[Luna POV]

The next morning when everyone was awake, I explained what happened last night.  We decided that we would stay in this spot and wait for the two greater spirits to come back.  While we waited, Soleil showed me the painting she was working on last night.

“As impressive as always, Soleil.” (Luna)

{Indeed.  I should ask if she’ll let me have that one.}

“Tamamo would like to know if you are willing to give that to her.” (Luna)

“I don’t mind.” (Soleil)

She handed me the painting and I opened a Gate to Tamamo’s place.  I put the painting through and closed the Gate.

{Thank you very much.}

“She said thanks.” (Luna)

“Just let me know and I’ll paint as many pictures of big sis as you want.” (Soleil)

{Luna, lend me all of your money.}

‘Calm down.’

{But Luna, this is an amazing opportunity.}

‘Oh, so you’d rather a painting of me over the real thing?’

{Don’t even play like that, Luna.  You know I always prefer you over an image of you.}


“So nya, how long do we wait nya?” (Mio)

“No idea.  Those spirits went away without telling me when they’d be back, just that they would come back after getting permission to bring us to what we’re looking for.” (Luna)

“I see nya.” (Mio)

“Then what should we do while we wait?” (Velvet)

“Whatever we want, I guess.” (Luna)

“Then I’m going to take a nap in a sunny spot.” (Ophidia)

“Oooh. A nap sounds amazing right now nya.” (Mio)

“But you all just woke up.” (Luna)

“No, we woke up from sleeping nya.  This is taking a nap nya.  There is a difference nya.” (Mio)

“Oh.  I didn’t know that.” (Luna)

“Luna, don’t fall for her words, there is no difference.” (Velvet)

“Not true nya.  I’m completely serious nya.  I will teach you some other time nya.” (Mio)

“I guess I’ll play my flute some more.” (Luna)

“Velvet.” (Soleil)

“Yes?” (Velvet)

“Tail.” (Soleil)

“Fine.” (Velvet)

Velvet moved over and sat next to Soleil who placed her tail in her lap.  Velvet then pulled a brush out of her bag and started brushing Soleil’s tail.

‘…’ (Luna)

{Since when could they communicate with only single word sentences?}

‘That’s what I want to know.  Not that I didn’t understand what she meant.’

{True, it was obvious what she wanted.  Though now I want the same thing.}

‘I’d set up a domain if I didn’t have to wait for these spirits.’

{There is always later, so we can do that once you finish the quest.}


I then started playing my flute while we waited for the spirits to come back.  After several hours, we were just finishing lunch when the two greater spirits came back.

“Miss demigod, we got permission to lead you and your friends to the king.”

“Come on let’s go.”

“Alright.” (Luna)

I stood up and stored everything from our camp.

“Are they back?” (Velvet)

“Yeah, follow me.” (Luna)

I followed the spirits in the direction they were flying.  After a little while, I felt I passed through a distortion in space.  On the other side I saw what I could only describe as something out of a fairy tale.  There was a lake in the center of a massive clearing with water that seemed to be floating upward into the sky.  There were vibrant flowers of every color everywhere.

“Wow, this place is beautiful.” (Luna)

[Thank you, young demigod.]

I was a little startled at the sudden voice.  I looked around for the source and saw a silver stag walking on the lake toward me.

[I heard from the little ones that you were looking for one of my kin.  May I ask why?]

“We were asked to find one by the ruler of the Demon Empire so his daughter could make a contract.” (Luna)

[I see.  There are a few of the young ones that wish to go out and form contracts, so I don’t mind sending one with you, but I would like to make a request of you before that.]

“If it’s within my power.” (Luna)

[The little ones that told me about you said that you play wonderful music.  I would very much like to hear some.]

“Then I will happily oblige, but before that, I promised those two a treat.” (Luna)

I pulled out some small confectionaries from my inventory and placed them down near me.  The two greater spirits immediately flew toward them and started digging in.

“It’s sooooo sweet!”

“It’s the greatest!”


“Would you like something as well?” (Luna)

[While I am thankful for the offer, I will decline.]

“Alright then.” (Luna)

I then sat down and pulled my flute out.  I started to play and I saw the scenery start to change slightly.  The flowers around me started to bloom and the floating water started to glow a little.  I also saw several more tiny greater spirits come out and start dancing around.  That made everything feel even more fairy tale like.  I continued to play for about 30 minutes before stopping.

[I am very impressed.  Are you a demigod of music?]

“No, my Authorities are Space, Fluff, and Stars.” (Luna)

[I see.  Then they will finally be able to rest soon.]

“Are you talking about space spirits?” (Luna)

[I am.  They work so hard to maintain stability that all of us worry about them.  If you spoke true and hold the Authority of Space, then they will finally be able to rest.]

“If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of spirit are you and your kin?” (Luna)

[We are spirits of light.]

“I see.” (Luna)

[Now, I shall do as I promised and send one of my kin along with you.]

When his words finished, several greater light spirits came forward.  They all looked at each other before the biggest one came up to me.

[I will be the one to come with you, Miss demigod.  Please take me to the one that wishes to contract with me.]

