I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 166: The Morning After the Festival

[Luna POV]

I woke up the next morning with Tamamo’s arms wrapped around me.  I smiled at this and snuggled into the embrace.  We both stayed like that for a while before Tamamo started to wake up.  When her golden eyes opened, they met mine.  We both smiled at each other and then we kissed.  Though I would have liked to stay like that for longer, I broke away first.

“Good morning, Tamamo.” (Luna)

{Morning Luna.  When did you set us a domain?}

“At some point last night, I didn’t trust the soundproofing of the room.” (Luna)

{I see.}

“Plus, I wanted to wake up next to you instead of an empty bed.” (Luna)


She tightened her hug and we stayed like that for a bit.  We would have laid there for hours if I didn’t hear Tamamo’s stomach growling.

“Fufu.  Sounds like someone’s hungry.” (Luna)

{Only a little.}

“Then I’ll whip something up for us.” (Luna)

I got out of bed and expanded the space in front of me.  I then pulled out my kitchen and made an illusory apron.

{Why is that so attractive?}

“Because it hides just enough.” (Luna)

{I’m tempted to push you down right here and now.}

“Save it for later.” (Luna)


I started cooking and a little while later I brought over the food.  Tamamo had gotten up and made an illusory table to sit at.  She was also, unfortunately, dressed.

{It smells amazing Luna.}

“Thanks, I actually went all out with it today.” (Luna)

{Oh.  What’s the occasion?}

“I wanted to give you the best I could.” (Luna)

{And I’ll happily accept.}

We started eating and once we were both done, Tamamo decided it was time for her to leave.

“See you again.” (Luna)

{I’ll wait with bated breath.}

She then disappeared in a flash of light.  I got up and the table and chairs vanished.  I was about to get dressed when I decided to do what Tamamo does and just make my clothes out of illusions.  When I tried it, it was weird.

“Tamamo, how do you manage to get used to this?” (Luna)

{It’s just how I’ve always done it.  Is it uncomfortable?}

“Not really, it just feels strange.” (Luna)

{You don’t have to wear clothes like this then.}

“Yeah, I’ll stick to normal clothes while I live down here.  I’ll get used to it at another time.” (Luna)

I got dressed and dissolved the domain.  When I left my room and went to look for everyone, I found them in the dining room.

“Hello.” (Luna)

“You look like you had fun last night.” (Amagi)

I blushed in embarrassment.

“Fufufufu.” (Amagi)

“Can you please not, mom?” (Luna)

“No can do.  It’s my job as your mother to embarrass you.” (Amagi)

“Ugh.” (Luna)

“I’ve never seen Lunya this embarrassed before nya.” (Mio)

“Me neither.” (Ophidia)

“Keep going, I want to see how red her face can get.” (Skadi)

“Can all of you please stop, or I’ll get mad.” (Luna)

“I’ll let you off for now then.” (Amagi)

“It better be for good.” I grumbled.

I went and sat down then pulled out some coffee from my inventory.

“Not going to eat?” (Amagi)

“We already did.” (Luna)

“Wait, I thought Goddess Tamamo was supposed to leave before the sun came up?” (Amagi)

“I had a domain up.” (Luna)

“Oh.” (Amagi)

“How have you been, Skadi?” (Luna)

“Good, just bored.” (Skadi)

“I see.  Then how about you come with us when we leave?  That way you and Ophidia can be together and you’ll be less bored.” (Luna)

“While I’d love to do just that, I can’t right now.  After this I have a nominated quest to do.  Though I might take up that offer at a later point in time.” (Skadi)

“Then just send a letter to Ophidia and one of us will come to pick you up.  A spot is always open for you.” (Luna)

“Thanks.” (Skadi)

“You knyow, you’ve really mellowed out nya.  I remember the first time we met, you were so blunt and hardly spoke to me or any of the other S-ranks nya.” (Mio)

“And I remember you always sleeping.” (Skadi)

“I still sleep a lot, you knyow.” (Mio)

“Where are Velvet and Soleil?” (Luna)

“They stayed at Blake and Ana’s place last night.” (Amagi)

“Oh.” (Luna)

We all chatted for a bit when the topic of the festival came up.

