I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 171- Trouble During the Battle

[Luna POV]

When we arrived at the castle gates, the guards immediately let us through.  One of them accompanied us to a large area behind the castle.  When we got there, Leonhardt was already there with a few other people.  I recognized Damon and Morax.  They were standing next to Leonhardt and talking about something.  When they noticed us, Leonhardt gave that sinister, battle-thirsty grin again.

“Hahahahaha.  You’ve finally arrived.” (Leonhardt)

“Your majesty, I know you’re excited, but please reign it in a bit.” (Damon)

“Gah.  Why does everyone always want me to calm down so much?  It’s not like I take every chance I get to fight strong people.” (Leonhardt)

“That’s exactly what you do.” (Damon)

“Still the same as ever I see.” (Skadi)

“S-Skadi!  When did you get here?” (Leonhardt)

“This morning.  I wanted to watch the fight with Luna.” (Skadi)

“Heh.  Then I’ll make sure to make it enjoyable.” (Leonhardt)

“Sure you will, just don’t lose too quickly.” (Skadi)

“Oi!  I’m not that weak you know.” (Leonhardt)

“Fufufufufu.  I’ll be the judge of that.” (Luna)

“Hahahahahaha.  I like the confidence.” (Leonhardt)

“So, shall we start soon?” (Luna)

“Of course.” (Leonhardt)

Everyone but me and Leonhardt moved away from the place we were standing.  Once they were a good distance away, I created a domain around us.

“What was that?” (Leonhardt)

“A special skill of mine.  It allows us to go all out without having to worry about damaging the surroundings.  Once the barrier disappears, all damage done to the ground and possibly buildings will be like it never happened.” (Luna)

“I see.  Is this a type of magic or a unique skill?” (Leonhardt)

“Unique skill.” (Luna)

“Tch.  If it was a magic, you could put it in a magic crystal and sell it.  You’d be swimming in money from people buying them.  Even I would pay handsomely for something like that.” (Leonhardt)

“I can try to develop a space magic spell like that later.  For now, we fight.” (Luna)

“Indeed.” (Leonhardt)

We both grinned as we got ready for the fight to start.  Leonhardt pulled a spear out of an item bag as I readied my short sword.  Damon was the one to give the signal to start.  Once it was given, the both of us started running at each other.  As Leonhardt had the advantage of reach, the second I entered his range, he aimed a thrust at my heart.  I dodged it and stepped closer to him in order to swipe at him with my sword.  He dodged it by jumping back and swinging his spear at me again.  I parried it and then jumped back as well.

“Not to bad for a first strike.” (Leonhardt)

“I can say the same to you.” (Luna)

“Shall we get more serious now that we have introduced ourselves?” (Leonhardt)

“It would be rude not to.” (Luna)

“Too true.” (Leonhardt)

As soon as the words left his mouth, I teleported behind him and swung my sword toward his neck.  He blocked it with the butt of his spear and kicked at me.  The kick missed since I messed with his perception with illusion magic before teleporting somewhere else.  He looked around to try and find me, but he couldn’t.

‘No matter what, no one ever looks up.’

I had teleported a bit high in the air above him and I was falling straight towards him.  I then coated myself in lightning magic and struck at him again.  He blocked my attack which surprised me and I jumped away before he could counterattack.

“It would have been a good surprise attack if you didn’t use lightning magic.” (Leonhardt)

“True, but then again, was it really an attack?” (Luna)

“Eh?” (Leonhardt)

“You know I’m a kitsune and you’ve been alive for a long time, you should know what our racial skills and magic are.” (Luna)

“Of course I do.” (Leonhardt)

“Then think.” (Luna)

He got a pensive look on his face for a few seconds before realization bloomed.

“Hahahahahahahahahaha!  This has all been an elaborate illusion!” (Leonhardt)

“Fufufu.” (Luna)

“Heh.  If that’s the case, then how about this?” (Leonhardt)

He raised one of his hand up and wind started to gather in his palm.

“I apologize about this in advance.” (Leonhardt)

As soon as he said that, an ear piercing sound could be heard.

[Skadi POV]

As soon as the battle started, neither Luna nor Leonhardt moved.  The difference was that Luna was still poised to move at any time while Leonhardt lost any semblance of posture or form.

“What?” (Morax)

“That’s interesting.” (Damon)

“You know what’s happening father?” (Morax)

“She’s trapped him in an illusion.” (Damon)

“Eh!  That’s possible?  I thought the Emperor had high magic resistance?” (Morax)

“He does, but what does that matter when the opponent has enough mana to brute force through it?” (Skadi)

“That’s absurd.” (Morax)

I was about to comment again when Luna started opening her Gates all around the battlefield as well as setting up traps of ice.  Just as soon as she finished that, we all heard an ear piercing noise.


Soleil fell to her knees as she started holding her ears with her hands.

“SOLEIL!” (Velvet)

Velvet immediately crouched down and held Soleil’s head to her chest.

“That idiot.  He should know that magic like that is a bad idea to use around beastkin.” (Damon)

“I agre-”

I was about to say something when a wave of intimidation radiated out of Luna.

“Well, this might be bad.” (Skadi)

[Luna POV]

I was preparing Gates and ice traps around the battlefield while I had Leonhardt trapped in an illusion.  Just as I was finishing up, I head him mutter something and then I felt a sharp pain in my ears.

