I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 17- The Letter and a Meeting

[Luna POV]

Opening the letter, I start to read.

(Hello, Luna, I am the Goddess of Fate, Atmos.  I hope you have been enjoying your new life so far, it is certain to be entertaining to watch.  Anyway, I am going to give you a goal that will help you in the future.  Though you probably haven’t noticed, the way you died in your previous life has had an effect on you.  There are a few ways to help with that.  Tamamo and I have prepared one way to help you.  I am going to assume that your father gave you the medallion, so you need to reach level 20 then head to the Adventurer’s Guild main office in the Celestia Kingdom.  Hand that medallion to a receptionist and meet with the grand master.  He will then let you ‘reunite’ with a certain pair; you can do whatever you want with them.  After that is done, head over to the dungeon that the previous you died in.  Only after you clear that dungeon can you move on and get stronger.  I have high hopes for you.  Also, I see Tamamo as a little sister, so please, treat her well in the future, you two go great together.

P.S.: When we get to meet in person, I’ll tell you all the things about Tamamo you want to know, no matter how embarrassing they are for her.)

{Excuse me Luna, I have to go have a discussion with a certain nosey Goddess.} Tamamo said coldly.

‘Do go a little easy on her please, I want to meet my sister-in-law at least once, OK.’ I said, not stopping her.

{Got it.  Oh, and before I go, in the next few days someone is going to request to join your party, don’t reject them immediately.}

‘Is it one of those people that was watching me earlier?’ I asked.

{Yes and no, she is part of their organization, but she wasn’t the one watching you directly.  I asked her to join your party in the hopes the two of you could become friends.  I know you think you will be fine alone because you are strong, but I want to make you safer.  I won’t be able to descend and save you if something happens, so I wanted you to have at least one person to rely on.  I know Soleil will join you in a few years, but a lot can happen between then and now.} She explained, worry in her voice.

‘I understand.  Do you know the name of this person?” I asked back, deeply moved by Tamamo’s feelings of concern towards me.

{If I remember correctly, it should be Velvet.} She replied, relieved by my acceptance.

‘I’ll remember it.’ I said with a small smile.

{Good, now I’m off to ‘talk’ with my ‘big sister’.} She said, the coldness returning to her voice.

The next day, I woke up early due to the smell coming from downstairs.  Honestly, having a nose this good can be a blessing and a curse.  I walked downstairs to see a few people already eating breakfast.

“Well, if it isn’t Miss Luna.  You’re up quite early.” Said the inn proprietress, smiling.

“I don’t know anyone who could sleep in while smelling something so good.” I replied, returning her smile.

“Oh ho, you must have a real good nose on you if you can smell food from the third floor.  Take a seat anywhere and I’ll bring you some breakfast.” She said walking off into the kitchen.

I sat down and waited for about five minutes when she returned with a plate of eggs and bacon and some bread.  She also carried a small bowl of soup to soften the bread to make it more edible.

“Thanks.” I said as she placed the plate and bowl down in front of me.

“It’s no big deal.  You eat up now or you’ll be to late to pick up any good requests at the guild.” She said going over to another table to clean it.

I did as she said and started eating.  The bacon was dome perfectly and the eggs were fluffy, not as fluffy as my tail, but fluffy, nonetheless.  The bread and soup complemented each other perfectly as well.  She must have the cooking skill at a high level if a simple breakfast like this is this good.  After I finished, I stood up, thanked her again, and left for the guild.

When I got there, there was a large crowd standing in front of the request board.  After contemplating whether or not to jump into the fray, I noticed Shuten waving me over.  I decided it would be better for me to see what she wanted so I went over to her.

“Good morning, Miss Luna.  I’m assuming you’re here to get a request?” She asked even though she already knew my answer.

“I am, though I might as well wait a while for ‘that’ to calm down.” I said as I pointed my chin towards the hoard at the board.

“Yeah, it’s like that every morning.  If you want to get a good quest, it’s better to get here earlier.  Though you don’t have to worry about that for the time being.” She said with a mischievous smile.

