I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 180- Finalizing the Plan

[Luna POV]

We made it to our destination just as it turned noon.

“The Empire is so weird with its climate.  One half is so cold it snows, and the other is tropical.” (Luna)

“What’s so weird about that?” (Skadi)

“Just forget it.” (Luna)

“There’s no need to be snappy, Luna.” (Velvet)

“Sorry.” (Luna)

“You’re all good, I understand what you’re feeling right now.” (Skadi)

As we walked around the city, we arrived in front of a small building that was this city’s guild branch.  When we entered, several people look at us then immediately looked away.

“Skadi, Mio, does it get annoying when people do that?” (Soleil)

“For me personally, no.” (Skadi)

“It did in the beginning for me, but after a while of it happening, I just got used to it nya.” (Mio)

“The fate of the strong, huh.” (Luna)

“Something like that, though there are some S-ranks that don’t get treated like this.  Though most of the female ones get treated like this eventually.” (Skadi)

“Let me guess, some cocky person tries to get handsy with them, they retaliate, this happens as a consequence?” (Velvet)

“For the most part.” (Skadi)

“That actually hasn’t happened to me before nya.  The reasons for me is due to some of my past actions nya.  Let’s just say that I used to be a lot more wild in the way I fought than I am now nya.  It wasn’t exactly the safest while in a party nya.” (Mio)

“Sounds interesting.” (Ophidia)

When we got to the desk, I stepped forward and explained the reason we were here.  When the receptionist heard what I said, relief could instantly be seen on her face.

“Thank you for coming to deal with those pirates.  They’ve been getting bolder recently and now attack any ship that sails out.  Even the fishing vessels aren’t spared.”

“What can you tell us about them?” (Luna)

“There are a lot of them.  I’m not sure about the exact numbers, but there are enough to fully man 3 galleons.  Their captain is a siren and they have at least one sea drake.  Unfortunately, this is all the information we could get.”

“That’s enough, thank you.  We will go out and make a plan to deal with them.” (Luna)

The receptionist nodded her head gratefully as we left the counter and the guild building itself.  We went to an inn that was close to the guild and got a few rooms.  We all then reconvened in mine and started to discuss what to do.

“So, I assume you’ll be able to find them easily, right Skadi?” (Luna)

“Yeah, especially if they have a sea drake with them.  It won’t be a problem.” (Skadi)

“Alright.  Now, of the two plans we have, which one do you all want to go with?” (Luna)

“How about we go with both?  We start off with your plan, Luna, and if we get caught, we go with the usual.” (Velvet)

“Alright.  Then out of all of us, me and Mio have the highest stealth abilities.  Skadi can find the ships, me and Mio can sneak onto one and let them bring us to their hideout, then we get to work assassinating as many as we can.  If or when we get caught, we teleport away, get all of you, and teleport back to finish them.  Sound good?” (Luna)

“For the most part, yeah, but I have a small change.” (Skadi)

“And that is?” (Luna)

“I can help Velvet, Soleil, and Ophidia breath and walk underwater and we can follow the ships from underneath.  Then all you have to do if or when you get caught is call out to us telepathically and we’ll jump out in a surprise attack.” (Skadi)

“That’s better than me teleporting us all back and forth, so let’s go with that.  Any other suggestions?” (Luna)

“What do we do about the sea drake?  It’ll be able to notice us if we do what Skadi suggested and if we kill it before hand, the pirates will be alerted to something going after them.” (Ophidia)

“Ophidia, you forget what I can do.  We simply kill it and I make an illusory one to replace it.  No one will know what happened.” (Luna)

“What time do we want this to take place?” (Soleil)

“It should be at night.  If these pirates are how I think they will be, then they’ll probably all be in some kind of drunken state by then and it’ll be easier for us to sneak around and pick them off.” (Luna)

“Luna, you can use your mist to insure they go back to their hideout as well.  I’m not versed in voyaging on the sea, but even I know it’s not a good idea to sail when there is fog.  At least not safely.” (Velvet)

“Sounds good.  Now, Mio, are you good with this plan?” (Luna)

“Yes nya.  I am purrfectly capable of all of this.” (Mio)

Mio got a feral gleam in her eyes as she said that.

“You seem a bit excited.” (Ophidia)

“Nyahaha.  This is another form of hunting nya.  It’s exhilarating nya.  Especially with a plan like this nya.  Nyahahahahahahahahahahaha.” (Mio)

“I think we flipped a switch that we shouldn’t have.” (Luna)

I was about to stand up when I realized one last thing.

“Oh right, we need a countermeasure against a siren just in case.” (Luna)

I thought for a minute before pulling out some things that could be makeshift earplugs.

“This is the best I got.” (Luna)

“What about you, Luna?” (Velvet)

“I’ll be fine, status effect immunity, remember?” (Luna)

“Is a siren’s ability counted as a status effect?” (Velvet)

We all looked at Skadi for an answer.

“It does, so Luna will be fine, though it’ll be a bit grating on your ears.” (Skadi)

“Eh, I’ll manage, even if I have to burst my eardrums before going in.” (Luna)

“That seems a bit much, big sis.” (Soleil)

“What’s a little temporary pain when I get three galleons and a ton of pirate treasure out of this?  And we help out a city as a bonus.” (Luna)

“Still on that, huh.” (Velvet)

“Of course.  I won’t back down from this point.” (Luna)

“*Sigh*” (Velvet)

With our plan made, we all left the inn and went to the docks of the city.

Chaos Realm:

Grey: I'm so jealous!  I never got to do this when I was still human.

Atmos: It's ok, Grey.  Maybe if you ask her nicely, Luna will share some of her plunder with you.

Grey: Nah, as long as I get to taste some sea drake, I'll be fine.

Atmos: That also works.

*Both look over to Payto and Order*

Grey: They should get a room.

Atmos: Well technically, we're in their house, so maybe it's us who should leave?

Grey: Oh yeah, that right.  Wait, why are you the one with the reasonable response?

Atmos: Hey!  I can be reasonable at times.  It's just less fun than being unreasonable.

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