“Gah!” (Luna)

I looked over to Leonhardt and saw him shaking his head as he tried to regain his focus.  Blood was coming out of his ears and he looked a bit shaky on his feet.  As he was recovering, I healed my ears just in time to hear Velvet scream Soleil’s name.  I looked over to them and saw that Soleil was collapsed on her knees and Velvet was holding her to her chest.  Seeing that made my vision go red.

“*Sigh*  Again, sorry about that, it was the only way I was goi-”

I cut him off before he finished speaking by launching a sword at his face from a Gate.

“OI!” (Leonhardt)

I ignored him as I dashed forward as fast as I could and swung my sword at him while also aiming weapons at any place he could dodge to.  He tried to step back but was a spear shot out at him before he could get far enough away from me.  My sword sliced at his arm while the spear cut his calf.

“Tch.” (Luna)

“H-hey now, let’s calm down a little bit.” (Leonhardt)

I again ignored him and threw a few of my throwing knives at him, then teleported to try and cut him again.  All the while I would launch a weapon at his blind spot when he let his guard down.  He blocked the knives with a wind barrier and blocked a few of the weapons with his spear, but he didn’t manage to perfectly dodge my sword swipe.  I cut him on his spear arm before he moved too far away.  Just as he was putting his foot down, he slipped on a patch of ice and his posture broke even more.  I used that chance to launch even more weapons at him.  Just before they were about to reach him, Skadi appeared and blocked them all.

“Skadi, move.” (Luna)

“No, you calm down.  You’re too hot headed.” (Skadi)

“Thanks.” (Leonhardt)

“Oh, I haven’t gotten to you yet.  I need to calm her down first or else the Empire might need a new Emperor.” (Skadi)

“Huh?” (Leonhardt)

“Skadi, he hurt Soleil.” (Luna)

“I know, and I’m sure he didn’t mean to, so calm down or I’ll have to call someone that will force you to.” (Skadi)

“Fine.” (Luna)

I took a deep breath and let it out.  I then looked over to Soleil and the others and teleported over to them.

[Skadi POV]

I let out a sigh as soon as I saw Luna head over to Soleil and start to heal her.  I then looked over to Leonhardt.

“Idiot.  You forgot that she wasn’t the only beastkin here, didn’t you?” (Skadi)

“Oh right.” (Leonhardt)

I couldn’t help but sigh in exasperation.

“Be glad I was here or she might have actually killed you.” (Skadi)

“Yeah, I noticed.  I could barely keep up with everything she was throwing at me at once.” (Leonhardt)

“Then she wasn’t completely serious.  If she was, I doubt you would have lasted as long as you did after that little wind magic stunt.” (Skadi)

“Who was it that got hurt?” (Leonhardt)

“Her little sister.” (Skadi)

“Ah, then her reaction was completely justified.  It’s my bad for getting too lost in the moment and forgetting the other spectators.” (Leonhardt)

“Don’t say that to me, say that to them.  Just wait for Luna to cool off for a bit.” (Skadi)

“Yeah.” (Leonhardt)

I nodded and then started to make my way over to the others.  When I got there, Soleil was already back to normal and trying to get Luna to calm down.

“Big sis, I’m fine now, you don’t need to go and kill him.” (Soleil)

“But he hurt you.  I can’t let that stand Soleil.  Even if it was an accident, he should at least give up an arm.” (Luna)

“What would I even do with that?” (Soleil)

“…Something?” (Luna)

“Luna, let it go.” (Velvet)

“Why aren’t you angry Velvet?” (Luna)

“Because I know that he didn’t do that to hurt Soleil on purpose.  If he did, then I’d be right there with you in trying to kill him, but it was an accident, so I’ll settle with just a light punishment.” (Velvet)

“Oh, and what were you thinking?” (Luna)

“Not sure yet.” (Velvet)

“*Sigh* Not you too.” (Soleil)

“Father, women are scary.” (Morax)

“Indeed.” (Damon)

“I think the both of you need to knock it off.” (Skadi)


“No.  He’ll apologize and you’re going to accept it.  After that it will be water under the bridge, got it.” (Skadi)

“Can we just-” (Luna)

“I said no.” (Skadi)

“Fine.” (Luna)

“You handled that well.” (Damon)

“It was either that or I fight her until she passes out, and I don’t know if I could do that.” (Skadi)

“It’d be that hard?” (Damon)

“Very much so.” (Skadi)

“Master is so quick to anger when it comes to us, isn’t she?” (Ophidia)

“That’s just how beastkin are.  If someone hurts a person they consider family, they tend to lose themselves in rage.” (Damon)

“Wait, where’s Mio?” (Velvet)

“Oh, she went and fell asleep over that way.” (Ophidia)

She then pointed to a sunny spot outside of the domain.

“That’s a relief.  I bet Luna wouldn’t have held back at all if Mio also got hurt by that magic earlier.” (Velvet)

“I probably wouldn’t.” (Luna)

“You better now?” (Skadi)

“Yeah.  Though I’m not fighting him again.” (Luna)

“I think that’s for the best.” (Skadi)

Chaos Realm:

Grey: Well, that was unexpected.


Grey: And to think Luna would get affected by that part of being a beastkin.

She's still young and hasn't been put in many situations where people close to her get hurt, so it's obvious that that outcome would happen.

Grey: I guess you're right.

But at least Skadi managed to stop her.

Grey: That's true, though I think Tamamo helped a little at the end there in calming Luna down.


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