“And why is that?” I asked, a little put off by her smile.

“The guild master told me to help you out with this.  I can’t give you access to high rank quests, but I can help when it comes to quests like goblin or kobold subjugation or gathering quests.  I can even give you options for miscellaneous quests around the city.” She answered going back to her previous business smile.

“I see, then can I get a subjugation quest for goblins and kobolds.” I requested.

“Sure, just give me a minute to process them and you will be good to go.” She said and started filling out the required paperwork.

Just then, I felt someone’s eyes on me.  It was the same feeling as yesterday, so I didn’t pay it any mind since Tamamo said it was OK.  Shuten finished filling out the paperwork and said,

“Just hand me your card for a second and we’ll be done.”

I handed over my card and she placed it on a tool that did something.  It glowed for a second then she handed me back my card.

“You’re all set.  You have three days to complete the requests, so make sure to prepare well.” She said and waved to me as I walked off.

After exiting the guild, I headed for the gate of the city.  I remember hearing some adventurer’s talking about how goblins and kobolds lived it the forest near the capital.  When I got to the gate, there was already a line forming on the other side.  I showed my card to the gate guard and left the city.

While making my way to the forest I felt a presence behind me.  The area I was in had lots of tall grass that reached my waist.  I stopped and called out,

“You realize I know you’re following me, right?”

I heard the grass rustling a little ways away and a woman that looked to be in her early 20s came over.  She was wearing light armor with a slender sword at her hip.  She had light pink hair that went down to her shoulders and crimson eyes.

If I didn’t have Tamamo, I might have fallen for her just due to her looks.  She walked closer to me and started speaking.

“I’m sorry for following you.  You see, I just registered at the guild earlier and took some subjugation quests.  I then overheard your conversation with the receptionist and learned that you took the same quests as I did.  I thought, since we both seem to be new, we could work together on them.” She said a little nervously.

“What is your name?” I asked with suspicion.

“It’s Velvet.” She said with a smile.

“So, you’re the one Tamamo told me about.” I said, waiting for her reaction.

“So, you already know then?” She asked, all the nervousness from before vanishing.

“She told me last night that someone named Velvet would make contact with me and try to join my party.” I said, my suspicion still there.  I know Tamamo asked me not to reject her, but I can’t just trust someone right off the bat.  “I won’t reject you joining me for now but know that I don’t trust you yet.”

“That is completely understandable.  I won’t get in your way; I am just following what the Goddess asked of me.” She replied.

We started walking again with Velvet coming up beside me.

“So, what exactly did Tamamo tell you about me?” I asked in order to break the silence.

“The Goddess told me and my mother that you will be her wife and that I should try to become your friend.” She said.

“I see, she also asked me to try and be friends with you so I’m willing to try, but it’s not going to happen immediately.” I said.  “What can you tell me about yourself, and please loosen up a little, you’re too nervous.”

She jumped a little when I pointed that out.  After a few seconds she started to talk.

“As you already know, my name is Velvet.  I am a vampire who serves as an oracle of the Moon Goddess.  I work in an organization of vampires based in the capital of Savanna.” She said, while still a little nervous.

“A vampire, eh.  Is there some kind of magic item that lets you walk outside during the day?” I asked, curious.

“It’s this ring right here.” She said showing me a ring on her finger.  “If you don’t mind my asking, can you also tell me about yourself as well?”

“I don’t mind.  My name is Luna.  I come from the shrine village.  My mother is the head shrine maiden, Amagi, and my father is a general of this country named Deacon.  I plan on growing stronger in order to join Tamamo in the divine domain.” I said giving a simple introduction and telling her what my end goal is.  “I hope we can get along in the future.”

As I said this we arrived at the entrance of the forest.

Author's Note:

I HAVE RETURNED!  And with my return I bring you all a new chapter.  I hope you all enjoy, there will be more to come, I even thought up another pun name for a future character so look forward to that.  In other news anyone else play FGO?  If you do how did you like Lostbelt 5, I just finished it and it was interesting.  Screw fighting Demeter though, never again.

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