“Very well.  Thank you very much, spirit king of light.” (Luna)

[I should thank you for the wonderful music you shared with us.  It’s been so long since someone has played for us.  Now, to return, just go back in the direction you came from.]

I nodded and me and the greater light spirit went back.  I passed through the space distortion again and saw that the others were frantically looking around.  I also noticed that the sky was darker than when we started walking.

“Big sis!” (Soleil)

“What’s up?” (Luna)

“What happened?  We were following you then you just disappeared.” (Velvet)

“I think I briefly went to the spirit world.” (Luna)

[You did indeed, Miss demigod.]

“Is that the spirit nya?” (Mio)

“Yes.  She agreed to come with us.” (Luna)

I then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a quick letter to Leonhardt.  After several minutes of waiting, he sent a reply saying that we can teleport over.  I let everyone know and then we teleported to the castle.  We appeared in the throne room just as Leonhardt and two other people were entering.

“You work fast.” (Leonhardt)

“Well, we are mostly S-rank, so we have our ways.” (Luna)

“Hahahaha!  True.  Now, let me introduce you, this is my youngest daughter, Sukuna.” (Leonhardt)

The little girl that was standing behind Leonhardt came forward and bowed her head.

“I am Sukuna, the youngest daughter of Demon Emperor Leonhardt.  Thank you for taking this quest.” (Sukuna)

The third person then stepped forward and introduced herself.

“I am Sukuna’s older sister, Pecora.  It’s nice to meet you.” (Pecora)

“Well met.  I am Luna Reed and this is my party.  We have taken and completed the request to find a spirit for you to contract with.” (Luna)

Sukuna’s eyes started to shine brightly when she heard my words.

“Really!?” (Sukuna)

“Of course.” I said as I moved to the side and the greater light spirit walked forward.

[Hello tiny one.  I am a greater light spirit.  I have come here to enter a contract with you.]

“Thank you, Miss spirit.” (Sukuna)

“Pecora, can you help Sukuna prepare the magic circle?” (Leonhardt)

“Of course, father.” (Pecora)

Pecora pulled several tools out of a bag she had on her waste and started to make a magic circle on the ground.  Once she was done, she told Sukuna what to do and she did it.  The circle started to glow and the greater light spirit walked into it.

[Now little one, give me a name and our contract will be complete.]

“I will name you Glint.” (Sukuna)

[Then from now on, my name is Glint.  I look forward to being with you, contractor Sukuna.]

The greater light spirit, now Glint, walked out of the magic circle and stood next to Sukuna.

“Thank you very much for doing this.” Leonhardt said as he smiled at his youngest daughter.

“It’s no problem.  Though I do want to ask, were we your first choice to do this quest?” (Luna)

“Why do you ask?” (Leonhardt)

“I mean, aside from Mio here, most of us aren’t that well known yet.  I was just curious if there was some reason you wanted us specifically or not?” (Luna)

“It mostly has to do with your race actually.  Not many demons in the empire can see spirits and I heard that there happened to be a high rank party led by a kitsune in the city.” (Leonhardt)

“I see.  And here I thought that you wanted to meet us mostly because we know Skadi.” (Luna)

“Wait, you know Skadi!?” (Leonhardt)

“Yep.  She’s the one that vouched for me and Velvet to become S-rank and she is in a relationship with Ophidia here.” (Luna)

“That’s also news to me, but on another note, if she vouched for you, then you must be really strong, right?” (Leonhardt)

“Out of the two times I’ve fought her, we tied once and I won the second time.” (Luna)

Hearing my answer, Leonhardt smiled the smile of someone that loves to fight.

“Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  Then may I ask to fight you?  It’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone strong to fight with.” (Leonhardt)

I smiled back at him with the same kind of smile.

“I’ll gladly take up that offer, though it should wait until tomorrow.” (Luna)

““Oh no.”” (Velvet and Pecora)

“Then we shall fight tomorrow at noon.  I look forward to it.” (Leonhardt)

“I do as well.  I just hope you can last.” (Luna)

“I should be the one saying that.” (Leonhardt)

“Master, I think you should calm down.” (Ophidia)

“She’s right Lunya.” (Mio)

“Fine.” (Luna)

“You should calm down as well, father.” (Pecora)

“Very well.  Again, tomorrow at noon.” (Leonhardt)

“I’ll be there.” (Luna)

We then left the throne room by teleporting to the Temple of Night.  Everyone then went to their rooms and I jumped onto the bed.

{Remember not to go too hard on him tomorrow.  I don’t want you to be arrested for accidental regicide.}

‘Don’t worry, I’ll hold back enough.  And besides, even if that did happen, no one would be able to capture me anyway.’

{That’s true, but still.}

‘Fufufu.  You worry too much.  Now, get down here, we have tails to brush.’

{Ufufu.  Of course.}

I then set up a domain and Tamamo appeared.  She sat next to me while I brought out the brushes.  We then spent the night brushing each other’s tails and talking.

Chaos Realm:

Skadi: Hey Payto, can you send me there from here?

I could.

Skadi: Will you?  I would like to witness this in person.

That's fine.  Just let me know when you want to go.

Skadi: Hahahaha.  I can't wait.

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