“So, Luna, how did you enjoy the festival?” (Amagi)

“We liked it a lot.  I was impressed by Ana’s shadow play.” (Luna)

“I’m glad you noticed it.  It seems like not many people did.” (Amagi)

“Well, we had a good vantage point for us to notice it.” (Luna)

“That’s good, she put in a lot of effort to make it work.” (Amagi)

{It was a brilliant use of gravity magic.}

“I’ll make sure to tell her you think that.” (Amagi)

And speak of the devil, Ana, Velvet, and Soleil entered the room.

“Morning everyone.” (Soleil)

“Hello.” (Ana)

“Mmmm.” (Velvet)

They all sat down and I brought out another cup of coffee and slid it over to Velvet.  She stopped it and started to drink.

“Thanks Luna.” (Velvet)

“No problem.” (Luna)

“So, what were you all talking about?” (Ana)

“How impressed me and Tamamo were with your shadow play.  Tamamo also praised your use of gravity magic.” (Luna)

“That makes me happy.” (Ana)

She gave a bright smile that I’ve only ever seen her give when I me and Soleil were really little.

“It took me nearly a month to get all the timing right, so I’m glad at least a few people saw the actual show.” (Ana)

“It truly was impressive.” (Skadi)

“Now I feel bad for only noticing it at the very end.” (Soleil)

“Don’t worry about it, Soleil, I can always show you before you all leave.” (Ana)

“Then I’ll come and watch it later mom.” (Soleil)

“Alright.” (Ana)

Velvet then slid the now empty cup back over  to me and I put it back into my inventory.

“Thanks again Luna.  I needed that.” (Velvet)

“Anytime.” (Luna)

“So, when are you all leaving and what are you planning on doing next?” (Amagi)

“Unless something comes up, in a day or two.  As for what we will be doing, looking for more dungeons to dive in mostly.  I want to reach my sixth tail by the end of the year.” (Luna)

“I see.” (Amagi)

“How close are you to getting to that point?” (Ana)

“I’m level 55 right now, so I need to get five more levels.  Plus, I also need to look out for other opportunities to get my tenth tail.” (Luna)

“But you still have four more to get before thinking about that, don’t you master?” (Ophidia)

“No, I know what I have to do to get it.  I’ve actually already done a few things on the road to getting there.” (Luna)

“When did you find that out?” (Velvet)

“Last time I checked my status.  Under depth, a new counter was added called labors.” (Luna)

“Labors?” (Soleil)

“Remember the birds we fought the day we met Mio?” (Luna)

“Stym-something-or-other?” (Soleil)

“Yeah, that was one of them.  The two others I’ve, no, we’ve done are the hydra and the lion.  That means there are nine more to do.” (Luna)

“So, there are 12 in total?” (Velvet)

“Yeah, though I have no idea how we would do a few of them.  I mean, is there a place that has an outrageously large stable that is difficult to clean or any special belts?” (Luna)

“I have no clue.” (Velvet)

“Then anyone know if there are any golden apples out there?” (Luna)

{I know of a place with information on them.}

“Do tell.” (Luna)

{It’s the place where dragons live.  I’ll let you know were that is when you’re ready to go there.}

“Got it.” (Luna)

The day went by slowly as we all talked.  At some point dad and Blake joined us and we all had a great time.  When lunch came around, I gave everyone some dungeon bison steaks which were eagerly devoured.  We spent the rest of our stay at the shrine relaxing and then went back to the Empire to resume the journey.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Hey Payto, I've decided to get Tonya in on helping me find someone for you.

Oh, and how is that going?

Atmos: Good I think.  She said she had an idea, so I'm waiting for her.  I'll let you know when she contacts me.

Fine.  To think you'd be my wingwoman.

Atmos: Of course I would be, you're my friend after all and I don't like seeing my friends lonely.

Do I really look that lonely?

Atmos: Not most of the time, but when we watch how close Luna and Tamamo are, it shows a bit.

How embarrassing.

Atmos: Hehe.  Don't worry, if all goes well, that'll be a thing of the past.

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