Luna)

“I’ll go with the first option.  I don’t think I want to be close to it while all of that magic is hitting it.  And besides, I may be resistant to cold to some degree, but I can tell from here that me getting close to that is a bad idea.” (Ophidia)

“I thought you were immune to cold.” (Luna)

“Unfortunately not, just highly resistant.” (Ophidia)

“Then when we first fought, was my mist not cold enough, or were you just acting tough?” (Luna)

“Weren’t you holding back in that fight?” (Ophidia)

“I mean sure, but I still made my mist really cold.” (Luna)

“Can you two have this conversation later?” (Velvet)

“Sorry.  Velvet, Soleil, Mio, you three can attack first with your most powerful magic.  Use as much mana as you can and I’ll defend.  If it is still standing when you run out of mana, I’ll take care of the rest.” (Luna)

I set up a one-way space barrier in front of us so that we could attack the spirt and the three prepared their magic.  Velvet was the first to fire of some fire magic.  Several lances of flame flew through the air and collided with the deranged spirit.  Once they made contact, it turned its attention to us and let out a roar that sounded like glass shattering.  Once the roar was over, a storm of hail started but it was all blocked by my barrier.  The next magic attack that was shot out was from Soleil who used her favorite shout.  Since she concentrated her mana so much for the attack, it came out as a beam.  It hit its target and a large steam explosion occurred.

“Nice one Soleil.” (Velvet)

“Hehehe.” (Soleil)

Once the steam cleared, we saw that the spirit’s body had a large dent in it, but it was slowly repairing itself.  It was then that a ball of darkness was sent flying into the damaged part and it looked like it started to dissolve.

“*Pant*  Heh, my strongest magic nya.  Just wish-*pant*-I had more mana.” (Mio)

“That was your trump card?” (Luna)

“Yes nya.  Corrosive darkness that destroys whatever it comes into contact with.” (Mio)

“How long will that last?” (Velvet)

“Until it runs out of the mana that was put into it.  Since I put pretty much all of my mana into it nya, it should last for a while nya.” (Mio)

Mio then sat down and took out a mana recovery potion and drank it all in one go.

“As gross as always nya.” (Mio)

“You realize I could just share my mana with you, right?” (Luna)

“…” (Mio)

I was about to say something else when a shadow started to descend on our position.  Then a loud crashing noise echoed out as a large chunk of ice slammed into my barrier.

“It just threw the part that Mio hit with her magic.” (Soleil)

“Tch.  Just let my magic eat you nya.  I put a lot of effort into that nya.” (Mio)

“Change of plans, I’ll supply the mana, all of you overcharge your magic and throw it at the spirit.” (Luna)

I moved behind the three of them and put my hands on Soleil and Mio’s backs and I moved my tail to touch Velvet.  I then started to push my mana into them.


Mio then started to prepare her corrosive darkness again while Soleil started to prepare to shoot off another shout.  Velvet started to make a mini sun with her fire magic.  Velvet was again the first to let her attack loose.  The mini sun flew slowly towards the spirit and when it made contact, a large explosion occurred and the wave of heat that came after was so intense that, if it wasn’t for my barrier, we would have gotten severely burned.  Soleil then fired off her shout before the steam cleared and we heard a resounding boom as it hit its mark.

“Now clear the steam away with wind magic.” (Luna)

Soleil did as I asked and sent some wind magic to clear the steam.  When it was gone, the spirit, while extremely damaged, was still standing.  Though it was slower this time, it was still repairing itself.  It was then that Mio attacked with her magic.  This time, instead of a dark ball, it was more like a spot of nothingness that flew towards the spirit.  The second the ball of darkness hit, the sound of shattering resounded again, only this time, it sounded like a cry of pain.  The spirit tried to take a step, but fell to its knees while it tried to get the darkness off of it.  The more it touched, the more it spread until its entire upper body and arms were covered in the darkness.  Even more pained shrieks sounded until eventually nothing.  Absolute silence descended on the floor as we all looked at what happened, then looked toward Mio.

“I think it’s a good thing I don’t have infinite mana nya.  That scared even me nya.” (Mio)

“I think we should also all be thankful that Luna doesn’t have dark magic.” (Velvet)

Everyone but me nodded their heads vigorously.

“Hey!  I wouldn’t do this that much.” (Luna)

“The ‘that much’ part being left out would be a lot better.” (Velvet)

Again, everyone nodded vigorously.

{Even I agree with them Luna.}

‘Et tu Tamamo!?’

I crouched down, dejected.

“I really wouldn’t do that very much.” I mumbled.

“Ugh.” (Soleil)

“What’s wrong Soleil?” (Velvet)

“I leveled up a lot.” (Soleil)

“Makes sense, killing it helped push me to level 100.” (Velvet)

“Oooh.  Congratulations nya.” (Mio)

‘Tch.  Maybe I should have attacked it at least once.’

{Don’t worry Luna, you still have more dungeon to go.  Not to mention all the time in the world to level, so you’re fine.}

‘*Sigh* You’re right.’

I stood up again and dispelled the barrier.

“Let’s go see if anything is left.” (Luna)

As we made our way over to the dead spirit, or whatever was left of it, I cooled the area since it was still blistering form Velvet and Soleil’s fire magic.  When we arrived, we saw that the only things left were chunks of ice that were slowly melting in a pool of darkness.

“Can you do anything about this Mio?” (Ophidia)

“Nope nya.  Once that magic is shot, nothing will stop it until it runs out of mana nya.” (Mio)

“And how much did you put into it?” (Velvet)

“As much as I could before it would have backfired on us nya.  It was already critical when I shot it nya, so I bet this will be here for a long time nya.” (Mio)

“Well, since there is nothing for us here, let’s actually explore the floor and move on.  I want to reach floor 50 before we head back.” (Luna)

Everyone agreed with what I said, and we started out exploration.  We didn’t find much and continued on.  The next five floors were relatively empty of monsters and loot, though we did manage to find another stat raising item.  We then teleported back to the surface when we found the stairs to floor 50.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Those things at the beginning were disgusting.

I'll agree with that.  I'll even show you where Luna knows them from.

*I snap my fingers and the image on the tv changes*

Since Grey is too scared to do this, I'll be the one to do it.  It's time to introduce you to anime Atmos.

Atmos: Seems interesting.

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